
Idiotic Xbox controller return receipt

The customer is always dumb.

Kran4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Is this a joke?

Like.... seriously?

Pikajew4524d ago Show
SilentNegotiator4524d ago

Could just as easily be fake as it could be real.

To be fair, it could have been a little kid getting it or a parent that's completely ignorant to how game systems work. To go straight to "idiot" doesn't NECESSARILY seem fair.

Kran4524d ago

Yeah. I mean I know you can get Xbox 360 stylized controllers for the PS3, but this seems just silly. :/

thorstein4524d ago

Consider that a kid/adult probably received it for Xmas. Then said child/adult returned it to the store because he/she didn't own an Xbox but rather a PS.

Case solved! New Headline: Idiot posts pictures to Dorkly.com

princejb1344524d ago

funny customer
but yea i agree it could be a ignorant parent
my parents call all game consoles nintendo

HammockGames4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Believe it or not, I had something similar happen at Best Buy. By a Geek Squad member no less.

My old 360's disk drive died under warranty so I brought it for an exchange. The service employee turned it over to the Geek Squad. So over marches a 60+ year old woman who looked like she had no clue what an Xbox was. She hooks it up to the correct cables but - wait for it - tries to us a PS3 controller to start it up (via controller). That doesn't work so she pushes the power button but then continues to try to use the PS3 controller to navigate the menu and open the disk drive. After 5 minutes of this - and ignoring my fairly gentle alerts that she had wasn't going to get anywhere with the current method - she finally called over another employee who took over to finish up the trouble shooting (and who was kind enough to try not to embarrass her).

I'm not quite sure how this old gal was hired in as a Geek Squad member. Hopefully she has some tech skill of some kind, but she sure didn't demonstrate it to me!

guitarded774524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )


I think that's the situation with many people. Those who aren't involved with gaming, just don't know... they know the name Nintendo and that it's associated with games. Like in Texas every soda is a Coke... It's like asking a non guitar player to pick out the $100.00, $1,000.00, $10,000.00 and $100,000.00 guitars from a line-up... most couldn't do it. It doesn't make them stupid... even though it says XBOX 360 on the controller packing... okay, maybe a little stupid :D All that said, I think you made a great point.

Why o why4524d ago


good man, some people woulda just acted like an idiot. You must have a girlfriend or wife

ziggurcat4523d ago

no, you can pretty much go straight to "idiot" on this one.

it's an X360 controller, in its original X360 packaging. pretty hard to *not* see that it won't connect to the PS3.

ziggurcat4523d ago

you people have way too much faith in humanity...

Blaine4523d ago


Yes, it's fair! I've worked in retail... It makes you lose a lot of hope in humanity.

Pozzle4523d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if it's real. A lot of people don't even know (or care) about the basics of video games. Hell, I once caught my mom trying to put a Nintendo 64 cartridge into a Wii. She couldn't figure out where the cartridge slot was. lol

...and my mom's a gamer. So she isn't completely clueless when it comes to games. She just figured that since it said "Nintendo" on the front, it would be able to play all Nintendo games.

It's easy for people who aren't hardcore gamers to make mistakes, no matter how obvious and stupid they might seem to us.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4523d ago
TheFirstClassic4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

I dunno, I have seen some clueless moms in gamestop before.

"What's the difference between the Wii, and the Nintendo Wii?" I remember her saying that...

This could happen, might think that controllers are just controllers, that there aren't different controllers for different systems. Seems crazy to us, but a person who knows NOTHING about video games could get that mixed up.

Lazy_Sunday4524d ago

This is a valid reason for returning something.
I've returned games because I didn't like them and said "they didn't play on my PS3/360."
I've returned controllers that weren't responsive enough and said "they're broken."

Intentions4523d ago

Lol wow.

That guy's fingernails are disgusting.

mcstorm4523d ago

this could be true. I work in computing and have been asked some stupid questions in my time. Even asking people to turn off there pc by the button and they say they have but what they were doing was turning there monitor on and off. Or even asking them to open internet explore and they say what is that and when you say he program you access the internet with they say o you mean Google. Even had the same when i asked them to open outlook and they say do you mean my email.

Pozzle4523d ago

Haha. That reminds me of a story one of my friends once told me. He used to work at an electronics store and a woman came in once, demanding a refund for her computer because it was faulty. He asked her where her computer was, and she said "It's right here!!" and pointed to her monitor.
She had bought a monitor and a wireless keyboard...but not an actual PC. She couldn't figure out why her "computer" wouldn't turn on.

Then she got angry at HIM when he told her she had only bought a monitor, and not the actual computer itself. >_>

mcstorm4523d ago

Lol this sounds about right. I wonder how some people got there job when it comes to working on computers as they have not got a clue. Its always the same when they get a virus on there pc they say they were not doing anything it just installed its self and then when you say what was the last thing you did before the virus was installed and they say i was browsing the internet and when i went onto a web page i had a popup asking me to install something but that was not the virus.

Or people who call there computer tower the harddrive. But what i dont get about these people is how they get along in life because computers are not hard to use or setup they just need some common sense. But that said i would not be in a job if there were no stupid people about.

NAGNEWS4523d ago

my brother bought 4 pc games for his ps2 - 5 years ago

OooSheeet4523d ago

Woah, you're opening a whole new can of worms now, buying the wrong games for your OWN system, that's a hard one to come back from!

NAGNEWS4523d ago

then he was not a gamer

KozmoOchez4523d ago

sigh...unfortunately, it could be true. I've been working at Best Buy for almost a year and some of the return reasons are just that dumb. Like the hundreds of returns we get for people getting viruses.

Cueil4523d ago

as stupid as the customer is so is the employee... taking pictures in the back gets you fired

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4523d ago
Interloper4524d ago

Can't put the blame on Princess Trollestia for this bit... she'd never sink to such horrible quality penmanship! O.o

LightofDarkness4524d ago

Must we insert MLP references into everything...

FrigidDARKNESS4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Yes this is very very fake.

facelike4524d ago

I doubt it's fake. It's most likely a christmas gift and the giver didn't know what the other person had. When returning merchandise to stores, most customer service reps will just put on the tag what the customer says no matter how silly.

I bet after it was returned, the customer service people took this picture and put it on line making fun of the customer.

QuodEratDemonstrandm4523d ago

I have to agree with facelike. Probably not fake. Most likely innocuous. Gaming isn't part of everyone's knowledge base.

Serjikal_Strike4524d ago

Anyone notice how bad this kid chews his fingernails?
Now that is just nasty.....

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shinoff21834d ago

I'd rather them focus on a rpg. Shooters can wait

just_looken4d ago

We have alot of rpg's but only cod for a AAA first person shooter unless you toss in xdefient but that is still fixing 2yr old beta issues.

We need more AAA fps games then rpg's

shinoff21834d ago

Yea right. Theirs so many shooters on the market.

just_looken4d ago


Name 3 AAA fps games coming out this year

Cacabunga3d ago

I want Killzone yea, but as a gaas no buy!

Cacabunga3d ago

Yes we need some new FPS experiences.. COD is just not engaging enough. We want a Killzone back to the roots, not a Shadow Fall again..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3d ago
Crows904d ago

There's tons of RPG in the market too...what's your point exactly.

RaidenBlack3d ago

No Killzone or Resistance or Factions for you ... only Concord & FairGame$

Ironmike4d ago

No more rpg for a while would love a new resistance though

DarXyde4d ago

Agree on preferring RPGs though at this exact moment, it would be great to see more horror games. Another reason why Japan Studio closing is just tragic. Loved Siren.

just_looken4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Fuck jim ryan japan studio did so much and helped alot with ports/localization

If they were around bloodborn would be possible like how they helped with demon souls ps4 finial fantasy port.

Horror games would be nice but the jim ryan axe job helped alot in killing playstation dev numbers/freedom and increased regulation with the new censorship crap.

1Victor4d ago

If Sony is bringing back a old shooter I would prefer Warhawk or better yet Starhawk

Rynxie4d ago

No thanks. Resistance and killzone were my all time favorite fps games. I completely dominated those games. I met good people, had a ton of fun and have a lot of fond memories. I don't want them to bring back these games, unless they tackle the cheating epidemic. I know I will absolutely hate these games, if I was to play them now, with all the effing cheating going on in fps games.

Psychonaut853d ago

Bro the market is oversaturated with quality RPGs AND bloated shitty RPGs already.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
Inverno4d ago

I honestly don't think we'll be seeing these anytime soon, if ever. Insomniac is officially on Marvel duty since it seems that all they're working on based off the leaks, and Horizon is more of what the casuals want these days. And I now I'll get a bunch of disagrees, but keep in mind that Resistance last got a game on the PS3 (2011) and Killzone was a launch title for the PS4 (2013). 10 years is a long time to make a game, if had any interest they would've done it by now, add InFamous to that list.

just_looken4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Your right except the dates killzone mercenary was on ps vita 2013 same with resistance burning skies back in 2012

Good-Smurf4d ago

Both of those games are either made by smaller B team or completely different developer.
Killzone Mercenary developed by Guerilla Cambridge which is now defunct.
Resistamce Burning Skies wasn't made by Insomniac but by Nihilistic Software also defunct after the failure of CoD Black Ops Declassified.

just_looken4d ago

@good i know i never said they were

I mentioned them as they were the last games under that ip well killzone was last on ps4 but still even though they are different devs they led to the lose of the ip.

I highly doubt they made up for there budget cost even killzone on ps4 had low sales for such a large ip at the time.

shinoff21834d ago

Infamous should atleast get remastered. I'd be cool with that


Resistance 3 turned me off to the series but I’d love a reboot. KillZone I think can stay dead. Give me a new Resistance like 1or 2 and I’ll be happy.

JEECE4d ago

Except Resistance 1 and 3 were far more similar, 2 was the outlier. 3 was a great return to form after 2 changed so many things from the first game.


I didn’t like 3 and I didn’t find it similar to the first game.

Moegooner4d ago

2 was the best resistance game.

Michiel19894d ago

agreed, the co-op was my fav in 2

Michiel19894d ago

I'll keep saying it, have Bungie make a new resistance game, a match made in heaven. Although I imagine Bungie would be too proud to take over an existing IP.

Huey_My_D_Long4d ago

I honestly never cared or liked killzone. Huge resistance fan though. I remember so many nights playing melee only on USS Lexington, and I like the alt history vibe.

InUrFoxHole3d ago

Liked KZ more but both those games are better than MAG

Huey_My_D_Long3d ago

Since I'm down memory lane, I also wish for remaster of Warhawk.

P_Bomb4d ago

I’ve been barking up that tree for years. 😢

OtterX4d ago

Keep barking, boy! Keep barking! Never give up hope. ;)

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