
IGN: PSN Blackout: We Want Answers

These are dark days for PlayStation 3 gamers. The PlayStation Network has been out of commission since Wednesday evening, and ever since then, access to the PSN and the PlayStation Store has been cut off. That means that you can't download titles, sync your Trophies, or even play online multiplayer.

Can you imagine how gamers who this week eagerly purchased Portal 2, Mortal Kombat or SOCOM 4 feel? But beyond that, what about the rest of us?

So what do you think Sony should do to make this extended outage up to PlayStation 3 gamers? Should you be able to log-on to the PSN when it's back up with a few extra dollars in your PS Store wallet? Should you get a free PSN game, PSone Classic or PlayStation Mini? Or should nothing be done at all?

ALFAxD_CENTAURO4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Should compensate with something for PS Plus members.

Edit: No, I am not in a hurry to play online, I am playing SP Games without problems and getting more Trophies than I usually do.

ToastyMcNibbles4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

I don't direct this to you ALFA but why do people keep making a big deal about this? Play some single player games, watch a movie or GO OUT! It'll be fixed soon enough. As for compensation the only people I see that should be compensated are the people that spent money on subscription based things like DC Universe, Free Realms, Hulu Plus, Qriocity, Netflix. I wouldn't categorize Plus as something that should be compensated because when you pay for PlayStation Plus you're paying for extra content not the ability to play online.

DualConsoleOwner4787d ago

I don't think i heard that many people whining about it back then.

Nitrowolf24787d ago

I don't recall so many freak'n articles being submitted so fast during that period of time either. So many of these articles, it's getting really annoying.

Neko_Mega4787d ago

They sued Microsoft, which if I remember... They won because they didn't get what they pay for and Microsoft had no plans of really doing anything.

Others got free games from what I heard, but the same thing can't be done with PSN because you don't pay for the PSN and you don't really have rights to it if you get a PS3.

That is like me saying I have the rights to the internet because I own a PC, just seems silly.

Active Reload4787d ago

"Wasn't XBL out for 2 weeks on biggest holiday??
I don't think i heard that many people whining about it back then."

Because it didn't happen to everybody. At the time I kinda' wished it did happen to me, so that I could've got Undertow for free.

jdoggystyyle4787d ago

its been down since wednesday buddy...its almost sunday...thats more then 2 days..buddy

socomnick4787d ago

Psn down , IGN complains and speaks for you yet you guys are angry at ign.

Jesus you people need to stop sucking up to sony.

Be consumers first not fanboys.

Chaos694787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Beause it never happened; XBL was having connection issues(overcrowded servers whch would kick SOME people out of XBL, but they could reconnect) for two weeks during that time... but you could still play online.

Pixel_Pusher4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

You want answers? You!?! Shut the f**k up IGN!

Sheikh Yerbouti4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

@ disagree above.

Come on!

I like some anime. Netflix has a lot of anime I haven't seen, and I enjoy watching anime with my Cocoa Pebbles on Saturday mornings.

I would miss multiplayer too. I just happen to be playing through Mass Effect 2 this weekend.


rockleex4787d ago

Lets all whine and moan!

How DARE Sony not have the answers to all sorts of problems within a day of its first occurrence!

Pixel_Pusher4787d ago

You can still use Netflix on your PS3, all you have to do is login to your PSN account and after it fails to sign in, just go back to the Netflix loading screen and it should boot up like usual.

JoySticksFTW4787d ago

Watching Netflix on PSN right now.

Been watching it all day.

anime and old school James Bond

Lifendz4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

I read the article and the author makes several good points. PSN is free but for many gamers, our time isn't. I expect outages for maintenance or whatever else from time to time, but an extended outage like this hurts...especially if you just spent money on a multiplayer based game.

I know Sony is doing its best to get the network back up, but it really should do a better job communicating to us some sort of information about when the network will go back up.

BeeAreWhyAyeEn4787d ago

For anyone who thinks you can't still access Netflix.. You can.

Theonetheonly4787d ago

As a Pc gamer I went with what everyone was saying was a no-brainer and bought the ps3 version of portal 2 so i could unlock it on my steam account and have the benefit of being able to play both ... primarily the pc version, i soon noticed as i tried to unlock my game that i was getting nowhere fast. popped it into the ps3 and got that 8018a1080102818 error (dramatization) and was all mad,

I still love the game tho.

to date portal 2 is the only game I have ever played 2 times in a row consecutively. 1st time for the game 2nd time for the developer commentary.

cant wait to play through on pc when psn comes back up.

rockleex4787d ago

"but an extended outage like this hurts...especially if you just spent money on a multiplayer based game."

How about on the 360 where you spent the SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY for that multiplatform game, and yet you can't even access the multiplayer part unless you pay for Live Gold?

Just be glad that whenever PSN comes back online, they won't be charging you for PSN online play.

goflyakite4787d ago

I don't need answers, PSN is down, get over it.

PS+ members don't deserve anything extra, and I'm one of them. Lets say PSN is down until this Wednesday, missing the Tuesday update, along with the PS+ content. When PSN comes back up, they're going to have all of the content from the store update, you aren't missing anything.

The only thing that would make sense is extending the days on our subscription IF we can't download the content on Tuesday (because the content expires when your subscription does).

Of course IGN would make an article like this.

slaton244787d ago

well u r right but i do believe that if it takes to long ppl with plus should be aloud 1 free download of there choice bc they r in fact loosin days

vickers5004787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

"but the same thing can't be done with PSN because you don't pay for the PSN and you don't really have rights to it if you get a PS3."

I paid for the ps3 though, and online capabilities were included in that purchase, and I also paid money for the online games that aren't working because Sony hasn't fixed them yet. Online gaming isn't free, it's included in the purchase price of the console. People fail to realize that just because Microsoft added a subscription fee to their consoles online capabilities, that doesn't mean other platforms are gaming online for free, it's just that Microsoft are greedy a-holes who are willing to add more fees to their system.

That doesn't mean we should be grateful and pretend that Sony is doing some kind of free public service, because they're not. You pay for online when you buy a ps3 or an online game.

Dee_914787d ago

i feel sorry for all the gamers without online

there are more holes in ur argument than swiss cheese

lets let the hackers ( or who ever the external cause is ) know exactly what we are doing so they can prepare themselves!yeaa

i swear i worry about people
like do u even think ? is it our school systems
what went wrong ? lool
kids i guess

Nathaniel_Drake4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )


Live did get huge backlash, but the Xbox brand still plays second fiddle to the Playstation brand. The greats will always get backlashed to the nth degree because some people are sick of seeing Sony be the king of games and need someone to take over. It's easy seeing the evidence here and every other small problem blown way out of proportion.

Until we see articles stop exaggerating problems other console manufacturers get a pass at Sony will remain the king in gaming this and the millions of other articles are further proof of this.

Soldierone4787d ago

SDTarm said all there is to say here....lol

Also you can access netflix...its a pain in the arse to boot up, but it will eventually work.

Soplox4787d ago


I'm a PSN+ user and I pay for the service so they SHOULD do something

DatNJDom814787d ago

I don't recall this much bitching when live was down. This is what I'm talking about when I say ign are a garbage site. They specialize in Sony doomed articles. LOL. FYI, u can get on netflix.

awi59514786d ago (Edited 4786d ago )

Live was down for about 2 days and you could still get on in alot of areas.I couldnt download movies but get still play online. Live has never had a issue this bad.

4786d ago
MeanOldman4786d ago (Edited 4786d ago )


an crusader, sony has better hardware an free online. ms should ask sony for help. you must be forgettin all the times xbl went down


christmas weekend dude, christmas weekend



theres plenty more

OneSneakyMofo4786d ago

I'm actually glad the PSN is down. Meanwhile, I've gotten all the single player trophies for Portal 2, have 100% completed Flower/ PixelJunk Shooter and am working on 100% for Critter Crunch and TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled. These are games that I have downloaded, played occasionally, and haven't messed around with much. I'm going to work on Dead Space 2 next.

Also, Netflix does work. Just keep trying to sign in and you bypass a lot of the screens.

YodaCracker4786d ago

@Ramzadel: "Until we see articles stop exaggerating problems other console manufacturers get a pass at Sony will remain the king in gaming this and the millions of other articles are further proof of this."

Ha! Sony has NOT been the "king of gaming" since the PS3's launch in 2006.

Sheikh Yerbouti4786d ago (Edited 4786d ago )

Thanks Pix!

It asks me twice for my PSN, and I just stopped right there thinking it was just going to repeat.


paintsville4786d ago

Sounds like a hacker attack to me.PSN not safe.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 4786d ago
jdoggystyyle4787d ago ShowReplies(5)
TBM4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

oh ign your opinion does not matter to me. since ive been gaming for over 30yrs i've played more single player than multi.

so since psn has been down ive just played Dragon Age 2 without any issues, and watch netflix after im done playing.

this has not stopped my world from continuing.

wow ive seemed to have upset some people with what ive been doing over these last two days, and the fact that this really doesnt bother me as it seems to being doing everyone else lol.

Simon_Brezhnev4787d ago

yep their upset because we like single player games lol

Soldierone4787d ago

look at IGN's history...they never skip the opportunity to bash PS3 in anyway they possibly can. Home was complete crap to them, and they stopped covering it when it got big and made profit. PS3 sales figures were always front page news till it started doing well. They always give exclusive titles low scores, yet COD is a god and looks better than medal of honor....

If they were the video game industries only news source....YLOD on PS3 would be a bigger issue that RROD...

Information Minister4787d ago

If anyone has the right to demand answers from Sony, it sure as hell isn't IGN. Not after the Crysis 2 PS3 smear campaign.

Bimkoblerutso4787d ago

You guys have got to be kidding. You know the Nintendo fanboys and the Microsoft fanboys say the EXACT same thing about IGN? They're always out to "smear" something.

YodaCracker4786d ago

@Soldierone: "They always give exclusive titles low scores"

Oh, give me a break! Almost every big PS3 exclusive has a higher score on IGN than its average on Metacritic. Stop spouting nonsense without even doing any research. You come off as a total fool.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4786d ago
Maddens Raiders4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

hyperbole in that well thought out, and sensible article.

"These are dark days for PlayStation 3 gamers..."

ha haa haa this is pathetic IGN, just pathetic..

buckley4787d ago

It's a shame that one of the biggest gaming sites on the net has a reputation for some pretty poor writing.

morkendo234787d ago

im glad the normal BS that gos on here has everyone focus on PSN issues.

jdoggystyyle4787d ago

lol my comment is blocked for trolling LOL what a trash ass site bottom line is 2nd gen xbox has trashed playstations grip on the market.....and next gen...pshhh....it will b game over.....no matter how how u fuckin losers troll this site for sony it wont change the fuckin outcome that msoft has chumped sony period plain and fuckin simple now that japan has all but sunk into the planet....along with their system that u cant even get online with..u UNITED states faggots need to see that your HOME GROWN system is about to take over.

QuodEratDemonstrandm4786d ago

And the only reason this comment isn't blocked is every single reason applies and people can't decide. I just went with Immature.

J_Cob4784d ago

Pretty low blow dissing Japan for getting hit with an earthquake. You make me, an American, embarrassed.

jdoggystyyle4787d ago


no fuckin clue what u said?

4786d ago
JeffGUNZ4787d ago

Some of you people are so pathetic. How can you defend sony here? I have both systems and this is completely unacceptable. They have been down since mid-week and not even giving a solid ETA. They are running a business and are doing it terribly. I personally prefer single player games on my PS3, but I do enjoy netflix, which isn't working now. Don't tell me I can access it, because I have tried everyones suggestions to no avail. I love Sony and I love Microsoft, but if something like this happens over a greater period than 24-48 hour span, then we all deserve answers. Stop sucking the PS3 dick and take a second to realize how unprofessional this is.

JoelR4786d ago

uh... Netflix has never been done... just cancel past the psn sign in. Has been working the entire time.

TBM4787d ago

i gotta ask if i don't have a problem playing my 360 without online since im a silver member, why would psn being down for a few days bother me if i can still play my games like DA2, Dead Space, GT5, etc, etc?

lil Titan4787d ago

@IGN i would like some answers from your questionable rating on games, yall can stop acting like you care if PSN is down you do all your scoring on 360 games and when it comes to PS exclusives you find the prefect time to criticize the game. this article is nothing more than to get more hits on your site

DanSolo4787d ago

Well these things happen so as long as it is not off much longer I don't think you can complain for a free service!

PS Plus members and DC online players maybe have a bit to complain about... but it has only been 3 days and it is not like this has happened before.

Maybe Sony should just give everyone a free game as a gesture of goodwill.... not because they have to but because it will shut up the whingers.

Scary694787d ago

No PS plus members should not be compensated nor should anyone for that matter (unless there is money missing in the wallet) other then that there are always people out there wanting something for nothing. Like I said before Plus do not pay for online they pay for contents. I prefer they fix the issue correctly then not fix it at all.

jke824786d ago

just in case anyone doesnt read those legally binding end user agreements

No warranty is given about the quality, functionality, availability or performance of Sony Online Services, or any content or service offered on or through Sony Online Services. All services and content are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” with all faults. SCEA does not warrant that the service and content will be uninterrupted, error-free or without delays. In addition to the limitations of liability in Sections 1, 2, 11 and 13 of this Agreement, SCEA expressly disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability, warranty of fitness for a particular purpose and warranty of non-infringement. SCEA assumes no liability for any inability to purchase, access, download or use any content, data or service

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4784d ago
news4geeks4787d ago ShowReplies(1)
Peaceful_Jelly4787d ago

Wow, I would expect stuff like this from a no-name site but from IGN?

"In a sense, outages like this should be expected with the PlayStation Network. It's a free service (unlike Xbox Live) and as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for."

"Yes, the PlayStation Network is free. But when I purchased my PlayStation 3, part of what I paid for was access to the PSN."

ALFAxD_CENTAURO4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

It's IGN, get used to it.

But looks like they can't live without PSN (even when they troll a lot Sony/PS3/PSN), they will go desperate as you can see.

dead_eye4787d ago

Does it really say that lol.

Achemki4787d ago

lol, yeah those quotes are in total opposition. So which is it Colin? Are you a pitcher or a catcher? =P

Seriously though, Sony got attacked/hacked. Instead of writing an article about this new era of unscrupulous hackers disrupting online communities and hurting developers and fans, he turns the whole thing into a "poor me" rant directed at Sony and how he can't synch trophies, how he's not getting what he paid for (after he said he is) and what are they gonna do to buy his love back.

NO WHERE in his "tisk tisk" does he say "btw FU Hackers that invaded a network that housed my credit card info in the 1st place, get a job." He says nothing. Lets the hackers off the hook completely. Glad he's a videogame journalist & not a cop, lol! Way to endorse illegal hacking IGN. Why condemn that type of behavior when you can just blame Sony

SilverSlug4787d ago

Yet, they didn't bitch when Xbox Live was down for 13 days. Hypocrites.

JeffGUNZ4787d ago

This isn't an argument over PSN or Live, so stop trying to make it into one. Get your facts straight if you want to bring that up, that was a SMALL figure of Live users that went down. During that time, I was able to use live, along with all my LIVE friends. In this situation, I can't access PSN at all, NO ONE CAN. It's completely different and it makes Sony look bad. Stop blaming hackers, Sony should have anticipated this and set up way to prevent it. I mean, they are only one of the leading entertainment platforms world-wide. Sony is great and I love my PS3, but this is a total joke. IGN isn't biased here, they actually have a valid point.

monkey nuts4787d ago

You can't spell ignorant with out IGN. At jeff Gunz, I was affected by the live outage over that fateful xmas holiday, and personally I rate it worse than the current outage with psn. For one I was paying for live, and secondly sony has just blocked all access to the servers till they can plug the hole where the crackers got in.
I still feel your pain brah and would myself like some news from sony regarding possible up times, but I guess they're playing things close to their chest again.

P_Bomb4786d ago

Why shouldn't I place some responsibility on the shoulders of the people that performed an ILLEGAL intrusion? If they hadn't done this ddos attack or whatever the heck it was then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

For one we don't know how many attacks Sony have stopped in the past before this one got through. We've been fine from 2006 up until now.

But yeah, the people that did this shouldn't be given a pardon just because they pulled it off. Otherwise we're just sending the message that it's okay to do this. If I break into your house and steal your credit card, is the blame all on you for not having a moat with a fire breathing dragon? Yeah Sony's communication has been sub-par, blase and now they have to install a bigger lock, but at the same time if it wasn't for criminals we wouldn't need locks on our doors in the first place.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4786d ago
JMyers4787d ago

Shut up IGN. Why not talk about things that are significantly affecting the Industry? Like the rise of only a few IPs dominating, and the effect on smaller developers? Or the price of certain games being higher just because of the name it carries? Or the effect of piracy? No, instead take this opportunity to wine and complain.

Dart894787d ago

Sony can compensate all psn players with a free box of oreo cookies:).

Biggest4787d ago

I welcome this compensation!

cr33ping_death4787d ago

sounds about right :-) mmmmmm oreo's

monkey nuts4787d ago

'Compenfuckingsation?' . 'Aye for fatties leg mun Bryn. He's broke it see like.'

Dee_914787d ago

double stuff then we got a deal
il take that or a box of pop tarts

The BS Police4787d ago (Edited 4787d ago )

Why would mthey compensate you? Unless if you have a plus membership you don't pay for it! It's like if you have a VOD service supplied by your cable provider... So what if it's not working, if you didn't pay for anything and if your not willing to walk through steps to troubleshoot it, I'm not giving you a 61 dollar credit because it doesn't cost you anything!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4787d ago
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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2661d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905106d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5106d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905106d ago (Edited 5106d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5106d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5106d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5106d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5106d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495106d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5106d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5106d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

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2697d ago
Bismarn2697d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One