
IGN - Sleeping Dogs Review

Even cops can have criminal fun in Hong Kong.

HebrewHammer4294d ago

Scores, shmores!

Color me excite!

GuruStarr784294d ago (Edited 4294d ago )

I picked it up from Redbox here in Chicago this morning.. it's pretty good, so far... not sure what I'd give it, but 8.5 sounds about right... so far..

the story seems good and the combat is pretty smooth and is all hand to hand, from what I've seen thus far...

I think it's a good rental, overall.. kinda glad I didn't buy it, but we'll see... I heard the story is about 12 hours.

morganfell4294d ago

Just started my first branch mission. If these continue then this game will be far more than 12 hours.

MadMax4293d ago

I heard the game is 25 to 30 hrs and dont worry, there are weapons in the game. You can use alot of the environments to brutalize your victims. Havent popped it in yet, been playing too much Darksiders 2!

SupaPlaya4294d ago

Just played this over at my friend's place, and we had a blast playing it. I for one agree with the score with what I've seen so far (around 8-9).

Our impression is that the game is very much Batman (melee) X GTA. And in a good way. If you liked GTA and Red Dead Redemption, you will not be disappointed with this game.

What I loved about the game though is:

1) the authentic profanity found in the game. Each time we hear the characters spit out *$#! in Cantonese we burst out laughing. It is very hardcore, and is something I see myself saying when someone would got it my way. It's not like most movies where you would hear the main character speak in another language when in reality it's just gibberish. The dialog in both English and Cantonese are really well done.

2) The City. While not a real map of the City and only contained 4 regions from the Hong Kong Island, I can tell you that a lot of the places in the game are like Deja Vu.

Hola From HK

Nocturne1474294d ago

If IGN gives 8.5/10, this game is FREAKIN AWESOME !

Megaton4294d ago

Could be awesome, and I personally want the game, but you shouldn't put so much weight into what IGN thinks.

kingdavid4294d ago

What? THey way too often jump the gun on their reviews.

Nocturne1474294d ago (Edited 4294d ago )

Yea ? Then PSU.com and fmvmagazine.com too then Genius ?

Edit: Ow yea.. Blast Magazine gives very high score too.

kingdavid4294d ago

Not the point noobenstein.

nix4294d ago (Edited 4294d ago )

they gave 10/10 to GTAIV and look how it turned out.

follow your heart.

Nocturne1474294d ago

But GTA IV was great game, only problem was performance issues on PC, terrible port.

Omnislash4294d ago

I personally disagree with that score, I couldnt even finish GTAIV I thought it was kinda subpar compared to San Andreas...

Anyway 8.5 is a really good score. I actually look forward to this game...

Psychotica4294d ago

Yeah, turned out awesome. I have put more time in that game than anything else this gen.

ThanatosDMC4294d ago

It's mostly people who havent played San Andreas first that think GTA4 was awesome. Niko couldnt even go on a killing spree, change, have better weapon handling, fully customize vehicles, etc.

DA_SHREDDER4294d ago

GTA4 came out so many years ago and it's so good you compared Sleeping Dogs to it. Ha!

JamieL4294d ago

@ ThanatosDMC
True, but the tech behind GTAIV put it so far above San Andreas it not funny. GTAIV was an amazing game, and still is. I had the problems with San Andreas everyone seems to say GTAIV has. San Andreas wasn't focused enough, I hated having to eat, and work out and all that other filler shit, everyone seemed to love. I also don't think it's a fair comparison, compare it to GTA 3, then we can compare the last GTA of this gen to San Andreas. Gamers these days are hard to impress if they can't see the pure talent and strait up magic in GTAIV. The only game I've seen close technically is Red Dead, and that’s the same tech. Name one game as alive and responsive as GTAIV.

lonesoul654294d ago

YEA...but GTA on the PC is by far the best version...had initial issues but that was due more to social club than anything else

ThanatosDMC4293d ago (Edited 4293d ago )


Actually, you dont have to eat or workout. Eating and working out just makes your character buff or get fat. Those are all optional.

The tech is nothing without gameplay and fun. GTA4 missions werent unique. It was always the same thing.

Also, it was focused. I dont know what you're talking about.

JamieL4293d ago

@ ThanatosDMC
That’s the thing, I thought the game play was/is fun. especially after the 2 DLC's. Oh, and yes you did have to eat, and if ya'll can talk about how annoying it was getting those side phone calls was in GTA IV, then I can state how pointless working out was in SA. I know everyone won't have the same opinion about a game, but I also feel it's just "the trend" on N4G to hate on GTA IV. I also believe it deserved every 10 it got, those folks at Rockstar are amazing.

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Awesome_Gamer4294d ago

Sounds about right... 8/10 for me but still close.

Blackpool4294d ago

No one reads the reviews anymore...

WeskerChildReborned4293d ago

If you mean since IGN is basically hard to please and usually would give bad reviews to a good or decent game then yea i bet it would be awesome.

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pr0digyZA4294d ago

Wow was looking forward to it, but was expecting it to be because of the gameplay and missions. Glad to see ign loved the story instead, which was something I didn't have high hopes for especially considering its an open world game.

Also heard it has an amazing PC port which makes me believe devs care about their fan-base.

Godchild10204294d ago (Edited 4294d ago )

I just completed Sleeping Dogs and I love Wei Shen (main character), the story is great and keeps you playing. United Front Games did one hell of a job. I had one problem and that was with the audio sync for the weapons, they were off by a few seconds.

The story is compelling, they took a piece from GTA IV, but instead of having it at the end they put it in the middle, but still had the ending worth achieving. Some vehicles control better than others, and theres not too much fighting that over shadows the gunplay. The game is a 8.5/9 at best.

The Story IMO is the best part of the game.

Puddlejumper754294d ago (Edited 4294d ago )

The game is a 8.5/9 at best.

You say that like it is a bad thing. I know you don't mean it that way, it's just the way it comes off.

Too many people today think if it isnt a 9.5 or better then its a bad game.

Godchild10204294d ago (Edited 4294d ago )

I understand what you mean. Most times you would see 'at best' when it's a low score. The game is great and enjoying for those looking for a story driven title.

showtimefolks4294d ago

good to know since gameinformer review said the story was pretty average. In a game like this it needs to have atleasta decent story. That's one thing i hated about saints row the 3rd it had a pretty average story

can't wait to try this out, but now at launch once i finish darksiders 2 than it gonna be sleeping dogs. SE also said they have a lot of dlc content planned for next 6 months and with borderlands 2 being around the corner i may even wait for sleeping dogs:GOTY edition

first1NFANTRY4294d ago

For some reason the impression i got from this review was subliminal bias.

Something tells me IGN being an American gaming website, are saving a higher score for GTA5 even tho Sleeping Dogs is a fantastic game.

humbleopinion4294d ago

Yeah, they must save the high scores for GTA V because god forbid if they give two different games which are about a year apart a 9.0+ score! They obviously have a very limited score resource allocation (probably because of the recession) and so they're now saving up for a game that isn't even out.

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It's A Crime That There's No Sleeping Dogs 2 Yet

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Sleeping Dogs from the early 2010s is one of the best open-world games out there but in dire need of a resurgence."

LG_Fox_Brazil32d ago

I agree, I consider the first one a cult classic already

isarai31d ago

You say "yet" as if it's even possible anymore. United Front Games is gone, along with anyone that made this game what it is

CrimsonWing6931d ago

That’s what happens when games sell poorly. And I’ve seen people wonder why people cry when a game sells badly… this is your answer.

solideagle31d ago

Majority of the time it's true but if a company/publisher is big (in terms of money), they can take a hit or 2. e.g. I am not worried about Rebirth sales as Square will make Remake 3 anyway but if FF 17 doesn't sell then Square might need to look for alternative. <-- my humble opinion

Abnor_Mal31d ago

Doesn’t Microsoft own the IP now since they acquired Activision?

DaReapa31d ago

No. Square Enix owns the IP.

Abnor_Mal31d ago

Oh okay, Activision owned True Crime, but when that didn’t sell as intended it was canceled. Six months later Square Enix bought the rights and changed the title to Sleeping Dogs.*

*As per Wikipedia

boing131d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Sleeping Dogs was a sleeper hit back then. It was fantastic. It actually still is. Would love a sequel to this, or at least a revive of True Crime series.

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Nobodyreally177d ago (Edited 177d ago )

watching the video is better then going through 31 pages of gamingbolt.

LG_Fox_Brazil177d ago

Do they explain in the video why there are two numbers 3? Starfield and Tears of the Kingdom?

xeniate172d ago

It's always refreshing to see games embracing the streaming community.


8 Games that need sequels

GF365: "Here are eight games that need sequels. These games are ones that players would love to experience another time, bigger and better."

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Leeroyw378d ago

Bloodborne is a game I still restart and play every few months. I would welcome just a re release in 60fps with a visual upgrade. It's a perfect game. If I was king for a day I would include the randomizer mods because then it would be a kind of rogue like and I could play it forever.

gleepot377d ago

Sure, ill take a sequel to all of these.