
God of War 2 Creator Weighs In On Shadow of the Colossus

Providing some very enjoyable tit-for-tat, God of War 2, director Cory Balrog provides his own mirrored responses to the questions asked of Shadow of the Colossus director Fumeto Ueda in a recent Famitsu interview. He tackles Ueda's more successful game, only briefly touching Ico.

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MK_Red6145d ago

Great find. I love both games. GOW2 and SOTC are both classics. Hopefully they make a game together. (Shadow of the Kratos!)

Rythrine6145d ago (Edited 6145d ago )

That would be a masterpiece if they do.

@ngg12345 below

You know I have the same feeling after watching the ending of GOW2 that Gaia is the true villain. It seems that its all a setup so Kratos can finish Zeus for the wrong reason. Just a gut feeling.

ngg123456145d ago

Will most likely be similar to SOTC, in that you are fighting those giant collosuses, and gaia could possibly be the last boss.

Rythrine6145d ago

Look at that, developers praising each others work. Itagaki could learn a thing or two about respecting your collegues and professionalism from these two guys.

MK_Red6145d ago

Awesome point. And even if Itagaki doesn't like others works he should at least learn to be polite and talk with manners not calling them "Half-assed" and "Sucks".

Rythrine6145d ago

I know, Red. Its just sad that he has to comment like that. He should've picked the right words in his mind before he opened his mouth.

otherZinc6145d ago (Edited 6145d ago )

Both games sucked hard, real hard! Thats why sooo many people purchased it, oh?, but they didnt! (ico & shadow that is, on the other hand god of war was great)

LeonSKennedy4Life6145d ago

haha...you haven't played them yet, huh???

SotC destroys any game out there and it's just so freaking EPIC!!!

Ico is still one of the best platformers ever created. It beats the pants off of any Mario game and any Jak game.

Your confidence is disproportonal to your abilities! ~Ling

zantetsuken6145d ago

Is a Shadow of the Colossus or related game for PS3. I have my fingers crossed for TGS. Please Team ICO, please ;_;

Bathyj6145d ago (Edited 6145d ago )

Great insight and I couldn't again more.

I've never felt so emotionally attached to a character as I have in Ico. I seriously prefered to walk with Yorda hand in hand rather than to run because the animation was so convincing and the relationship so compelling that I didn't like to see her arm jerked in such a rough manner.

That might sound silly to some people. Maybe really silly. I suspect people that have played the game might understand if not completely agree with what I mean.

SotC was just as brilliant, awe inspiring, and more a next gen game than most games that have come out this generation.

I've got goosebumps thinking about what ICOTeam might accomplish on PS3 withCell and 50GB to work with. Its scary, I want sequels for both but who knows what they might come up with, with a new IP.

Azurite6145d ago

If they'll follow the same pattern maybe the next game is a prequel to Shadow of the Colossus as it was to ICO. :)

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Shadow Of the Colossus Retro Review – A Colossal Experience in a Beautiful World

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5 Games To Play While Waiting For Dragon's Dogma II

Daman Shelley from NoobFeed writes - Dragon's Dogma is truly a one-of-a-kind game, and there really is no other game like it, but there are a few that come close. Whether with their fantasy settings, the ability to climb mountains, or just with the overall same charm as Capcom’s iconic RPG. Here's a list of games that will hopefully scratch that Dragon's Dogma itch.

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on_line_forever138d ago

every gamer should play this game

gold_drake138d ago

cant wait for it, feb and march are busy busy months ha.

SovereignSnaKe137d ago

I can still hear the title screen music in my head after nearly 12 years. Loved every minute of it.

MrNinosan137d ago

I have no issues filling my time til DD2.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Infinite Wealth and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will probably me more than enough.
More terrified I won't be done in time.

DivineHand125137d ago

Try not to burn yourself out before the game releases. This is going to be a long and immersive RPG like the first one.

The games in this article are all great and I believe the people who are excited for Dragons Dogma 2 probably already played most of those games.

For now, I recommend you prepare yourself for long play sessions if you will be picking up Dragons Dogma at launch.

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Top 30 Best Open World Games of All Time – 2023 Edition

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Nobodyreally192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

watching the video is better then going through 31 pages of gamingbolt.

LG_Fox_Brazil192d ago

Do they explain in the video why there are two numbers 3? Starfield and Tears of the Kingdom?

xeniate187d ago

It's always refreshing to see games embracing the streaming community.