
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition official details

With the Baldur's Gate website getting hammered, we've got the official announcement with the details for the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.

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NYC_Gamer4468d ago

Hope they leave the core gameplay alone and just add graphical improvements.

Lord_Sloth4468d ago

Wouldn't the PC modders have already done this if they wanted it?

NYC_Gamer4468d ago (Edited 4468d ago )

This official release will be better since it might support Steam features/new content.

EmperorDalek4468d ago

I was thinking about getting the original games, are they still good today, or should I just wait for this?

NYC_Gamer4468d ago

Might as well just wait for the new HD editions with the extra content

hano4468d ago

I hope this is actually a hit and Atari decides to actually give us a proper Baldur's Gate 3. Atari should be the Publsher that takes risks, otherwise they haven't been doing so well with their latest efforts.

I liked NWN2 and I am excited for the new Neverwinter Nights from Cryptic.
Cmon Atari, you have a big name to live to, don't sink again.

SkyGamer4468d ago

Cool. Will definitely check this one out.


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Becuzisaid55d ago

Kinda cool I guess. Seems they just allowed the camera to zoom in right on top of the characters head and then able to control movement like a fps. Makes me wonder what the game would be like if I didn't ever zoom way out and scroll over the environment to check out for enemies nearby almost constantly.