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User Review : Worms

  • Online Multiplayer{Graphics{Fun and Addictive
  • No Real Story Mode{Smoother Servers

Playstation Network "Worms" Review by DEADEYEZ

Game: Worms
Price: $12.99
Online: Yes
Split Screen: Yes
Story Mode: Sort of

If you were like me back on the PS1 you spent your childhood playing Worms. Having those fun sleepovers passing the controller around having a good old time. Well guess what worms is back and it just as fun this time around on the PS3! The game is just as fun as the original when it came out. If your a old worms fan you will want to pick up this game as it is a steal for only $13! Below is my review of worms I hope you find it useful.

If your new to the series this is a turned based strategy game. You control four worms on your team with one goal... destroy the enemy worms! Typically it'll be your team versus another team, though you can have up to four teams of worms going at it at once. You have 60 seconds to make your move while choosing from a vast list of destructible weapons. The environment in this game is a key part of planning your moves as it is constantly being altered from enemy attacks to the wind that blows your rocket launcher shots around. The classic explosive barrels, land mines, toolboxes, and crates are back through the levels

The game does support PSN trophies which is a great addition to the game. As far as offline mode goes it is pretty limited. The first thing you will want to get your hands into is the 3 training levels that come with the game - plus after you beat them you unlock a easy trophy. There is no real story mode to the game at all just 25 challenge maps to play out. The challenge mode is all about competing the set goals described before you start the map. Once you are all done with that you can go play some random quick matches with the computer players.

Online is where the real fun is at. You can play with up to 3 other players online and battle it out. Voice chat is supported and I have found that alot of people have headsets. The only real issue with online play is it can take awhile to load up the map and all of the players into it. I really have not had that many issues with the online play besides being booted out of a few rooms and what not. There seems to be a good amount of players playing online so it is quite easy getting a match going. If you really want this game I would buy it for its online gameplay as it makes up for the lacking features in singleplayer.

The graphics on this game are the best in the series so far are like eye candy to look at. As far as options goes there are a few to play with. You can tinker around with the teams and make your own. Ever want to have Bob Barker and Johnny Knoxville as worm names well go ahead and do that! You can also edit the difficulty settings and adjust the weapons you get when you start out. When you create a match online or a offline quick match you can create the map how you want it. You can adjust the background, landshpaes and object levels. If a buddy of yours creates a level you like just copy down the generation code a put it in yourself and play it all over again. I forgot to mention that there is an online leaderboard as well for ranked 1 on 1 games.

Overall I wound buy the game if your a fan of worms or a newcomer to the series. It is very addicting and fun to play offline and online. Over time the servers should get smoother and have a higher player population.

Definitely, Addictive especially with the multiplayer online portion. Controls are good.
Graphics are done well.
Sounds are good.
Fun Factor
The game is addictive and the online multiplayer desirable. Just want more of a Story Mode.
Wish we had smoother servers. But the online portion is the best part of the game.
Cajun Chicken5542d ago

What?!? This is out? When did this happen? This isn't on EU store!!! Curse you non-multiregional PSN releases!!! Still, I like Burn Zombie Burn.


Looking Back to 1995 and the unkillable genius of Worms

Dave writes: "Being a bit of an old-timer, I remember the launch of Worms. As an owner of an Atari ST, I’d read all of the Amiga magazines simply because games would hit the Amiga first, and our team would get them in due course. There’d be a tinge of envy as I’d make a wishlist of the games to get when they arrived on the ST, and I remember Worms being one of them."

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1265d ago

Why Team 17 Is The Most Underrated Game Company In The World

"In one session of Overcooked, I went from loving my fiancee dearly, to wanting to tie her to a railway track because she couldn’t throw me a beef patty."

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FlyingFoxy1460d ago

Worms 2 was one of my first online games, remember getting it from Argos, was about to get Worms United but luckily they had replaced it with Worms 2. Even with the limitations of dial up in 99 there was only a small amount of lag between turns and it meant that online play was great fun for the most part.

Edgelordsupreme1460d ago

Hell let loose is also a pretty good WW2 shooter published by Team17, its not quite Red Orchestra but it bridges the gap between simulation and accessibility very well.

Hungryalpaca1460d ago (Edited 1460d ago )

HLL is excellent! It’s everything I wanted BFV to be.

-Foxtrot1460d ago

I really want Worms 5

The 3D games were fun

amazinglover1460d ago (Edited 1460d ago )

This whole article is all over the place mixing in games they just published and had no hand in making with games they did develop.

Most of overcooked was done before team17 even decided to publish which was in may 2016 with the game coming out in august of the same year. Its like the author saw he had a bunch of games with their name on the box looked up their wiki page and decided to write an article about it.

1460d ago
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A New ‘Worms’ Game Is Coming in 2020

SWTORStrategies: We’ve got some exciting news for fans of retro games, and anyone who has fond memories of blowing their friends into smithereens on the Sega Genesis, Amiga, PlayStation 1 or PC during the 1990s. As of this week, we have official confirmation that Team 17 are releasing a new ‘Worms’ game in 2020. It might not be the biggest game news of the year, but it will delight those of us who’ve always had a special place in our hearts for this most simple and yet most entertaining of combat games.

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