
Square-Enix gets dissed in rap song 'Letter To SquareSoft' (PSU.com)

Richie Branson is a rapper who is also proud to call himself a gamer – and a pretty ticked off one at that. He proves his gamer cred not by rapping about popping bottles in clubs, or mackin’ babes, oh no, no; Branson drops an open letter to SqareSoft (note: not Square-Enix) about how he misses the games of yesteryear.

Titled ‘Letter To SquareSoft,’ the song praises older RPGs like Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, and Chrono Trigger, all the while scrutinizing Square’s last few years as a studio with lyrics like “I want the old SquareSoft back, I really mean it. That’s why I never called you guys Square-Enix.”

4478d ago Replies(1)
knifefight4478d ago (Edited 4478d ago )

The message of the piece kinda reminds me of this
"Angry customer: Hey! I ordered my Versus XIII Steak like forever ago! Feels like I've been waitin' 6 years over here! What's a guy gotta do?
Manager: Whoa whoa, sir, we're terribly sorry, it's just taking longer than expected. Hey, would you like to sample a medium XIII-2?
Angry customer: What? No, I didn't order that.
Manager: I know. No one did, actually, I was just hoping you might buy it. Hmmm...I wonder what I can do to make someone want this.
Angry customer: ..."

NewMonday4478d ago

the sales for FF13-2 are a disaster, so the fanbase voted

Idonthatejustcreate4478d ago

Just face it guys, square doesn't have ANY talented people left.

They don't have a clue how to make a hit like chrono trigger or FF7 OR what their fans want since it's been so long since they satisfied their customers.

Ranma14478d ago

I love Squaresoft, but SE is something else

Knight_Cid4479d ago (Edited 4479d ago )

yeah I hate the company thats given me dragon quest joker 2, ff type zero, ff rythm over the last few months..........NOT

I also loathe the company thats brining out draogn quest X,bravely default, kingdomhearts, dq monster 1 remake and more this year

Knight_Cid4479d ago

No they dont. 13 and 13-2 were amazing games. 14 there one failure. But I can list 50 great square games this gen.

It isnt even close

fluffydelusions4478d ago

@above...amazing? No. They were decent games but poor FF games.

Disccordia4478d ago

Id like to see you list those 50 great square games this gen.

Action GO FIGURE4478d ago (Edited 4478d ago )

Please list those 50 Square games this gen!

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4478d ago

" No. They were decent games but poor FF games."

This is a retarded argument. Decent is decent it doesn't matter where it's from. They were decent games yes, but that doesn't make them bad because they happen to have Final Fantasy in the name, you'd enjoy it an equal amount if it was called anything else still.

a_bro4478d ago


you must have played those games while taking shrooms...

Elemental_4478d ago (Edited 4478d ago )

Actually its pretty easy

Kingdom heart BBS
Kingdom hearts 365
kingdom hearts recoded
The world ends with you
dragon quest IV enhanced port
dragon quest V enhanced port
dragon quest VI enhanced port
draogn quest IX
dragon quest rocket slime 2
dragon quest joker 1
dragon quest joker 2
front mission 1 enhanced port
front mission 2068
star ocean 4
blood of bahamut
ff type zero
ff revant wings
ff tactics advance 2
ff crystal chronicles
ff 4 warriors of light
ff crisis core
valkyrie profile covenant
final fantasy III
dissidia 1
dissidia 2
last remnant
ff 13
ff 13-2

Not sure how many that is but I enjoyed all of those.........

Outside_ofthe_Box4478d ago


Lol aren't most of those handheld games?

Name games on the 360/PS3 that SE has made that is GREAT. 13 and 13-2 don't count as those games are type rubbish.

Redprodigy4478d ago

@elemental_ and if not handheld, "enhanced" ports of old squaresoft games?

Disccordia4478d ago

Not to mention that front mission, star ocean and infinite undiscovery were only published by square

the only games theyve developed for consoles this gen are ff13, ff13-2 and the last remnant. none of which could be called great!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4478d ago
Godmars2904479d ago

The same mentality that went into FF14 was there for 13 and 13-2. At least the eyes of many.

If you see it otherwise, if you actually liked 13 and 13-2 that's your opinion. But please don't look at their sales numbers - actual facts as opposed to only your own opinion - and call them successes.

Knight_Cid4479d ago

That doesnt make it right. And please dont say many, when its really only a vocal 1 percent.

Do you want to really look at sales numbers?

ff 13 was the fastest to 13 million and the highest selling since 7. 13-2 was a high sellling spinoff that was one of the best selling games in japans larget retailer/

Action GO FIGURE4478d ago (Edited 4478d ago )

@Knight: Where did you get those numbers? I'm keen to know more... ;)

iamtehpwn4478d ago

FFXIII was a critically failure, not a commercial one. The game was pretty lackluster, but it was fasting selling Final Fantasy game in the series, and did sell 6 million units. Conversely, was also one of the lowest rated and generally disliked by most fans.

Godmars2904478d ago (Edited 4478d ago )

It also hit the bargain bin quicker than any other title - so I'm not getting where you and Cid are coming from.

I and others have also repeatedly said that it was so bad, that Sqaure have so badly presented their intentions for continuing the series, that we wont buy another title until they show some honest sign of change and improvement.

When you talk about people buying FF titles - we are the people you're talking about!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4478d ago
TitanUp4478d ago

did you play final fantasy in previous generations of gaming?

4478d ago Replies(1)
Outside_ofthe_Box4478d ago

Hojo0003 said: "SquareEnix does good games for non-HD platforms."

^^^ I agree with that ^^^

13 and 13-2 are disappointments...

Elemental_4478d ago (Edited 4478d ago )

1) Stop acting like handheld games are some how not as good. When handhelds are the top systems worldwide this gen. That point is moot. Square every gen puts the bulk of its games on the most popular systems.

Sorry the ps3 and 360 werent. But if I have to humor you I will include 13 and 13-2 since both games were amazing. Nier was great, as was star ocean 4.

Most of those enhanced ports were new games in at least 1 region. Dragon quest V and VI for example. They are essentially brand new games

ff rhythm just came out and I imported it and its AMAZING. KH DDD is very very soon.

They should be announcing even more amazing rpgs soon

and fyi you can hate on 13-2 all you want.

It received more 7-10 scores than kingdom of A. Now that is a bad game

I know its "cool" to hate on square, but mostly real rpg fans just laugh at the trolls who dont play the games.

Oh yeah ff type zero is the best action rpg of the gen. It puts shallow crap like skyrim to absolute shame in terms of characters you really care about.

Dragon quest X is also a day 1 purchase.


So an 84 average is a critical failure huh?

Jeez, the trolls need better arguements

Outside_ofthe_Box4478d ago

You're just a SE/JRPG fanboy.

Nobody is saying that the handheld games aren't good. People just want a full fledged squaresoft-like console experience again.

Every real FF fan knows that FF13 and 13-2 are rubbish at best.

And why do people that dislike what SE is doing makes them haters? Do people that like what SE is doing make them blind SE sheep?

You need to troll harder element.

Ravenor4478d ago

If Skyrim was an Action RPG you would have been getting somewhere.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash4478d ago

Star Ocean was developed by Tri-Ace.

Elemental_4478d ago

@Your acting like its a crime being on the psp which is considered this gen.


I hate to break it to you but when square broke there all time profit records this gen, it was because of strong performance of dq 9, ff 13, and other titles in there rpg lineup.


Great, the surest sign of a non arguement is when someone presents you with evidence and all they can do is cal you a fanbboy

The people who want console experiences again dont understand the market. POINT BLANK. And if they did understand the market, they would be greatful for what we are getting right now.

I am a real ff fan, and ff 13 and 13-2 were amazing games. I know its hard for you to see all the 7-10 reviews on hear, cover your eyes, ears and scream and pretend its not there.

Because people who dislike square for nonsense reasons are haters....thats why

Your the one who has to troll harder.

But of course you can ignore game lists, sales, critical reception, records, and call people who do trolls.

Outside_ofthe_Box4477d ago

...as PROVEN by Call of Duty/Activision unless you're going to defend that to LOL.

Yes you are a fanboy. Everything SE does is golden to you.

***"Because people who dislike square for nonsense reasons are haters....thats why"***

By who's definition of nonsense? Yours? Just because you love SE and FF13 and 13-2 till the death doesn't mean everyone else isn't allowed to express dislike for SE/13/13-2 LOL.

And why should I care about the market? The "market" is why developers insist on copying CoD. I'm not getting a cent from Square so I could careless if SE is making a profit by making games for the market.

Troll harder son.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4477d ago
Action GO FIGURE4478d ago

@Elemental: That list is funny. Most of those games are on PSP, which is already considered last gen. PSVITA?

And you also listed FF13/13-2... /smh

Sigh... nvm...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4477d ago
Godmars2904479d ago

This whole thing feels like a catch-22: Sqaure needs to do something right to fix themselves, only they seem incapable of doing anything right. Anything that they do comes off as a horrible imitation of the Western approach to current consoles, and those have been utter crap.

Redprodigy4478d ago

Sad to say, but the best thing Square-Enix has done lately is re-release old Squaresoft games. Their new stuff just isn't as great. Instead of trying to innovate while also catering to its existing fan-base, Square-Enix is completely ignoring the fans that grew up playing their games. I want them to make new original stuff, but they need to innovate in the same way they did back in the day. These days, it seems like their "innovation" is just a soul-less attempt at making a profit.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4478d ago

Here's an idea. Instead of bitching how they don't make games how they used to then buying their games, why not just not buy them? Money means a lot more to companies than your personal opinion.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Patch 1.040 Now Available for Download

Stay updated with the latest FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH news! Learn about the new Version 1.040 update, featuring critical bug fixes.

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M3talDiamond5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

No mention of fixing the audio issues the dialogue audio is too low this has been reported many times on social media the volume has to be turned up and music has to be lowered to hear the characters properly :(

Babadook74d ago

I have a question as someone who is considering buying the game soon. Is this a fixable issue? Can you just lower the volume for music and sound effects and keep dialog at default?

shadowT4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

yes, it is no issue at all. Just go into settings. Do you have already played the first Remake or the OG?

M3talDiamond4d ago

There are a few youtube videos and reddit tips with some tips on fixing the sound issues but sadly they didnt work for me

M3talDiamond4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

@Babadook7 There are a few videos on youtube with tips on how to fix the dialogue audio this but sadly they didnt work for me. There is an option to lower the music and sfx and keep the dialogue audio at 10 but you have to keep the volume up high (well for my TV I do) but when you are in battles and cutscenes the audio is higher so you have to adjust the audio again.
@shadowT The audio issues doesnt affect everyone there are some people on reddit complaining about the audio and there are other people saying they dont have any issues at all. I think it depends on the TV I have a Samsung QLED 4K and FF7 Rebirth is the only game I have audio issues with.

Babadook74d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Thanks for the answers all.

@Shadow yeah I have the Remake and finished it and loved it (loved the OG also back in the day). My understanding is this is even better than Remake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4d ago
shadowT4d ago

GOTY contender got even better!


Square Enix Is Going Multiplatform; The Layoffs & Its Past Don't Inspire Confidence

After its latest games didn't meet sales targets, Square Enix is going multiplatform but the company's track record isn't convincing.

Scissorman24d ago

Square Enix been multiplatform for decades, a few exclusively-deals doesn't make them any less multiplatform.

fr0sty24d ago

Nor is selling their games on a console with only 25 million install base going to bring their sales to where they hope they will be... Unless they somehow manage to dumb down FF7 trilogy to work on switch, they aren't going to have much luck. They already released it on PC, after all.

anast23d ago

Where are you getting that number?

SegaSaturn66924d ago

It kind of does, giving preference to a certain platform by timed exclusivity. Console ports generally feel superior. Legend of mana PC port extremely broken

neutralgamer199224d ago


It doesn’t when square themselves didn’t want to fund the development of remake. It’s only after the success of the 1st they realized their mistake but now contract is signed. If it wasn’t for Sony there would be no FF7 remakes. Same goes for silent hill 2 with Konami. They don’t want to fund AAA budget. Companies like PlayStation and Nintendo get blamed when in reality they are saving some of these franchises

Remember sega didn’t want to fund bayonetta and epic games didn’t want to fund another gears of war. It’s easy to blame console makers but they are the ones taking the risk and paying huge upfront costs without seeing the final product. FF7 remake trilogy won’t be coming to Xbox now or in the future. PlayStation and PC is what square signed up for. Sony paid them more than they would make from Xbox sales.

ravens5224d ago

I just wonder when everyone is going to demand that the Square Enix exclusives with Nintendo come to PS and Xbox. Or it's just the PS exclusives that matter lol

phoenixwing24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

I'd love for the nintendo exclusives to come to pc or ps5. They'd actually be playable then.

neutralgamer199224d ago


Exactly and that’s where square enix does more exclusive than any other platform. Gaming is square has always been very unrealistic with their sales expectations. Remember when tomb raider reboot sold 7.5 million and square said it wasn’t enough. They need to spend less on development and have more realistic expectations from sales.

And those thinking games being not on Xbox makes a difference don’t understand we have a decade plus of data showing square enix games having less than 20% of their multiplatform sales on Xbox (final fantasy series) and Nintendo consoles aren’t strong enough to run any current games. Nintendo switch should be as strong as Xbox one x atleast but we all know that’s most likely won’t happen

RoadRacer24d ago


thing is, as neutral said in their comm, the switch isn't strong enough to run flagship SE games
i think what SE does is, it makes unique games for switch only so that it has something for that console too. Thats where all the "underlined sans" rpgs go to mostly

maybe things will change when Swtich 2 drops cuz that's gonna be as strong as ps4 afaik from the rumors flying around

TheGamingHounds24d ago


Your point is valid enough but when the icon of this company is limited to one console in timed-exclusivity, it means the company has crossed the line. By some degree at least

All things aside, Square itself stated "aggressive multiplatform strategies" so we all know what it's talking about

Scissorman24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

Then the headline should read "Square To Drop Exclusively Deals in Pursuit of A Sweeping Multiplatform Strategy". I don't recall this argument when Square Enix released Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, and Triangle Strategy on one platform. And even if FF is the icon, not all of its titles have gone to one platform. We're talking about three games, one of which is already on PC. Did Square suddenly go 'multiplatform' after it released subsequent Tomb Raider sequels on more than just the Xbox? It's just a silly way of putting it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 23d ago
TheGamingHounds24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

SE needs to go all in optimization. Broken PC ports won't help its case, especially with big releases like mainline Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix24d ago

It's actually simple. What doesn't inspire confidence is Square allocating their budgets on the wrong projects such as Forspoken, Avengers, Babylons Fall and Foamstars.

Square has always been multiplatform since PS3/360 days which 80 % of their games are. People kick up a fuss over PS exclusivity but not Nintendo which has more exclusive projects console exclusive from Square.

FF16 has done ok but not enough to fix the blunders that the past mistakes Square has made with some of their projects. FF7 Rebirth is unclear we'll see a PC release for sure so it's hard to say so far not as good as they would of liked.

Then again unrealistic expectations. If it weren't for Sony these games would at least had another 2 years development time. So some people need to be realistic in that regard.

Scissorman24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

It's the blunders that set those expectations so high. If you remove those from the equation, I bet the sales numbers would be more than stellar. Square believes it's okay to release a pile of risky, middling, garbage because the big boys will ultimately subsidize the cost. Don't worry if Forspoken sells poorly, FF16 will surely sell 10 million copies to balance that right out. Oh wait, it only sold like 4 million. Well that's a disaster. Meanwhile games that sell 2 million units with comparable budgets are deemed successful.

thorstein23d ago

I would also add that FFXVI, which I loved has a hint to one of their biggest problems: the number 16.

It's a great franchise, but that's all they've become known for. Dragon Quest is my favorite all time series but it's like they don't know what to do outside of those two IPs.

Valve never makes trilogies. The idea is that they don't want to become stagnant. Gabe Newell hates the number 3.

I can't imagine their talent wouldn't want to try a new RPG.

RoadRacer24d ago

Square Enix just really need to revise its expectations. Maybe consider a change in strategy on dev end as well. Multiplat will help for sure but only good games that are marketed well will sell

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Square Enix Preparing for Layoffs in U.S. and Europe Amid Heavy Restructuring

In a town hall that took place on Monday, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu reportedly confirmed imminent layoffs in the U.S. and Europe.

27d ago
lelo2play27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Square should ask Sony for more money...

Outside_ofthe_Box27d ago

Square should ask Microsoft to buy them out...

FinalFantasyFanatic27d ago

So that Microsoft can close down the studio after doing nothing with them? Right...

Outside_ofthe_Box26d ago


That's exactly my point...

gleepot27d ago

Sad but true. It's the consequence of a shift in player habits, massive overhead, and out of control budgets across the industry.

blackblades27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

What did NA and EU did anyways? Just translate or something? I would say it might help them get back to there roots but DK.

Hofstaderman27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Actually, you are correct they play a hand in localization especially in Europe with the many languages. That and marketing.

nommers26d ago

Marketing for SE has been poor lately so these layoffs make sense if true.

Profchaos27d ago

Yup videogame crash 2024 edition

_Decadent_Descent26d ago

Hope so. Industry needs a good crash to shake it up again.

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