
Gamers outraged over Sony terminating servers for ‘SOCOM’

Sony plans to terminate all ‘SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs’ servers for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable by August 31, 2012. In response the gaming community has expressed their outrage.

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sinncross4395d ago (Edited 4395d ago )

Sony should make the online portion of Socom 2 an HD re-release for PSN and at a reasonable price at that.

Seriously... at a good price, even people who may know about the game from others may give it a try.

Well, I feel that is the least Sony could do. Here is hoping for something at e3!

decrypt4395d ago (Edited 4395d ago )

Question is Why did Sony shutdown the servers. Till this day i play CS and Warcraft 3, you dont hear about those servers going down.


Poor console gamers.

T9004395d ago


Those are PC games you are refering to. PC games are known to have a large life. With console things are different.

Notice how not only do Servers get shutdown, but even games are not compatible from one gen to another. People are later given HD remakes. With PC older games just can be played on your current machine. Hell i am currently playing some some old Dos games via Dosbox.

Hence you cant compare those 2 platforms, one is open platform with users having all the control, other is closed platform and is controlled by the platform owner.

FlashXIII4395d ago


Precisely why Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo can talk up their consoles, next gen and everything else but they'll never ever be as good as PC games.. <3 PC Gaming!

Drekken4395d ago

Surprise, Surprise... gamers complaining.

CS servers shutting down? lmao. For someone still playing CS it is pretty oblivious of you not to know that someone is paying for the servers you play on.... not valve. Its a person with the same interest as you paying monthly for the server you enjoy.

FlashXIII4395d ago


While this is 100% true, I don't see either Microsoft or Sony finding ways around this to incorporate it more into their consoles to allow people to play their games regardless of if the official servers are shut down.

T9004395d ago


Thats because most console games are designed around p2p type of play and dont have dedicated servers.

Also console makers dont like it if people keep playing the same old games, its bad for business. Hence they want to have a way to pull the plug on a game. This doesnt happen on PC because its an open platform and people tend to find work arounds. There are even thirdparty softwares that allow people to host Lan games via the internet. PC users just have too many ways out.

Overall console makers like to keep a control over their platform and the content on that system. They dont like it when a game overstays its welcome. They would rather like the users to go out buy the next game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4395d ago
NovusTerminus4395d ago

Servers get canceled, it happens. To this day I STILL miss my Monster Hunter servers...

colonel1794395d ago

That's why I don't like about games going online, and online passes and all that stuff.

There are some games that require you to be online, or require an online pass etc, but what happens in few years when you want to play? Won't be able. Servers will not be available. Sadly, there are even offline games that require you to be online, so they will become useless in some years.

I really don't think we will be able to play old games 10 or 15 years from now like we can play NES games, or even atari games if we find a working console. In the future it will be like: "Sorry servers not longer available, game could not be started, online pass could not be redeem, etc"

Ser4395d ago

I heard that.

I was playing online with my friends the day the MH servers died. Manly tears were shed that day, friends.

TitanUp4395d ago

gosh i sure do love pc gaming.

Ser4395d ago

If only PC gaming had Monster Hunter / Socom...

L6RD7BLU34395d ago

Please stop wipe those tears and move on with other great gaming experiences, and yeah maybe hope for an HD remake

suicidalblues4395d ago

Exactly. Personally I think Sony should be praised for keeping the servers going for so long. I mean seriously, we're 6+ years into the ps3 for Christ's sake. I don't see anyone else keeping servers going that long for last Gen games.

Neko_Mega4395d ago

Isn't this not up to Sony fully? Isn't it more of the lines up to Zipper? But seeing how they are gone, theirs no support for the servers.

So why keep something up if theirs no support?

JAMurida4395d ago

Not surprising. I won't say a lot but there are people who literally grew up with the franchise such as myself. So it's not wonder why people are outraged about it. I'm still somewhat mind-blown about Zipper Interactive getting shutdown, (Was and still is one of the VERY few devs out there that I like), but I do think that just as the saying goes, "All goods things must come to an end". I've had my memories of the game and closer with it.

s2 for life!

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Games to Play if You Miss SOCOM

Last year I wrote an article titled, The State of SOCOM. I discussed my
love and history for the beloved third person shooter that helped pioneer
online multiplayer on consoles. It has been six years since we last had a
new SOCOM game.

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LOOK_AT_THIS_I2488d ago

Baffles me as to why they have not done anything with this franchise. Seeing as how it was #1 on the official PlayStation poll.

With all the trash put up weekly on the App Store why has nobody done a clone of this yet. I've been playing Defiance as my go to 3rd person since 2013 but still nothing like that old school Socom/Socom 2 up all night gameplay.

ONESHOTV22488d ago

the only game on that list that's like socom is wild land if you want socom type games then you will have to invest in a PC

USMC_POLICE2488d ago

You are looking at the view point I.e 3rd person view. Rainbow six siege is probably most like socom aside from H-Hour

Majin-vegeta2488d ago

Army training grounds its F2P.

ion6662487d ago

Insurgency Socom mod perfect adaption. Play it

C-H-E-F2487d ago

RAINBOW SIX: is the closest you'll get to Socom.

Also, in response to @lookatthisi

They let go the creators, and I think socom is a game that's hard to clone even the creators had a hard time making Socom 2, Socom 3.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I2487d ago

No way man. The devs at Trion made Defiance. I know different genres different games but this could have very easily turned into a war game rather than a kill the mutants/aliens games. Ghost recon actual gameplay is about the closest to the old Socom feel due to the squad format and team commands but it was still clunky at times. Using the wheel was cumbersome to command teammates and strategies on how you approcahed a scenario.

FFS you could control your teammates with a microphone in the ps2 days. You can't tell me that it is that hard when people throw up mods on the pc all the time that mirror the original games using random game engines. These are professionals with money/tech that most people don't have access to.

(Seth Luisi was the problem at zipper, he tried capturing ghost recon/cod fans with Socom by slowly turning the Socom series into Frankenstein GR/COD lite games)

C-H-E-F2487d ago

Getting that feel, that rush being the last one alive, Rainbow Six is the closest I got to that feeling since Confrontation. And we all know that was a horrible Socom, but looking back at it, SC was a great game just had a horrible release.

I didn't play defiance, but ghost recon is and was trash.

InTheZoneAC2486d ago

A lot will defend Seth saying he was a puppet, but his inactions or actions didn't help. He helped ruin the franchise.

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#SOCOMREMASTERED Twitter Campaign Gains Traction

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ThichQuangDuck3274d ago

Yes please. Sony needs one of their multiplayer franchises back

PaleMoonDeath3273d ago

This is a remaster I could get behind, ahh the good ol' PS2 days.


make it happen soon! we need a tactical 3rd person military shooter please