
More Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Rumor

A source claims that the next Call of Duty title, Modern Warfare 3 will be a prequel with Modern Warfare 2′s Ghost taking the lead role for the story line. The character Ghost already his own comic book and so for him to be the main character isn’t surprising, these are the only details we are aware of so far but they seem to back up previous claims that Modern Warfare 3 would indeed be a prequel.

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GodofwarGoty4810d ago

it would be great if it was a prequel of Ghost every ones favorite character in call of duty is ghost next to Soap captain price

trainsinrdr4810d ago

wats is so good about ghost he dies within 2 hours of you meeting him lol

kaveti66164810d ago

he had a cool skull mask... that's what makes him a great character. /s

newhumanbreed4810d ago

Captain Price is the face of Call of Duty, well the original ones.

Bear_Grylls4810d ago

Like I told everyone repeatedly.....


What has it been like 3 years in a row now, every October we get a new COD.

Save your money people don't buy any map packs, Black Ops only has 6 months left as the popular COD.

gedapeleda4809d ago

The jew will keep cooking CODs until it makes no profit ,witch is never.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4809d ago
chidori6664810d ago (Edited 4810d ago )

Well I for one am quite excited about a new Infinity Ward developed Call of Duty with the great jobs they’ve done with Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 and also I enjoyed Ghost character so Im happy about this new take..

KDubyah4810d ago

You do realize that 'Infinity Ward' isn't so much.. Infinity Ward, anymore?

GodofwarGoty4810d ago

i Guess i was wrong juding by how many agrees and disagress no one wants a prquel to ghost or they dont even like ghost LOL i dont see that coming

xAlmostPro4810d ago

Multiplayer based on mw2/black ops options..

So either made for complete noobs and including things like commando, one man army danger close noobtubes and overpowered killstreaks

Or very balanced yet completely ruined because all it does is lag every single game which results in balanced weapons becoming unbalanced and not hitting targets etc.

Hey maybe if we're lucky it'll be a mix between both -_-

Fact is the multiplayer should be made closer to cod4 if anything..

Imagine cod4 with dedicate servers, no juggernaught, stopping power or last stand/second chance and killstreaks that don't earn you're next killstreak..


but not gonna happen

El Nino4810d ago

They should just strip all the noob ish away and take it back to cod4 gameplay

WarPonyDestroyer4810d ago

Does anyone even care about SP. COD is all about casual MP

Bear_Grylls4810d ago

I'm with you.

Just throw in a comprehensive tutorial and then spend all their time making it the best multi player out. Instead of the noob fest COD has become.

Just forget the shitty UNBELIEVABLE story's and crap levels with re spawning enemies.

imagine it as just CALL OF DUTY: ONLINE

Skizelli4810d ago (Edited 4810d ago )

What are you snorting? CoD4's story was AMAZING. They haven't been able to top it since, hence MW2's Hollywood approach -- which was a bit much, I'll agree with you there. Black Ops' wasn't too bad, but still not as epic as CoD4's.

X-DominusRebellis-X4810d ago

COD is like the local whore. Once everyone's had a piece of her, it doesn't how many new tricks she can do, she's still a saggy and unattractive whore whose been used and abused by everyone. BC3 is all I have to say to anything COD.

Stewie2k84810d ago

ghost is kinda cool but, Cpt. Macmillan is awesome.

showtimefolks4810d ago

can't hide my joy lamo

since i got that out of my system here are my thoughts on COD in general

what i am interested in though is if the game can hold its sales with BF3 coming around it along with resistance 3 and rage

and ES5,ME3 and Uc3

look i am not a cod fan but i respect the fact that so many people buy this game and to many who hate it activision has many studios working on the COD brand so every dev get tehir 2 years development time

one year we see black-ops studio
than the next a new studio than the 3rd year another game from blac-ops studio

so 2 years development time is pretty much a set standard but i do want to see some fresh ideas in this upcoming COD game

i have a question do you all think from this point moving forward COD series will slow down? like music games with so many FPS will we see FPS games starting to get stale?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4809d ago
tdogchristy904810d ago (Edited 4810d ago )

I just want a conclusion to the current story arch and know what happens with them being stuck in safe houses. Aside from that I could care less. I want a conclusion to the story then I'm done. The story is the only thing keeping me even remotely interested.

plb4810d ago

So who is working on this title? Sledgehammer, IW?

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Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 start date, time, exciting leaks and how to watch

Here is the start date and time for the Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 with bundles of exciting leaks and how to watch.

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gold_drake2d ago

10AM PT/1PM ET/6PM london time.
on June 9th.

this is so odd. we had ps before the summer fest and now xbox after.

lelo2play17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Summer Fest and the Sony show were both crap, let's hope Microsoft and Ubisoft shows are decent.

(the way this is going, I'm not asking for good/great shows, simply asking for decent shows...)

I miss E3.

RupeeHoarder16h ago

State of Play is a 30 minute sizzle reel. It is not meant to compete with the yearly Xbox showcase.

gold_drake12h ago

best e3 was when they showcased breath of the wild with the nintendo tree people i watched that quite a few times ha.

Daver15h ago

Diablo 4 expansion? Even if the game is bad.

Crows9015h ago

I'm definitely of the mind that d4 was complete crap at release...but the state of it right this moment is not complete crap. They've simplified a lot which actually helped their overtly stupid itemization.

End game content is still kind of stupid but at least progression and itemization is better.

Daver14h ago(Edited 14h ago)


Maybe but it is still boring. It might be a little bit better but it is not a good game.

Profchaos14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Xbox had typically kept the old e3 dates alive it seems to always fall on Queens / Kings birthday holiday in Aus only reason I've noticed as it used to be a day off to engross myself in e3 showcases but nowadays it's nothing

Lightning772d ago

The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase. That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff.

There's also suppose to be a Wu Tang Clan game that's a kungfu action RPG featuring the legendary hip hop group New Yorks own Wu Tang Clan. You read right Wu Tang Clan kungfu action RPG.

Sounds weird, random and quirky but hey I'm down to see it.

dRanzer1d 11h ago

Looking forward to gears 6

romulus231d 10h ago

Bet the title has Shaolin in it.

purple1011d 7h ago

State of decay 3 info is leaking on twitter!

Looks good. Personally don’t play horror/ zombie games, but I appreciate it’s a good game so that’s a win for Xbox fans.

Lord knows they need a win at the moment

ThinkThink1d 4h ago

Appreciate the concern, but I think we'll be just fine. Hope you all enjoy tomorrow's show.

1d 2h ago
Obscure_Observer17h ago

"The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase."

MS had the best showcases in the last few years.

This year, the bar is so low with those last showcases, that imo, MS and Ubisoft doesn´t even need to make much of an effort to beat them.

"That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff."

Grubb was right about the last State of Play. Just a few days for the end of the month, he´d continued and insisted that it was going to happen. And he was right! Sony made a last minute announcement for whatever reason, but the guy was spot on.

Lightning7711h ago

Grubb was only half right. He only got the month down, which was late last month for a PS event but wrong on it being a PS showcase.

Half right at best. He's still not that credible these days. He definitely wasn't spot on.

derek14h ago

Grubb has been pretty spot on in his comments regarding showcases. You can tell he's not guessing, he knows in advance.

Sonic188114h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Microsoft has had the best showcases for the last 3-4 years. The problem with Microsoft and the Xbox division is their reputation and trademark around the world. That's what's really affecting them.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 11h ago
anast1d 11h ago

This show is going to be painful.

Elda1d 10h ago

Hopefully not knowing most games shown will be multiplats & some eventually multiplats.

anast1d 10h ago

The presentation is going to be the painful part. There might be some good games though.

1d 7h ago
1d 6h ago Replies(1)
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ArmrdChaos22h ago

You can always make a drinking game out of it for every time they say the words "Made for a modern audience".

Crows9015h ago

I'd like to be able to watch it through to the end though...

18h agoReplies(3)
GotGame81817h ago

Are you 12 or 13 now? 😂🤣

anast16h ago

This is fun. Some back and forth.

No, but those emojis sure seem like you might be.

Crows9015h ago

You'd think that every now and then even these dispassionate fools may do a good job...they've disappointed every single year since before release of Xbox one....that's a really long streak of disappointments...lol

anast15h ago

For sure. they have the money to put on a top tier show, but I'm afraid it will look like an event where super rich people are noticeably trying to be cheap. And they have this strange smile like they know they are trying o get over on people. It just makes for an awkward and tasteless showing.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 7h ago
Elda1d 10h ago

I hope it's a good showing knowing most games that will be shown will be multiplats & XB timed exclusives that'll eventually become multi-plats.

Tacoboto1d 7h ago

It is what it is at this point.

At least the good games will have a chance to be bought, take advantage of the superior DualSense, and *maybe* give those studios a better shot at survival.

They'll also have better shadows, and run with higher dynamic res on the PS5 Pro.

Lightning771d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

So if they're multiplat would you suddenly like Xbox games?

You never have before you've made that clear several times over.

Elda1d 3h ago

I have an XBSX. I also own a PS5 & a Switch. What's your point??

Lightning771d 3h ago

My point is what I said. You don't like Xbox games, you've said it repeatedly. So would you suddenly like Xbox games if they were available on PS5.

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COD Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Pride Month Freebies Released; Gundam Mobile Suit Collab Launched

Activision has not launched the Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Gundam collab cosmetics, and also freebie skins in celebration of Pride month.

Ninjamonkey826d ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

VenomUK6d ago

Reset Era regulars are delighted at this news.

6d ago
Elda6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.

6d ago
anast6d ago

Who downvotes a comment like this?

Storm236d ago

Yeah...the internet sucks.

Huey_My_D_Long6d ago

Welcome to the N4g. Where the gamers complain about gamer stereotypes while acting like gamer stereotypes.

Elda6d ago

Bigots & there are plenty on this site.

just_looken6d ago

The down votes because this is call of duty a first person shooter not pride month parade #45

I used to play first person shooter's for the military on military action not to watch someone with a pride flag stapled onto a cat shooting a gun from the boys on a map from my little pony.

Now you first up a game its all over your splash screen almost like a porn game can i just play a quick game like it was on the ps3 era ffs.

Elda5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It's an article that's talking about COD & Pride freebies that coincides Pride month. June is the month of Pride & in the city & state of NY Puerto Rican heritage is celebrated including the LGBTQ community. You know where you can take your BS bigotry.

just_looken5d ago


Go bang a dude or be a trans i do not care just do not spread that crap in my face 24/7

I do not care if its dung beetal month i am just sick on tired of it being everywhere like the fury shit or in the old days were church's went door 2 door preaching like gtfo with your cult crap.

Elda5d ago

It goes to show how immature you are because the article didn't look for you you decided to enter the article yourself knowing you knew what the article was about from the get go. Your ignorance shows through knowing Pride month isn't just for the LGBTQ but for all cultures & communities. No one put a gun to your head to enter this article you decided to enter the article just to spew your negative bigoted BS or just maybe you entered the article out of curiosity because you're a closet case.

just_looken5d ago

I entered the article because its about call of duty a videogame because we are on a videogame website

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5d ago
Daeloki5d ago

Happy Pride to you too, and have my upvote to at least try offsetting the downvotes!

5d ago
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6d ago
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Cheat Provider To Pay Call Of Duty Creator Activision Nearly $15M In Damages

Cheat software provider EngineOwning will pay Call of Duty creator Activision nearly $15 million in damages and legal fees.

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Jin_Sakai10d ago

Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.

Rynxie10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

This is what developers and manufacturers should do. I know going after cheat devices/makers is a cat and mouse game, and cost money. However, they can get that money back by sueing these manufacturers of cheat devices. Take a page from Nintendo's playbook.