
Adventure Time Game Jam Day One: A gallery of works in progress

It’s been nearly 24 hours since the kickoff of Fantastic Arcade’s Adventure Time Game Making Frenzy, and so we present a quick round-up of the work-in-progress screenshots and videos that have been coming out of B.M.O., our game jam web platform. Late last night, we gave B.M.O. a global feed of all micro-updates from the developers for those that would like to follow along at home, even if you’re not taking part in the jam.

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XB1_PS44285d ago

I can't wait to get my beedie little paws on a few of these gems.


Develop:Brighton’s Indie Showcase competition returns this year, and here are the ten finalists

We have the ten finalists for Develop:Brighton’s Indie Showcase competition right here, so take a look ahead of the event next month.

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Activision’s new Elsewhere Entertainment studio is working on a new IP

Headquartered in Poland, Elsewhere Entertainment — an all-new internal studio at Activision — is working on a new “narrative-based and genre-defining AAA franchise.” Elsewhere includes developers credited on The Last of Us, Uncharted, Destiny, Cyberpunk, and more. Activision’s new studio announcement comes just a week after its parent company, Microsoft, closed three Bethesda studios. It also follows job postings about a new Activision IP.

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Sciurus_vulgaris26d ago

The game industry confuses, closing down proven studios only open a new studio?

ThinkThink26d ago

It would certainly be strange if this news came from Bethesda, but Activision is its on monster.

Eonjay26d ago

To be fair, many Activision employees lost their jobs too during the the last few months. So it really is quite odd to see them opening another studio. All I can say is they better not do another mass layoff anytime soon or its just gonna piss everyone off. Studio description reminds me of The Initiative. The only saving grace is that they aren't claiming to be making a AAAA game lol. I guess we will check back in in 5 years to see how everything is going.

XiNatsuDragnel26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Man what ip are they cooking? /s.

RaidenBlack25d ago

Soldier of Fortune 🤞🏻
True Crime?

26d ago Replies(1)
thesoftware73026d ago

Gotta break some eggs to make an omelet.

romulus2326d ago

Tango Gameworks was the omelet, so that statement fails on the face of it.

InUrFoxHole26d ago

Really? What special games did they make 🤔

romulus2326d ago


Well, xbox was pretty adamant that Hi-Fi Rush was special, journalist and gamers seemed to agree and from my own personal experience I would say it was a great game. They also made Ghostwire: Tokyo, and the Evil Within series.

thesoftware73026d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Yeah, then the head/lead of the company left...

No hope for a good Evil within game, ghost wire was not really successful,and HI-FI alone was not enough to keep an entire studio open.

Eonjay26d ago


I think the fact that this 'wasn't enough' is a problem wouldn't you concede?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 26d ago
romulus2326d ago

Hi-Fi Rush was a great game regardless of who left and according to Aaron Greenberg,

"Hi-Fi RUSH was a break out hit for us and our players in all key measurements and expectations. We couldn’t be happier with what the team at Tango Gameworks delivered with this surprise release."

So of course they rewarded the team for their accomplishment by firing them. They have studios that have contributed much less that they haven't closed. It is going to be very difficult for any game to be successful when it goes straight to gamepass day one.

Einhander197226d ago (Edited 26d ago )

I think this is just a publicity stunt and that this studio never actually produces a game. Someone at Microsoft was like were getting cooked in the media after they closed these studios and they came up with a plan to create some dummy studio someplace outside of the reach of the English speaking presses reach to distract people.

"Oh hey we're not closing studios we're actually creating studios"

And of course what are they working on... the type of game that gets the most popular public perception a narrative driven story based game... ya know not the thing Activision and Microsoft are known for.

26d ago Replies(2)
Einhander197226d ago

GamingFans6946m ago
They hired a bunch of people and opened a new studio for a publicity stunt?

Yea, they hired people... Who? "Oh, you know, people..." people who worked on TLOU Uncharted and Destiny of course...

It's the same crap they did with The Initiative where they were under fire for buying a bunch of studios and not forming anything except even more sketchy this time. Of course the The Initiative was formed with people mostly poached from PlayStation specifically Naughty Dog, then less than 12 months later almost everyone was back at Sony and The Initiative was rumored to have lost 80% of it's staff and the game they were working on was announced to actually be getting developed by Crystal Dynamics.

Noskypeno26d ago

The way we need to look at these buzzwords is the same that we see when a sports team brings in the best athletes in their position in hopes to bring them to look like a superteam, only to barely win half of their games or lose in the first round of the playoffs. Sometimes superteams work, but when it doesn't it just makes you question how they can't take advantage of their abilities.

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How EA & Xbox Are Defining Gaming's Bleak Future

Xbox and EA have recently made baffling moves that define how bleak the future of the gaming industry is with major companies at the helm. Ryan Bates from "Last Word on Gaming" posits in this op-ed that maybe it's not ineptitude, but intention.

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Profchaos26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Name someone that isn't trying to look us these days maybe cdpr.

Take two, ubi and yes even PlayStation are pushing us to own nothing and be happy with our live service ad injected games on a sub so they can raise prices at will and take access away when they see fit.

If it keeps up I'll be a full time retro gamer and this industry will be crashing hard

As rediculas as it sounds we need government reforms to defend consumer rights

gold_drake23d ago

i can tell you that the government or any government has our backs on this. the glo al trend goes to digital.

wait until money is digital only. we are already on the way there.