
'Stellar Blade' Director Responds After Patch Censors Holiday Rabbit Outfit

'Stellar Blade' director Hyung Tae-Kim claims the censored version of Eve's Holiday Rabbit outfit was what he always intended to release.

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blackblades35d ago

What they should do, is just like the hair option make it an option to have it either way of your personal choosing. I blame the sensitive media and the perverts throwing the images of her assets around the web.

Christopher34d ago

You do realize that much of these changes like this aren't to appease the sensitive media, it's about the ratings boards.

Dixiedevil34d ago

The game that’s on the disc is what was rated.

RNTody34d ago

Yes, we're only allowed to see Sydney Sweeney's cleavage, not pixelated boobies.

fr0sty34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Every update and DLC must also go through the ESRB.

How does the ESRB rate downloadable content (DLC) or other content updates that supplement a game or app?

Downloadable content (DLC) often refers to additional content that supplements or extends a previously-rated product. In most cases, the rating assigned to a game also applies to its DLC. However, if the DLC content exceeds the rating assigned to the “core” product, it must be submitted, and a different rating may be assigned to the DLC.

Should the ESRB find DLC or other update that is incompatible with the original rating, the developer and appropriate digital storefronts will be notified of a change to the rating for the DLC or, in the case where the update is required, a rating change for the core product."

If anything takes it beyond a M rating, it gets booted from any of the big 3 console makers' stores. Keep in mind ESRB only applies to the USA, other countries have their own rating systems, some of which are even more strict.

Cacabunga34d ago

Women are almost naked in most ads on tv, but a game rated for adults is a problem.. i hate double standards

blackblades34d ago

That's bull shyt then why the F* all these other games has sex in it and nudity. Only thing stella had covered up was a little bit of cleavage. Cleavage is a normal thing in the world. Only thing I can see that they wanted everyone one to experience the same thing so the west had to be censored to meet the same standards as the other countries. As I said there shouldve been a option for us toggle it and have it locked for those other countries. If steam can have the option for the individual to choose so can Sony and these devs

32d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 32d ago
Eonjay34d ago

You guys do realize this outfit, even before the edit, is pretty tame compared to what's on offer here?

MrDead35d ago

Three articles form the worse game sites I've ever had the misfortune of clicking on posted to N4G about this... I guess when you have no journalistic skills you got to rely on clickbait.

The game has an outfit that has her almost completely nude, if that doesn't make you happy then go watch some porn you sad t***s

Abear2134d ago

I get this take, but we should be a mature enough society where a happy medium should be able to exist without people losing their shit. I think some light nudity should be allowed, like a shirtless mode in NG+

Porno shouldn’t be considered the alternative, some of us can appreciate the human form without getting aroused or needing release. Art has long embraced the human form, it’s like people don’t go to museums anymore, you’d be surprised at how accepting we once were.

shinoff218334d ago

That's not true though. There's always been people with issues about something.

Michiel198934d ago

you're free to play their mobile game where the gameplay is literally looking at some anime girls asses. It's called Nikke and it's absolute dogshit.

I have no issues with chars like this but I do not want or need shirtless modes in my games. Leave it to the modders or something.

isarai34d ago

It's a game made by adults, rated for adults, yet you're fine with someone stepping in and shielding your eyes, telling you what you can and cant handle? Especially when every other medium out there has the freedom and respect to make whatever they want with their only limitations being what rating they want to land in. There's straight SMUT sold off shelves of franchised stores with huge advertisements 3 iles away from the kids section when it comes to films and books. Why don't games get the same freedoms?

This is what people are tired of, it's dumb and honestly insulting to the mostly grown adults that make up the gaming audience.

Redemption-6434d ago

No, this is nothing, but pure ignorance and stupidity. The game director himself this is what they wanted to do, yet triggered snowflakes say this is censorship. It's almost like these people made-up their own narrative and since the truth from the director doesn't fit that narrative, they double down. Pathetic. If you don't like the director of the game being able to make such edits to their own game, then don't support them. This is not censorship, just a group of man babies crying the devs added 6 inches to a lace, while somehow leave more revealing outfits in the game.

isarai34d ago


That's the PR speak, you think he's really gonna admit to censorship? Especially after just marketing the game on being completely uncensored in every region? It was damage control, if you can't spot the most obvious "uh no i totally meant to do that" excuse, you need to socialize more bro. And also im not supporting it, still doesn't mean I can't criticize this dumb practice. I don't even get how you can sut here and act like this isn't censorship given PlayStation's recent track record.

Michiel198934d ago

@redemption the devs didnt wanna censor it, I can assure you that. Their other game had you looking at backshots of anime girls in thongs during gameplay, if you can even call it gameplay.

MrDead34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

...have you seen this game? There's nothing wrong with nudity, and you get everything you want and more seeing some of the NPC's in it. What is there to complain about? This is nothing but outrage bait to stir up tater tots into having a breakdown because the lady dress-up has a cleavage mesh?!? You can dress her up in an outfit that you can see everything but inside her.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 34d ago
gigoran834d ago

So you think that all women wearing revealing tops are porn stars and should s s-shamed? Got it. that's all you had to say MrDead

MrDead34d ago

The game has an outfit that is basically nude, what else do you want? Do you want to see inside her, what else do you want? The game has what people want in spades yet some still complain like teenagers... and there's the matter of the developer has also stated that nothing has been compromised.

The game has what you are complaining about.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 34d ago
Jin_Sakai35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

I’m sick of all the censoring BS! Just let a sexy main character be sexy.

Redemption-6434d ago

There is no censorship. If this is what the devs wanted to do, why is this censorship? Can you explain why they left more revealing outfits? I have yet to see a single person explain why they added 6 inches to a lace and left far more revealing outfits

ravens5234d ago

I know your not that naive. Of course hed say that after all this backlash. I'm sure that's what Sony told him to say.

Redemption-6434d ago


So you are telling me, Sony somehow missed all the other more revealing outfits and forced Shift up to put 6 inches of lace on this? Wow, mission accomplished 👏 , that is some high level censorship right there. What is funny is, you idiots would have believed him if he said the opposite. Only reason you and your are crying is because what he said doesn't fit the lies you people have cooked up in your heads. Pathetic

MrDead34d ago

If they wanted to censor the game why didn't they do it to any of the far more revealing outfits on the main player and NPC's?

kythlyn35d ago

I'm more bothered by the bait and switch of the messaging and advertising than the change itself. The game still has an abundance of fan service, but clearly there have been changes made, and Sony needs to stop meddling across the board, not just in this, but in countless games they force developers to make conservative changes to.

badz14935d ago

You seriously blaming Sony for this? The snowflake loud minorities are the ones to be blamed. They aren't happy until they make every protagonist ugly and gay which is sad. Mind you, this is Shift Up first major console release. Can't blame them they don't want to upset anybody but all these sensoring and changes to please these snowflakes have gone too far imo. If you don't like it, don't play it! Stop trying to ruin it for the others just because you're pathetic and got triggered by everything!

GameBoyColor35d ago

i mean if sony is the one forcing the changes I think it's fair to blame them. Sony could easily just not censor it but they have a track record with telling companies what to do with their games now.

I think you should be more mad at a company bending the knee instead of the consumers with your mindset lmfao

Levii_9234d ago

Dude Sony IS a snowflake(hate using that word) company 😂 they are pathetic when it comes to this stuff and i’m 100% sure they forced this shit on the Shift Up devs.

ZeekQuattro34d ago

Yes because Sony has a history of meddling with games that deal in fan service. Not much of stretch to believe they might have a hand in this.

Kinza5501234d ago

You do realize Sony has been notorious for their censorship policy for years, no? lol

badz14933d ago

I am aware of their censorship antics but they are mostly to avoid backlash from the snowflakes

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 33d ago
CrimsonWing6934d ago (Edited 34d ago )

It’s just disingenuous. You don’t come out riding this campaign of not censoring only to censor. Sony is a piece of sh*t when it comes to this and people are getting f*cking tired of this.

Censoring this game isn’t going to make the SJW whiners do a 180 and support the game. There’s this thing called balance, let that crowd have games for them and let other people enjoy a hot chick kicking alien ass. The game is the game it is and it’s M-Rated for crying out loud. Why do we even have ratings if you’re just going censor M-rated content? You see more skin on the beach in reality than you do in the uncensored outfits in this game.

Not only that but they censored the blood. Like how does Mortal Kombat or Bloodborne get a pass? How come Baldur’s Gate 3 can show full on frontal nudity and explicit sexual content, but a game with NO nudity, NO sexual content, but only skimpy outfits gets censored?

Enough is enough, Sony. Cut it out with this bullsh*t. Dont treat your audience like they’re 4 year olds that big momma Sony has to cover their eyes.

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Stellar Blade Dev Teases More Suits & Content Updates, Discusses Sequel Plans

Stellar Blade developer Shift Up has teased more suits and future content updates, and has also discussed plans for a sequel.

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thesoftware7301d 8h ago

This game reminds me of when my daughter used to play the Bratz dress-up game on the Gamecube.

VersusDMC1d 7h ago

Pretty sure in the bratzs game you also finish off a boss by cutting off it's arms and impaling it to a wall. Both games are well know for their violence. 🙃🤣

thesoftware7301d 6h ago

People seem more excited about the cute dress-up outfits rather than the actual game.

CrimsonWing691d 4h ago


So, games with alternate costumes like fighting games, games like Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, hell let’s say the Souls-like games when you’re choosing cool looking sh*t for builds and crap ton of other games that do this are like the Bratz game?

Like, why in the f*ck do people get all douchey when a game is about titillation. You play Halo or anything? Do you like “dressing up” Chief? I guarantee you this wouldn’t be a response for Street Fighter 6 season pass costumes. I enjoyed running through RE4 Remake with different costumes, not once did I think it’s “dress-up.”

I know you thought you were being clever with the snarky comment, but instead you just sh*t the bed with it. Devil May Cry must also be like Bratz with the alternate outfits… Geezus, sometimes I just can’t with the comment diarrhea some people spray on this site.

Elda1d 7h ago

Absolutely no comparison.

thesoftware7301d 6h ago

They both have a lot of cute outfits with which to dress up your avatar.

DarXyde1d 6h ago

I'm guessing because it's another game that you wanna play, but your pride won't let you...?

thesoftware7301d 6h ago

So?...err, I mean No!

Nah, my backlog is too big at the moment, and the demo was just ok for me.

I won't get it anytime soon unless my daughter wants to play a dress-up video game again. It would be kind of strange as she is 28 years old, lol.

Hypertension1401d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

You backlog doesn't seem to be an issue when Xbox release a game.

Tust me, this game is amazing. It's better than anything Xbox has put out this generation.

The demo is barely scratching the surface.

thesoftware7301d 6h ago


No, but I think that sounds awesome because the Bratzs sucked, so dismembering them in a game may have been fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 4h ago

Stellar Blade Tops Circana April Charts

The latest US sales data is out, and while hardware may be down for the big 3, software is ruling the day, including Stellar Blade topping the charts

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helicoptergirl2d ago

Must be weird for Xbox fans to see Sea Of Thieves at number 4 on the NPD charts

ravens522d ago

The "best selling" game!?!? Lol. The narratives, I swear.

PhillyDonJawn1d 8h ago

No it's more funny than weird. Cause ps fans swore SoT was bad and didn't interest them at all 😂

helicoptergirl1d 1h ago

Everyone knows a game can change in 6 years. The beta testers on xbox one are apparently laughing so you tell me. Well the definitive edition players look to be enjoying themselves. Thanks for your service

PhillyDonJawn23h ago

"A game can change in 6 years" 😂 no game ever.

CrimsonWing692d ago

Well, would you look at that Sony! Guess there’s an audience after all for this stuff.

JEECE2d ago

I wonder where the change from "NPD" to "Circana" ranks on the chart of lamest rebrands? And yes I know it changed awhile ago it just annoys me every time I see it.

anast2d ago

People like this game, despite the big puritan push against it.

Hugodastrevas1d 16h ago

Stellar Blade deserves it, it's just a gorgeous well-optomized working right out of the box game. Would plat all over again.

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Stellar Blade developer interview with spoilers

Famitsu: "About a month has passed since the release of Stellar Blade It is said that an update including a new mode will be implemented on May 24, 2024, so we interviewed Director Kim Hyung-tae and Technical Director Lee Dong-gi again. We asked him about the future prospects for this work."

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