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User Review : Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

  • It's fun assembling teams of your favorite heroes{The heroes' special attacks are cool{The unlockable outfits look awesom
  • Combat gets repetitive{Fairly generic story

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, *insert clever teaser line here*

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.

Well, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is a game. (Great way to start off my first review, isn’t it?) In all seriousness though, that is all it is. I say that meaning it is a typical, run-of-the-mill, nothing special, generic adventure game. With that being said, I love this game. Sounds contradictory, doesn’t it?

The game starts off seeming pretty bad, you get Wolverine, Thor, Captain America and Spiderman, fight through a basic tutorial level. In this, and a level or 2 after it, it seems pretty generic, with repetitive combat, decent enemies, and an okay story. That all changes.

As you progress through the game, trying out different heroes (which, on a side note, the selection of heroes excellent. They allow you to create your own dream team of super heroes. My first time through the game I picked Wolverine, Spiderman, The Thing and Storm, but that’s not important now.) you will find a team that suites you. I picked heroes based on characters that I like, not who is the strongest in the game, and I think that added to my overall enjoyment of the game. Then, with the 4 characters you use (I had a fifth that I liked using and subbed him in when someone died) you will most likely find one that you control the most often. Or, even one for moving around that can fly (they seem to fly faster than they run), and one for fighting. Having a customizable team adds a lot of fun to the game.

The characters themselves are a whole different topic. They all have essentially the same basic attacks, just with different animations. This gets repetitive, but your superhero’s powers add a lot of fun. The powers come in a few different types. Auras, which give various boosts to party members, radial attacks which damage enemies in a circle around you, projectiles, which are self explanatory, and attacks that are like normal, but stronger. These add customization to the way you use each character. They also each have different outfits to unlock which look really cool.

Display wise, this game disappointed me. The levels have a pretty basic look to them, as do the superheroes and the enemies. I think better graphics would make this game amazing, but it really didn’t deliver visually.

The story in this game is a typical story for an adventure. Bad guy wants to take over the world, you better stop him. With that being said, it kept me entertained. The little side stories kept it interesting and the scene you get at the end is really cool, it explains the aftermath of your story, and some parts change based on what you did during the game.

The sound is, again, pretty typical. The voice-overs aren’t bad, but they aren’t anything special. The overall sounds for the game are good, and the sound of smashing metal makes clobbering a robot that much more fun.

Online is, essentially the game, but you don’t get to control all four of the characters. Then there is arcade mode, where you and someone else go through levels competing to get more points, which are obtained through kills, among other things. The online doesn’t add much to the game, but I think it does what it’s supposed to, which is allowing you to play through the normal game with friends.

The basic combat system is, well, basic. But the special attacks make up for this, and are really cool.
The graphics disappointed me, and really took away from my overall enjoyment of the game.
The sound wasn't impressive, but it was pretty enjoyable, except for the intercom in stark tower...
Fun Factor
A great adventure game, especially playing with friends.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Has Appeared On The Xbox Store

Activision and Raven Software's 2006 action role-playing game, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, has found its way to the Xbox Store.

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LG_Fox_Brazil52d ago

Used to love this one, but X-Men Legends 1 and 2 will always be my favorites, especially Rise of Apocalypse. Would pay some good money to play it today with online multiplayer, back then I had no way to get a modem

RavenWolfx52d ago

Yeah, I loved the Legends games so much.

ZeekQuattro52d ago

I remember buying them dirt cheap on the PS4 and then a few days later I read they were delisted. I was wondering why the bundle was price so low and got my answer when that happened.

Knightofelemia52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

Sad to say this is one game franchise next to the Xmen that needs a sequel. I use to play the hell out of Xmen Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Was great when my cousin had the OG Xbox play with four other people and then playing online. Great games glad to see it reappear even though I own the discs love the mechanics of this game.

Terry_B52d ago

It got a sequel..but for dumbass #reasons as a switch exclusive.

shinoff218352d ago

It looked so horrible to. They should've kept it similar to the first two.

Asplundh52d ago

Because Nintendo funded it, they did the same for Bayonetta.

Knightofelemia52d ago

I totally forgot about the Switch sequel.

MasterChief362451d ago

I thought it looked awful, but I actually fell in love with it. To this day one of my favorites on the Switch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 51d ago
jukins52d ago

Misleading. This page is whats available for people who owned the game prior to delisting.

MasterChief362451d ago

Yeah I'm kind of miffed about that headline. But the information in the article does give me a little hope. I really want to play these games on the PS5! I would assume if Activision actually is planning on relisting them on the Xbox Store, it would be relisting them on the PS Store as well?

Abnor_Mal52d ago

The first game was the best imo.

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Why Marvel Ultimate Alliance Is the Ultimate Comic Game

The Marvel Ultimate Alliance games appeal to hardcore comic nerds and beat'em up fans alike. Hopefully the next one keeps it going.

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FallenAngel19841998d ago

“My fear is that the game will suffer a similar fate as the one seen by Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. That games roster was slimmed down from its predecessor, and the heroes featured in the game were primarily pulled from the extraordinarily popular Marvel Cinematic Universe.”

Yeah that’s my biggest gripe. You don’t even see any of the Fantastic Four when they already played major roles in the first two titles, whereas the entire Guardians of the Galaxy cast had been prominently featured instead.

The X-Men Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance series were both heavily influenced by the comics, yet the third MUA is influenced way too much by the MCU and takes away from the identity this series already had in the same way MvC:I’s identity got diluted by trying way to hard to appea to the MCU crowd rather than its series’ longtime fans.

Featuring Wolverine is a nice start, but it seems like a token gesture considering there hasn’t been any other famous X-Men characters shown off.

Gemmol1997d ago

It's just the first trailer lol how you expect to know all the characters involved

badz1491996d ago

from the first trailer, most of the character models are taken from the MCU. that's not promising at all

at least wolverine is there, though

FallenAngel19841997d ago

The first trailer alone just spells out how influenced by the MCU this game will be. Even the main plot is MCU inspired. Not saying that characters like Fantastic Four won’t appear, but I wouldn’t hold my breath

shinoff21831998d ago

I think this series is awesome, I loved them on ps3. I only wish it wasnt switch exclusive. I know the switch people will buy it up, but the ps4 install base alone should have been enough to entice them. I think ive read nintendo has a hand with this game so if true it is what it is.

Neonridr1997d ago

Nintendo is publishing it, if I am not mistaken. Just like Sony helped in the creation of Spiderman, Nintendo is doing the same here. Such is business.

shinoff21831995d ago

I thought so thats why I mentioned it. I thought I had read that around the time it was announced.

Segata1996d ago

Sony got Spiderman. Nintendo got Alliance. Both fully funded by those respected companies. Without exclusive deals, you get irrelevancy like Xbox loose definition of the word exclusive.

Blu3_Berry1997d ago

I haven't played the previous two games but I do know alot of people love them and considered them a classic.

I'm not gonna lie, if it weren't for the Nintendo Switch logo before showing the game off at the game awards my first thought would have been "This is a mobile game" . Graphically, I thought it was pretty bad looking. The cutscenes were nicely done, but the in-game was just......... ugh. Not trying to sound like a downer and that graphics mean everything, but nothing really stood out or impressed me about the game's trailer other than that it is back as an exclusive (which quite frankly I couldn't care less about).

Gemmol1997d ago

Graphics goes back to cartoon style........even past games did not have realistic graphics it was cartoon

Now if you said you wanted a realistic version one day i could understand that but no matter what you say the switch version look way better than the old ones

addictedtochaos1997d ago (Edited 1997d ago )

Always liked the X-Men Legends and Ultimate Alliance games, really wish we could get a good DC game in a similar style.

Gemmol1997d ago

More of a DC guy but i agree with you

Kainbrightside1997d ago

Looks good so far to me I played the second one on the Wii with some friends when I was younger and enjoyed it.


Top 10 Best Marvel Video Games of All Time

Twinfinite writes "While there’s a lot of anticipation, and mystery, surrounding the new Avengers game, it is important to remember that Marvel still made a lot of damn good titles well before deciding to invest in the genre even more.

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Venoxn4g2094d ago

I dont know can I count it, but..

Spiderman and venom: maximum carnage

McMahonme72086d ago

If you like it that is all that matters <3