
The Curse of the 3rd Iteration

Charlie writes:

"It’s a fact. The number 3 is cursed in this generation of games. When a new IP is released and is given a warm reception, developers are often talking about how they can improve on the series in both story and gameplay. The sequel usually improves on the first, but for some strange reason, then the third game is released, that’s when things start to go a bit bumpy. Let’s take a look shall we?"

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Fateful_Knight4293d ago

Ninja Gaiden 3 was cursed due to the change in Creative Directors. Wouldn't worry about AC3.

Carl_Shocker4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

Uncharted 3
Killzone 3
Gears of War 3
Halo 3

For example, were all criticized in most reviews when they came out because they didn't change much or that they felt the same as the last game even though they were still fantastic games which were a lot of fun to play....yet games like Mario, Pokemon, Zelda for example from Nintendo get a free pass.

I mean how does that work...

MySwordIsHeavenly4293d ago

I loved all of those games, but Killzone 3 was a VAST improvement over Killzone 2, as far as the campaign was concerned.

srcBFMVBMTH4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

THEY ALSO NEED TO BRING BACK LUGER AND HAKHA. They need to make them a part of your group and playable like in Killzone 1. Combine the best parts about Killzone 1 (Storytelling/characters) and Killzone 2 (Environment/gameplay ) and you got yourself an amazing, balls to the walls game.

Pretty excited for KZ Mercenary and KZ4.

Hicken4293d ago

I'll agree that the campaign was better, but the multiplayer was a downgrade, in my opinion. Not that it was bad, but for me the multiplayer of KZ2 is the best this generation. I've had more epic moments in that one game that in every other multiplayer game I've played this generation, and there have been quite a few of those over quite a few series.

Kalowest4293d ago

KZ2 was better than KZ3.

ShaunCameron4293d ago

Umm. Mario and Zelda didn't get a 3rd game yet this generation. Their respective 3rd games came out in the late 1980's early 1990's (SMB3 and TLOZ:ALTTP) and were universally regarded among the greatest of their time. What free pass did they get exactly?

Carl_Shocker4293d ago

New Super Mario Bros
New Super Mario Bros 2
New Super Mario Bros Wii
New Super Mario Bros U

Just as an example

All play the same with minor improvments and yet mostly get perfect scores...and thats just for the "New Super Mario Bros" series, they basicaly play the same as the old games out years and years ago.

Take Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2...two amazing games but the second game was basicaly created out of cut levels from the first game. With some minor differences it pretty much played the same and yet it has been praised to death...I understand the first Super Mario Galaxy but why the second when it's basicaly extra levels for the first game.

Blankman854293d ago

They are Japanese games. That dude was right!!

Kran4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )

They're shooters of course.

Shooters struggle to improve.

With Mario, they can and anything crazy and it'll be considered legit... strangely :/

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MySwordIsHeavenly4293d ago

Yet, Resistance 3 was the best game in the series...and possibly my favorite campaign this generation.

farhsa20084293d ago

Resistance franchise will forever hold a special place in my heart

TheDivine4293d ago

Most are still good though. Gears 3 was amazing and a huge improvement. It acually had an amazing story, good campaign, great graphics with great color lol. Uncharted 3 was just in a bad spot becuase 2 was so great. It was the type of game no sequel could surpass. Resistance 3 was by far the best in the series. Lots of good 3's this gen. Only KZ3 really let me down just because the campaign was so damn short with no great bosses and a shit ending. It was still fun though.


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Goodguy017h ago

What the game really needs is tdm. All the tdm fans are going into other modes and not playing the obj lol.