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N4G Contest - Day 7: There's a Preference

For information on the "20 Days of..." contest, please see https://n4g.com/user/blogpo...


Congratulations to Razzer, our sixth day winner!


On the seventh day, the question we have for you is "What is the one genre of gaming that you've enjoyed the most and why?"

For me, it's quite an easy answer, roleplaying games.

I enjoy character building, I enjoy complex and evolving storylines, I enjoy characters with different powers and skills, I enjoy encountering a variety of enemies, and killing things like dragons and beholders.

As to why? Perhaps because that's just what I grew up with the most. Strategic Simulations, Inc. pretty much was how I spent a few years of my life, rolled over into other RPGs, and eventually into MMOs in the late 90s, which then in turn led to me even getting into working with IGN/Vault Network some 16 ears ago.

bigmalky2012d ago

It has always been RPGs, since I played A Link to the Past and Secret of Mana on the SNES as a kid. I always liked stories and epic adventures, growing up watching movies with Ray Harryhausen monsters, and things like Legend and Flash Gordon.

I was a big reader too, and being able to interact with an adventure, instead of just imagining it was amazing.

ISHU2012d ago

I'm personally a huge fan of RPG's cause they allow you to mold your character and get creative with it. You have tons of choices in terms of weapons, armors and skills and you can invest time in those things that cater to you more. Not to forget some even allow dialogue and choices that affects your gameplay, story and world around you. This freedom of choice is something i really cherish in games and makes me want to try out new stuff and keeps it fresh for a longer period of time.

cl19832012d ago

Sadly it's just plain shooters. Frag or be frag and repeat.

bluefox7552012d ago

RPGs, specifically JRPGs. From the first time I played Final Fantasy 7, I was hooked. Can't believe I didn't try them sooner on earlier consoles.

rainslacker2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

For me, I was first hooked with Cosmic Fantasy 2 on the TG-CD. While I always liked other games in the genre as well, that one just really hit home hard, because of its presentation being the way it was, despite the game play and world being pretty standard fare for the genre at the time. There was just something special about having fully voiced cut scenes instead of text to read that drew me in like never before. The fact that the character you're fighting to save actually dies was kind of unheard of at the time. Shame the rest of the series never made it to the states. Now that I think about it, I might have to go find some fan translations somewhere.:)

TheGoodestBoi2012d ago

Rpgs I just love having character progression to have something to work towards

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Report: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Releases November 17 According to GameStop

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Avowed: Deep-Diving into Quests, Skills, Party Members and More on the Official Xbox Podcast

Xbox Wire : Dive deeper into the gameplay for Avowed with Game Director Carrie Patel, who joined a special episode of the Official Xbox Podcast

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Lightning7721h ago

Much better shape than last years show. Glad they took feedback well.


DF Direct: Xbox Summer Showcase brought banger games but underwhelming new hardware

Digital Foundry : Summer Game Fest! Xbox Games Showcase! The Digital Foundry crew has convened to cover both events, reacting to the major game announcements and developments.

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porkChop2h ago

I think everyone was really expecting to see the handheld at the showcase. I have a feeling they're not ready to show it because they're waiting on newer chips from AMD. It'll need a beefy mobile GPU/CPU to play these games. If I had to guess, it'll launch alongside Gears of War: E-Day and have a special launch edition.

If they can launch something like the Steam Deck but with the Xbox UI and a lightweight, gaming-focused version of Windows, it could be a real contender in that space. Especially if they can adopt some of the modularity of the Elite controllers. Easily swap sticks, triggers, buttons, custom shells, etc.

4Sh0w1h ago

I'd love a Xbox handheld & for me new upgraded hardware is always welcomed but honestly not really neccessary for Xbox until next gen because face it, if you really care, PC is a natural option.

Crows900m ago

I was expecting real gameplay for fable, perfect dark and extensive look at avowed....didn't care about a handheld from Xbox at all.

Good showing all in all though

TheColbertinator1h ago

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

crazyCoconuts56m ago

Just to put things into perspective, when Sony put a slim PS5 out there they redesigned the console and made the drive modular. They at least put some effort into it. Finally, a year later Microsoft just pulls the drive out and calls it a day. In that time Sony has readied a PS5 Pro to add insult to injury.

franwex40m ago(Edited 40m ago)

Don’t forget a price increase.

Though to be fair a PS5 pro is an absolute confounding waste. Might as well go PS6 in a couple of years instead.

This gen sucks.

22m ago
Spuddsy6m ago

“To add insult to injury”

The only insult and injury is to the consumer. PS5 pro is so unnecessary