
Rumor: Metal Gear Collection HD Remix on PS3 Coming Soon Including MGS1, MGS2 & MGS3

Konami released the Essential Collection prior to MGS4′s re-release. Doubt they’ll do another release, having to go back in and getting the games coded/updated in a manner similar to God of War. They could probably see what the studio that did the God of War Collection are up to and have them handle it.

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dark-hollow5007d ago

I would KILL for a hd collection for MGS
Many mw2 kids here needs a taste of the real gaming

Natsu X FairyTail5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )


You'd go that far to play them?

and what's with this NabikiTendo ? this dude got like 4 Ranma 1/2 accounts and nobody calls him out.

edit @ Dark-hollow

Lmao Death threats it shall be then! haha

edit@ nabikitendo

I'm not mad. I just find it stupid that you have Obvious Multiple accounts all based on Ranma characters but I'm the only one that seem to know about it. I guess there's No manga fans on n4g?

so whatever happened to your RanmaSaotome Account? Banned?

dark-hollow5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Yes I would kill YOU!!!
Death threats over the internet FTW!!!

MisterNiwa5007d ago

Well I am a huge manga fan, but I am disgusted that a 360 Fanboy is using the name of Natsu Dragoneel and the name of the manga he comes from.


sikbeta5007d ago

That's the Most Mega-Awesome thing Evaaaar!!!!

MGS Collection FTFW!!!!!

DigitalAnalog5007d ago

He's from Edolas.

-End statement

WildArmed5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Only reason why I find all of his comments funny o_o

Natsu as a character (from FT) is hilarious.. :D
Latest ch. was badass O_O
DRAGONSLAYER OF DARKNESS (EDITED THANKS 2MISTERNIWA lol)? I THINK SO <-- Speculation (ala I dont know if it's going to happen).. b4 ppl start taking it as a spoiler lol

And if the game had trophies.. Yes I'd kill for the HD version too :D

(I already own MGS1 on ps3 and MGS2-3 on ps2.. which work on my 60gb ps3)

Btw, they need to charge the RUMOR bar to TRUE and FALSE.

Hopefully implies whether you want it or not.. it has nothing to do w/ how credible the article is.. (in this case, not much).
Yet since people want the game (including me) we tend to click in the 'Hopefully direction'

MisterNiwa5007d ago

Dark Dragon Slayer? Sorry but that sounds stupid..

Actually something like a Dragon Slayer of Darkness would make sense, or even a Dragon Slayer of Life, because he eats the life of all the beings around him just like Natsu eats all the flames around him.

Dark Dragon Slayer... oh my god.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5007d ago
Dragun6195007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Don't get too excited guys, The site doesn't even have any sources or evidence to claim anything.
He's just merely going off speculation.

Would be awesome though if Konami does announce it, If they are, then they'll definitely gonna reveal it at TGS.

B-Real2065007d ago

I was going to say the same thing, up next GTA HD collection GTA 3, vice city, san andreas out holiday 2011

jony_dols5007d ago

but GTA's would probably still look horrible (remember those hands.....HD isn't gonna do CJ's ham fists any favors). Nostalgia isn't your friend.

badz1495006d ago

but only god knows how my heart hope that IT IS TRUE!

Cajun Chicken5007d ago

I'd just thought I'd add that Ranma 1/2 is awesome...

dalibor5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

I would sacrifice myself if it would mean the collection would materialize and be released... bummer than I wouldn't be able to play one of the greatest stories ever told on planet earth imo. Or I could just pop in my Metal Gear Solid collection I already own for the Ps2 and hope the hd versions come out with trophy support of course hell yeah make it happen Kojima.

Nugundam00795007d ago

I bought the MGS collection for ps2----

Persistantthug5007d ago

This article/blog is just about how some guy in Australia never had the chance to play the PS2 version and WISHES it would be redone on BluRay.

On a side note, the author forgets that Japan uses NTSC too.

BattleAxe5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )


crzyjackbauer5007d ago

this HD collection is going to be so good
its going to make me slap my mama

United4Life5007d ago

But all of them....

Fuck Yeah , I Love you Sony.

DatNJDom815006d ago

um...... yea so add them too!

mantisimo5006d ago

Mgs 2 and 3 would be quite easily upgraded but 1 in HD would look awful unless it was totally remade.

5006d ago
Blacktric5005d ago

"Many mw2 kids here needs a taste of the real gaming"

Very very very well said. And yes, DAY MOFOING 1!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5005d ago
NabikiTendo5007d ago

I love you sony and playstation everyday my love for you grows and my hate for xbox 360 grows as well lol.


ChronoJoe5007d ago

You're the only one that's mentioned 360, or xbox on this article.

Stay on topic, and stop trolling.

IcarusOne5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

I remember reading waaaaaay back when, before MGS4 came out, an interview with Kojima where he said the only reason he chose PS3 was because he wanted to pioneer a new system. Everyone was already developing for the 360. Almost no one was touching the PS3.


So, if he wasn't just bullshitting, hypothetically, if PS3 had launched first, he might have ended up choosing the 360.

Think about it. (It's okay, I know you won't. Fanboys don't think. They just froth at the mouth.)

ChronoJoe5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Could have something to do with Kojimas fanbase being on the PS3s side though... If either was going to have Metal Gear as exclusive, the obvious decision was the PS3 - regardless of which was released first.

Not to mention I'm sure he prefers Sony as a company, with it being a Japanese company. Must be a lot nicer to be able to speak directly to SEJ, rather than Microsoft figureheads. I'm sure if the PS3s architecture wasn't a little silly, you wouldn't see a JP dev on the 360 for dead, same as Microsofts last console.

Nitrowolf25007d ago

I hope so
I bought it the first time they released the MGS bundle before MGS4 came out, i will be willing to have an HD version of them withh trophy support ect.

Chupa-Chupa5007d ago

Is rumer like a hummer, but on the rim?

KiRBY30005007d ago

its a rumor started by MC Hammer.

Lucreto5007d ago

I would rather a Suikoden series remake.

I never played a metal gear in my like and if a HD collection were to appear I would buy it. The games would be hard to find now.

Does anyone know when Konami or Kojima's conference is on?

Myze5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )


Definitely not hard to find (although $53 may seem high for it if you don't know how great they are). Of course, these are the original ps1 and ps2 versions. So you would need a BC ps3 or a ps2 to play MGS2 and 3. If you have a BC ps3 or a ps2, I can't recommend you getting this strongly enough since a ps3 collection may never even come. If you do pick it up, of course, pick up MGS4 as well (it's really cheap now, and one of, if not the best game this generation).

dalibor5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Make sure to play them all or don't even bother b/c you will be confused with what is going on and such. Use the internet or/and the downloadable database of MGS for the PS3 which is free to download to help you understand the story better and the characters. Game on.

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Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy0121h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.