
Want good Wii games? Then buy them

Many Nintendo fans have been concerned with the lack of good hardcore games, along with good third-party games, on Nintendo's newest home console. But here is a little something Wii Live would like to say about this…

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5979d ago Replies(2)
ohhthegore5979d ago

I've bought about 2 games for my Wii this year and about 10 for my PS3. Im just alot more interested in online gaming or something to spend more money on wii games.

PS360WII5979d ago

I have more Wii games then I do PS3 and 360 so I'm doing my part ^^

kingOVsticks5979d ago

I knew dat b4 I bought it. Besides Mario and link nothing really intrest me in the wii. Sure its great when you have company over but after they leave something is very sad about playing wii sports by yourself >_> ontop of that it gets boring. So I got a PS3 soon after so I can have a hardcore system and a casual system. Had a 360 elite but things tend to go red.

PS360WII5979d ago

It's a relative term 'hardcore' it doesn't mean what I think many people believe it to be. Hardcore could be just playing one and only one game, or it could be playing everything under the sun which could be called a video game, or it could be buying the most expensive thing, or it could be having blood in every screen, or having a platform game that required the perfect jump and perfect timing to get past the stage.

As far as intrests go as of right now I'm playing about 5 or so different games on the Wii while I'm only playing Mass Effect on 360 and Uncharted on PS3 and awaiting for the fresh stuff to come out on them.

RecSpec5978d ago (Edited 5978d ago )

And how many of those Wii games are VC?

Just kidding. But seriously though, I compare the Wii to the DS. The Wii will eventually get those cool niche games that can only be done with that system. Devs just have to figure out how to implement the controls in a way that makes sense, but is also fun.

PS360WII5978d ago (Edited 5978d ago )

0 I haven't been playing much of my VC games. To busy with the new ones ^^

yea I do also think last year was a stepping stone for developers with the Wii. It takes time and even more time when it's Nintendo. Games take more than a year to make so this first batch was probably a quick 6 months and shove it out mentality

RecSpec5978d ago

Sorry that was meant to be a joke but I accidentally hit the add comment button. Haha

PS360WII5978d ago

heh no worries. VC is pretty slick and I'm looking forward to what WiiWare will show us.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5978d ago
ElfShotTheFood5979d ago

If you want a Nintendo game to sell, make sure it has one of the following words in the title:

- Mario
- Zelda
- Metroid

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


20 Best Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made.

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Ten best games from the 2000s you may have missed

The 2000s was a great decade for a lot of brilliant video games. Here are the ten best games of the 2000s that you may not have played.

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isarai528d ago

You know usually when someone says "you may have missed" it's games that were lesser known, hidden gems, underrated games. These are all super high profile games that sold extremely well.

FPS_D3TH528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

You know the 2000s is 20 years ago too? Maybe, just maybe this wasn’t an article targeted to 30+ gamers? Still says at the very beginning of the title “THE BEST GAMES you may have missed”. Regardless of how well they sold there’s tons of gamers who haven’t touched these older well known games lol.

Welshy528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

It's games you "may have missed", insinuating you were around and gaming in the 2000's and were there to miss them. If it was aimed at everyone else then they missed literally everything, not just the top games.

The original commenter is right, this is a badly written article at best pointless at worst.

Crows90528d ago

Besides only being able to miss it if you were around during that time..if your point stands then this is a horrible list. Tons of better games people may have missed

XxINFERNUSxX528d ago

I would like the original max payne remade in a new engine with ray tracing. 😊

FPS_D3TH528d ago

Remedy games already working on that and I’m so stoked for it

XxINFERNUSxX528d ago

Oh yeah thanks for reminding me I totally forgot they were doing it. Also what the hell happened to Kingpin: Reloaded? On Steam coming soon and nohting from the dev.

MadLad528d ago

Yeah, I was just going to say. It's interesting seeing them back behind the series. Max Payne 3 was amazing, but then Rockstar just sat on the IP.
Well, they sit on virtually anything that isn't GTA and Red Dead now.

porkChop528d ago

What is this list? These are all hugely popular games. I was expecting games like Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Advent Rising, Arx Fatalis, etc.

FPS_D3TH528d ago

the title didn’t say lesser known titles from the 2000s. This is 20 years ago now lol. Big assumption this list was made for older gamers.

Dirty_Lemons527d ago

That makes me feel so old.

Inverno528d ago

I've only played 3 on that list. Part of me feels bad about how little I used all the consoles I've owned as a kid. One bright side is, there's over 30 years of games to experience for the first time.

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