
Metal Gear Solid 3DS vs Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2)/Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Graphical Comparison

When Konami, Kojima, and Nintendo revealed Metal Gear Solid 3DS: Snake Eater to the media at E3 yesterday, people were stunned at the graphical presentation of the game and the title announcement. Bringing over a main entry of the Metal Gear Solid series to the Nintendo 3DS and with it directed by Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid 3DS: Snake Eater could be the reason you get the system when it launches. When the first screens were released it began to draw instant comparisons to the PS2 version of Metal Gear Solid 3 and, of course, the recently released Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP.

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VegaShinra5098d ago

Wow. Def beats PSP and comes close to PS2. 3DS is months away so things could get betta for it

MattyF5098d ago

It looks sharper than the PSP. Plenty to look forward to from Kojima on this title.

raztad5098d ago (Edited 5098d ago )

Well there are reasons for it. PSP screen is bigger and sport less pixels (480x272, 4.3 inch) compared with 3DS ( 3.53-inch screen with a resolution of 800x240 pixels (400x240 pixels per eye) )

To be honest I'm not wowed in any way with 3DS visuals. Come on, PS2 is more than 10 years old, and PSP 5. It would be very lame if 3DS graphics are worse than those.

MGS3:Subsistance is the BEST MGS title IMO (just started playing PW as of now, and it looks like it can top it), so people new to the franchise are up for a very nice ride.

hamoor5098d ago (Edited 5098d ago )

Well there is a better explanation than yours and that is.......
It does ps2(probably better) plus on TWO SCREENS and one of them is 3d without glasses....

fatstarr5098d ago

@raz i remember 5 years ago they were comparing psp and ds to past consoles n64,Dreamcast and ps1. Back then when psp was comparable to Dreamcast... where was your comment?

The thing that you are not seeing is that Nintendo has never been big on graphics. The DS was at best compared to a bad looking n64 game excluding 3 or 4 DS games. The natural thing for 90% of the gaming population is to compare graphics to old consoles and rivals. Since Sony isn't competing what do you want them to compare the 3ds to?

I dont know what you expect really. o,o the best looking psp games a comparable to ps2 the next step is ps3/360/wii what do you want them to do? Make 360 graphics on a handheld...

morganfell5098d ago

Now compare the gameplay. MGS3 is the second best game I have played, second only to MGS4. But I am only 10 hours into Peacewalker and I have to say the depth of the game is amazing.

raztad5098d ago (Edited 5098d ago )


5 years ago I was playing PC games and I couldnt care less about portables or even consoles.

What am I expecting:

"To be honest I'm not wowed in any way with 3DS visuals. Come on, PS2 is more than 10 years old, and PSP 5. It would be very lame if 3DS graphics are worse than those."

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deadreckoning6665098d ago (Edited 5098d ago )

WOW..I actually think it looks crisper than the PS2 version! This is very exciting. I'm thinking that if this one does well, they'll do the same thing for MGS1 and 2 =D

@Immortal Kain- Yeah man. The fact that this ill be a launch title is simply astounding!

Immortal Kaim5098d ago

Check out some of the analysis on Neogaf, some of the guys there really know what they are talking about. They claim that in terms of raw polygons it may not push as high as PS2, but the post processing is leagues ahead, even matching Wii level shaders etc. Plus, these are only first gen concepts, can't imagine what it will do after a few years. Plus it's in 3D. Truly incredible from Nintendo

Man In Black5098d ago

Because there was quite a difference between his face model between the cutscenes and in-game in Peace Walker.

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bunfighterii5098d ago

It looks better than both PSP and PS2.... But we should expect it to look better than those anyway... PS2 is like 10 years old and PSP is like 5 years old.

Crusade5098d ago


Rofl you honestly think it looks better than the ps2 version? Really?

zireno5098d ago

just out of curiosity why do you think the PS2 version looks better?

karlowma5098d ago

There is extreme aliasing on the 3DS vs the PS2 (look at the ropes in the foreground, and how they degrade to a single pixel farther away). It looks like it's pushing half the polygons, and running at half the resolution (but it pretty much is). The PS2 looks to have some kind of softening filter applied as well, whereas the 3DS version looks completely unprocessed.

That said, Ocarina of Time = Day 1 for me! :D

spooky2055098d ago (Edited 5098d ago )

also the colors in the ps2 version are alot more believable than 3ds. Granted the 3ds colors are more colorful but the ps2 seems to have a blurred effect giving it less jaggies than its 3ds counterpart. The differences are not really all that huge. The screen tear on the 3ds may or may not be a gamebreaker. Good game noneless. Everyone should play MGS3.

shadow27975098d ago

Yes but look at the opposite cliff face and tell me the PS2's rocks look better. Also, the 3DS's bridge is made up of individual boards, where as the PS2 is just one large surface with a 3 board-wide texture. AA and Effects-wise, PS2 wins. But it looks like 3DS wins in terms of environments.

Still, I'm not impressed. It seems Nintendo has gotten in the habit of being a generation behind everyone else graphically. The DS is in the N64 range, the PSP is in the Dreamcast/PS2 range. The Wii is closer to the gamecube than the Xbox 360. And now the 3DS is just past Sony's 5 year old tech. I understand that the DS has two screens and runs 3D. Graphically, I don't care. It still looks like a PS2 game (maybe Gamecube).

Perhaps it's expecting a lot, but I'm expecting the PSP2 to have Xbox 1.5 level graphics at the very least. On the other hand, perhaps Sony is going to go for a handheld with a lower initial price point this time around.

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sikbeta5098d ago (Edited 5098d ago )

Well that's true about the ageing Tech, but you get like wow with the comparisons...

MajestieBeast5098d ago

Just wait for sony to 1up nintendo with psp2 in the gfx department.

n4gno5098d ago

sony will crush the competition, like always...and fantards will downplayed it.

AdvanceWarsSgt5098d ago

lol @ the psp let alone Sony beating Nintendo in the handheld department.

stephmhishot5098d ago

i'd hope that something that is coming out in 2011 is technologically superior to something that was released in early 2005. Nintendo really sold me on the 3DS. Star Fox 64 3D? awesome.

i love my psp but i was hoping for a PSP2. oh well, it'd probably be tough to deal with the nintendo portable machine in early 2011 anyway. hopefully sony will have a PSP2 ready to blow us away at E3 next year while they squeeze one last year out of the current psp. Then again there always is TGS...

zireno5098d ago

Wow... definitely didn't saw that coming, I thought the graphics looked good but not sharper than the PS2, it's awesome what handhelds are capable of this days, I'm getting the 3DS day one but hopefully sony's PSP2 (if it's coming) get's an overhaul in gfx like the DS.

TheAwesomessMan5098d ago

It's made by the best developer, imo, Kojima so of course it looks good. I mean look at how much he was able to put in the PW for the psp over 40+ hours smh insane and it isn't an RPG game.

zireno5098d ago

Yes I completely agree, it's amazing what great developers like Kojima can do, I would love to see more support from devs towards the psp and make big games like Peace Walker or God of War (even though chains of olympus is short, but quality wise is amazing). Anyway I think the 3DS is getting tons of attention and a lot of love from devs and I hope whenever the PSP2 releases it gets the same attention.

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The must play PSP Games every gamer will enjoy.

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jznrpg98d ago

My son and I played a ton of Monster Hunter on PSP


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It feels like the PlayStation Portable doesn't get the love that it deserves, so here are the best PSP games if you're picking one up for the first time.

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darthv72639d ago

some really good games on that list. some of my favorites (not on the list) are Metal Slug XX, ultimate Ghosts & Goblins, Gradius Collection, Motorstorm Arctic Edge and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.

Knushwood Butt639d ago

Metal Slug XX is surprisingly good.

isarai639d ago

I get that The Warriors is technically a PS2 game ported over, but damn it's amazing on the PSP

roadkillers639d ago

Dark Mirror was the best. Multiplayer and single player was fantastic

roadkillers639d ago

I never tried that one. Once the PS3 was out, I was done with PSP… I would love to see a new one

badboyz09639d ago

Few of my favs Off the top. Midnight club 3,GTA Stories liberty/Vice,god of war and locoRoco


The Out of Place Artifact - A Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Retrospective

VGChartz's Issa Maki: "Even to fans, the thought that a T-rated game could rank as the greatest is virtually unthinkable; how could the best Metal Gear possibly be a handheld title on a system less powerful than a PlayStation 2? Because it had to be – necessity is the mother of invention. Not only is this a full-fledged Metal Gear, the fresh spin on the gameplay draws from several sources outside of its wheelhouse. Peace Walker somehow manages to be less like its predecessor, Portable Ops, and more akin to Metal Gear Solid V. What boggles the mind is that it would be over five years before The Phantom Pain would release, an entire generation later."

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pietro1212864d ago

Such a good game, my second favorite MGS title next to MGS3