
Virtua Fighter 5 360 Graphics Seem Muted Compared to PS3 Version

In the "Business Hall," one of the buildings set aside for important business meetings and us bottom-feeding journalists, GameSpy managed to get a few minutes of Virtua Fighter time at the Sega booth. Other games had their own rooms, with team members giving carefully on-point presentations.

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MK_Red6134d ago

Hey, last time most sites said the graphics were updated and improved for 360 and now GS says graphics are muted!?

WilliamRLBaker6134d ago (Edited 6134d ago )

I find it weird too nearly every other source says the 360 version looks better. oh well we'll just have to see what happens.
I've played the ps3 version, and thought it sucked but i hate fighting games, so id hate the 360 version too.

hated vf1-4 so yeah.

The Wood6134d ago

vf5 could have lifelike graphics and it'll still be pants to me

DrPirate6134d ago

Anyone noticing a trend?

From PES, to Virtua fighter, to GRAW 2

and now, new examples like Killzone 2 and Heavenly Sword (Graphically).

PS3 is becoming the graphics leader.

............................. Now to work on gameplay :P

WilliamRLBaker6134d ago

Graw2: a lil over 5 and a half months extra dev time.

PES did 2007 version comeout on ps3? no and the 2008 the majority of online sites say they are exactly the same..infact didn't he dev say so too?

VF: we have one site that says any thing, 1 site out of alot that says VF 360 looks plasticky...

so yeah i see no trend...

Ri0tSquad6134d ago

Making 360 games are easy and pushing the hardware to the limit is easier because of the great developer tools Microsoft provides. To do the same with the ps3 it takes more work and like Sony said were going got see ports look better on the ps3. But gameplay is something the ps3 hasn't been hitting its just been after graphics as if sony is still trying to prove people something they should just be trying to make good games.

larry0076134d ago

just like Dirt,Oblivion, Vt3 ,rr7 ,Fn3 this also is no exception

larry0076134d ago

ofcourse with EDGE future multiplat games would be looking better on the ps3.

Understandably so since ps3 is way more powerful than x360

Cell is like 20x more powerful than Xenon and ps3 has a BLUE RAY drive too that can stream data at a very high seek speed

secret6133d ago

Just enjoy your game. If you own the xbox360 and need Virtua Fighter 5, this is going to be your only option. Whether it's better or not compared to the PS3 isn't your concern unless you have or will buy a PS3 if it does have the best version.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 6133d ago
GoLeafsGo6134d ago

It'd be wise to mark this under rumor, as clearly, they're not entirely sure.

m91058266133d ago

I really hope that was sarcasm... that's like looking outside and saying "hmm... it seems to be raining". Better not grab the umbrella yet, he's not sure!

Bloodmask6134d ago

The only differences in colors would be bc one is an Nvidia GPU vs. the ATI GPU. And it was said before that the 360 version would have better AA.

The main thing really is that the 360 version gets online play and the upgraded AI for the CPU opponents.

GoLeafsGo6134d ago (Edited 6134d ago )

..and comes months upon months later.

But, in all fairness, if online was being added to the PS3 version, I wouldn't have minded waiting 2-3 months longer.

Heck, I might've actually picked the title up then.

Blitzed6134d ago (Edited 6133d ago )

LOL, I would love to see your post had it said the 360 looks better.

**Edit** How can people disagree with that?! So, I wouldn't love to see his post had the review been reversed? LMAO Its fact, trust me, I reconfirmed it with my source, ME.

Bloodmask6134d ago (Edited 6134d ago )

My comment is neutral. It states basicly that the graphical differences will be minimal. After all this is a port of the arcade game. The arcade version runs on the Lindbergh arcade board. It has an Nvidia GPU. Therefore pulling of the same graphical effects on the Xenos ATI GPU in the 360 may look slightly different. Like sweat....etc. I realize that these types of things are most likely beyond your comprehension but I am sure there are people on this site who know about technology who will understand even if you don't.
And I merely point out that the major differences will be AI and online play which obviously upsets you bc it is true.

Blitzed6133d ago (Edited 6133d ago )

Thanks for the GPU lesson Bloodmask, not really sure why you think I needed it since I never commented on the GFX, (plus I've only been working with CG/Video GFX for a decade, so I do have a little understanding of the tech), and I actually believe they WILL look the same (with minimal differences). Also, I think the online component is a huge addition. You see, I don't have a bias against anything but fanboys (and the Ottawa Senators, Montreal Canadians and Buffalo Bills). That being said, you actually started out neutral and then added-

"The main thing really is that the 360 version gets online play and the upgraded AI for the CPU opponents."

In every other thread that states "360 GFX better than PS3", your flamed fanboy comments speak for themselves, and what I said was I would have loved to see your comments had this been another thread about the 360 outdoing the PS3 gfx wise. You would have lol'd at any Sony fanboy that put the same type of "minimal difference" spin you just put on it.

Oh, and here is your quote to DMC4 looking better on the 360:

"the 360 version still looks better. (even if the difference is minimal)

Do you need to be hit by a mack truck to face reality. Lie to yourself all you want but time and time again it is proven that the 360 is a more competant games machine. "

That "minimal difference" argument seems to work both ways for you.

SofaKingReetodded6133d ago

if anybody really cared what they said, they would peruse all their statements and show them for the hipocritical xbot jackasses they are.

but then again who cares what they have to say, we know which end it's coming out of and it's not the one you brush your teeth in.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6133d ago

The graphics are obviously inferior, this game was developed on the PS3. This game being graphically better on 360 is pure BS, just get over it the PS3 is far more powerful and its starting to show.

gta_cb6134d ago

im going to remember this comment, and if the Xbox 360 does end up being better i am going to quote you.

gta_cb6133d ago

i love how some people have disagreed with my comment.... so you disagree because you can stop me from quoting canon?!...

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PlayStation Now games for June: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Virtua Fighter 5, Slay the Spire

Plus celebrate Sonic’s 30th anniversary with a trio of titles: Sonic Mania, Team Sonic Racing and Sonic Forces.

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Sgt_Slaughter1105d ago

What is?

Witcher III, Slay the Spire, Virtua Fighter 5, and Sonic Mania are an excellent lineup of titles to add.

Smok911105d ago (Edited 1105d ago )

Lol thanks for your thoughts. Let’s now collectively disagree.

waderae1105d ago

How can you disagree with virtua fighter 5? You haven't played it. It's not out.

Hawk1986661105d ago

All the disagreeing are fools. You thinking adding a 6yrs old game thats timed, that's on sale nearly all the time for cheap is a great addition as the main game?? 2 of the games are previous PS+ games so a lot will already have them. And Virtua Fighter nearly everyone will already have that through plus! You're all Clueless

SegaSaturn6691105d ago

Those are great titles. Real treat.

Rocosaurus1105d ago

Love witcher 3, but that game is six years old.

Eidolon1105d ago

Great great game. Would need another playthrough (Gwent and horse racing) to get the platinum, plus I never bought/played the expansions.

monkey6021105d ago

Slay the Spire is an incredible game

Highrevz1105d ago

Agreed but I almost slept on it if I’m honest.

It’s like a traditional turn based RPG without the dramatic story. Monster Train is another good game if you need something similar to Slay the Spire.

monkey6021105d ago

I've heard that actually. Not played it yet though. Good shout!

1105d ago
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10 Fighting Games That Deserve To Be Resurrected Next-Gen

Although fighting games are entering a new Golden Age, there's a number of franchises that deserve to be brought back.

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darthv721551d ago

I'd love to see Sega bring back Eternal Champions.

BlackTar1871551d ago

Why is there no Star Gladiator or Battle Arena Toshinden?

Terry_B1551d ago

Because the other 10 mentioned series were better. Star Gladiator 2 was just the first part with more characters, Battle Arena Toshinden went really downhill after the 2nd game.

BlackTar1871551d ago (Edited 1551d ago )

o got it. Cause you said those games aren't as good... Got it.

since Battle 1&2 were pretty damn good and Star Gladiator 1 was very good those sound like perfect games to remake.

Also saying a fighting game is the same as it's predecessor with more characters sums up like 90% of all sequel fighting games.

Also BA3 was not a bad game and wasn't given a bad reception.

Skuletor1551d ago (Edited 1551d ago )

I think licensing is one of the major reasons Fight for NY hasn't been ported, since its original release. Def Jam had a poll on their Twitter a year or two ago asking if people would be interested in a new entry to the series. A surprise next gen release with AKI developing it would be cool

Silly gameAr1551d ago

Definitely yes to Weaponlord, Bloody Roar, Rival Schools, Power Stone, Bushido Blade, Darkstalkers, and the Def Jam games. I was really big into fighting games when I was younger. I would Like Primal Rage, B.A,T., and Eternal Champions to come back as well.

BlackTar1871551d ago

Primal Rage was good. There was also another game that was kinda like Weaponlord that I used to really like but I can't remember the name.

Ready to Rumble was cool back int he day as well

Ninver1551d ago

Rival schools and virtual fighters

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What Happened To Virtua Fighter?

It’s been a while since we got a new Virtua Fighter game. What’s going with the series?

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ApocalypseShadow1788d ago (Edited 1788d ago )

Ask Sega. All of Yu's games haven't gotten updates. And they aren't helping to bring Shenmue 3 to console and PC. Spent most of their time on Sonic and Yakuza. Like they forgot the man that got them started. He was the "Miyamoto of Sega." Too many hits under hits belt.

VF is one of the best if not the best, technical fighters around based on real fighting styles. No supers, no finishers,etc. I wish there wasn't any juggling. It was fun as a videogame mechanic but I would like full realism for a fighting game. It's like adding nos to Gran Turismo. Would be fun. Just doesn't fit the realism Kaz wants in his game of winning through skill and perseverance.

I'm hoping for a new Sega surge of games in and out of VR and more respect for Yu and his properties. It's just not the same Sega I grew up with though.

As a side thing, Sega could have even updated Last Bronx to a modern fighter like Namco did with Soul Blade to Soul Calibur.
But they've sat on that too.


I 100% agree with what you said about VF. As someone who use to play VF5 at a high level I want nothing more than VF6 however, I’m scared to see what would happen to VF in this day and age of super meters, rage bars and 100 hit combos.

SierraGuy1787d ago

Exactly...I love Tekken but I love VF a little bit more.

tulholdren1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

Loved me some VF wish they would update the game i still remember my first Jeffery power bomb on VF 1.

PhoenixUp1787d ago

What happened to a lot of Sega’s classic franchises?