
CRank: 6Score: 102250

User Review : Just Cause 3

  • Wingsuit, tether system and destruction are fun
  • Explosions are big and pretty
  • Runs smooth at 60 fps on my PC
  • Too big, empty, few landmarks
  • 7 weeks of performance issues (Launch-Jan 21 patch), some reporting issues with latest patch
  • No new game+, reset all settlements, provinces option

1 step forward, 2 steps back

Never made a review on this site before so why not cover one of my most disappointing games of last year. I have 60 hours in the game (10 of which was trying to fix issues or leaving the game running)

Just Cause 2 was easily in my top 10 best games of the last generation. Bought it on sale for my 360 then bought it again a couple years later on what is now my old PC, it was that good. There was nothing quite like it. Destruction, action and set pieces were over the top, unique landmarks set the game even further from the rest of the pack and then the multiplayer mod arrived on PC which turned the insanity up to 1100. So when we found out that another one was on the way with more advanced destruction and physics, wingsuit, new grapple and tether system, map just as big as JC2 and some of the best explosion, fire and smoke effects in the industry, whats not to like?? Well when you play it after a while there is plenty of things to not like about it.

Lets start off with one of the biggest issues with the game, the map itself. For a game that is 400 sq miles there sure is a lot of nothing in it. Huge areas of nothing but trees, grass that sit unused and that you will rarely ever visit unless you are looking for collectibles or accidentally jump out of your plane. The mainland is mostly barren especially towards the north. The volcano is only there for the final mission, thats it. Surely they could have done more unless they have plans for it in future DLC. Settlements follow the same cookie cutter formula. Police station, speaker system, billboards, statues and beacons. Some throw in the occasional water tower or propaganda truck. Bases do a little bit better job of changing it up but I would have liked to see more of them with new stuff to blow up. I can't help but think the game would be better off if it was half the size but maybe 50%-100% more settlements with a greater variety of chaos objects to blow up. I mean where are the unique landmarks?? JC2 had dozens of unique locations like the mile high club, WW2 Japanese island, Three Kings, secret lair, racetrack, the giant radar dish, rocket launch pads, multiple cities with skyscrapers, the big airport, the casino towers, and many more. I guess you could count the Centcoms, some of the bases and the Stargate easter egg as memorable but thats about it.

Driving is still an issue even though it was one of the most requested features to fix in the next game. They even said they improved it in this game but I don't see it. What's surprising is they nailed driving in Mad Max but went the opposite direction in this game. Some cars are decent but there are a lot of them that handle poorly, especially the bikes.

Some small issues that bother me are various bugs and AI issues, no New Game+ or reset all settlements and/or provinces option. Have to reset each settlement individually. Would have liked a little more weapons variety, agency vehicles are missing, grapple should be longer and not as many easter egg like in the last game which was filled with them.

Game isn't a total disaster as I make it seem. It't still over the top and blowing shit up is better than its predecessor now that the physics and visuals have been upgraded. There is nothing quite like watching 2 or 3 sphere oil tanks blow up from a distance at a buttery smooth 60 fps. Taking out the the supports of a train bridge and watching trains derail in just insane fashion never gets old. And by insane I mean they sometimes launch thousands of feet into the air.

Some small things the games does well are unlimited C4, rebel drops with multiple items and a vehicle (was only 1 item per drop in JC2), hacking SAMs, plenty of ammo and easy to obtain more, and most of the sounds are great.

What I would like to see added to the game is a photo mode, bug/AI fixes, DX 12 that is stable and improves performance, driving fixed, longer grapple, FOV slider, rebel allies muted, rebel allies jump into your aircraft or tank if there is room. They only jump into small vehicles like the humvee with the turret, jeep, civilian.

Don't get me wrong the game is good but it could have been a lot better. Feels like they were rushed. It takes 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Sky Fortress DLC looks cool but Im just going to wait for the expansion pass to get a sale.

If you liked the last game then I would wait for the complete edition to drop.

Fire, smoke and explosion graphics are some of the best in the industry right now. Game now runs well and loads quick after 7 weeks of performance issues since launch. Runs 60 fps on high settings for the most part. DX 12 update coming soon.
Explosions, weapons and collapsing structures sound great. Vehicles sound good but 2 points off for rebel allies that don't shut up.
Wingsuit, new grapple system and advanced destruction are a nice addition but they could be better. Watching trains derail is surprisingly fun. Should have New Game+ and reset all settlements, provinces option.
Fun Factor
Liberating settlements and bases are fun but can get repetitive and boring. Pulling off stunts and destroying chaos objects in unique ways are always fun.
Leaderboards may give you some incentive to improve your score and feats, thats about it. Multiplayer mod for PC is still under development.
Polylink3011d ago

You said that this was one of the most disappointing games of last year and that it was 'one step forward, two steps back' and yet you still gave it a 7/10?

crazychris41243011d ago (Edited 3011d ago )

It was still a good game but I was expecting something great. Remember disappointing doesn't mean it sucks.

3008d ago
crazychris41243008d ago

@chubby just wait for the game and the season pass to get a sale or for the complete edition. I would get it for PC if you have a good rig for the multiplayer mod. I guess I can do more reviews if people want them.

3006d ago
CodeNameTBW23005d ago (Edited 3005d ago )

You forgot. NO RUNNING, ZOOM AIM-behind unlock, NO MINI MAP, No rolling. You can't grip the front of cars no more. Damn thier was alot of stuff taken out.

Bass_fisherman3003d ago

wow id rather play JC2 instead


Games with average storylines but great gameplay

Some games make up for a lackluster story with excellent gameplay. These are some games with average storylines but great gameplay.

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shinoff2183425d ago

Who decides if a games story is average idefinitely ain't listening to no reviewers. I don't agree with most of then anyway. I think alot of them are to harsh on games so they can get clicks

banger88424d ago

Every Soulslike game ever made.

refocusedman424d ago

zelda has a story line? Actually do any nintendo 1st party games have decent (not even good) storylines?

NotoriousWhiz424d ago

Does Xenoblade count as 1st party? That's the only one I can think of.

NotoriousWhiz424d ago

Also, Ocarina of time definitely had a decent (but not great) story.

Brazz424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Zelda average story line!? Zelda Story sucks, most time It comes to "save the princess", Nintendo sucks at story outside Fire Emblem and perhaps 1-2 other IPs.

DOMination-424d ago

Actually the Souls games and Zelda games share something in common, which is that they reward gamers for seeking out the story rather than thrusting it in their faces. Not saying this is better or worse, but it's unfair to say they don't have them.

People will be surprised to learn that if you dig a bit deeper into Zelda games, there's a whole lot of really dark and crazy stuff happening.

RaiderNation424d ago


Thrust in your face??? I assume by that you mean basic story-telling 101? Lol.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 424d ago
P_Bomb424d ago

I platinumed both Niohs but for the life of me, couldn’t tell you what happened in the story lol! I can namedrop Nobunaga, but that’s about it.

ChasterMies424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

The pinnacle of bad story but great gameplay is Destiny and Destiny 2. What is the Traveler? What is the Darkness? What the heck is happening? No one knew. But shooting the aliens and robots felt so good.

Brazz424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Article os about "average" story. But If you wanna talk about bad story but great gameplay you need to look at Nintendo, they are the masters at making poor shirt story on great gameplay.

HeliosHex424d ago

@deus. If you want more of the story fleshed out in detail I'd recommend the destiny grimoire anthology 1-6 25 bucks each. It's really good I loved the backstory on the guns.

Relientk77424d ago

"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."

Is my favorite line from Destiny's "story" lol

GotGame818424d ago

Sorry, but the princess is in another castle.

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