
BioWare officially confirms major ending twist

N4G Note: This article contains a major spoiler for Mass Effect 3. Don't click through unless you want to know.

DSOGaming writes: "Mass Effect 3′s ending left some questions unanswered and that’s precisely why BioWare decided to release the Extended Cut DLC for it. And although the free DLC answered a lot of questions, it didn’t reveal one specific question."

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Snookies124361d ago

Spoiler title much? Didn't have a chance to play ME3 yet. :\

EVILDEAD3604361d ago

'Seriously the grace period for ME3 spoilers is UP!'

May be one of the dumbest statements I've read on N4g in a long time.

The NEW SPOILER RULE (according to this guy) is that if a game is 3 months old or older you are allowed to spoil the ending for anyone who hasnt played the game.

There absolutely is no spoiler grace period in gaming period..

I've said it before, but what has happened with Mass Effect 3 has been unprecedented. Idiots have been trying to spoil the game since it was released. The new ending DLC has just given them another reason to do it.

When I think of some of the better endings of games this gen I couldnt imagine a world where gamers broke the spoiler etiquette on games like Bioshock. Dead Space, Portal, etc.

This was simply the start, watch how people react when major umpcoming releases get the same treatment.


JaredH4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

This spoiler would suck to hear but it isn't that big of one. I'm more curious if all the people who haven't played it heard the names to each ending because those actually ruin the end more.

Also if you even want to achieve the spoiler you have to beat the game with very high requirements. They involve playing online but since you are all too busy I doubt you'd play online anyway and so you wouldn't even get this part of the ending.

Megaton4361d ago

@EVILDEAD - This was simply the start? Were you born yesterday? On N4G alone there have been spoiler wars. People created accounts and spammed spoilers for Halo 3, MGS4, Heavy Rain, Gears 2, Alan Wake, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and I'm sure many more I can't remember.

EVILDEAD3604361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

'Were you born yesterday? On N4G alone there have been spoiler wars'

GTFOH..It's been nothing CLOSE to Mass Effect 3..from the media to the fanblogsphere to N4g and beyond.


ChickeyCantor4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

"Also if you even want to achieve the spoiler you have to beat the game with very high requirements"

Not anymore. =)....=|.
They changed the limit.

HarryMasonHerpderp4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

I don't get some of you on here.
Some of you are just really nasty, rude and childish why don't you just grow up and stop talking down on people like you're some kind of elite human being.You know who you are.
The gaming community would be a lot better off without you.
Also to the people that are just plain ignorant and saying you shouldn't of clicked on the article, it was in the headline and they have now removed it.

pixelsword4360d ago

This game's been out for months and it still has no ending...

That's how sad today's privileged gamers are, and why devs are being lambasted into making every game into CoD.

I can't wait for Little Big Planet, CoD edition. :)

SilentNegotiator4360d ago

Blue, green, red. {:O

It would be a twist if they actually did what they promised and gave us repercussions for our actions and some real ending variations.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4360d ago
nukeitall4361d ago

This pisses me off!

Why are spoilers posted!!! EAQ%R@Q%#@#%#@

pandaboy4361d ago

it's not really much of a spoiler, don't worry about it.

maximus19854361d ago

@snookie the time your putting on n4g could be used to play it now. all things spoil in time tis life my friend...tis life.

lzim4361d ago

What are you people waiting for.

Snookies124360d ago

Mainly waiting for a price drop, wasn't sure with all the mixed reviews of the game whether it would be worth a full 60 bucks or not honestly. So yeah, it does suck to have a spoiler in the title. Glad the article changed it up, but a little late for some people lol.

SonyPS3604360d ago


What "mixed reviews" are you talking about?

The game got terrific scores.

lzim4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

ah well then, yes, the reviews are indeed mixed if you're asking people.

But the critical reviews are solid 10s

It is worth playing but for some people it doesn't meet their inflated expectations for how the series should have ended especially from a game play perspective. Many attribute this to BioWare speed up shipping the game right after the script was leaked without co-op and with half assed multi-player.

fourtwenty20094361d ago ShowReplies(2)
4361d ago
modesign4361d ago

the games been out for how long, were you busy with a imaginary girlfriend or Job.lol

SPAM-FRITTER-1234360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

"BioWare officially confirms major ending twist"

N4G user clicks link.

N4G user reads article.

N4G user cries about spoilers.

SPAM-FRITTER-123 laughs at your stupidity.

Christopher4360d ago

The title was changed. It used to explain the spoiler in the title. So, it was:

- N4G user reads N4G home page
- N4G user complains about spoiler in submission title.

Laxman4360d ago

Then why would you click onto this article?!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4360d ago
Kamikaze1354361d ago

Thanks for the spoilers, idiots.

john24361d ago

Game is out for almost 4 months so you should blame yourself for not playing it (provided you cared for the game that is).

Kamikaze1354361d ago

Yeah, I should put school, work, and other priorities on the side to make sure I play all of the latest games. Let's not blame the rookie journalist for putting a spoiler on the title of an article.

john24361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Seriously? For four months you didn't have a weekend (or even a day) to play and finish a game you were interested to? I find it really hard to believe that and by your logic, you won't even play it for the next 5 months

CGI-Quality4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Oh come on, not everybody can stop at the drop of a hat to play the newest games.

I care for the game, and own it, but that doesn't mean that because I've yet to beat it, I'm at fault for someone who posts a spoiler in a headline. Besides, why should someone rush to beating this game in a day (or even a weekend) when not everybody has that kind of time?

No way around it, your point of view is condescending.

psychotic_duck4361d ago

What the hell? What kind of logic is that? Some people have lives boy. I'm studying to go to law school and can't devote the time to play a lengthy RPG. Hell I haven't even finished ME2, but I love the series, once I get time I'll finish it through. But thanks to you I now know (or assume) that Shepard seems to die at the end of ME3. I stayed clear of all the ME3 controversy because I didn't want to spoil the game for myself. Hard to avoid it when you put it in the title.

Its like an amateur journalist posting "JK ROWLING CONFIRMS DUMBLEDORE REALLY NOT DEAD". You just don't do that.

Kamikaze1354361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

I couldn't care less how you feel about it. I work and go to school. My day starts at 5:30am and ends at 7:30pm. I eat, do homework, shower, then go to sleep. On weekends I barely have enough time to sit and play a game. People have lives, kid.

john24361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

@psychotic_duck: Your argument is invalid. If you DON'T click the article in N4G, you have a headline like "BioWare officially confirms that Shepard is alive in the..." . Alive in what? No spoilers at all even in the Frontpage. So you obviously clicked and as they say, curiosity killed the cat. IF you truly wanted to avoid all ME3 stories, then you wouldn't click on them (including this one. Hell, you wouldn't even read the comments that have 'BioWare' involved to them). Also, spoilers have a timeframe. It's like asking for no spoilers in Doom's story. Sure, some may have not played Doom yet. Point is that spoilers have a timeframe (like everything in life).

Kran4361d ago

What if they couldn't afford it until now?

Kamikaze1354361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

"Your argument is invalid. If you DON'T click the article in N4G, you have a headline like "BioWare officially confirms that Shepard is alive in the..." . Alive in what?"

Actually, it shows the entire title on my screen without even clicking on it. Which is why I clicked on it to reply to the article in the first place. It was a stupid decision to include spoilers in the title. You can't assume everybody on the site has beaten ME3 or just don't care about ME3.

omi25p4361d ago

just because you get everything paid for you and can afford a every game that releases doesn't mean everyone else can.

Mythicninja4360d ago

Lol at these people "i didn't have enough time to play the game yet because of ****" ....same people are replying to this article within minutes of posting, engaging in debates about the article. BUT THEY DON'T HAVE ANY FREE TIME!!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4360d ago
Moncole4361d ago

Spoilers don't count after a certain amount of time.

psychotic_duck4361d ago

Tell that to every other games news service that adds a SPOILER ALERT

nukeitall4361d ago


So if it's old, it's fine to spoil it?

I completely disagree, and most of the news community as well as readers disagree in almost all other medium.

I'm gonna go ahead and down rate this site!

Christopher4360d ago

@Moncole: This is not true on N4G. Perhaps a year after release, but even then you should _always_ at the least use SPOILER tags.

YoungKingDoran4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

its only been like 3 months man.
spoiler alerts are still in effect... mass effect

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4360d ago
ginsunuva4361d ago

Who doesn't know the Me3 endings by now?

CGI-Quality4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Even if you know that people were disappointed with the ending, it doesn't change the issue. The headline, even if it doesn't contain a spoiler, needs work. It either contains a spoiler or it is misleading, which should be altered regardless.

maximus19854361d ago

you also cant assume that such an amazing game with such controversy is gonna tiptoe until you FEEL like playing the game

adamant7154361d ago Show
Lex Luthor4361d ago ShowReplies(1)
thatdudesfrys4360d ago

If you have no time to play Mass Effect, for even a few minutes, then what are you doing on this website? Don't you have better things to do? You find time to argue with people online, but not play a game for a little while? Hmmm...

SPAM-FRITTER-1234360d ago

sadly that is the way gamers are now. enjoy arguing over playing the ACTUAL game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4360d ago
Chuk54361d ago

I gotta agree with John.
Mass Effect is hugely dependant on its story and it came out 4 months ago almost. If you really cared about it, you would have played by now, especially considering there hasn't been very many other games of the same calibur.

HarryMasonHerpderp4361d ago

Doesn't matter how long a game has been out.
You don't put spoilers in headlines.

Chuk54361d ago

Fair enough, I will concede that point.

4361d ago
Eyesoftheraven4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Wait, but if you romanced Miranda, she isn't the one holding the KIA name plaque. It was Garrus for me.. (Romanced Ashley in #1, Miranda in #2 and #3.

And I certainly couldn't say goodbye to her during the new Conduit run sequence..

m234361d ago

You couldn't really romance Miranda in #3 I think. That was just like a side thing lol. The main romances were Tali, Ashley and Liara. Not sure of the other side.

m234361d ago

So you could romance Miranda? What's an epic fail? All there was for Miranda from what I can remember is a scene in the Citadel, but you were still able to get with the other three.

Eyesoftheraven4361d ago

Epic fail on Bioware that Miranda's role in the game was pretty weak for those who pursued her in #2, like me.

m234361d ago

Oh yeah, I totally agree with you there. I was hoping for some action with her lol, but had to settle for ashley.

Eyesoftheraven4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

lol. Oh well.. 'least Ash looks better, in #3 than 2 and 1 haha.. Damn I'm shallow.

AznGaara4360d ago

You could romance Miranda in ME3.. SPOILERS

You don't see skin but when you see her in the Presidium Commons room she makes her move at the very end of that scene.


m234360d ago

Yeah, but it wasn't like a true paramore thing, you were still able to go with Ashley, Liara and Tali. Wheras if you were to get with one of those three you were unable to get with the other two.

Mythicninja4361d ago

Lol, should have played it by now if you were a fan, especially considering the controversy

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