
ESPN - 'MLB 11: The Show' First Look

ESPN: "When I got back to my hotel room following the event, I still couldn't get the game (or the awesomeness of Brian Wilson's polygonal beard) out of my mind. It's similar to how I felt the first time I saw "NBA 2K11," -- sometimes you just get that feeling that you're playing something special, and "MLB 11: The Show" is shaping up to be one of the biggest sports game of the new year."

sinncross4916d ago

I think Sony should try and give their MLB title a world release. Even EA does so with its american-esque sports like American Football.

it may be an interesting exercise at least for one year.

MerkinMax4916d ago

"Only thing missing is a cheat code to unlock The Machine."

Watch this for those of you who don't know who the machine is.

UNCyrus4916d ago

Great article... my personal favorite bit -- "this might be the biggest jump in terms of both control and game-play enhancements the series has ever attempted in a single year."

PS360PCROCKS4916d ago

I hate the Giants. They're so over-rated that was the biggest bunch of luck i've ever seen. Their pitchers will NEVER get that hot at once ever again. It was a farce like my 2007 Rockies, credit though, at least they finished it out.

MerkinMax4916d ago

Uh oh, here comes the undeafeated Cliff Lee, now 7-2 thanks to the Giants. The Giants pitched well, but they were not flawless. Just look how Sanchez pitched.

Persistantthug4916d ago


BAY AREA 4 the win son...deal with it.

PS360PCROCKS4916d ago

lol how hilarious and delusional Giants fans are. You actually think your team is annual world series contenders?? You have the best pitching staff in baseball and one of the most laughable lineups to ever win a world series. It was pure luck, case of EVERYONE getting hot at the right time. I already gave credit for doing what my 2007 Rockies did, but actually finishing out and winning the championship. Your lineup is made up of Buster Posey and the misfits, hasbeens and over the hills. Great great pitching and clutch hitting, It was an impressive ride and one for the books.

Apparently you 2 can't read either since I said "Their pitchers will NEVER get that hot AT ONCE again" keywords "AT ONCE" I never said Tim Lincecum even though 2010 was his worst pro season yet and he was forgettable for 3/4 of the season. But whatever if you actually think your team will repeat that feat again you'll be sad come October.

MerkinMax4916d ago (Edited 4916d ago )

Well why you are sulking about the Giants winning, I'll keep this year in my mind because the Giants earned it.

WOW that is weird how suddenly 5 people came in here and agreed with you and disagreed with us at the same time.

PS360PCROCKS4916d ago

Sulking? I'm not sulking. I do hate the Giants, do you like the Rockies? I doubt it. I just said it was luck that everyone on your team showed up all at once. Hell you were 7 1/2 games back til we knocked the Padres back to earth in a 4 game sweep. It took til the last game of the season to even make the playoffs...lol it's not like you were dominating all season long.

MerkinMax4916d ago (Edited 4916d ago )

I never hate a team. I appreciate great competition. As a baseball player myself, I have never hated an opponent, what is the point? I see where you are coming from and as a Giants fan I can say that they had a magical season. Would I expect it to happen again, nope, or at least not for a while.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4916d ago
Newtype4916d ago




renegade4916d ago

"Fear of the beard" New Maiden song.

Graphics4916d ago

Although it looks nice, it looks like another year of the same game.... Hopefully 1080p is back in this one and not removed like it was in from MLB 10.

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Top 10 Sports Games Of The Generation

In many ways, this past console generation was a brutal one for sports video games. While other genres flourished, sports gamers were subjected to an irreversible thinning of the herd, losing MLB 2K, 2K Sports football, NHL 2K, both NCAA basketball franchises, and seeing arcade sports games all but vanish. Competition, which breeds innovation, is weaker than ever. But that’s not to say some standout games didn’t arrive as well.

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PlayStation 3 Games For $19.99 at Amazon

Amazon has some great game deals for PS3 that include The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection, Heavy Rain: Director's Cut, ModNation Racers, Sports Champions, MLB 11 The Show and more...

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SSKILLZ4341d ago

The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection – $19.96

Heavy Rain: Director’s Cut – $19.99

ModNation Racers – $19.96

Sports Champions – $20.08

MLB 11 The Show – $18.70

Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time – $18.80

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction – $19.70

Killzone 2 – $19.96

The Fight: Lights Out – $18.80

MotorStorm – $19.99

PlayStation Move Heroes – $17.75

Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest – $18.27

White Knight Chronicles International Edition – $19.99

Deputydon4340d ago

For the record, White Knight Chronicles 2 is only $3 more than the first game, and it comes with the first game...

MiamiACR214341d ago

AAA Games on Steam for $5.99

Summons754341d ago

What dose that have to do with playstation exclusives?

crimsonfox4341d ago

@MiamiACR21 get hit by a bus.

BattleTorn4341d ago

I know the steam summer deals are awesome, but you are still, technically 0ff-topic, trolling.

ChunkyLover534341d ago

Some of those prices are okay, but I got Killzone 3 Helghast Edition for only $40, which had a ton of cool stuff with it.

Dojan1234341d ago

Beat you. I got Killzone 3 Helghast Edition for $20 at best buy after Christmas. :)

ChunkyLover534341d ago

Dang, that is a pretty good deal. I got it for $40, but I also ended up getting the Collectors Edition of Uncharted 3 for $40 as well that day. $80 for both of those fantastic sets is well worth it.

Almir9084340d ago

Gamestop has better deals than this piece of crap list. It has team Ico collection for 20 bucks with all the other games on the list but cheaper. Hell motorstorm is like 3 bucks on gamestop while here its 20


PSP Sports Games To Play While You Wait For The PS Vita

The sports genre might be one of the most underrated categories in all of gaming. Sure, they suffer from a yearly release schedule that makes the previous entries obsolete, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t games worth remembering. - PSLS

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knifefight4530d ago

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee and its sequel are awesomely fun games. It's a shame no one plays online anymore :(

They're a great tune-up for World Invitational though, which will be a Vita launch game~

MmaFan-Qc4530d ago

i must resist..argghhhh....have ...to buy vita.....only....in... spring...arrrrrrghhhhhhhhh.


ftwrthtx4530d ago

I am still playing MLB 10 The Show even though I have MLB 11 for my PSP.

Not being able to transfer your RTTS players from one year's version to the next has always been a handcuff for me.

I'm in my 10th year as a right fielder and am on my way to the Hall of Fame. Why would I want to start another guy before I'm immortalized in the HoF with my current guy?