
Destiny Has Surpassed Halo

Destiny has surpassed Halo in every way possible. The gameplay is better, the story is better, the lore is better, the multiplayer is better. Bungie outdid themselves.

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guywazeldatatt2448d ago

I'm so glad Bungie cut ties with Halo.

IamTylerDurden12448d ago

Halo and Destiny appear to be going in different directions. Halo 5 under performed and was seen as a general disappointment while Destiny 2 is surpassing expectations and setting the world ablaze. I just don't understand how MS can replace the talent that made the franchise and expect the same quality. Hence why Halo and Gears are no longer what they once were. Imagine if Halo, Gears, and Fable were thriving like they used to?

porter4702448d ago

D2 isnt setting the world ablaze tho, early sales numbers point to selling 60% less than D1 for launch week numbers that is.

2448d ago
ForeverTheGoat2448d ago

Idk about all that. Destiny 2 is what Destiny 1 should have been. Halo 5 was only a disappointment on the campaign side. The mp was a different story as most would agree it one of the mp and post launch support.

EatCrow2448d ago

As far as I can tell...It's as bad or worse then Destiny 1 with all the corporate BS added to the game.
So I doubt its much of an improvement.

Apparently people hate the only raid available to for end game.

thekhurg2448d ago


Such a troll. Destiny 2 has higher player counts and more digital sales. Doesn't have the 360 and PS3 to artificially boost sales and is tng even out on pc yet. The game is a booming success.

NewMonday2448d ago

the story of Halo was stolen from the Ringworld books anyway.

IamTylerDurden12448d ago


D2 is a massive success actually. Especially considering D1 released on 4 platforms and D2 has yet to release on PC. Also, if u understood the financial structure you would understand that D2 is a far less costly venture than D1. D2 also released just 3 years after D1 all the meanwhile a whole other games worth of dlc launched. As well, D2 was less resource demanding considering Bungie had already laid the foundation, engine, mp/co op/game infrastructure.

If u honestly expected D2 to have a bigger first few weeks than D1 u are a fool. The amount of hype and marketing behind D1 was uncanny. But D2 is selling very well on only 2 platforms and more so it's being received exceptionally well by virtually everyone.


I'm not sure what you're talking about because Halo 5 multiplayer is as good as every. Maybe the single player needs work but it still feels like Halo to me.

Sircolby452448d ago

Sorry but D2 isn't "setting the world ablaze." I just finished the company and was HUGELY disappointed because based on the trailers I actually had high hopes for this campaign. The trailers were way better than the actual campaign. D2 is basically a D1 DLC with a 2 slapped on the end. How anyone could play that campaign and be anything but disappointed is beyond me. They obviously haven't played good campaigns such as Horizon, Halo 2/3, and Uncharted/The Last of Us.

thekhurg2448d ago


So the trailer was better? The trailer was made of cutscenes from the game. So somehow it magically got worse even though there was more?

Oh wait. You're a destiny troll. Nevermind.

2448d ago
bumbleforce2448d ago

Last I checked halo 4 had an awesome single player and halo 5 had better multi player than destiney. Let's not forget about everything destiney did wrong but they are diffrent games. This is a troll article. Both games are good

Skull5212448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

Lol, the talent of bungie stayed with halo and make up 343i, bungie is a shadow of its former self. Destiny isn't even a fraction of what Halo is. Halo is massive and spans all forms of entertainment, Destiny is still just a video game, and a pretty mediocre one at that.

The comments on that website are much better than here. The article is obviously trash not based on any sort of reality, and certainly pointed out.

subtenko2448d ago

no, D2 is better than D1 but not like everyone and there mom has it.

Glad Destiny is multiplat unlike Halo (if you dont count other consoles)

AngelicIceDiamond2448d ago

I'm not the biggest Halo fanatic but even I can see that Halo with each and every iteration has seen massive improvements over its successors, some Halo's are better than others but point is Bungie put huge effort with each sequel and yes Destiny even took from Halo when it comes to perks, customization, different spartan classes etc Bungie did that with Reach 7 years back. Destiny 2 took 3 years to make? Sorry but a 3 year game should be Night and day compared to its successor no excuses. Sorry but Destiny as a franchise has very long way to go still especially when the first game didn't even have a story, one step at a time I guess.

morganfell2448d ago

I love HALO. I have played it since the original launched. Its the reason I have two X1s Master Chief bundles. (Yes one of the digital codes is still valid). Saying I own a few HALO books is like saying Freddy Kruger has a few issues. I have HALO loot crates stacked taller than me.

But 343 has destroyed HALO.

343's main error was instead of quietly taking the reigns and overseeing the franchise, they sought to eradicate the past developers and put their own, egotistically perceived superior stamp on the game by trying to out Bungie Bungie. It is almost as if they grew tired of hearing the word "Bungie" and they went on a tirade. Suddenly it wasn't about making a game they loved but rather trying to beat Bungie.

343 sought to eradicate the Chief and install their own machination as the hero. The first rule of Special Operations is Special Forces cannot be mass produced. But 343 turned SPARTANs from rare hand selected warriors into mass produced troops where there is no selection process and anyone can be a SPARTAN. They went from professional troops entrusted with missions that determined the fate of the galaxy to high school jocks that brag about their sexual prowess. Playing HALO 5 it is easy to see the difference between the two teams. Blue Team is Bungie's creation. Quiet, determined, professional. Now look at 343's train wreck led by Locke. Ridiculous.

343 took the great multiplayer we loved and transformed it into a twitch shooing Call of HALO. I like Call of Duty for what it is but I do not want COD chocolate in my HALO peanut butter. They claim to have learned their lesson after H5 but I doubt it. They have their head up the backside of professional gaming and that will forever rob gamers of the experience they once had. Noble Team wasn't the only great HALO related entity that perished at Reach.

Sircolby452448d ago

@thekhurg Actually there was quite a bit in the trailers that was not part of the in game cut-scenes. Did you even play the game?

"So somehow it magically got worse even though there was more? "
Yes...the more was the worse part.

"Oh wait. You're a destiny troll. Nevermind."

Oh get out of here with your idiotic fanboy drivel. I simply call it like I see it. If the game is crap I'm going to call it crap and vice versa.

Black0ut2447d ago

*reads ridiculous comment about D2 being the next greatest thing*

And then I check the user... NEVERMIND folks, carry on. Just another troll 😂

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2447d ago
lelo2play2448d ago

I'm amazed how Microsoft let Bungie go. Unbelievable!
They should had let Bungie do what they wanted to do, which was Destiny. Microsoft could have had Destiny as a console exclusive along with the PC version.

gbsrnctaln2448d ago

As an exclusive it would definitely have been a system seller. D2 is amazing!

2448d ago
mcstorm2447d ago

I think what I get from all the comments is both Halo and Destroy are good ips some people like one over the other. For me I'm just happy to see a different type of fps games that are not cod or bf wannabes as for me there are to many of them.

MegamanXXX2448d ago

They made the right choice to go multiplatform

2447d ago
2448d ago
2448d ago
XStation4pio_Pro2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

they didn't cut ties. ms bought bungie and when bungie became successful enough to afford it, they bought themselves back but ms still owns the Halo franchise from a previous deal to make the exclusives - hence why there are still halo games. they didn't make a conscious decision to just say "hey i don't want to do halo and work with ms anymore". it was a series of business maneuvers the netted out where it did.

NecoTehSergal2448d ago

I'm so glad Bungie cut ties with Microsoft*

Corrected. Although, them then partnering with Activision isn't really....you know, an evolved step to take.

S2Killinit2448d ago

it makes sense that Destiny is better than halo. After all the original vision for halo was Bungie's. Every other halo is just an imitation of that vision. No matter how much they try to improve halo, it keeps getting further and further away from that vision. Its like making copies of an original masterpiece painting.

Destiny is better than halo in every way especially where it counts in the gameplay mechanics.

Kribwalker2448d ago

Sounds like a genuine, unbiased comment from someone with plenty of experience in both games......🙄

S2Killinit2447d ago

As a matter of fact it is. But even assuming its not, it doesnt make it any less true.

UltraNova2447d ago

"Destiny is better than halo in every way especially where it counts in the gameplay mechanics."

Destiny doesn't have an Icon like Master chief. MC gave Halo and MS an icon young gamers recognized and adored, including yours truly.

Destiny has nothing of this sort.

Granted, 343 drove that icon and the franchise to the ground to the point of near irrelevance in the shadow of BF, CoD, Battlefront and Destiny, but that doesn't mean Destiny is superior in every way.

joab7772447d ago (Edited 2447d ago )

I am and I'm not. I kinda wish they were big enough to do both, and owned it lol. But I guess they don't own anything I don't think.

Anyway, it has definitely surpassed Halo in many ways. But there are still quite a few things that I wish they would bring into Destiny. First, dedicated servers. Second, this would lead to more varied PvP. Don't get me wrong PvP is good and Trials is great, but I would love more open maps with vehicles, leaderboards, custom maps etc.

And I would LOVE for the Lore to be in game. Add a tab that has all the different geimoires and scan able. It is a game with amazing lore. Why isn't it in game to be referenced?

And there are gripes because it's an mmo-like game and a looter. Would love more social elements etc. And they did vassalize it a bit too much this time as everything is tokens, tokens, tokens. Maybe some crafting etc. It's like they want to be the game you play 3 days a week for the next 3 yrs, not the WoW you play all day every day. They eliminated a lot of the things ppl spent a lot of time doing in D1.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2447d ago
Gazondaily2448d ago


The Gameplay is much better in Halo. The way vehicles are incorporated in it, the actual gunplay is far tighter, the weapons still uniqueness purposeful. The enemies smarter and their variants more well thought out.

The lore is brilliant especially if you've read the books by Greg Bear. The story was a mess in the last game though.

Multiplayer: Halo is just on another level compared to Destiny's basic, slow and cumbersome, aim assist heavy PvP. There's no competition especially when compared to Warzone or BTB.

Destiny's scale is good and the rpg and coop elements are what make it great. But it could be so much more than just a hub world, some strikes and raid or two.

2448d ago Replies(17)
UCForce2448d ago

Halo 5 friendly AI are just dumb and enemy AI are less challenging. Halo 5 campaign is just mediocre.

Gazondaily2448d ago

I agree that the campaign is weak, by halo standards.

Halo 5's pvp however thoroughly outclasses Destiny's very basic package which also, rather shockingly still runs on p2p. It doesn't even come remotely close to the depth and skill requirements of Halo 5's mp.

TankCrossing2448d ago

The enemy AI in Destiny 2 is pretty shocking. Halo is guilty of barely advancing the AI since the first game, but in Destiny 2 the enemies literally walk into fire they're so dumb.

TheHan2448d ago

How dumb can you be, they used the same Ai they have sense Halo. That's why they act the same when it comes to the Fallen and the Elites from both games

gwumper9872448d ago

The AI in Destiny is brutal. They exhibit no actual tactics beyond occasionally going behind a corner, the AI in Halo 5 at the very least had some variation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2448d ago
UCForce2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

On Destiny 2 MP is still subjective of course. But I rather play Titanfall 2 MP.

Gazondaily2448d ago

Absolutely; this is all subjective. Each to their own. And yeah, Titanfall 2's mp is my favourite out of the lot.

Gazondaily2448d ago

“LOL how surprising.”

How surprising that you don’t actually offer anything of value. Care to talk about the comparative qualities in the AI, Story, Multiplayer, Lore of either Destiny or Halo? You haven’t even played either of the recent games yes? You don’t even know what a raid is on Destiny or a Strike? So is anything useful going to come out from you or no? I imagine not. Go on…surprise me and use your brain.

Even if you haven’t played the two games, please do share with us what your opinions are on the two games and their respective strengths/weaknesses.

TankCrossing2448d ago

Uh huh. Destiny does a lot of things Halo doesn't even attempt, but there are still some things Halo does a lot better. Particularly 60 fps, server hosted, well-tuned multiplayer. Crucible isn't a patch on Halo 5 MP.

-Foxtrot2448d ago

Bungies Halo will always be better then Destiny

At least their Halo offers a great single player story, interesting characters, a rich lore and plenty of good gameplay variety. The co-op was well done and optional along with having a strong multiplayer.

Destiny is watered down as hell compared to Halo

2448d ago
gbsrnctaln2448d ago

You havent played D2 then...

-Foxtrot2448d ago

Call me a "hater" all you like but the thing is what a lot of people are saying, there's more then just this site. Hell check out the user scores on some sites like Metacritic...speak for themselves.

I have played it, not bought it but I've played it...like I've said it's Destiny 1.5

I find part of your comment ridiculous aswell "can't take anything seriously" so even if I said something true about the game it would be false...get out of here with that shit man. I was one of the biggest people hyped up for the first game, hell I bought the £159.99 Ghost collectors edition, I got burnt and despite playing this one I see hardly anything which makes me think it's a full on sequel. Once again...Destiny 1.5, nothing more.

Gazondaily2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )


"You’re probably the biggest Destiny hater on N4G. No offense but I can’t take anything you say about Destiny serious. "

And why should we take you seriously? You're the biggest Xbox hater around; what value does your opinion have on Halo? Yoiu couldn't even substantiate your point in favour of Destiny in response to me. Either come up with something of substance or GTFO- at least Foxtrot's opinion had substance to it.

4Sh0w2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

Finally, I agree with Foxtrot, well it's not the first time but it's rare.

Halo is a much better franchise than Destiny, Destiny 2 is a corporate rehash of past Halo games minus the soul. I love Bungie but seriously when they were doing Halo every little thing had a purpose, now it seems they let Activision influence their design to make more money.

lol, according to the Halo haters years ago Bungie left because they were sick of making Halo, they wanted to branch out and do something different, yet they tied their whole future to a Halo-like game with a pseudo-RPG style....news flash this ain't no The Last of Us or Sunset Overdrive, nope just Halo-Light Ship Troopers. In the end it feels like a mix bag with no clear direction. lol, just proves how big Halo is because if Bungie would have stayed with Microsoft and made this this their next game as a break for Halo, exclusive to Xbox the haters would be swearing 'meh it's just a mixed up Halo-clone...but now since its multi, oh this is better than Halo...just what I've always wanted, Halo sucks. Yeah OK, sure.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2448d ago
2448d ago
bouzebbal2448d ago

haha so much on the defensive.. about games...
no i haven't played any of the two, and not intending to. And even if i played them, i wont write a useless bloc.


i still expected you to prefer halo, somehow ;)
i suggest you go defend more serious subjects with the same heart.

Gazondaily2448d ago

"no i haven't played any of the two, and not intending to. And even if i played them, i wont write a useless bloc. "

No, instead you will write a useless comment with no value to it.

"haha so much on the defensive.. about games... "

Ironically, you severed friendships over your ill-informed opinions. I suggest you learn to set a better example, especially for those that you are now responsible for.

Kribwalker2448d ago

What I find funniest is all these guys that have adamantly stated they don't need an Xbox to play the Xbox games cause they have a killer PC, so they don't have an Xbox, are claiming to have played a lot of Halo 5, one Xbox exclusive not on pc. Hmmmm, care to share your Xbox gamer tag so we can see what kind of time you have put into it to have formed your opinion? Because otherwise your opinion is moot.

Now, me, I put a lot of time into destiny 1 (over 700 hrs) and have put in about 25hrs into destiny 2 so far, and can say that each game has different elements that differentiate each other enough. The multiplayer in halo 5 is the best multiplayer I've played this gen. without a doubt. The 60fps arena mode is fast and top notch. The war zone mode is very cool, as well. Destinys cruicible mode is not better then that. Destiny 2s story mode is better then halo 5, but so many elements are stolen from the halo games. Like the level where you are driving the tanks in d2. That felt like it was straight outa halo 3.
Overall, destiny 2 and halo 5 have enough differences to feel like completely different games

MegamanXXX2448d ago

The multiplayer in halo 5 is the best multiplayer I've played this gen.

That's subjective. I actually think Quake Champions, Titanfall 2, and Destiny 2 multiplayer is better than Halo 5 multiplayer. Just my opinion.

shiva12448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

@ Megaman

If MP comparision becomes subjective and all of a sudden you get quake, titanfall to compare MP then i can compare destiny 2 campaign to any other game and call it subjective....

Dude stay to the point. H5 MP is the best out there when compared with D2.

MegamanXXX2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )


I agree with the article I like Destiny 2 Multiplayer better than Halo 5. And that is on point 👍🤔😁

crazyCoconuts2448d ago

I agree , the games really are quite different in their core. Destiny has surely won in terms of engaging Co-op play, but Halo is the console gold standard for competitive arena multi-player. Lots of configurations, different game modes, map editors, 60fps, etc.

Black0ut2447d ago

Well said coconuts. H5 MP is definitely a gold standard and in my honest opinion Destiny 2 MP doesn't even come close.

bouzebbal2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

gaming is just a hobby, i have more important things to deal with, trust me.
which friendship? never severed any because of games.. i'm not 12 anymore.
you are a fanboy defending your favorite game no matter what because it's on your cherished console.
Horizon sucks, Destiny sucks, Halo is so good. there you have it.
it's your life but what a sad one taking it so personal because of games! except if you are working in the field? oh you make reviews :D :D

Gazondaily2448d ago

"Horizon sucks, Destiny sucks, Halo is so good. there you have it. "

Difference is I've actually played the games? You haven't? So the value of your contribution is ZERO. And I love that you're still aching over my early impressions of Horizon. What did you say about fanboys? You completely lost it when I said my early impressions of it weren't that great. You say you're not 12 yet your behaviour states otherwise.

"it's your life but what a sad one taking it so personal"

Ironic considering you've repeatedly taken it personally yourself.

"gaming is just a hobby, i have more important things to deal with, trust me"

I hope you're better at dealing with those things than you are in conversing because that leaves a lot to be desired.

You've inserted yourself in an article you admit you know nothing about. Yet you have more important things to deal with? Time to re-evaluate your life choices methinks.

MegamanXXX2448d ago


Why would I give my gamer tag to a stranger 🤔🤔

Kribwalker2448d ago

You give your gamer tag to strangers every time you play online. The only reason for your reasoning is that you haven't played it and you are caught talking out your ass

MegamanXXX2448d ago

Again why would I give my gamer tag to a stranger on N4G??

SpaceRanger2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )


Bungie's Halo & Destiny (destiny 2 specifically) outclasses current Halo, which is basically turning into other generic shooters as per their last installment with Halo 5.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2447d ago
chrisx2448d ago

Kudos to bungie. Halo has been a sinking and over milked franchise since they left.

guywazeldatatt2448d ago

343 has destroyed it. Halo 5 was crap

DJStotty2448d ago

personal opinion not fact

Zeref2448d ago

Halo 5 has the best multiplayer of the franchise right now.

And Halo 4 had the best story of the franchise. Both by 343.

Now they just have to combine these 2 things and Halo 6 will be freaking amazing.

Mulando2447d ago

actually Halo 4 & 5 were the first halo parts, I really could follow the plot. Halo 1-3 ... I really tried to like them, but I really don't care about their story, characters, or whatever.

BulletProofVess2447d ago

I enjoy destiny 2 and agree that it is an improvement in many ways over its predecessor.. honestly wish it was just an expansion on the first one as they refined many of flaws of the first one but did not add much new content (same enemies similar tasks and story line mission design yet patrol areas are much more rewarding in destiny 2)

Purchased the deluxe or what not that includes the dlc as I made the mistake in the first one of buying each expansion separately which ended up way more expensive than the season pass. This is a necessity as the games player base becomes extremely fractured once dlc launches and will surely be the same in this one. Yet, I accept it.

My biggest gripe of this game is the changes to the crucible I want to see a return to the 12 player matches of pure chaos.. 4v4 is definitely more balanced and tactical ( Plus the game has always had the trials as a serious competitive and tactical multiplayer mode ) but I loved craziness of 6v6 with the much faster super charge times
The map sizes don't seem to play well with 4v4 for me either as a game of domination is a constant swing of capture points and spawns as their aren't enough players to effectively cover your spawn and the desired middle point.
Theres obviously a big enough player base to support both 4v4 and 6v6 and even 3v3 if they go back to that as they had in Destiny 1.

4v4 is also odd as the rest of the game revolves are groups of 3 so if I play crucible with my regular group were guaranteed a random where in the Destiny 1 it is much more likely to have two groups of three working together on a team..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2447d ago
Kribwalker2448d ago

Halo an overmilked franchise since bungie left? That's funny. Since bungie left there Will be the 4th main god of war game (god of war 3, ghost of Sparta, gow assension, and the new god of war) then there has been uncharted 3, uncharted golden abyss, uncharted 4 and lost legacy (4 uncharted games), both of those have been during the time MS released two halo games 4/5.

isa_scout2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

What about Halo:Spartan Assault and Halo Wars 2? Ascension and Ghost of Sparta are not"Main" gow games either.If you're going to name the Uncharted spinoffs like Golden Abyss(Vita) and TLL shouldn't those Halo games count? If we're talking actual numbered releases Halo has more. If you're talking games with the name attached to them there's far more Halo games than Uncharted to.And dont get me started on how 343 botched The Master Chief Collection. That game should've been killer. I play Halo for the story, that's why I buy the novels as well, but Halo 5 had an absolutely trash campaign. If 343 makes Halo 6 more like 4's campaign with Halo 5 mp it'd be the perfect Halo game. Hopefully they know this. After TMCC and Halo 5 though I'm only willing to give them one more shot.

MegamanXXX2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

What's hilarious you had to mention Sony. This is not a Sony article.

Kribwalker2448d ago

It's a non Sony article full of Sony fanboys that have never played halo 5 comparing it to destiny 2

jaekapow2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

But those games gameplay mechanics and stories have drastically changed in the later installments. Halo just seems like the same ol same ol

PlayableGamez-2448d ago

Halo Spartan Assault is a tablet game.

DigitalRaptor2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

"It's a non Sony article full of Sony fanboys that have never played halo 5 comparing it to destiny 2"

Only in your suspicious and non-factual opinion, have these people never played Halo 5. You brought up Sony because of your hangups and refused to accept that your examples were bad and not really as balanced as you thought they were. There's a new Halo release every year.

Kribwalker2448d ago

@digital raptor

What halo released last year? I'd like to know cause I'd prolly pick it up

P_Bomb2447d ago (Edited 2447d ago )

What's with the uncharted pokes? Don't even know how it factored into a Destiny talkback.

But, if we're gonna bring up golden abyss time and again which wasn't even a console game (vita was a handheld, an entirely different piece of hardware all together), then you should count the handheld Halo Spartan Strike.

Likewise if you wanna count Lost Legacy as a strike (an expansion to UC4 which also pops UC4 trophies), count Halo Wars, Halo Wars 2 and Halo Spartan Assault which are all on Xbox as well.

I don't know how you're counting Halo games, but the official Halowaypoint apps already list em https://www.halowaypoint.co...

Still don't know what any of this has to do with Destiny.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2447d ago
PlayableGamez-2448d ago

Yeah because Destiny isn't being milked. LMAO.
At least 343i gives their DLC out for free.

isa_scout2448d ago

Halo Spartan Assault also released on Xbox One. I downloaded it, and it wasn't very good.

2447d ago
Black0ut2447d ago

Same old flamers on here mate. You guys never change.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2447d ago
FallenAngel19842448d ago

To think Destiny could've been Microsoft's new major flagship franchise if they let Bungie work on a new IP instead of only wanting them to stick to Halo

2448d ago Replies(4)
guywazeldatatt2448d ago

Bungie made the right choice. They are killing it. They faltered at first but destiny has grown so much

FallenAngel19842448d ago

@ Infected

Rare is like Microsoft's only big notable internal developer that's allowed to work on any new IP it pleases.

Every other Microsoft owned dev team including 343i, Turn 10, Mojang, & The Coalition will most likely only work on one franchise for the rest of their existence.

CrimzonRazor2448d ago

To bad Rare is making sea of theives and it sucks

IamTylerDurden12448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

Imagine if Destiny was exclusive to xbox and a new MS flagship? That and a few other strategic moves may have been enough to allow MS to compete with Sony this gen. Imagine if Lionhead was never forced to make kinect/f2p games and instead was working on Fable 4 for the past 4 years while tailoring it for the X? Imagine if it released on Nov 7th? Imagine if both Crackdown 3 and Fable 4 released on Nov 7th and were spectacular showcases for the X? MS needs to question the leadership of the Xbox Division imo. Yes, Phil was still involved when these decisions were made, even if it wasn't in the same capacity as now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2447d ago
UCForce2448d ago

Well, this is first time I agree with you. Yes, Destiny 2 is better than Halo 5.

guywazeldatatt2448d ago

Hahahaha thanks! Halo as a series is just not really good anymore.

2448d ago
Yohshida2448d ago

Tell me about those times you play Halo, OH WAITTTTT

UCForce2448d ago

I did play all Halo series but I prefer Bungie Halo once. It wasn't just about nostalgia. It was about making good game back then. I don't like 343 Halo version because they don't understand enough.

DigitalRaptor2448d ago (Edited 2448d ago )

Tell me about those times you played the new God of War game to come to the dumb conclusion you have about it. Oh WAITTT...

All the Xbox fanboys getting triggered by those who don't prefer Halo to Destiny.

meka26112447d ago

Dude I got both systems and destiny is a piece of junk. I'm guessing you didn't play a lot of grind heavy mmo's. Destiny's grind feels just like that, a grind, with very little varying. Destiny has a piss poor excuse for a story, horrible loot that barely does anything, you never feel like you gain any levels or power since enemies scale really close to you, the levels are just boring to go through over and over and over again, times inifinity. Just look at warframe for a game that does grinding right, or hell even WOW. Destiny is just a shit grind fest that gets boring really fast.

2447d ago
Yohshida2447d ago

Did you play the new GOW? How you know its gud eh? All I did way analyse what we saw until then. None the less, thanks for bringing up things that have nothing to do with the article.

I just find it funny seeing the same people trolling in every Xbox article while they don't even own the system, never plan to or in your case never even held a xbox controller. Keep on hating.

DigitalRaptor2443d ago (Edited 2443d ago )

"Did you play the new GOW? How you know its gud eh? All I did way analyse what we saw until then. None the less, thanks for bringing up things that have nothing to do with the article."

Keep bringing the excuses. There's a certain baseline of quality that Santa Monica shoots for and it already looks more than good. Why would I have to have played the new God of War to see the stupidity and nonsense in your criticism of it and what has been shown so far? You were mad that it won E3 awards and so much so that you tweeted known toxic Xbox fanboys who you try and associate with to call it a "circle jerk" when it's simply people thinking a great looking action game looks great. https://twitter.com/VideoGa...

You senseless hot take on GOW was quite comparable to your senseless hot take on another PS4 game, Left Alive. Your attempts to worm your way out of your own projected nonsense about PS4 games is even worse. You have a problem with people saying they prefer one game over Halo because you think they haven't played it, but have no problem making rash and stupid assumptions about a game you haven't played. Your theory about him not having played Halo, has nothing to do with the article.

Yohshida2443d ago

Your whole comment hast nothing to do with the article, good job!
He stated Destiny was the better game than Halo, how can he know? He never even owned a X1. The writer goes on to talk about the Destiny 2 Lore and MP and how its better than Halo 5. A blind person would see how wrong this is. Next time try not to rush out with your trolling and spew nonsense. Halo 5 got praised for its MP while Destiny 2 got a bad wrap for it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2443d ago
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The importance of audio: How music makes games better

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purple10130d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

29d ago

Ex-343 dev says there were “20-30” pitched Halo games we’ll never see

A former 343 developer has revealed that mountains of Halo pitches failed to be approved, including a return to ODSTs and a push for more intimate, dark themes.

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Kaii102d ago

Well, 4-Infinite dropped the ball massively so don't worry.

Sgt_Slaughter102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

Not really. 4, 5, MCC, and Infinite are only remembered for their shortcomings and failures when the franchise was purely known for being a system seller and an all-time great. There's a reason 1, 2, 3, and Reach are looked back on fondly, and it's not because of nostalgia.

FinalFantasyFanatic102d ago

I don't know of anyone that speaks fondly of the later Halo games, I would like to play 5, but I know it's not good, and I'm just waiting on Infinite to hit my strike price. I played MCC a lot later after it came out, so must of those bugs/issues were gone by the time I played it.

102d ago
PhillyDonJawn102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

To say it dropped the massively is just not true. Many in the community hold H5 as the best mp mechanics in the entire series and say its what 4 should've been. Its campaign was trash but the MP is Fantastic and many faces of the community still play today and it only made 500mill in the matter of months but sure it dropped the ball massively. 4 was hated due to all the changes at once. And CoD like feature and rightful get hate but it's campaign story was liked by a majority of ppl. 343 hasn't nailed ot 100% but they get 1 thing perfect but F up in other places. Infinite had a good campaign and design but the story was a mess. The MP improves upon what Halo 3 was and is what many ppl wanted to go back to but it lacked content severely. So massively aint the word. Dropping the ball massively is when it's pure trash and unplay/unenjoyable. Most ppl blind by nostalgia so soon as 1 thing aint the same its hated cause Halo set the bar so high
FYI reach was not that good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 102d ago
Vengeance1138102d ago

Dead IP, time to invent something new.

kaos89102d ago

Maybe they can have ID or one of the COD studios help 343 with this series.

jznrpg102d ago

Halo-Pop like Gears Pop. Halo bowling. Halo Cooking Mama. There’s a reason why you won’t hear about them

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Why 343’s next Halo Xbox game needs to be a return to ODST

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