
THE BITT--- Interview with The Gamer Goddess

Here is an interview I had with The Sweet Spot’s resident girl gamer, The Gamer Goddess. We chatted about a ton of topics involving everything from her gaming beginnings, the journalism part of gaming, and the gaming industry itself. Check out all three parts of the interview, and you will see that she is as awesome in gaming as she is beautiful. Thanks May, for doing the interview with us.

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She is a super cool person I met her at PAX East.

Venomousfatman4793d ago

Yeah she is pretty cool. Great personality, and great knowledge on gaming.

Urmomlol4793d ago ShowReplies(4)
creamsoda4793d ago (Edited 4793d ago )

Hahah she's probably and actress that gets paid to pretend shes a gamer girl to get the geeks to jizz their paints.

I appreciate gamer girls but attention whores that make celebrities of themselves as gamers is just pathetic. Big deal your a girl and you play videogames. Cool story bro. My two sisters play videogames and they don't brag about it like these poser b*tches.

Seriously who gives a shit.

Venomousfatman4793d ago

Most of you guys who keep saying negative things about this interview have not actually watched the full interview. She is someone who is a game producer, she is constantly involved with the process of making a game.

As far as the Site Real Otaku Gamer.com, most of us on the site are actual otakus. We cover everything about games, anime, and sci-fi. These kinds of interviews are about the game industry and the people who are a part of it. Before you make a comment or express an opinion about that, you should know what you are talking about and check out the site and interviews in full before doing so.


Episode 130 – PS4 Impressions with Hip Hop Gamer

Welcome to another episode of The Show Radio. In this episode Uriyya takes a trip to Hip Hop Gamer Headquarters for a night of food, fun and fellowship. During the visit, Uriyya and Hip Hop Gamer give their PS4 impressions and the future of gaming. Hope you enjoy this episode and happy listening.

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Everyone deserves a second chance

Gamertag Radio writes: "The other day I was browsing Facebook and noticed a post from the ECA announcing their new ambassador. It was HipHopGamer. I'm proud of him for making moves and slowly making changes in his life. But others in this gaming industry are not happy with this decision.

I don't blame them at all."

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wishingW3L4128d ago (Edited 4128d ago )

didn't know HHG had his own tag. XD

edit: wait wait wait... HHG what? ECA what? Ambassador of what? Are they crazy? Second chance or not I don't give a crap, he is not worthy of that and I don't want someone like him representing me on anything. I hate this decision with every fiber of my being. 0___________0

Dwalls11714128d ago

Second chance ??? He didnt do anything...the guy Is growing his name in the industry every day...he doesnt need you guys

Blacktric4128d ago (Edited 4128d ago )

a crappy website asking for forgiveness for the owner of another crappy website

hahaha oh wow


"the guy Is growing his name in the industry every day"

Are we talking about the Doritos/Mountain Dewdew Journalism industry here?

InMyOpinion4128d ago

"the guy Is growing his name in the industry every day"

Yesterday he learnt how to write his own name. Soon he will be capable of reading it too. If that isn't progress...

4128d ago
ATi_Elite4128d ago (Edited 4128d ago )

Are you serious? I can't believe this character is still around!

Also isn't this guy BANNED from this site? I though us Gamers Vanquished him into Oblivion a year ago!

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Episode 121 – Podcasting – Hip Hop Gamer Anniversary And So Much More!

Uriyya is back from his trip in Tampa Florida, where he spent some time with his family for Thanksgiving. In this show Uriyya talks about the Mass Effect Paragon screening, the Hip Hop Gamer Anniversary party and so much more!

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Muffins12234197d ago

Never thought i would see hiphopgamer article on here again...