
Microsoft made the most important move, future-proofing Xbox

"Microsoft’s most important announcement during its E3 2018 conference wasn’t a game, but rather the acquisition of its four new internal studios, and the birth of a new one." -- Xbox Enthusiast

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2168d ago Replies(3)
shinoff21832168d ago (Edited 2168d ago )

By buying a couple studios. Are they even caught up to how many sony has. I'm just glad I'm getting we happy few on ps4, watch It even sell better on ps4. Atleast that will release before ms completely possibly screws that dev up somehow

porkChop2168d ago

"Are they even caught up to how many sony has."

Probably not, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that they're finally making a real investment in first party. People have been hammering Microsoft about that all gen, and they're finally doing it.

They have 5 new studios, most of which have at least 2 teams. That means Microsoft will have a far healthier output of games next gen. That means more competition, and that's better for everyone.

"I'm just glad I'm getting we happy few on ps4, watch It even sell better on ps4"

The PS4 install base is more than double the Xbox One's. Of course the PS4 version will sell better.

shinoff21832168d ago

Yea idk that second comment about selling better, well no sit on my end.

Idk ms had studios I'm basically saying what will be different this go around

Prubar2168d ago

A couple implies 2. Disingenuous comment.

xsta1ker2168d ago

yes and throw in xbox live game pass and the only true backwards compatibility
from ms and next gen should be great.

porkChop2168d ago

Disagrees just for stating facts. Not even surprised.

DialgaMarine2168d ago

@xsta1ker When did an emulator become true BC? True BC would be being able play every single last gen title off the bat, and PS5 will have that next gen.

Ausbo2168d ago (Edited 2168d ago )

you act like Microsoft has screwed up many devs. Can you name more than Rare as an example?

porkChop2168d ago

Eh, Lionhead's downfall was more to do with Molyneux. Every dev he's been a part of has had tons of issues. MS likely played a role, but they weren't the big issue.

Ausbo2168d ago

I’ll give you ensemble. But Iionhead made better games after being acquired by Microsoft.

Yeah they were closed, but fable 1,2 were their best games

Jinger2168d ago

But to counter my own point... Sony has also shut down PLENTY of studios as well. The difference is that Sony always had a lot more studios so shutting down one or two a year wasn't as big of a deal.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2167d ago
DialgaMarine2168d ago

Even if they have more studios, they simply don’t have the quality, and won’t for a long time, if ever.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2167d ago
2168d ago Replies(3)
THC CELL2168d ago (Edited 2168d ago )

When dreams comes out mini developers are gunna pop up all over, I'm been serious u are going to see some mad stuff on that game

When xbox box gets GG ND SM studios I'll care till then meh

Ausbo2168d ago

Dreams was announced before even crackdown was announced.

At this point, it just needs to come out already.

Urzusix2168d ago

One is a basic shooter the other is a massive creator tool that would take years to tune, take your own advice about being a fanboy X3

DialgaMarine2168d ago

Dreams was announced at E3 2015; Crackdown 3 at Gamescom 2014. Nice try though.

Ausbo2168d ago

@Diaglamarine Dreams was shown at the PlayStation reveal in 2013

ShadowWolf7122167d ago

Dreams was not shown off. Mm showed off their new engine and stuff they'd been doing with Move controls. Not once was their game announced or shown.

UCForce2167d ago

People already played Dream at E3 booth. Their impressions were very positive and i’m pretty sure that they will announce the release date. Yes, Dream was announced at PlayStation Reveal 2013, but it was new engine that MM was working on and we didn’t know the game name back then. In E3 2015, Dream was officially announced.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2167d ago
BuildTheWall2168d ago

There's no future proofing anything

RadicalCannibal2167d ago

Except, when you future proof it

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Check Out the Minimum PC System Requirements

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PrinceOfAnger29d ago

Waiting to see what the "Recommended" spec be like!

Skuletor29d ago

Waiting to see if "Minimum" spec targets 30fps 😂

PassNextquestion29d ago

It's my understanding that the frame rate is unlocked on the pc version

Skuletor29d ago

I've seen Ubisoft have PC specs that have targeted 30fps before.

PassNextquestion29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Why the heck do you need Windows 11 to run the game? I remember there was a ssd feature locked to windows 11 not sure if that's still the case and if that's the reason.. direct storage I believe it is called

DivineHand12529d ago

If those are the minimum specs on PC then why can't the series x do more than 30 fps? Did they intentionally lock it to 30 fps when higher frame rates are possible?

PassNextquestion29d ago

Maybe they didn't want to compromise on the graphics

DarXyde29d ago

Very probable, but I can't really believe that when literally, the Series S ensures that they do.

I kind of think they just want to make it 30fps now to make an update later to keep people "on the hook" or give game pass subs something to look forward to with this game later on.

Personally, I think this game can push at least 45fps, but that's just my opinion. I don't really see a game this short being announced before TLOU2 launched, only to come out *now* and they haven't gotten those frames up.

RedDeadLB29d ago

Probably because they wanted better fidelity and that is probably too demanding for the XSX to push a stable 60fps on. Judging how most games are these days, the performance difference between low to high is sometimes not enough to target double the framerate. A locked, smooth 30fps i better than an unstable 60, even though it feels like picking between two turds.


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RavenWolfx220d ago

The Dead Space Remake gets added to GamePass 10/26, definitely worth playing through.