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User Review : Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

  • Great presentation
  • Invigorating MP
  • Solid mission variation
  • No co-op
  • A few MP inconsistencies

Infinity Ward Creates Another Stellar Sequel

With the yearly CoD release calendar in full stride, Infinity Ward is in the driver's seat again taking Call of Duty to the modern setting. With this new premise on combat comes the satisfaction as seeing a series take new strides towards exploring unfamiliar territory to them. Does that mean the game can live up to these expectations?

As stated before, the game takes place in a modern setting revolving around modern dilemmas: Certain countries hate their leaders, the threat of nuclear war is always pervalent, and the top dogs (USA and UK) have to take matters into their own hands.

You play as a few different characters in this game: 2 SAS operatives(Capt. Price in flashbacks and FNG Soap Mactavish), a USMC sergeant, and an AC-130 gunmen for 1 mission. These characters all play pivotal key roles in trying to stop a radical group, consisting of Russian and Middle Eastern ethnicities, from killing millions of innocent lives. The end result is quite satisfying and it has a story to boot. While it may contain nothing new in that regard, the great pacing and intense scenes makes CoD4 one of the most intense shooters for its time.

Once again the Call of Duty sets its graphical bar high in thanks to the variety of settings, smooth framerate, and great lighting effects. Many effects are also held highly thanks to the amount of outside sound made throughout the battlefield. Very few soundless seconds go by throughout your heavy-handed battles, from gunshots to tank batteries. The only quarrels I may have with gfx and sound are minor. Certain bland textures are disappointing to see but it's nothing major.

The gameplay formula doesn't stray far from the old CoD engine, it just adds the modern weapons you'd expect. Certain additions and improvements include knife melee, sprint button to all modes, bullets penetrating through weak objects, and modern weapons (from grenade launchers to ACOG scopes). Overall, the core gameplay (excluding MP) really goes with a facelift instead of a new makeover. With that said, it's still one of the smoothest systems around.

With such an invigorating SP, it's also pleasing to see the MP be a breath of fresh air to the series. The best way to describe CoD4's new "perks" system is it being a personal class-based system. You have a variety of different weapons which have different unlockables: different scopes, grenade launchers, or shotgun attatchments. Added upon those are perks which give you certain strategic advantages that range from increased health to being able to sprint for farther distances.

Another addition to the CoD MP is killstreaks. 3 kills gives you UAV (ability to find all enemies on map unless they have a certain perk), 5 kills gives you an airstrike to a certain part of the map, and 7 kills awards you a helicopter than encircles the map. In the end, Call of Duty 4: MW's multiplayer offers a cooking pot of different FPS MP ideas which results in a formula it can call its own. The major problem in the system is the lack of polish in regards to unbalanced ideas that really harm the core experience.

Call of Duty 4 is a very welcoming entry to the CoD series to both the veterans and newcomers. Call of Duty 4 offers some solid gameplay modes with little blemishes. However, one of the most lacking options that was becoming a norm for its time was co-op which is not in this game. Besides that and other faults, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a game I can strongly recommend to any FPS fan or any adenaline junkie for that matter.

coolbeans' *Certified FresH* badge

coolbeans' 2007 Game of the Year Nominee

Runs smoothly with some great gfx for its time.
Very immersive sounds for majority of the game.
The addition of modern elements and bullet penetration gives the feeling of never being safe throught the campaign and MP.
Fun Factor
Although it would've been nice to see co-op, CoD4's still an great shooter.
The new perk system to CoD's online is great, but unbalanced.
coolbeans4982d ago

Hope you enjoyed the review :D.

ShabzS4972d ago

its a brilliant game ... never a dull moment ...

coolbeans4954d ago

It certainly has some amazing moments. However, it does have problems. It presented the shortest campaign (still the shortest) to the main series w/out co-op (which was coming into full stride back then), and MP balancing issues (most were minor though).

Focus to the end of my review, I still recommend this FPS to anyone who enjoys shooting games.


Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 servers are back online

The original Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 games have been drawing players back in

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neutralgamer1992309d ago

I really hope we get other activision games on GP soon. My dream would be Scarface but I know the license probably expired

P_Bomb309d ago

Love me some Scarface! I even bought the comics. Yeah, licensing would probably be an impasse.

4Sh0w309d ago

hmmm, coincidence? Either way this is a good sign for gamers after the ABK deal.

porkChop309d ago

I played through Scarface again last year and it still holds up. Such a fun game. I would love for Xbox to get the rights back to remaster Scarface and make a sequel. It sold well and they had plans for Scarface 2, 3, and 4. With how long it takes Rockstar to make games the market is wide open.

TheColbertinator309d ago

That game was so much fun. Expected a cheap GTA clone but it was a good drug empire building game.

shinoff2183309d ago

They didn't just have plans but there's actual gameplay out there for scarface 2

neutralgamer1992309d ago

Seriously man we need games like

True crime
Sleeping dogs
Watch dogs( more like original not legion)
And proper saints row

GTA can’t be the only option we need other games

P_Bomb309d ago

Gun was Activision as well. Nice open world Wild West there imo.

neutralgamer1992307d ago

Gun is such a underrated game

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 307d ago
SlothLordPootus309d ago

None of those games had dedicated servers on console in the first place? Were always player hosted. Did something change?

Rutaprkl309d ago

Older cods like Mw, Mw2 and WaW were way better than Call of Dutys nowadays

GoodGuy09308d ago

Make activision remaster mw2 (2009) multiplayer please xbox.


New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Update Will Allow Players to Create Hybrid Blueprints

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is getting a new update today, which will introduce Gunsmith Customs.

hanko141482d ago

this update will make sure the next season will be a 200gb update too.

1482d ago Replies(1)
P_Bomb1482d ago (Edited 1482d ago )

Heh you’re not kidding!

I’ll give the devil his due though in that they actually started doing something I was asking for.
Was recently talking about how Days Gone and Warframe had compression patches that shaved up to 20GB off the top. Turns out the latest COD patch dropped me from 175GB down to 166.8. Hey it’s a start lol! Only 66.8 to go ;)

1482d ago Replies(2)
quenomamen1480d ago

Now all the Crossplay fans want it removed. lols


The state of first-person shooters

Chirag Pattni talks the lack of high quality first-person shooter campaigns in recent memory. As well as what FPS fans have to look forward to.

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bluefox7551556d ago

Am I the only one that's never been that into first person shooters? It seems like I am, at least among my friends.

MadLad1555d ago (Edited 1555d ago )

I tend to wear out on traditional fps games pretty quickly. I'll play the online, competitive stuff here and there, like Counter Strike and whatnot though.
I do really enjoy fps immersive sims. Prey, Deus Ex, Bioshock, etc. I don't know if those count as actual fps games though, considering the gunplay isn't normally the focus.

bluefox7551555d ago

I do like ones that incorporate RPG mechanics, really liked Outer Worlds recently, though I wish it were longer.

Razmiran1555d ago

Whenever someone asks if "they are the only one" they should know there are like 2 billion people like them

bluefox7551555d ago

Getting downvoted for asking a question? Do people think I'm lying about my own taste in games?

MadLad1555d ago

Welcome to N4G. I'm under the impression that half the posters are genuinely angry people.

annoyedgamer1555d ago

Stop looking at big AAA titles then. Its your own fault that you think Fortnoght and Apex when FPS comes to mind and not Metro and Doom.

MadLad1555d ago (Edited 1555d ago )

All 4 games you listed are AAA lol.