
Batman Arkham City: Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC Review | IGN

SPOILER WARNING: Harley Quinn's Revenge takes place after the ending of Batman: Arkham City. This article mentions how the game ends.

Yi-Long4396d ago

... seems a bit expensive, considering no new outfits, and no free-roam as Robin.

LOGICWINS4396d ago

I was planning on picking up the GOTY edition today, but I decided to pick up Tales of Graces f instead. JRPG's just offer more value for your money and a deeper experience than most western based games. I know if I get Arkham City, I'll beat it quickly, get bored, and sell it back like I did with Arkham Asylum.

FlashXIII4396d ago (Edited 4396d ago )

Your name is so ironic as your logic clearly loses in this instance. While I generally agree that JRPGs offer more value for money than most sp games but Arkham City deserves it's place up there with the very best games this gen.

I generally dislike sp games and rarely buy sp only games this gen but getting this game was one of the best decisions I've made gaming wise. The most addictive combat I've seen in a game. Playing as Robin and Nightwing is also a LOT of fun and the perfect 15 minute game to mess around in challenges and just beat the crap out of things.

TekoIie4396d ago (Edited 4396d ago )

tales of graces vs a game which was worthy of a nomination for GOTY and won a lot of GOTY awards... hmm

Im clearly bias there but you know im right.


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Lightning7719h ago

Much better shape than last years show. Glad they took feedback well.


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porkChop35m ago

I think everyone was really expecting to see the handheld at the showcase. I have a feeling they're not ready to show it because they're waiting on newer chips from AMD. It'll need a beefy mobile GPU/CPU to play these games. If I had to guess, it'll launch alongside Gears of War: E-Day and have a special launch edition.

If they can launch something like the Steam Deck but with the Xbox UI and a lightweight, gaming-focused version of Windows, it could be a real contender in that space. Especially if they can adopt some of the modularity of the Elite controllers. Easily swap sticks, triggers, buttons, custom shells, etc.


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