
The 10 Best April Fools Jokes of All Time

Trendy Gamers: With April Fools Day tomorrow, we thought it would be fun to look back at the best video game related April Fools jokes. We aren’t ashamed to admit that we have fallen for some of these, but we’ve learned our lesson and won’t believe anything on April 1st that seems too good to be true.

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Criminal4453d ago

Wow I didn't realize that EGM's been doing the best April fools' jokes. I wonder what they have in store for us this year.

Relientk774453d ago

I wonder what stuff we'll hear this year. Bring on the lies lol

TrendyGamers4453d ago

Mars Effect and the NES Google Maps are the first ones I've seen so far.

GamePodunk4453d ago

I had never heard about the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker remaster until now, haha. That's pretty good!

And the Zelda movie trailer from IGN was pretty convincing at first (at least for the first minute or so).

TrendyGamers4453d ago (Edited 4453d ago )

I still can't believe I fell for the Wind Waker one.

Relientk774453d ago

I forgot about the Wind Waker one. Wind Waker is fantastic

Nimblest-Assassin4453d ago

IGN had me fooled with the Zelda movie trailer...

they actually had some pretty good april fools jokes...

This was my favourite due to its sheer stupidity and awesomeness at the same time



Kingdom Come4452d ago

You must be the first person I've seen who actually fell for the Zelda Movie Trailer. I mean, really. You fell for that?

Nimblest-Assassin4452d ago


Hey...when you get excited for something... you fall for it easily...

Also, IGNs April fools this year was hilarious


Instigator4453d ago (Edited 4453d ago )

April fools jokes are getting pretty predictable in regards to gaming. Guess we have learned to take any great news with a grain of salt comes this time of the year.

Who in their right mind would make a Lord of the Rings racing game, anyway?

Soldierone4453d ago

It would be a little more believable today though. With apps and cell phone "games" anything is possible....doesn't mean "anything" is good though.

DeadIIIRed4452d ago

Agreed, I've become more skeptical of most news now anyways

OhMyGandhi4452d ago

Ever since kart racing spinoffs came into existence, I don't know what to expect anymore.

Skynetone4453d ago

Sheng Long In Street Fighter – EGM (1992)

I Do remember this one allright,

my understanding of the cheat was you needed all perfects on the bosses, balrog/vega/sagat/m bison which actually i could manage

lets say i never did get to fight Sheng Long even with four perfects

Dante1124453d ago

Yeah lol, that was a good one, MC.

Rainstorm814453d ago

I had many many....many attempts at this before i completed it and got nothing ...then after the fact find out it was all an April fools joke

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Twilight Princess’ Hyrule Field Is Boring, Empty, And Excellent

TheGamer Writes "In my experience, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ once-warm reception has chilled somewhat over the years. Praised at launch as a beautiful return to form after the “childish” art style of its direct predecessor, the world eagerly embraced a game that more closely followed Ocarina of Time’s famous structure and plot cues. Perhaps most alluringly of all, the grandeur and sheer scope of this reimagined Hyrule Field wowed millions of us."

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GaboonViper659d ago

I am a huge Zelda fan and love them all, but for me Ocarina Of Time is the greatest and my second all time favourite game after Final Fantasy VII.

LoveSpuds658d ago (Edited 658d ago )

You sir, have good taste in games :)

I also love all of the Zelda games but I adore Windwaker (Specifically the HD version on WiiU) most of all. It is a close run thing with Breath of the Wild though.

Special mention to Cadence of Hyrule too, what an awesome spin off title that was!

GaboonViper658d ago

Cheers Spuds, yep i love Windwaker too, beautiful artstyle, and i loved sailing and finding all the secrets out there.

blackbeld658d ago

Agreed. For me top 3 of all time is.

1. ocarina of time
2. Final fantasy Vll
3. MGS1

GaboonViper658d ago

Brilliant top 3, would love a MGS1 remake that has been rumoured.

LoveSpuds658d ago

Yup, hard to argue with that top 3 squire, some quality games right there!

-Foxtrot659d ago

Oh gee can't imagine what Number 1 is


A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker etc is better than Breath of the Wild.

lockedongamer1659d ago

I respectfully disagree, but they're all great games.

porkChop659d ago

I think it really depends on what you're looking for. If you want a traditional Zelda game then OoT or WW would be better to you. But if you want a Zelda game that really leans into adventure and exploration, and if you want intelligent systems/logic, BotW would be the better game.

I enjoy both. I understand why some people aren't fond of it but for me it was a breath of fresh air that I really needed. I'd become so burnt out on unimaginative games and BotW sort of made me appreciate games again, as weird as that may sound.

godofboobees658d ago

Those are not traditional Zelda games

Crows90658d ago

Right...so let's pretend ocarina of time didnt have exploration, secret dungeons and other secrets. Complex boss mechanics and exploration rewards. At least a traditional Zelda has dungeons.

porkChop658d ago

What point are you attempting to make? At no point did I say that OoT didn't have any of that. However, the level of exploration and sense of adventure are vastly different between OoT and BotW.

Brazz659d ago

Breath of the Wild is overrated as shot, Wind waker is much better.

P_Bomb659d ago

I’m a Link to the Past guy.

MadLad659d ago

Majora's Mask still holds as my favorite to this day, despite being the black sheep of the series.

pietro1212659d ago

I love them all, but Wind Walker, Link to the Past and Minish Cap are my favorites

John_McClane658d ago

Link to the Past was so, so good! Those chickens though! 🤣

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Why The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Makes More Sense for the Switch Than the Oracle Duology

Recent rumors suggest The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages games are coming to Switch, but that doesn't really add up.

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Sidewinder-1049d ago

I remember enjoying Twilight Princess overall, though the dark/light world mechanic felt too similar to Metroid Prime 2.

I never played Skyward Sword though. Did that retain the cool as fuck sheathing animation link does in Twilight Princess?

scoltar1049d ago

The whole time I played the remake of "Link's Awakening" on my Switch, I kept hoping they would do the oracle games in a similar style.

enkiduxiv1049d ago

I wonder when the "why any other Zelda but Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword would make more sense" article will pop up.

BrainSyphoned1049d ago

Gotta release um all Zeldamon'

Really funny seeing this and "What’s with the lack of game content, Nintendo?" right next to each other.

KingofBandits1047d ago

OK......no and hard pass but ok. Look Zelda TP is a very good entry but imo its had its time and 3 versions on (Gamecube, Wii, Wii U) I say let it rest. Especially since it will inevitably be just a slightly touched up port of the HD Wii U game. Id actually prefer a Wind Wake HD port over TP. That said Oracle of Seasons/Ages done in the new Link's Adventure style is vastly more appealing to me, and I hope that's what they do.