
Terraria creator responds to console version uproar

Terraria creator Andrew ‘Redigit’ Spinks confirms that new content for the console version of Terraria will not appear in the PC version, and explains why the Xbox 360 and PS3 will be getting the game after he announced that he’d no longer be working on the block-centric indie hit.

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TopDudeMan4274d ago

Ah, so the creator isn't even involved in making the new content? I don't care so much about it, now.

4274d ago Replies(2)
4274d ago
Carl_Shocker4274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

Really because in his last interview he said it was great to work ALONGSIDE them to create the console verion....honestly Reglogic is such an arse, now expect bigger uproar because the one thing which would of calmed people down, the content being in the PC, is now an exclusive.

Hes treat his community like crap

The__Banka4274d ago

well i enjoyed it on the pc and only paid £3 for it so im happy to pay that again lol. (wishful thinking) still i will be getting this

Allsystemgamer4274d ago

This guy has always talked out his bum

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10 Best Games Like Minecraft in 2023, Ranked

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MrNinosan233d ago

Minecraft like, and still missed No Man Sky.


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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for August 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of August. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there's a new set available now.

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anast674d ago (Edited 674d ago )

This is not what I would call value for money spent. They give you quests in liveservice games to get you "re-engaged" with the monetization schemes or to get you hooked or so you at least spend some extra on skins and loot boxes. Then they dole out paltry points after you have already paid extra for whichever liveservice within a liveservice that you are already paying for. My worry is people can't actually be that stupid to fall for this, can they?

littletad673d ago

Absolutely nothing in this comment makes sense. At all.

anast673d ago (Edited 673d ago )

How does it not make sense? O thy god of reason, shine some evidence upon us. Ryse of Rome, ESO,and AC: Origins are all live service games, between them you can get 275 points. Liveservice games are made to keep people spending. Therefore, Gamepass is a live service and the points are for playing live service games.

It is not my problem that this does not make sense to you, it is absolutely your problem. I mean it is all your problem.

Julion0715673d ago (Edited 673d ago )

Hate Xbox but comments in every Xbox article 😂 without making sense smh

anast673d ago

Bring the evidence and then your emoji might make sense.