
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD Review (PSN) - Platform Nation

Tim Poon from Platform Nation recently reviewed JoJo's Bizarre Adventures HD and had this to say: "The Super Story Mode, as it was called, was a beast of an offering. The story obviously got very bizarre (there is a character named Joseph Joestar, after all), but so did the gameplay."

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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Theme Heats Up Taiko Drum Master On 3DS

"Bandai Namco has more music for Taiko Drum Master: Don and Katsu’s Great Space-Time Adventure. A new expansion adds an extra quest and five more songs including "JoJo (Sono Chi no Sadame)." JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fans should recognize that as the theme song from the 2012 anime adaptation."

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Less HD Remakes For A While, Capcom Says

Have you enjoyed Capcom’s digital re-releases? According to Capcom, perhaps not enough.

Capcom’s Christian Svensson has addressed some dissension on the official Capcom forums, explaining why some games have yet to re-release to the PSN and XBLA, and why they’re “slowing down” on HD remakes in general.

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PopRocks3594081d ago

Bummer. I was hoping for more retro Disney game remakes. Aladdin and Chip 'n Dale would be fantastic on top of the upcoming Ducktales game.

Yi-Long4081d ago

... releasing mediocre/lazy HD-ports at a premium price (for digital downloads), and in the case of Jojo and Darksiders also lesser known titles with a smaller fanbase, and then complaining about a lack of sales and interest from the public...(!)

I love HD-remakes/ports, BUT THEY NEED TO BE DONE RIGHT!!!

IF you're going to bother doing a new HD-release of an older game, at least make sure it's the very best version possible, including all the content you can cram into it!

But no, story of Capcom for the last 10 years or so: Lazy and greedy.

Yodagamer4081d ago

It's pretty much the story of capcom's whole lifetime, They did alot of versions of street fighter 2, remade megaman 1-3 on the genesis (even if it didn't come to NA). They even did it with resident evil with slightly enhanced ports on dreamcast. Heck the gamecube had all the main resident evils up to 4 ported over. The last 10 years have been nothing new except for adding on disc dlc.

Yi-Long4081d ago

... but before they might have been greedy and lazy, but they still occasionally managed to come out with great original new games as well.

This generation though, they've JUST been greedy and lazy. Street Fighter 4 being the possible exception.

himdeel4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

The HD remakes they are making shouldn't be more than $7.99 EVER. Especially since most of these games have mostly sentimental value for older gamer or those folks young enough to remember having played them the first time.

They would be better off packaging 3-5 remakes on one download and selling them that way. It's like they have no new ideas so they want to run back to what use to sell.

Crapcom needs to start looking a game sales like pastries. No one wants to buy your old shit unless you sell it at a serious discount.

Donnieboi4081d ago

I wanted an HD Street Fighter 3 Alpha with Online capabilities. It was the deepest Capcom fighter, and came out when arcades were dying, so I spent all that time getting good at it for nothing. If it was online, THEN I could start laying the smackdown!

Minato-Namikaze4081d ago

Oni-Fucking- Musha Capcom. HD remaster this series before you start getting god damn lazy. Its the only game i want from you right now....

ElementX4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Shouldn't that say "Fewer" HD Remakes?

Hanso4081d ago

how about less dlc milking too crapcom?

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD Ver. Review | Worth Playing

Worth Playing: "At half the asking price, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure would be a worthwhile impulse purchase, as the game itself still offers some intriguing gameplay. But a bare-bones release with a premium cost is difficult to justify for all but the most ardent of fans. You're better off buying a used Dreamcast or PSone copy and firing up the old console for a trip down memory lane."

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