
Character Evolution - Lara Croft

Character Evolution - Lara Croft

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Titanz4516d ago

But I was never a fan of the Tomb Raider franchise. There're a lot of positives about it, but it couldn't keep my attention long enough for me to care about it.

I've played the original also, which some claim is the best out of the whole series. Maybe it was because the dpad was mandatory to use at the time, to control Lara Croft's movements (PS1).

I expecting good things from the revamped edition of this title.

OhMyGandhi4516d ago

I didn't like the Tomb Raider games because Lara controlled like a damned tank, and that was so irritating to me.
But the "Female Indiana Jones" concept always intrigued me.
I might just suck it up and give it another go one of these days.

Droid Control4516d ago

I loved the original back in the day. I found the game really hard though - I was still playing it when the second came and went. I remember really loving 3 as well. They are the only two I brought.

I think i'll be picking up the reboot though - haven't made my mind up yet, need to hear and see more. I hope they release a demo...

t0mmyb0y4516d ago

One thing never changed with the games, she is still stacked.


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