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My Top 5 Shooter Assault Rifles

What gun is better than an Assault Rifle? Assault Rifles are staple weapons of real-life infantry, and militia across the globe. But, let’s take a step outside of reality, and into the virtual world. Video games allow for a huge variety of iconic weapons, ranging from Buster Swords to Mini-Nukes. Despite the wide variety weapons in video games, the first and third person shooter genres, boast a variety of iconic assault rifles. Video game assault rifles are not always of human origin, nor are they always down to earth. What matters most is that they are fun to use and reliable killers of virtual enemies.

Having played numerous first and third person shooters over a gaming ‘career’ spanning over 15 years, I have decided to give my opinion on what my favorite video game assault rifles are. In order to be in my top 5, the listed virtual weapons of carnage must function similarly to real-world assault rifles and be capable of full automatic fire, but don’t have to use bullets. Ranked assault rifles can shot plasma, lasers, bullets etc. In addition to being automatic, listed weapons, must either be referred to as an assault rifle in game or in expanded lore. Also the mentioned assault rifles, must not be real-world. Please list and discuss your favorite video game assault rifles in the comments below.

5. Mark 2 Lancer Assault Rifle – Gears of War Series

The Mark 2 Lancer is a fully automatic assault rifle manufactured and used by the Coalition of Governments (COG), it is also used by hostile Locust forces. The Lancer most notably features a built in chainsaw (which was added to allow for more effective close range combat against thick skinned Locust soldiers). While the Mark 2 Lancer’s chainsaw makes the weapon super cool, the gun doesn’t have the best accuracy and several other rifles in the Gears universe are more powerful.

While not the best ranged weapon of Gears of War, the Lancer, is the staple ranged weapon of the series. Capable of not only gunning down targets with decent efficiency, the Lancer can also cut down foes at close range. The sound of a revved Lancer chainsaw bayonet, maybe the last thing a player hears in a Gears multiplayer match before respawning. Chain-sawing a rival player that recently gibed you, is sweet, satisfying bloody revenge.

4. The Laptop Gun – Perfect Dark Series

The Laptop Gun first appeared in Rare’s iconic, fps and Goldeneye eye successor Perfect Dark. The Laptop Gun is an assault rifle created by the Carrington Institute, that can be disguised as an ordinary everyday laptop computer, it also runs Windows 2020. The laptop gun not only functions as a personal computer, but can also be deployed as an automated turret, capable of gunning down enemies for a limited duration of time.

The laptop gun is moderately powerful, but accurate. Two very different looking models of this weapon are featured in the Perfect Dark series, the canonically newer model (form the original PD), features a 50-round magazine, and is more advanced than its predecessor from Perfect Dark Zero, which holds only a 30-round mag. While not the most powerful assault rifles in the Perfect Dark universe, the Laptop Gun is one of the most iconic weapons of the series.

3. MA5D Individual Combat Weapon System- Halo series (notably Halo 2 anniversary (MP), 4 and 5)

MA5D is part of the Halo’s Iconic MA5 series of assault rifles. All the varieties of the MA5 assault rifles in the Halo series look very similar. However, they vary in terms of stopping power, accuracy and magazine size. The MA5D features a 32 or 36-round magazine, and fires 7.62 x 51 mm Full Metal Jacket – Armoring Piercing rounds, which are more damaging than their real world counterparts, likely due to being fired from a more advanced rifle barrel. The MA5D features an iconic front facing ammo counter, the weapon lacks sights, instead aiming relies on targeting reticle and smartscope created by surgically implanted ocular implants.

While the MA5 series has varied in power and accuracy, the MA5D is the most powerful and accurate of the series. Firing the MA5D in short controlled bursts improves its accuracy and effective range, the weapon is able to hold it’s own against most other in-game weapons depending on range, unlike it’s predecessors. The MA5D can be a deadly weapon against weaker enemies; with proper management of fire rate, and engagement range, this assault rifle can be used to efficiently kill enemy Spartans in slayer. While not the strongest videogame assault rifle, the MA5D, makes my list due to its iconic design and my history with its extended family. Also the other iconic rifles of the Halo, the BR55 and BR85 Battle Rifles are not true assault rifles, since they lack full automatic firing.

2. Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (‘Pulse Rifle’) – Half-Life 2

The Pulse Rifle is a commonly issued weapon to Combine Synth soldiers, referred to as Overwatch Soldiers and Elite Soldiers. This weapon is fully automatic, powerful and sports a 30-round magazine, it uses a combination of human and Combine technology. The Pulse Rifle has a strong kick, causing loss of accuracy when fired full auto, however, when fired in bursts the weapon is deadly accurate.

In addition to firing bullet-like pulse plugs, the Pulse Rifle can also eject a powerful Dark Energy Ball. Fired Orbs of dark energy, disintegrate light to moderately armored organic targets on impact. Dark Energy Balls, will bounce of walls, killing any soft targets they make contact with. When impacting heavy armor, orbs detonate causing a small explosion. The Pulse Rifle to my knowledge is the most powerful assault rifle in the Half-Life series, it unfortunately hasn’t been seen since Half-Life 2: Episode 2. I’ve been waiting for Half-Life 3 for almost ten years Valve, hurry up, so I can put the Pulse Rifle to good use!

1. DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System – Star Wars: Republic Commando

The DC-17 is a versatile blaster rifle (comparable to real world assault rifles), this weapon was wielded by elite Clone Commandos during the Clone Wars. What makes this weapon so versatile, is not the weapons’ admirable damage, fire-rate and accuracy; versatility is instead largely due to the weapons modular design. The DC-17 features two weapon attachments, which can be attached and detached on the fly. The DC-17 attachments are a sniper rifle and grenade launcher. The standard blaster rifle mode of the DC-17 features a 60-round clip of ionized rounds, the sniper mode is semi-automatic and fed by a 5-round clip, finally the grenade launcher is single shot.

Throughout the campaign of Republic Commando, your character, Boss is never detached from his DC-17, you must use the guns’ versatility, additional pick up weapons and your supporting squad to crush enemies. The DC-17 is one of the most creative assault rifles in games, however, Republic Commando may never have a sequel. I’ve been wanting to step into the armor of a Clone Commando again for over 10 years. Unfortunately, the Star Wars license is now in the hands of Electronic Arts, whom I have not been too impressed by recently.

Honorable Mentions: Bullseye Mark II (Resistance series), M-76 Revenant (Mass Effect series), Plasma Rifle (Doom [2016, SP]), Superior Combat Assault Rifle [SCAR] (Crysis) and Plasma Auto Rifle (Timesplitters)

P_Bomb2866d ago

I always default to the ISA M82 in the Killzone series, especially online in 2&3. I like the look, feel, balance, range. It's the gun I think of when I think of KZ.

Sciurus_vulgaris2866d ago

That weapon was a candidate for my listing, it would of likely been an honourable mention, had I listed 10 Assualt Rifles in detail instead of 5. I very much enjoyed the single player of Killzone 2 and 3, I did occasionally play the mp of the later game.

TwoForce2866d ago

I agree with you. The ISA rifle is one of my favorite.

DefenderOfDoom22864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

I love the Heavy Assault Rifle from DOOM 2016. I really like the mini rocket launcher mod attached to the Heavy Assault Rifle (SP).

Sciurus_vulgaris2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

The modded Heavy Assault Rifle in Doom is awesome, the mini rockets were great against larger demons. In multiplayer the Heavy Assault Rifle is a bit junk, hopefully it is re-balanced when the free-for -all and oldschool deathmatch modes arrive.

DefenderOfDoom22864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

Yeah , i agree that the assault rifle in DOOM 2016 MP does feel very week . And yeah i also agree, the plasma gun was also very strong in DOOM 2016 campaign and not too bad in DOOM 2016 multiplayer .

And, i am really looking forward to the free DLC with Free-for-All and old school deathmatch modes, hopefully coming in late August early September .

DefenderOfDoom22864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

The assault rifle from Red Faction 1 and 2 was pretty bad azz also. I think had something to do with red display on the gun round counter.

Sciurus_vulgaris2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

Red Faction 2 is the only Red Faction game I played through and I still have a copy of it. I remember using the secondary fire a lot, to blow away groups of infantry and breakthrough walls.

DefenderOfDoom22861d ago

Breaking thru walls and caves in Red Faction was awesome back in the early 2000's. I am surprised that video games today do not use that feature that much anymore . I am interested to see how much the new upcoming Battlefield game will utilize destructible environments.

Dasteru2861d ago

P416/Bushman in Farcry 3/4

Sciurus_vulgaris2860d ago

That is technically a real gun , do have any fictional favorite Assualt rifles?

Dasteru2860d ago

The All-American from Fallout NV.
Typhoon from Crysis 3 (Not sure if this really counts as an "assault rifle" or just a very large SMG)

Tough to remember assault rifles specifically. If this was a list of favorite game guns in general, i could easily list several.

Sciurus_vulgaris2860d ago

The Typhoon from Crysis 3, was indeed an unconventional multi-barrel, bullet hose SMG. I personally like the K-Volt SMG in Crysis 3. The mp in Crysis 3 would of lasted a lot longer, had the game had better netcoding.


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P_Bomb13h ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think From games usually do? Except Bloodborne. I’m actually ok with this. Means my OCD can rest while I try to remember the controls, lol!

Goodguy0112h ago

It's fine. More about the content and gameplay which from are well known for.


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