
CRank: 5Score: 4160

User Review : Doom

  • Brilliant Gameplay
  • Extreme Graphics
  • Some extracts to previous versions
  • Some issues in Gameplay
  • Requires Extreme Rig
  • Story almost same

The game at extreme

After suffering a disappointing response from Doom 3, Id has completely replaced all the skepticism from
the franchise with it’s new title and boy.

As you start up the game, it doesn’t feed you a long background
story and in no time, you’re already crushing demons with your bare hands. The story is set on Mars where
a corporation successfully makes contact with Hell. Having played through several levels, it’s not difficult
to realize that the story is hardly the focus of the developers but more about the brilliant gameplay.

Already mentioned earlier, big guns are back including the popular Shotgun and plasma rifle. The new
upgrade system adds a lot of additional functionality to rip apart demons. At higher difficulty levels, it
becomes incredibly easier to die and these upgrades become advantageous.

You’ll have two modifications
for most of the weapon. You’ll also come across upgrade points for your primary suit to increase your
maximum health. The weapon system is rewarding when you kill using the chainsaw since it drops a lot
of ammo.

To break away from just letting you put bullets into the demons, Id has implemented the Glory Kill system,
and they are a treat to execute and watch.

Essentially, when you’ve dealt a lot damage to a demon, they
start glowing blue and as you near them, they glow orange, which is your cue to tear them apart. Glory
kills are different for each demon and trust us when we say that you won’t get tired of using it over and
over again because they have multiple animations for them for different body part you aim.

There’s a lot of verticality to the game, and double jump enhances exploration. The levels are huge, with
a lot of area to cover, and the more you explore, the better chances of having your health and ammo bar
always filled up. You’ll be convinced how the game encourages you to look around every corner of the
map, since at times it becomes only hope to stay alive. Blowing up demons and pulling their limbs apart
is glorily beautiful affair because the way it has been implanted.

Speaking about the performance, DOOM doesn’t fall short anywhere. At times, you’ll be surrounded with
hordes of different types of demons in rich dynamic environments but I didn’t witnessed any tearing or
stuttering. On maxed out settings, we were able to achieve about 160fps at 1920x1080 resolution and
also hit a maximum 40fps on 4k resolution.

Fun Factor
DefenderOfDoom22892d ago

What difficulty setting did you play on first time thru ? Also i like the fact that you just reviewed the DOOM campaign .

shabz6662889d ago

i loved this campaign. played it on ultra violence and loved the back and forth system of constantly trying to decide when to get the health back from the demons from glory kill states. And when to use the chainsaw for ammo pickups. Very smartly designed combat arenas as well, Just tons of fun.

DefenderOfDoom22888d ago (Edited 2888d ago )

Yeah, i played on Ultra Violence too on my first run thru DOOM campaign . DOOM is my pick for GOTY 2016.


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purple10137d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

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I've looked and wished we never did get here.


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phoenixwing123d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.