
Chrono Trigger's Design Secrets

From Mass Effect to Skyrim, modern RPGs go to great lengths to merge linear, carefully crafted narrative with dynamic, emergent gameplay. Hundreds of thousands of man-hours are poured into these incredibly complex works, all in the effort to create a believable, cohesive story while giving players a sense of freedom in the way they play their game. The results of these efforts have been best-loved play experiences video games have offered.

But the goal of marrying linear narrative to dynamic gameplay is not out of reach for developers that don't have the resources to create such complex systems. No game shows this better than the classic RPG Chrono Trigger. Crafted by Square's "Dream Team" of RPG developers, Chrono Trigger balances developer control with player freedom using carefully-designed mechanics and a modular approach to narrative.

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Trebius514364d ago

Games like Chrono Trigger are a thing of the past. It is one of my favorite RPGs of all time, have beaten it dozens upon dozens of times and feel like games in this day and age need to take some direction from CT.

There are very few RPGs that seriously withstand the test of time, Chrono Trigger is one as well as Xenogears and very few others that are just as incredible.

NewMonday4364d ago

Chrono Trigger is my record most replayed game of any genre or platform

HarryMasonHerpderp4363d ago

I still haven't played these games yet =(
Was waiting for a PSN release but it never happened on the EU store.
Would loved to of played these on my Vita.

WildArmed4364d ago

Always love reading about CT. It makes me happy getting reminded of all the wonderful things you could do in CT.

Really enjoyed my CT experience. Heck, I'mma go play that again before summer ends.

Snookies124364d ago (Edited 4364d ago )

I enjoyed my Chrono Trigger experience too... Then I enjoyed it again, and again... And again... And probably more times later down the road, lol!

So rare to find a game these days that warrants more than one playthrough, not just for trophies or other in-game items. Just because it was THAT good.

WildArmed4364d ago (Edited 4364d ago )

Exactly, some games are able to bring up those feeling EVERYTIME you play through it.
Even thou I know CT inside out, every story outcome and such. Every time I get caught up in the experience. If you can save a certain char, or even recruit a new char.

For a SNES game, it sure had a ton of more content than games this gen. No incentive needed to replay the game, other than to play the game itself.

Fullmetalevolust4364d ago

Man I cannot wait until CT comes on the PSN vita store. I am ashamed to admit that I've never played it, but no more excuses once it's released, and if it doesn't make it onto the vita (which I seriously doubt) then I'll get it for the ps3.


Super Mario RPG Remake Brings Us One Step Closer To Chrono Trigger

It's long been thought that a Chrono Trigger remake is impossible, but the Super Mario RPG remake could pave the way.

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Ataraxias346d ago

It's already been said that they weren't motivated to do anything with the series unless the gang was back together, not really for any legal reasons.

FinalFantasyFanatic345d ago

I'm honestly happy with the Steam port of the game.


Mobile Games Killed The Dream Of Chrono Trigger 3

A third Chrono series game called Chrono Break was planned, but Square prioritized an MMORPG, and Chrono Break’s concepts were used in mobile games.

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Ronmaest464d ago

Square isn’t what it used to be.

CrimsonWing69464d ago

It’s true.

Squaresoft used to be like the equivalent of Naughty Dog back in the day. When you heard Squaresoft was making a game you knew it’d be a banger.

god I miss those days.

porkChop463d ago

Yeah they used to be the best in the industry. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is the worst decision they ever made. While they had previously talked about merging with Enix, that film flopping so hard left them with no other option.

CrimsonWing69463d ago


My understanding is that merger was happening before the film and the flop of the film freaked them out because they thought Enix would call it off.

I personally wish Square Pictures was a success. I thought the Matrix shirt they did was cool and they were pushing computer animation into a more mature realm.

Unfortunately, Spirits Within noted many and wasn’t the FF movie a lot of fans wanted. I thought it was decent, but something like Advent Children should’ve been the direction they went.

Ronmaest458d ago

To me, Naughty Dog is now Naughtycucks.p after that god awful story in LoU 2.

It was people like Yasumi Matsuno that held it for me, at Squaresoft. The company thought them too radical and ran them out. And now they yearn for people like that. They’re short sighted and pathetic.

GoodGuy09464d ago

Square ruined pretty much every great old franchise they've had.

franwex463d ago

Kinda misleading title, even from reading the article itself.

The staff and management couldn’t come to an agreement and the team moved on. Part of the team went to creat ff11 and the rest to Monolith software. Ideas for this game were implemented in some form to mobile games-later on. Which make sense as early 2000s mobile phones were not as powerful.

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Top 20 Soundtracks From the 16-Bit Era

In the 16-bit era, game devs and composers could finally change the type of tones used in the music, simulating a wider array of instruments and creating a whole lot of great soundtracks in the process.

It wasn’t easy picking out the best of the best because there were so many great ones. Even middle-of-the-road soundtracks seemed to deserve a bump if the game was just that damn good, and so many from that era are that damn good!

Here's the Ghetto Gamer list of top 20 soundtracks from the 16-bit era.

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