sinncross4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

At the top it says:
Metal Gear Solid Hollywood (in katakana) and what I believe to be the first kanji for movie.

So yeah, guess there is a movie coming

so nice!

Nitrowolf24303d ago

Avi Arad
“We will take our time and tell the story with all the nuances, ideology, cautionary tales needed.”

They better, wanted a MGS film for years but have always feared at how it would be messed up.

Winter47th4303d ago

I don't know why you all are happy. A movie was supposed to come a decade ago, even if there's a movie coming now, look at Bioshock, a movie was in the making for half a decade now and it's still going through the shit. Big.Fucking.Deal.

LastDance4303d ago

I look forward to seeing how badly they ruin the MGS franchise.

BitbyDeath4303d ago

Avi Arad is a great choice, for those that don't know he's the guy behind Spiderman, Iron Man, X-Men, Blade etc.

Also he's recently been attached to the upcoming Uncharted movie.

crxss4303d ago

just really hope they cast it correctly.

Commander_TK4303d ago

Let me direct it. I will cast David Hayter as Solid Snake!

bodybombs4303d ago

its too bad kurt russell is to old to play snake, they did base snake off of him after all

NewMonday4303d ago

Avi Arad is something of an expert in making movies from comics, lets hope he can do the same with games, his comments are great for a start

irepbtown4302d ago

After The Batman Trilogy, Christian Bale should be considered. I'm not exactly sure why, I just think this role fits well for him.

I'm sure he's got use to wearing a tight suit anyway...

Eyeco4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

why did bodybombs get disagree's for stating a FACT, Solid Snake is based on Snake Plissken from Escape from N.Y, who is played by Kurt Russel infact in MGS2 Snake takes the name Plissken to hide his identity.

Anyways i really hope they don't screw this up, part of me is hoping they won't but i have a feeling its not gonna end well MGS features complexed themes, questions the morality of war and political action i doubt it would do well with modern audiences that are attracted to stupid sub-tripe abominations like Transformers and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Especially after MGS4 that story is more intricate than even the more complicated Hollywood movies, imo a story of that caliber could only be conveyed through a video game , the microwave tunnel sequence alone is one of the most tense, emotional experiences i've had in any entertainment medium, and who said games could never be art

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4302d ago
doogiebear4303d ago

I knew his earth shatering news would be underwhelming. I dont really care about an mgs movie, unless the movie is a sequal or prequal to the cannon series. If its just based off of an existing game, then I already knoq the story, so I could care less.

I wanna hear about an MGS 5 and the return of Metal Gear Online in some way, shape, or form. I understand Kojima's love for films, but I prefer games with great stories, and with high replay value (something a film will never have) over most movies nowadays.

DeadlyFire4303d ago

Best for last man just wait. This is first 30 minutes of 4-5 hour thing. So give it time.

doogiebear4303d ago

Yeah thats why im up this late 4 am in nyc...because I love MGS, but i dont give a damn about a movie. It probably wont even be cannon. I want MGO ever since it got shut down 2 months ago... >_<

Then I might care about other stuff like movies and stupid Android phone mgs spin offs

Moby-Royale4303d ago

Lol sequal?




irepbtown4302d ago

The movie has to be a prequel. It's the only logical thing to do. Snake is old, can't see him going on for much longer after MGS4.

I cant wait for MGS5 though, I know Hideo Kojima has something up his sleeve. From what I've read about the clip, it must be magnificent.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4302d ago
doogiebear4303d ago

I knew his apparently earth shattering news would be underwhelming. I dont really care about an mgs movie, unless the movie is a sequal or prequal to the cannon series. If its just based off of an existing game, then I already know the story, so I could care less about watching it all over again.

I wanna hear about an MGS 5 and the return of Metal Gear Online in some way, shape, or form. I understand Kojima's love for films, but I prefer games with great stories, and with high replay value (something a film will never have) over most movies nowadays.

Haha1234302d ago

No Director or any actors confirmed so I haven't got my hopes up yet

4302d ago
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HebrewHammer4303d ago

Good to see Sony will be handling the movie as well.

HammadTheBeast4303d ago

I want Jason Statham to grow some hair or put on a wig and be Snake. If it's Shia Lebeouf, I will burn the set down personally.

GamerElite4303d ago

Strataham needs to grow some acting skills first. He plays the same character in every movie.

PirateThom4303d ago

I can't believe coverage for this is so poor....

I've heard rumours that FOX engine will be free to licence to developers, but there's nothing concrete about any of it.

NovusTerminus4303d ago

Most sites don't cover Japanese devs anymore. Really sad.

But I did not even hear about the FOX engine being free... That could be very interesting! (If true)

PirateThom4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

I'm having to read a Neogaf thread just to know what's going on.

Metal Gear Social Ops - Phone game.
Sunny will be in Rising.

HebrewHammer4303d ago

Only if Taylor Lautner plays Snake. Amirite guyz?

humbleopinion4303d ago

Kurt Russell is the only valid choice. Snake is based on his Snake Plissken character anyway.

stevenhiggster4303d ago

1000% agree with Humble, it can only be Kurt Russell. It'd have to based on old snake though, Kurt ain't the sprightly young thing he was when played Snake Pliskin.

FreydaWright4302d ago

Chuck Norris would fit the mold for my tastes the most. It's a shame he isn't 20 or so years younger.

seinfan4302d ago

I don't understand why anybody wouldn't want it to be all CGI. In this manner, we can have all the original voice actors.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4302d ago
Blankman854303d ago

There is already a movie, was released exclusively on blu-ray couple of years ago

Blankman854303d ago

Very good, had some interactivity as well, but not alot. Top shelf kinda stuff!

PygmelionHunter4303d ago

Lmao, I knew it! Finally some clever trolling on this site!

HammadTheBeast4303d ago

Man, I was beginning to miss the trolls of old. Come out of under the bridge guys, you put lulz into my life.

Blankman854302d ago

Finally my art is appreciated. Thank you kind sir.

Kin23g4302d ago

haha That's so funny, I lol'd

Swiggins4302d ago

I'd like to say that's not funny...but I loled so I guess it is...

dcortz20274302d ago

LOL! I'm a Sony fan but that was hilarious! This site needs more laughs, it's gotten way too serious in here, it's NOT normal! I miss the good old days when us Sony fans would go at it with the Nintendo,Xbox,and PC fans.

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Agent7584d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle84d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.