
Sony, Seriously... WTF?

PSInsider Writes: Here we are going on year 4 of the PS3's life. It now enjoys a comfortable price point, a plethora of great gaming content, and an online service that has started to mature and offers much of what the competition does. However, after all this time, we're still lacking a key feature that you keep teasing us with, and we're getting sick of it.

Blaze9295108d ago

Yeah PSN+ is pretty ridiculous. Like a beefed up Qore. I was expecting features, not so much services.

apparently it might get cross-game chat though. Maybe it's some copyright stuff but I seriously doubt, and hope, that they did not need four years to figure out how to do cross game chat.

In fact, what PSN features has sony innovated on with the PS3 besides HOME?

One thing I like about LIVE is that LIVE truly is your dashboard. From offline and online - you get completely different dashboards and activity. With PSN it feels like I'm just restricted to the far right side of my friends list and PS store. Maybe a XMB redesign is due. That'd be cool

fr0sty5108d ago

I think the XMB works fine, though when you are online it could be reshuffled a bit so that the features you won't be using are put off to the side while friends list, etc. get priority. As for innovating with PSN, they do have the folding @ home, playstation life, game sharing, etc., so they do innovate just a bit here and there, but it's nothing like what MS has brought to the console realm. And this is coming from an AVID PlayStation fan.

Conloles5108d ago Show
Sheikh Yerbouti5108d ago

Microsoft is the go to guys for developing communities over a network as expansive as LIVE. Sony will always be playing a game of catch up on that front.

The author is correct that Sony builds up the expectation of certain features that eventually fail to materialize. Ironically, the use of the HDD in the PS2 was one of them, largely due to the lack of any online infrastructure to utilize. HOME is a failed experiment, that has its moments of brilliance every three months or so to bring me back.

The XMB is fine though. I like it better in many respects to the 360's. It just needs better organization features. I personally have had some issues with invites, but I doesn't happen that often to say "WTF!". Yet I'd be crazy to say cross-game chat wouldn't be welcomed, and even sharing media via HOME would be neat I guess.

So by and large, I'm happy. As a result I'm not that interested in PSN+, but I'll try it for $50 - cheap enough. There may be some feature I realize I can't live without after subscribing. Yeah,...I doubt it too.

FarEastOrient5108d ago

This article is failing to see what the PSN and Xbox Live is like over seas. The Playstation has all kinds of deals with TV programing partnerships, DVR Function, Yes a music / music video store. The Xbox is lacking in those departments internationally.

In the United States it is in reverse, Xbox 360 is dominating in deals with some United States properties because they have put more money here than internationally. That is the reason why it looks like Xbox Live is more robust than PSN in comparison if you only look through the lens over here.

NYPunkster5108d ago

Inexplicable. Bizarre. Is all I have to say about that.

Redgehammer5107d ago

is that image from Watership Down? That's Hazel isn't it?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5107d ago
deadreckoning6665108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Yeah, I agree. PSN+ was a stupid idea. I'm glad we have the OPTION. But I believe EVERY PS3 should have the instant update feature.

@Disagree- U don't think that instant update(a basic feature IMO) should be free to ALL PS3 owners? WOW...that bad huh.

@Clowbelt- I'm not speaking for everyone, but I've NEVER bought a PSN game or PSN one classic, because frankly, I don't care about those things. PSN Plus just isn't worth it for me. I do buy loads of Rock Band DLC though.

ClownBelt5108d ago

If you're a guy who loves to buy stuff off PSN such as DLC and PSN games then this is a great feature since you'll get a discount. However, for me who detest DLC, No. I don't like it.

Jsynn75108d ago

Nice edit, dead. You and Blaze think it's stupid but think XBL is better when they make pay $50 for multiplayer ONLY? Yes, PSN+ is an option but there are some feature worth paying for. With XBL, you either pay to play MP or you don't pay and can't play MP. MP comes standard with most games these days there for it should be free to play. Wow, you guys are hilarious lmao. I bet you guys would defend M$ if they made you pay to turn on your systems lol

maddhatter1235108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

don't expect logic from the 360 fanbase to them a 54% failure rate wasn't a problem.

edit: exactly everyone complains about a few features missing in this but have no problem paying for stuff like playing online and laggy p2p servers and on top of that they get ads in a subscription service.

Sheikh Yerbouti5108d ago

Personally I don't want anything automatically updated for the PS3, unless I can program it like my DVR. Games might be cool, but not updates.

Jsynn75108d ago

I don't usually play in this "Fanboy War" nonsense but reading what these 2 said just blows my mind. I don't understand why they wouldn't think paying for something that the other 2 consoles are doing for free is a bad thing. Dead was right about 1 thing, PSN+ is an option so if you don't like it, don't subscribe and use the features given to, including MP, FOR FREE. If you want to play Halo/Gears MP on XBL, you have no choice but to pay. Just outrageous.

sikbeta5108d ago

Basically Some of you don't see the appeal on this because you have FREE PSN but the thing with PS+ got nothing to do with PSN, so you would see "Real Appeal" if they Charge you for Playing On-line, but again, This is another Service or whatever you name it that got nothing to do with PSN...

Montrealien5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Dont you guys find it a little Ironic.

Sony fans say.. XBL sucks, why pay for for this PSN lets you have for free.

Which is only online multiplayer, now which I agree is ahuge.

But now, it seesm paying for cross game chat is fine, a feature which is part of the XBL paying service. `

all the people defending and showing why PSN+ is worth it is just so so funny imho, most of these people ragged on XBL as Xbox fans defended the concept of paying for features on top of the online play which now sony think is worth charging for.

in the end PSN+ and XBL clearly offer great services and features, PSN+ will always win in the end though when compared since it has free online multiplayer. But I am glad that people are starting to understand that alot of the features and functions both service offer are clearly worth a yearly subscription.

Threesix5108d ago

"You and Blaze think it's stupid but think XBL is better when they make pay $50 for multiplayer ONLY? Yes, PSN+ is an option but there are some feature worth paying for. With XBL, you either pay to play MP or you don't pay and can't play MP."

I would say I have no problem paying only $4 a month for an online system that is moderated effectively, has a more accessible friend system, gives me access to XBL arcade deals/discounts, doesn't make me have to go out and set up a blue tooth headset to talk to anyone, especially considering if you include the cost of the Xbox headset in the 50 dollars, and of course has cross game party chat which lets me talk to my online friends whether we're on different games or the same game. 50 dollars for just multiplayer you say? I disagree.

PSN+ is an alright concept if you do plan on getting that many games in a year AND plan on being a long time subscriber, but the fact that once your subscription ends you won't have access to those games anymore puts a big damper on it. Not to mention, having to pay for PS1 games that could be played on the earliest version of the console if you owned the original game. Glad I still have one of those versions.

IdleLeeSiuLung5107d ago

I think people are missing the point. People aren't just paying XBL to play games online, they are paying to be part of the XBL community.

That is what MS has built, they have built a social gaming experience that PS never planned for. If Sony did, they would have included a headset in it.

Fact of the matter is, people complain why PS3 has more value in almost every aspect even online, yet a significant amount of people still choose the more expensive platform? It is because, the free option might be fine for a large portion of the people, but there are plenty of others who want what MS is offering.

It's like Apple is offering you a MacBook. It functions just like any PC, and in fact is just a PC underneath. Yet, people pay 3x as much for the same thing... Why?

With that said, PSN+ is a nice valued addition, but is just that an addition and not a necessity. I also don't think xross game chat at this point is a wise idea as it ensures a fragmented user base. You want a lot of people to have a headset to make it worthwhile. Overall, I think it is a little too late for Sony at this stage to be doing this and they should have followed the MS model from the start. It would have been better for Sony and in some ways for the consumer.

mastiffchild5107d ago

No idle. People feel they HAVE to pay because it's true. Community comes a distant second and, frankly, PSN+ has nothing whatsoever in common with a Gold sub apart from being around the same price. If your only console is a 360 you are BOUND to pay to play online as it's your only choice. It's like having a gun put to your head and if you want to play Halo/Gears on line with your mates you pay it. Sure there's a great community(in places) on Live but to say it wasn't born from MS making people pay unfairly is nonsense.

By the same yardstick PSN+ is a pile of crap , imo, because it's just not appealing feature wise for the price. If you crave the struff on offer good luck but at least the rest of us don't have to pay for it and can game on line for free without the terror of bloody XGC(which is the biggest single reason I gave up playing TF2 with my mates on 360 in actual fact and, to me, is just a sign of how impatient and rude we all are these days. Seriously, I'd rather wait a few minutes to talk top people outside my game and give those involved with the game OR the conversation the courtesy of my full attention. that way I don't ruin anyone's precious gaming time)-something which is only important because it's on one and not the other.

Whatever, PSN+ will live or die on it's own merits(or mack of) and has nothing to do with PSN or Live as it's a totally different concept to either right now. It may well be a bit crap but it's not a rip off and you don't HAVE to even think about it if you don't want.

HaVoK3085107d ago

Gaming is a privalage. Not a right. Vote with your dollars. Niether, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Publishers, or Developers owe you a damn thing. If you pay you choose to pay! It is as simple as that. You dont HAVE to play games you choose to.

IdleLeeSiuLung5107d ago

Havok above me got it right.

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy a 360 or a PS3. You can choose to NOT buy the 360, stop using the 360 or even sell/trade it in for a PS3 anytime you want. Clearly there are a significant amount of people that prefer the 360 as well as there are people that prefer the PS3.

Nothing wrong with that! The only thing wrong is thinking your subject idea of value should be applied to everyone else!!!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5107d ago
5108d ago Replies(9)
DA_SHREDDER5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

The xbox live blades are fugly, and confusing to new comers. Anyone who says different obviously rather go through menus than have a simplified and gorgeous experience. My Wipeout HD Dynamic Theme makes the 360 Blades look majorly obsolete.

digoutyoursoul85108d ago

i've read some of your stuff on thebitbag.com. it doesnt have blades, the nxe doesnt have blades.

the wipeout hd theme is great and even better because it was free :-)

Eiffel5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Actually it does have blades. Hit the guide button then tada.

I personalty found it easier to navigate through NXE than the XMB. Never was a fan of the XMB.

Raf1k15108d ago

The XMB is designed as an interface to be used in most of Sony's products for improved interconnectivity. If it was designed solely for the PS3 they'd have probably changed it quite a bit already.

insomnium5108d ago

can be considered difficult to navigate? WOW!

duplissi5108d ago

eiffel, did you know that aesthetics aside both the xmb and nxe are almost the same?

xmb: you can navigate left or right to find a category then up and down within that category.

nxe: you can navigate up or down to find a category then left and right within that category.

for me personally though when it comes to stuff like music and videos on the xbox... well it sucks you have to press a like 4 times and have to wait for the stupid zune bullshit to show up before you can play anything... the xmb is sooo much quicker and better for that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5108d ago
extermin8or5108d ago

I agree with you I love my ps3 and will probably get this as I will use the features however a XMB redesign is due and was rumoured (maybe its a suprise? I can hope lol) anyway guys he is right and if a ps3 fansite is having ago at sony well.... I like the psn but I want more I want it to have the ps3 feel all these brilliant and awesome exclusives but to win this sony need a online service ad GUI (graphical user interface) more like the 360. Well part of me thinks this new psn+ could be a guise for steam? I mean valve sure changed their tune fast didn't they? hmm im sure psn+ will evolve over the next few months into something much better

Dee_915108d ago

"There is nothing more annoying than seeing a friend playing another game on PSN, and hoping he has his/her message notifications turned on so they'll see the text message i just sent them to join me in a game of Warhawk, when i could just give them a voice call and be done with it before I could have had half of that text messaged dialed up on the PS3 keypad."

Well i thought thats what the chat-room was for ?

FACTUAL evidence5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

with this article. People have been waiting and waiting for features, and sony keeps beating around the bush with these poo-put updates. It's really abysmal waiting for a firmware update just to find out it has NOTHING useful for your gaming experiences. I'm through waiting. Sony I'm done with you this gen, not trying to boycott or anything, but IMO you did not really deliver in the online part this gen. The games were good though.

I guess I'm going to buy XBL again. Sony, no doubt I'll be getting the PS4, but for now I'm going to put more into the wii, and 360 for the next 2 years. It's been a good run. Sad to say but I have no hope for you guys this gen. I'm sick of waiting for something that's probably not going to happen for the next few years.

Monk3y5108d ago

but i PERSONALLY like XMB, its simple, clean and haves nothing i dont need cuz tbh.. consoles are for gaming not to chill out in Dashboard/XMB

strickers5108d ago

XMB is superb.Show me a menu that efficient,that covers such a large amount of content.It's super fast and has fully customisable icon/wallpaper with 1000s available free.360 dash is slow and convoluted and most of it unnecessary.The other thing PSN does is free content including browser and iplayer and larger player counts in games(32 +).It also has less lag in my experience and I've has less disconnects in proportion to time spent on it.It's good enough that I now know 5 people(including me)who've cancelled Live and just play on PSN.
As for cross game chat,I wouldn't mind it but waaay too much fuss over it.Between that and the 32 player count,I choose players.When I play Warhawk,Killzone or any shooter,I play with maximum players,it's just better.I've tried the smaller games/levels and I enjoy it less.
I don't want PSN+ either but if you look at what you get it's much,much better value than Live,which basically charges you for free services on PSN/PC.

willie325107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

I was pumped for the service. Now, I do feel it is lacking because of one major problem. What actual games will we be allowed to download for free? I bet it will be the bottom of the barrel games that no one really wants, or already owns. What about the free DLC? Will the stuff that people want, such as, COD map packs, Killzone 3 packs, be the actual DLC offered to us? If these packs were given with the service, it would be a day one purchase. However, I highly doubt it the more I read about the service. Sony is going to hand pick what they will give to us. I am curious if the "Stranglehold" online pack will be offered for free...lol.

Edit-I would rather see one free game a month of our choice.

Christopher5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

[see below]

Christopher5107d ago

Honestly, I just don't give a rats arse if there's a feature you really want and it's missing. You know what's the most annoying thing about not having X-game chat? Hearing someone whine about it missing from PSN each month.

The _only_ people who hype this feature, whether it's coming in X.X update or not are the same people who write bitch articles when a firmware update comes and it's not present.

Get over it. Go play XBL. Do something other than just continuing to complain about it. Let your money and wallet do the talking.

Microsoft Xbox 3605107d ago

The one hour trial offer for any game sounds awesome though.

AAACE55107d ago

Sony said it only does everything! So eventually it will. You never know... eventually it will probably be some gamers girlfriends and they will put a different type of hard drive in that slot! Lol... Just joking! It will come soon enough!

5107d ago
gtamike5107d ago

oh well what good is xbl if they have no games :)
Sony is the best!!!!!!

Raz5107d ago

How about giving PSN users around the world a uniform experience, instead of causing us to grind our teeth in rage at all the perks enjoyed by those outside of North America? Seriously...WTF?

Tomdc5107d ago

services > features.

They start offering to many features not offered to regular consumers people would feel cheated. It is a subscription model for games really that is great value if your somebody that plays a lot of psn titles.

You want to pay for features rather than them being dished out for free?

acere5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

yea yea yea what u say yea ^^^we are the same ,thatz right baby we have a choice you guys dont.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5107d ago
CDbiggen5108d ago

Now entering N4G during E3. Abandon all hope ye who enter.

fr0sty5108d ago

oh yeah, because calling a company out on failed promises is such an immature fanboy thing to do. so typically n4g, huh?

pocketaces115108d ago

Why is everyone talking about these promises the only mension I've seen with promises of voice chat etc. were not official it were sites looking for hits. PS3's only official word I ever saw and sorry don't have proof right now was that there is copy write problems with the technology and they need to find a way around it that's why they can't have music build into their games with ought the individual developer putting it in manually unlike xbox which has it built into the system it's all copy right issues.

Christopher5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

What promise? Show me one article or quote where Sony has said "we're going to bring cross-game chat to you."

unrealgamer585108d ago

It's been announced... chill

"Where are our TV network partnerships, cross game chat, party systems, and all the other things that make people think Xbox Live is worth paying for?"

Tv networks? You mean like sky tv or are you talking about tv networks on the video store

I'll give you the party system but the rest.... no

fr0sty5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

ESPN? and no, it wasn't announced. they recently denied it is coming with the ps+ firmware update.

unrealgamer585108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Obviously Ps+ will have an expanded version of xgc while others will have a limited version.

Espn? That's you're argument, Dude Its netflix all over again give It a year ( And before you say "a year?", You and I both know why that Is)

Look I'm a little disappointed about ps+ too, but It's been stated that the service will grow with more features over time.

digoutyoursoul85108d ago

act like the womens rights movement lol

"we want this and that, some of this and fucking all of that and we want it now, not tommorow, now"

swice5108d ago

"....but....you PROMISED!!"

"I'm working on it! Sit DOWN!"

hardcorehippiez5108d ago

classic billy connelly quote right there but so fits the way things are in here. + bubble

Prcko5108d ago

ok man,now say me what would you say to xbox360??
Sony is a god man,so stfu and play exclusive games when you can!!!

digoutyoursoul85108d ago

they are a company, not a god.;-)

Show all comments (129)

The Xbox showcase brought the E3 magic

After having to prove itself for years, Xbox doubled down and pulled it off..

Read Full Story >>
GaboonViper17h ago

Yep Xbox absolutely knocked it out of the park with that stunning show, it was everything a gaming showcase should be, games games and games, well done team Xbox.

CrimsonWing692h ago

It really did. Like I came out of that with the hype for new games I haven’t felt since… well the better years of E3.

monkey6022h ago

It was without a doubt one of the better showcases in years. There was plenty there that excited me. Something has been lacking in years on all platforms

EasilyTheBest10m ago

It was an amazing showcase I loved everything about it. Can't wait to play some of those games.
What's going on. 4 comments & no negatives yet. Wow, what's going on with N4G.


Sony Wishes Its State Of Play Was As Impressive As The Xbox Showcase

While the Sony State of Play had a critical lack of first-party titles and new stuff, Xbox came in hard and delivered one hell of an event.

Goodguy0118h ago

SoPs usually are quite underwhelming. Xbox did a great job and hope Sony learns

Cacabunga7h ago

It was a great show, but still a multiplateform show. xbox needed to give a sign of life, and they did. Sony on the other hand showed some console exclusives..
State of play was light yes that’s clear, but Sony is still planning to deliver console exclusives.

romulus237h ago(Edited 7h ago)

The following games from the showcase are multi-plat and also coming to PlayStation and there may be more so perhaps what Sony learned was to let MS spend the money on advertising games for them.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Clair Obscur: Expeditions 33
DOOM: The Dark Ages
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Fallout 76: Skyline Valley
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Sea of Thieves: Season 13
WUCHANG: Fallen Feathers

Kayser816h ago

they are advertising GamePass which the none subscribers have to pay 70$ for it.

Hello_World5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Buyers on PS help make Gamepass games even more profit by paying retail price, while Xbox gamers get all on day one using subscription. Huge difference.

ocelot0727m ago(Edited 26m ago)


You just made it sound like real life. Playstation = Hard working people who have to pay taxes.

Xbox = Jobless bums who claim universal credit benifits rely on the working class people to pay taxes so they can get free money.

blackblades5h ago

Sony been doing it before MS has for years, so they dont need to learn. If the time isnt right then the time isnt right.

-Foxtrot4h ago

I hope they learn aswell BUT looking at both sides at least Sony isn’t announcing games to show off again, and again, and again over a couple of years

While a good show there was a lot at Microsoft’s conference that were announced and shown off years ago. If Sony sticks to only showing off games when they are going to be released the same year then I kind of understand it but if they don’t then I’d be flabbergasted by it

1Victor3h ago

Let Sony do its thing when they drop the ball for gen and a half of duds shows then they’ll be even with Xbox and we should worry till then they earn it.
All that been said congratulations to Microsoft for finally doing the minimum of having good looking games coming soon took 100 billion to do it but hey gotta spend money to make money or so someone broke once said.

AsimLionheart2h ago

It was as much of a PlayStation Showcase as it was an Xbox Showcase. Most of the games they showed have been confirmed to be coming to PlayStation. Furthermore, even the ones they did not announce coming to Playstation yet are rumored to be coming to PlayStation in the near future. Sony will announce their first party games when the time is right. No point in announcing them 5 years in advance as MS did in 2020.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 27m ago
italiangamer18h ago

It's embarrassing how "professional videogaming journalism" has fallen off.
Article written by a 13 years old full of acne.

Rebel_Scum5h ago

Gotta start somewhere. Especially with computers and AI taking jobs from fast food joints and supermarkets which traditionally hire teens.

isarai15h ago

I think people need to be aware that purpose of State of Play is updates on small scale and 3rd party games, their big scale showings are PlayStation Showcase.

15h ago
Terry_B8h ago

Approved this silly submission of an "opinion article" with the last 2 votes it needed to have a laugh at the upcoming comments.

Seriously, console war shit like this one should be banned from n4g.

Profchaos7h ago

I've noticed that console wait flame bait is the only thing getting approved lately with other articles taking a few days to show up after not getting approved

Terry_B6h ago

Aye. Usually I just use the "how submissions with most approvals" choice ..look what they are and approve. Wish we would have way more reviews here instead of opinion articles. So many of them are just bait.

OWCY3h ago

Ironic coming from you who have been a ps lover and xbox hater on this site since day 1

peppeaccardo7h ago

One one side a company that has brought real innovation in videos games with the first truly 3d graphics for mass entertainment, handheld devices, VR, great francises ... on the other side the Netflix of video games, and so .... who wants to be who? Let's stay focus and play some games kids.

Show all comments (37)

Is Xbox Going Multi-Platform The Right Decision For The Console Market?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "The new Xbox strategy to go multi-platform could eventually change console gaming as we know it, and I am concerned."

Bathyj1d 3h ago

Can we stop pretending that Xbox has any great influence over the console market?

All they can do is try and steer their own Destiny. They have very little to do with what the other players in the console market are doing.

And yes, going 3rd party is pretty much their only option and is good for them.

RaidenBlack1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

Still whatever little direct competition they're offering against Sony ... that'd be gone, which is never good for consumers.
I know Sony will continue to apease the gamers but without any proper competition in same space, they might not work at the fullest efficiency.
(Taking into account, thats generally been agreed here, that Nintendo has long been not the direct competitor to either MS or Sony)

xHeavYx23h ago

The " without any proper competition in same space, they (Sony) might not work at the fullest efficiency" narrative has been proven false for years. Let's stop pretending that, in terms of games, Xbox has been any competition to Playstation.

fsfsxii23h ago

Sony had 0 competition for most of its playstation business, and they still succeeded, the only thing xbox introduced was paid online and dlc

maniacmayhem23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

Sony had little to no competition during the PS2 era and they have an iconic catalog.

I don't think Sony needs competition in the console space to still release great games. It would be the games that would be competing against each other.

Einhander197222h ago

Xbox does not need to exist for PlayStation to have competition.

They compete with Nintendo, PC, streaming and countless other devices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 22h ago
neutralgamer199222h ago

Yes release games on other platforms

Your own gamers still get the games day one on GP. So GP will grow and stay stabilize

By releasing the games on PC,PlayStation and next switch they can get $70 for their games.

MS didn't invest 100 billion for nothing. This way Xbox generates way more revenue

GhostScholar14h ago

And Sony is doing the same thing whether you want to admit it or not.

anast1d 2h ago

The show was like a sub-show for Sony. All these games are coming to PS5.

1d 2h ago
outsider16241d 2h ago

You gotta admit though..xbox showcase was actually really great.

RpgSama1d 1h ago

I mean, yes, it was an Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda presentation, they just so happened to buy all of those publishers, nothing we would not have seen on any other award show if they had not bought developers that were and STILL are developing multiplatform games.

If you remove them you are left with Microsoft game studios, another Fable, Another Gears, Perfect Dark which for me didn't look all that great, Avowed, Age of mythology and south of midnight (might be missing something I guess)

anast1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

No better than any other show. There weren't any major new announcements, which is what everyone has been complaining about. The bar shouldn't get lowered for a trillion dollar company.

crazyCoconuts1d ago

"another Fable, another Gears, Perfect Dark"?
That's a lot of pretty great "anothers".
I could use a few of those "anothers" from Sony right now.

helicoptergirl23h ago

Yes it was a really great showcase that Xbox had. Multiplats and all. Overall it was really cool

Terry_B23h ago

for pc and playstation..yes it was. Not a single reason was given to buy an xbox.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 23h ago
thesoftware7301d 1h ago


"All these games are coming to PS5."

Very disingenuous statement... Some, but not all.

Oh, so that is the new narrative, "sub-show for Sony." lol, wow.

The sad part is that you are clearly and fully aware that it is very unlikely for any 1hr and 30min gaming presentation show to showcase ALL Exclusives, it just doesn't happen.

And don't you think it sad that MS had a better Sony showing than Sony? If I were you, I wouldn't consider that a flex, lol.?

anast22h ago

They are coming to PS5, the ones that matter of course.

There is nothing sad here. You might need to start your argument without an emotive.

I don't think they had a better showing. Unless we lower the bar for only Xbox.

crazyCoconuts1d ago

None of us really know how much they're going third party. They're still ACTING like they want to protect the platform - no mention of PS5 in their show, still marketing the console, still using the Xbox logo.
Yeah Phil acknowledged more is coming to PS5. But is that Indiana Jones? Perfect Dark? Gears?
If they keep those key properties in their stable it's not accurate to label them as simply 3rd party.
They may very well still be in the game after all...

anast22h ago


Sony did the same in their last. They showed games that were already announced.

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Giga_Gaia1d 2h ago

We need to stop pretending like Xbox matters and has any influence in the industry.

By entering the industry, Microsoft made it worst, everything bad in the industry can be tied to them (like paid online and DLCs). The industry would be better off if they had never been in it.

Before you say Sony would have no competition, they would still have PC and Nintendo. As they are right now, Microsoft are not competition, they don't actually matter.

crazyCoconuts1d ago

I think you're mostly right. They've been failing on console and will most likely drop out.
But the concern a lot of us had was that they would use their $ to win monopolistically. They've already bought a huge number of big studios. Going multi-platform would alleviate that concern.
But they could still turn the screws, this game isn't over quite yet... They're sending mixed signals.

CrimsonWing691d 2h ago

I think in Xbox’s direness it is, but let’s not pretend like they don’t understand the value of exclusiveness to their platform. Not every damn Xbox game is coming to PS5 and the stuff that has hit have either been GaaS games or games that didn’t exactly sell gamgbusters and are extremely niche.

When Halo, Gears, Forza, Perfect Dark, Fable, etc. start coming to PS5 then that’s pretty massive and also diminishes any reason to own an Xbox.

LucasRuinedChildhood1d 2h ago

Doom isn't niche. It was heavily implied that all Bethesda games, outside of games with contractual agreements and the existing multiplayer games, would all be exclusive to Xbox.

CrimsonWing691d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Ok, sorry, Doom is the exception.

My point is Xbox is still keeping exclusives for their bigger games. What’s been released are GaaS: Sea of Thieves, Grounded aka Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and then niche stuff like Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush. Then you got Doom coming out, which is an outlier, I suppose.

crazyCoconuts1d ago

It's not niche but it's not everything.
MS has got a HUGE cache of IP and studios now

Scissorman1d 2h ago

It's the only decision. Hardware sales are on a sharp decline and Game Pass growth has stagnated.

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