
CRank: 5Score: 37420

User Review : Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

  • impressive QTEs and events
  • Addictive and fun online
  • Tons of features and..zombies!
  • Linear and repetitive gameplay
  • Graphics still a bit weak
  • Not enough skill required online

The Future is ...Black?

After such a long time of turning my back on a beloved (and loathed) series, eventually, curiosity got the best of me. That’s a line I’ve heard many times since Black Ops 2 released, and now I’ve finally succumbed to the series. Surprisingly, Black Ops 2 delivers, plain and simple. Going into the campaign, I expected a similar approach from Treyarch when it came to graphics. Frame rate is great as expected, but overall other aspects of the usually plain, outdated game have improved. Online multiplayer is incredibly fun, and of course, the zombies! Seems like there’s a lot to love about this game, but under its stellar cinematic approach and addictive online game modes, lies a few problems.

You’ll follow the efforts of David Mason and his team, trying to stop a man named Raul Menendez from unleashing something a bit inferior to the likes of Skynet on “Imperialist” countries. Meanwhile, Frank Woods will fill you in from the comfort of his wheelchair on how we got to such an unfortunate situation with another crazy terrorist. I have to admit though, Menendez is a strong antagonist in this game, blurring the lines between good and bad for quite a while. The game’s futuristic approach is a good spin, as there are some moments where that new technology will be used in the game’s missions.

The campaign in Black Ops 2 follows the same recipe of the previous game, but with a small twist. For example, an RTS element is included, where you have to fend off, and protect your base. Think of it as an advanced tower defense game. Refreshing, yes, but good execution.. ? Maybe not. These missions feel rushed, and if you choose not to complete them, it has an effect on the game’s storyline/ending. This brings us to that other twist, your actions in the game really do make an impact on the storyline and ending. This is something I welcome with open arms in most games, and Black Ops 2 does a phenomenal job at it. Unlike other games where your decisions only make minor changes in the plot, your actions in the campaign could save one of the main characters from death. Now, Black Ops 2 doesn't really carry much strength emotionally in its characters. Aside from David Mason and his father, the rest just follows, and I hate to say this, a top budget Bay movie approach. Explosions and jaw-dropping moments seem to be the focus here, not so much emotion.

With this great approach to a cinematic angle, Treyarch also made a game with decent graphics. No, they’re not as impressive as other console games we've seen, but for a Call of Duty game, you got to give these guys some credit for at least making some improvements. The frame rate is, as expected, wonderful. However, it seems that with so much linear and scripted gameplay, the graphics could actually be better. Yes, the lighting and facial detail is great, but some environments seem greatly lacking in this department. You would think the game follows the same formula online, but no, the graphics seem even more outdated. Perhaps all those explosions, and middle of gameplay- cut scenes distract the player from this fact in the campaign.

Online, the game’s maps all have this recycled look. Strange, because the maps are very small, so you would think there’d be some nice detail here and there. Still, who cares about graphics when talking about a Call of Duty game’s online multiplayer? Right? Well, online is where this game shines the most. I could go on and on about the different game modes including Demolition, Hardpoint, Free for all, Team Deathmatch etc. There’s also a few new features in Black Ops 2, such as Wildcards, letting you have more guns or perks in your loadouts, but of course at the cost of points. There’s a theater mode, league play, and a few more features that really show why this game is such a phenomenon when it comes to its online competitive gameplay. Even the kill streaks are fun, although some will find that it takes a bit of skill required away from the game. Still, everything else such as guns and perks are very well done. Unfortunately, the community seems tangled in a web of egotistical FPS craze, there’s not much teamwork, no strategy, just corridor shooting, an arcade shooter in every sense of the way. Does this mean the game isn’t fun? No, the Call of Duty franchise still has its reputation for its amazing online experience, and Black Ops 2 is doing a great job of keeping it that way. Not to mention the added experience of zombies, with the game modes such as Tranzit and Grief, adding quite a spin to the undead gameplay.

There’s so much strength in this game’s online multiplayer, that it’s hard to just pass it by, without taking a moment to recognize its success and its drawbacks. With campaign, the game is still in need of a little more freedom, improved graphics, and more gameplay, less scripted events. Still, I praise Treyarch for stepping up their game even further, and adding some flavor to a franchise that has had quite a plain taste in the recent years.

Black Ops 2 makes an improvement in graphics compared to previous installments, but quite not there yet with the rest of the pack this gen.
Music in Black Ops 2 is decent, good quality voice acting, sound of guns and explosions seem very similar.
Solid gameplay, good controls, but repetitive campaign and feels almost on rails.
Fun Factor
Very fun online, decent campaign, and new game modes in zombie keep the game away from the effects of repetition.
Where this game truly shines, but lacks in skill, maps, and team work.
UnderageSalmon4175d ago

Interesting points mate, I agree wholely with the poor execution of the bonus missions, they felt really pointless to me and less fun. However as far as emotional characters go I thought there was a fierce personal battle between Menendez and Woods that I enjoyed.

The multiplayer has almost become run of the mill and barely different to the previous games but that's CoD i suppose, I still prefer Modern Warfare online.

Nes_Daze4175d ago (Edited 4175d ago )

I agree with that, Woods was pretty interesting too after all. As for multiplayer, I'll have to play more Modern warfare games online, since I didn't play much of MW3 or MW2 for that matter.

UnderageSalmon4175d ago

Let me rephrase actually, CoD4 Modern Warfare was excellent in my opinion for online and campaign, MW2 not so much and MW3 even worse. There's a severe lack of balance I find in the multiplayer there. It's why I'll now stick to Battlefield :)

Nes_Daze4175d ago

I played MW on the PC, great game, and yea I enjoy Battlefield more now..I spent a lot of time playing BF3, lol.


Xbox backwards compatibility sends old Call of Duty games back into the Top Five | UK Monthly Charts

GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 leap up due to summer sales

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shadowT302d ago

Xbox $70 billion bet paid out

fr0sty302d ago

Guess that's what happens when there's no good new games to play...

4Sh0w302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Well regardless of exclusives, or whatever else there is to play on Xbox or ps, CoD has has still been the top selling game on ps platform since forever no surprise that the most popular game franchise on any console could easily have a revival due to servers coming back online...this is just credit to xbox backwards compatibility & thats good thing for Xbox gamers.

wiz7191301d ago

@Frosty orrrr maybe it’s a breath of fresh air to be able to go back to the peak of the series .. and it’s beem great lol

mkis007301d ago

It's going to take 10 years for xbox to generate that much profit...

Rhythmattic301d ago

Why worry when they have OS, Server and Background Data in their hands...
Gaming is just the small piece, at the top left in a few K piece jigsaw.

EasilyTheBest301d ago

If you buy a house with cash for 1 million dollars you still own the house. Microsoft don't need to make the money back.

Rhythmattic299d ago

But its not money back, its about how it goes missing.

jznrpg301d ago

Shooters is what Xbox people play most of the time and that’s about it by the numbers and sales of games.

shinoff2183302d ago

Atkeast older gamers nostalgia is good. Jeez.

Jin_Sakai302d ago

Mostly because the new CoD games are garbage. The old games were much better.

Rutaprkl301d ago

Agree 100%. Cod 4, WaW, Black ops 1 & 2, those were the days.

Rhythmattic301d ago

For MP, Unreal tournament , QIII Arena (loved the UT mod) FTW!

RaidenBlack301d ago

Unreal Tournament and Quake III were simply amazing ... CoD's and CoD-likes' rise killed the arena shooter popularity ...
Unreal Tournament 2004 is my favorite in the series.
Didn't enjoy Unreal Tournament III, Quake Champions that much.
Too bad Epic cancelled Unreal Tournament 2014 becoz of Fortnite

Rhythmattic300d ago (Edited 300d ago )

I got hooked on the QIII Urban Terror mod (and my work colleagues I introduced them to)... LAN Sessions at the closing of the doors at work, into the night , sinking beers and eating pizza..... Good times.

thesoftware730302d ago

Wow, good games never get old I guess.

CoD will always be a beast of a franchise, and how awesome is it that you can just boot it up or pop it into your Xbox and play, MS BC is really a neat feature.

CrimsonWing69302d ago

Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.

1Victor301d ago

@crimson:” Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.”
I agree it’s worthy at the start of the generation when there’s few new generation games but halfway through the generation it’s not a feature.
Now it’s good that this game is finding a renewed life for its fan but it shows a mayor flaw in new games release when a close decade old game is toppling the charts

CrimsonWing69301d ago

I don't know if I understand what you mean. It's a feature regardless of the time into the generation.

Let's take Armored Core 6 for example. Let's say I'm interested in checking out the previous Armored Core games, sure would be nice if I could play them on my current-gen console.

We're about 3 years into current-gen and old games are hitting in the top 5 for sales charts in the month.

I do get where you're coming from with older games possibly being better than the newer games, but the feature stays the feature. I can only speak for myself, but when there's a lull in game releases or nothing great is out, I like to go back to old titles. It's just nice to not have to have a bunch of consoles out to do so.

I think moving forward it'll be less and less of an issue as like with the PS5 you can access most all of the PS4 games, but I like going back to PS1 and PS2. Would be awesome to kind of make backwards compatibility a prioritized feature moving forward. Hell, Sony was the first to implement it.

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Activision Might Have Unexpectedly Fixed Some Old Call of Duty Games’ Matchmaking

Many players on social media are now reporting unannounced matchmaking fixes have been put in place by Activision ranging from Call of Duty 3 to Modern Warfare 2 to Black Ops 2, on Xbox 360. Players are reporting that player counts are updating, lobbies forming, and matchmaking times have been reduced. Neither Activision nor Microsoft have commented on the matter when reached out to at this time. This is currently impacting both 360 and BC versions of the games. PS3 is not affected at this time.

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Blashted334d ago


Multiple users coming forward saying the games are finally working again after years of server issues. Note that not all issues such as player counts are totally fixed at this time however matchmaking is fully working again. With legacy Call of Duty games releasing on Game Pass within the next 2 years, it does make sense for these servers to eventually be corrected. Good to see the preservation of these legendary games. Hopefully PS3 receives the same treatment for these legacy titles!

Blashted333d ago (Edited 333d ago )

I can confirm the Call of Duty 2 through Black Ops 2 are fully working now and matchmaking is very fast. Player counts are still messed up on MW2 but all other games work perfectly fine. BO1/2 community theater has been disabled so hackers are pretty rare now as infections cannot be distributed. I have not run into any modders on MW2 or BO1 yet. Good bit of people on WaW and MW3 as well. Call of Duty 3 is also back up and running after some years. The games are also currently on sale for around $10 a piece on the Xbox Store! Cheers and Happy Friday!

wiz7191332d ago

@Blash I took advantage of that deal and bought MW 2 , matchmaking is quick and it feels like 2009 all over again I’m having a blast !

Abear21332d ago

Next COD to integrate seamlessly with MW2, wonder if there’s a correlation?

Jin_Sakai334d ago

“Activision Unexpectedly Fixes Old Call of Duty Servers, Just One Day After FTC Verdict”

Imagine that.

wiz7191332d ago

I think maybe MS had something to do with that , the servers getting fixed then all of the older CODs are on sale on the Xbox store ..

ritchi45334d ago

Conspiracy theory: MS have been planning on purchasing ABK for a long time. They let Sony outbid them for having console-exclusive CoD stuff/being first for certain dlc so the PlayStation player base would increase.
Years later, MS buy ABK, with plans to make CoD either exclusive/platform exclusive features etc with the release of a new console (Xbox Series X2?) So the established CoD player base migrates over to their platform, taking a huge percentage off Sony?

Wild theory

purple101334d ago

Yeh your in to something. See the bigger picture.

I also think to addd: Sony in a loose loose situation with the 10 year thing. I thought that from the start. Reason being they would technically be doing free marketing for COD. Any expose is good exposure and furthering the 'brand name'. So although sony would get profit for a while in the big picture they would be doing the dirty on themselves.

The Japanese execs obviously are not dumb and realise this too and that's why they fought so hard.

In general though this whole thing leaves a bad taste in the mouth with everyone's lies being out in the open and I think a lot will call it a day with cod. I know I've brought my last one.

slate91334d ago

Aint nobody leavin CoD bc of this merger or lawsuit brother 😂. Gotta get off twitter.

Blashted333d ago (Edited 333d ago )

Would not be surprised if MS fully restores old CoD on Xbox including patching mods and fixing player counts and lets PS3 versions rot away, nostalgia is a drug and Game Pass release of the old games pushes them to fix it as they would be the only Game Pass titles that are hacked/modded.

shinoff2183333d ago

I just can't fathom someone having nostalgia for cod. Blows my mind. So many better games out there

sertz332d ago

Nostalgia for COD is definitely a big thing. I have many a time found myself reminiscing about an older COD title that became a hacked mess. Primarily Black Ops 1 and 2. Also Modern Warfare 2. There was a certain "je ne sais quoi" about the original games that no remaster can touch. I'm so stoked the older titles have their servers fixed... I will definitely be re-living some memories from years ago that I never thought I would have again. And some new frustrations no doubt... But hey. One thing at a time.

shinoff2183333d ago

I don't think as many are gonna migrate as ms would like.

ActualWhiteMan333d ago

If this is true, I’m buying an Xbox rn.

wiz7191331d ago

Lol I see two ppl are upset , I got MW 2 for $10 and jump right into games immediately

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A Decade After Its Release, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2’s Weaponry Remains The Best in The Series

Game Rant Writes "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has been available for 10 years, and in that time, no other entry has topped its weapon balance and variety."

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SlothLordPootus575d ago

Although Black Ops 2 is one of the more loved entries in the series, there seemed to be an overall lack of recoil when I played back in the day, which made the guns feel toy-like. The overall art style didnt really sit well with me at the time either. A bit too cartoony. I think zombies could have been cool, but on the PS3, playing splitscreen made the frame rate drop to unplayable levels.