
Redtribe: "very few issues" with PS3

Redtribe is one of the leading developers in Australia and is responsible for Warner Bros Interactive's Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal. Speaking to VideoGamer.com, Chris Mosely, Chief Executive Office at Redtribe, offered his thoughts on next-gen development.

"Redtribe was one of the very first in Australia to develop for next-gen and we initially spent two years developing our engine," said Mosely. "The move for us was very smooth, as our engine is constantly developed and refined on pc and then is ported across. Our engineering teams have been working on the PS3 for a year with very few issues."

The absence of ACME Arsenal on PS3 is said to be nothing to do with performance issues, with Mosely citing the console's smaller install base as the deciding factor.

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ruibing6031d ago

I hope they will provide a game soon that will showcase their achievements.

rushbd6031d ago (Edited 6031d ago )

this game got a 10 from 1up !!!!

out of 100.

at there's one platforming game available for 360.

Skerj6031d ago

I hope they have more issues with that game and don't bring it to PS3.

TheHater6031d ago

LOL...QFT...Dam this game suck. My little brother was playing it, and he just put it down and went to to play Naruto. And he is 6 and he think the last game they came out with suck. and for people that don't know what it is, it call "Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal"

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Kids' Game Roundup

Cars Mater-National

"This game will leave you feeling hollow, miserable and longing for the days when it all MEANT something. If you're a small child add two points. Or, if you really REALLY like talking cars, six."

Score: 5/10

Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal

"When you're not engaged in rubbish combat you'll find yourself endlessly jumping over gaps, solving tedious puzzles and bashing open crates. Visually the game is flat and lifeless, the graphics seemingly inspired by the dullest of the Looney Tunes cartoons."

Score: 3/10

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

"The Eternal Night is too difficult for kids and too frustrating for adults, and should be avoided by everyone."

Score: 4/10

Ben 10: Protector of Earth

"There's nothing here to appeal to adults, or anyone who isn't a Ben 10 fan. But if you know one of those, this is a great present - and at under GBP 20 it's a reasonably priced one, too."

Score: 5/10

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LJWooly6008d ago

Don't do that, you'll get reported/banned, and it annoys everyone.

ChickeyCantor6008d ago

you would be thinking flamewars are the most horrible things on websites....guess i thought wrong T_T

or he just meant FIRST POST because he is new, but nice way of making a double reference ..............

LJWooly6008d ago

Whatever he meant, it's still pretty annoying.

Someone disagreed with him? What the hell, that doesn't make sense, he was the first post... oh, never mind.

ChickeyCantor6008d ago

yeah the disagree are never logical on this website...something annoying too.

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unitedchaos6008d ago

Yeah it was my first post ever here. Why is it annoying to people / worth a ban? With all the flaming and console vs console stuff I read on here, a simple FIRST! should be the least of peoples concerns. Jeez... already getting in crap and haven't been a member for a day yet. Glad I joined! Thanks for the heads up n e ways.

LJWooly6008d ago (Edited 6008d ago )

You weren't "getting in crap", but N4G have made it quite clear that users who spam or write "first post!" will get reported.

I'm not telling you off or anything, just warning you.
I hope we can still be friends :)

Nice avatar, by the way.

ItsDubC6008d ago

Don't worry about being banned unless you continue to do it. Your comment may be reported however.

Welcome to N4G btw.

Darkiewonder6008d ago

Because the developers just don't know how to do it right anymore ;(


The Ten Worst Games of 2007, according to GameRankings

Gemaga counts down the ten worst games of 2007. These appalling games have earned the lowest average scores at GameRankings during the year.

MK_Red6011d ago

Look at the consoles of these games (From the pics):

The analysis:
1. No Anubis 2 or Balls of Fury.
2. Wii and DS have the biggest number of games on the list and are the best selling consoles ATM. So, to have your console sell better than rivals, make as many ZZZ games for it as possilbe (Common beliefe that AAA games help sell console are proved to be wrong here).

v1c1ous6011d ago (Edited 6011d ago )

is not when the biggest titles hit your console, but when all the crap companies want to concentrate their tripe on your console exclusively


3 of the low 10 games were all created by DSI games.

makes you wonder.

TwissT6011d ago

After seeing the horrendous reviews of Anubis 2 I thought to my self "couldn't be that bad" so I told my cousin to buy it, went over there and played it. The game was so bad my cousin kept saying "its so bad, its so bad" in the fetal position, bottom line, DO NOT PLAY ANUBIS 2!

eclipsegryph6011d ago

To put things in perspective, and away from your anti-Nintendo spin, isn't this the same formula that pushed the PS and the PS2 into the top spots in their respective generations? Hell, that's what saved the PS2 from its slow release - Sony just wanted to get games on their system. So why is it bad that Wii is following this trend?

MK_Red6011d ago (Edited 6011d ago )

OK, DS is much like PS2 but what about Wii? Has any other console in the history had so many terrible and 1-2/10 games in it's first year? Anubis 2, NinjaB man, Billy the Wizard, Desktop Racing and that other Xtreme one, Balls of Fury, Cruis'n, Chicken Shoot, Escape from Bug Island, Dave Mirra BMX Challenge, Pool Party, Spy Games: Elevator Mission, Ultimate Duck Hunting, Alvin and the Chipmunks and more.
PS2 didn't have this many crappy games in 3 years and Wii has more in about just 1.
All of that is of course excluding the more popular disasters like Soulcalibur Legends and Boogie.

Just check this page and look at left of screen for list of all Wii games and scores. Wii's page on MetaCritic has the biggest number of yellow and red scores (And it's only 1 year old).

eclipsegryph6011d ago

Oh I'm well aware of how crappy the bulk of the Wii games are, but crap is crap regardless of the system. The thing that's selling the Wii now is that it's trendy - thus those game developers want to get their junk on the system as fast as possible.

What is interesting, though, is that the PS2 started off very slow, and Sony had to push developers to get games on the system - any games - and THEN it became a trend. Maybe the Wii is working backwards from that, becoming a trend first and then getting the games later.

Either way it's an interesting dynamic that the gaming world hasn't seen in a very long time.

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TheMART6011d ago

Strange, they forgot Lair - PS3

MK_Red6011d ago

Dude, this is based on Meta score / GameRankings average and Lair had a 40 average or something. Vampire Rain is at 36 along with Hour of Victory, Wii's Balls of Fury and Anubis 2 are below 18 (Of course, my numbers are from MetaCritic but they're not much differnet).

CeruleanSky6011d ago

Millions of dollars in marketing bribes to gaming sites saved Halo 3 from making these lists:

* Sub HD graphics - can only run at 640p and not 720p like real next gen games

* Crappy last gen looking graphics - oh look! Gaudy shiny coloured metal!

* Jaggies all over the place

* Huge framerate problems

* No dedicated servers

* Laggy P2P networking

* Can only manage 16 players per online game

* Only 6-7 hour single player

You have to imagine Bungie knew that Microsoft was going go nuts with the marketing bribes for review scores and didn't even bother trying to make a decent game.

toughNAME6011d ago

nasim/shmee/tanod/ ........ whatever your name is now

razer6011d ago

that is idiotic posts get's all agrees..

Just goes to show the intelligence level here.

The bigger the lies the more it's the truth.

iNcRiMiNaTi6011d ago (Edited 6011d ago )

but i guess there are far more games that suck than that. and 80% of that list are nintendo games. what up with that? are the only good nintendo games mario and zelda related?

[edit]nvm, thats a 2007 list

Frulond6011d ago

you can tell these games suck by looking at their covers xD

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Redtribe discusses multi-format development (full interview)

Redtribe isn't a development company that makes too many headlines, but the relatively new studio is one of the biggest in Australia and has just finished work on Looney Tunes: ACME Arsenal for Warner Bros Interactive. VideoGamer.com caught up with Chris Mosely, Chief Executive Office at Redtribe to discuss how the new studio is getting on in this most tricky of industries.

Some questions from the interview:
- Can adults enjoy Looney Tunes: ACME Arsenal or it is a kid's game?
- Has it been hard to create a game to the strengths of X360, Wii and PS2?
- Is the lack of a PS3 version anything to do with budget constraints?
- From a game development point of view what makes for better games: increasing power of hardware or new, innovative controllers?

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lynx1halo6031d ago

Good riddance!!! we dont need last gen games like this, interfering with real Next-Gen games like Killzone 2, Uncharted, etc..