
Why Screen Resolution Doesn't Matter

NowGamer: Following debate around the resolution and PS3 Vs Xbox 360 version differences of Red Dead Redemption, NowGamer provides an analysis of screen resolution differences and why they simply don't matter, and the rare instances when visuals really do.

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Simon_Brezhnev5126d ago

i like this game and all but i absolutely hate the PS3 controls. The controls are exactly like a 360 controller they better come out with a patch or something.

YoungKiller255126d ago

you can change the controls dont quote me on that but personally i think they are fine,

on topic
the screen resolution for me really does matter. im playing on a 1080p screen and I can see the difference, it adds jaggies all over the place and makes the game seem less smooth, but does it take away from this amazing game, absolutely not

Corrwin5126d ago

Have you played RDR on both 360 and PS3 to confirm that jaggies are only in the the PS3 version?

nveenio5126d ago

Playing on a 1080p screen doesn't make a difference if you're playing at low resolution. I think that you mean you're playing on a large screen (42"+). If so, then yes...jaggies will be more visible.

I know people are complaining (my copy has still not arrived), so I'm not sure what to think. Personally, GTA4 looked good enough for me. I was more interested in Euphoria and vehicle damage. There was a lot more tech going on than just the resolution...so I find it a little more forgivable to go sub-HD since they probably aren't using the SPEs right in the first place. Now, something like FF13, where there's no heavy physics, bio ai, or damage simulating going on....that's a little less forgivable.

raWfodog5126d ago

Dont sit close to the TV and you wont notice little 'jaggies' :)

kneon5126d ago

I'm playing it on a 46" 1080p Tv and the game is visually unimpressive. It's not that it's bad, there is just nothing special about the quality of the graphics. I've have the PS3 version and have seen the 360 version and the PS3 version does have some aliasing issues that aren't apparent on the 360.

bakasora5125d ago

ya how about resolution 50 x 23.7? lol

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divideby05126d ago

I bought the PS3 version instead of the 360 version, since most budz were buying the PS3 version that was the sole reason
Graphically the game to me is not as impressive as I thought it would be. I was expecting more

I DONT see any frigging jaggies and I looked after hearing about them. If the TV is doing the scaling than I understand since I am using an 40" XBR9 which has one of the best scalars. So is the TV doing the scaling ?

I was greatly disappointed in voice chat last nite, the quality in a number of games was poor

joydestroy5126d ago

i hate the PS3 controls as well and i'm not sure why they didn't enable you to remap it, esp the shoulder buttons. it mos def needs a patch!

MNicholas5126d ago

Especially when it's a first or 3rd person action game and you have to be able to see what's shooting at you and from where.

Some games get around their low-res rendering by carefully controlling when and where enemies pop out to the point where you can memorize it and, after a few tries, you can shoot almost without looking.

andron5126d ago (Edited 5126d ago )

I enjoyed GTAIV on PS3 and have preordered RDR on on PS3 too.

Lots of badly optimized and sub-hd games this gen, but I care more about having fun and gameplay. As long as it doesn't impact gameplay seriously I'm content.

Not an ideal situation, but the differences aren't that great, and there are other considerations to take into account other than graphics when deciding which version to get too...

Solidus187-SCMilk5126d ago (Edited 5126d ago )

It matters to anyone who has a choice. Hes right, Ill go out and buy the version with a lower native resolution..... Oh wait, no, ill get the better one.

Funny hes saying that resolution doesnt matter when the 360 game has the higher resolution.... But when FF13 came out this fanboy blog was quick to point out that the PS3 version of FF13 is better.

HAHAHAHA. Which Ps3 fanboy from N4G started the fanboy blog of Nowgamer. What a bunch of failure from a blog for 1 day.

Resolution matters, And 360 RDR is HD, Ps3 isnt. Face the facts Nowfanboy blog.

JokesOnYou5126d ago Show
Downtown boogey5126d ago

Screen resolution matters, fools! I'm not buying this game now that it's half-assed on the PS3 and I do not believe in the reviews since I thought GTAIV was pretty bad and it ended up as the highest rated game ever! I'll go back to ME2 on PC, then Crysis 2 on PS3 and then a re-visit at MGS4 - the best game this gen in my opinion.

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LTC5126d ago

I didn't pay £425 to play games at sub hd which are inferior to the 360 version. Its embarrasing and shameful that R* still cant code PS3 games as good as other developers.

Bioware, Bethesda were able to pull off superior looking PS3 games so R* has no excuse. Resolution does matter especially if its 720p on 360.
I have seen the comparisons are there is quite a difference. The PS3 version should have scored lower just to teach R* a lesson like it did with bayonetta developers(who's next game is lead developed on PS3).

I was so looking forward to this game but after seeing the differences I aint gonna bother.
I dont have high hopes for Agent also.

zme-ul5126d ago

It's amazing that RockStar can't code proper engines for PS3 even after 2 years GTA4 was launched

RockStar won't have my money until they do a proper effin' job!

Corrwin5126d ago

Whilst it is annoying R* can't work on the PS3 as well as they can on the 360, it's not the end of the world.

I (and a few R* fellows) preferred the PS3 version of GTAIV despite it's lower res. The colour tone was more realistic, and it compensated for a lower res by having less Pop-up. I was so fed up with the 360 version crashing into nothing at high-speed, and having it fade into existence because the 360's just caught up.

Even from the screen shots of RDR, some I prefer on PS3 because assets (brush, trees) seem like they belong better in the background, rather than standing out as higher-res, sharp objects that can detract from the overall aesthetic.

It really isn't as big an issue because I doubt you would notice or care when the game is in motion. It would be nice if R* did fix the issue though.

Imalwaysright5126d ago

What?? You are going to skip on RDR just because of its native resolution?? If console gamers care so much about graphics i dont understand why they just dont sell their 360/Ps3/Wii and buy a monster PC. Since when did gamers start choosing wich game they should buy based on its native resolution? Doesnt gameplay, story, having fun matter anymore??

Trey_4_life5126d ago

@LTC i was gonna agree with you and give you +1 bubbles until you stupidly decided to include Agent in the discussion.

Agent is a ps3 exclusive, it has been specifically built from the ground up to utilise the console's strong points, like ALL exclusive games do, also it is being made by a completely different developer (Rockstar north, GTA series) who are much better coders and won't make a mistake like they did on GTA4.

Chris_TC5126d ago

This article makes no sense whatsoever. The PS3 has brought Blu-ray into peoples' homes, a format that is vastly superior to DVD.

And now we learn that resolution doesn't matter? If gameplay is what counts in games then the storyline is what counts in movies, right? So who needs HD? In fact, who needs DVD? You can follow the storyline on a video tape just as well. In fact, who needs color? You can follow the storyline in black/white just fine.

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sid4gamerfreak5126d ago

@LTC: Agreed, resolution definitely matters in games, the difference is noticeable. I blame Rockstar for not being able to successfully code the ps3 game and make it inferior than the 360 version. Many other devs like LTC said have been able to make superior ps3 version games.

The Wood5126d ago (Edited 5126d ago )

says it does.

Lets see if they can at least make Agent HD

olLANDSHARKlo5126d ago

Now it doesn't matter to the PS3 fanboys, they are unreal.

Double Toasted5126d ago

Rather pathetic isn't it? But yet they don't want to be bunch together or generalized, but I can't recall any of them calling each other out on this type of sh*t either...

bjornbear5126d ago (Edited 5126d ago )

you are all acting so childish, going about shouting "yay they did it to us now we can do it to them ha ha"

if resolution didn't matter to you before, it doesn't now

a real gamer doesn't get bothered by this, only fanboys and pissy consumers

raWfodog5126d ago

I never cared about minor resolution differences, but then again, I'm not the fanboy you were obviously referring to :)

I love all my consoles. But with that said, I will still be buying RDR for my PS3 because of the extra content and mainly because I dont do LIVE.

olLANDSHARKlo5126d ago

5.3 I have all systems also, but I picked up RDR for the 360. The extra content I could care less about, plus the extra content is unlockable in the 360 version, and xbox live is head and shoulders better than the psn.

raWfodog5125d ago

...but not shoulders :)

The fact is that I refuse to PAY to play with other people when I can do it for FREE on the PSN. FYI, I have never had any problems connecting to PSN to play online. I have an excellent connection :)

The only time I cant connect is when the entire network is down for maintenance or some system-wide problem which LIVE also has periodically.

badz1495126d ago (Edited 5126d ago )

so, the PS3 version SUCKS because it's sub-HD? ok, I'll live with that but using the same logic; Halo3, MW, MW2, SC:C, AW, Star Ocean, FFXIII etc. all SUCK! those are all sub-HD games as well! don't start calling names if people think like that because you're doing the same thing!

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Rockstar Might Be Preparing For Red Dead Redemption 1 Release On PC

Rockstar Games may be preparing to release its open world action adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 1, on PC.

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Goodguy0118d ago

I just want 4k/1440p and 60fps support. And with little glitches too ofc.

Snookies1217d ago (Edited 17d ago )

This is about the PC version of RDR 1. The PC version of RDR 2 doesn't have a frame rate cap. Though I do agree, it is mind boggling that Rockstar still hasn't released a patch for consoles.

XiNatsuDragnel18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

It'll be great if true

LucasRuinedChildhood17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Hopefully 60fps on consoles for RDR2 is next then.

LucasRuinedChildhood17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Honestly, a PS5 Pro isn't even needed for 60fps in this case. But if they wanted to use it show a game running maxed out at a high resolution at 60fps, I wouldn't complain. Just give us 60fps. lol

I think the Series X might have an issue running the One X version at a locked 60fps as that version was a full native 4K but they could just lower the resolution a bit.

purple10117d ago (Edited 17d ago )

I wish to play both stellar blade, and rdr2, on the pro, maxed out like an expensive pc,

would be good, especially for the price, even if thats £499/ £549

last I checked, a rtx 4070super was £580 for just the card!

DaReapa17d ago

There aren't many games I'd double dip for, but having originally gotten this for PS3, I would happily get this if true.

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15 PS3 Games That Would Absolutely Shine as PS5 Remakes

GB: "With this feature, we talk about 15 games on the PS3 that should be remade for the PlayStation 5."

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kenpachi51d ago

You left out The Darkness games bring those back

fan_of_gaming50d ago

The head of Nightdive Studios has posted that The Darkness is on their list of games they want to do, so hopefully something comes from that

Yi-Long50d ago

Little Big Planet 1 and 2 deserve a mention, IMO.

Good call on Motorstorm, a game released 2 gens ago but still looks and feels so good. Motorstorm 2 and Motorstorm RC were gems as well. They followed up the Motorstorm games with the brilliant Driveclub, which still manages to put modern racing games to shame. Imagine closing down a studio as talented as that ... (!) Incredible.

A little 'arcade-gem' back then was The Last Guy, a top down 'follow the leader' snake-like game where you had to find and lead survivors to safety during an alien invasion, on terrible looking 'Google-earth' maps. Graphics were poor, even back then, but would love that same gameplay with modern maps and graphics.

Street Fighter 4, once it finally had a full roster, was quite good, but it was always an ugly game, sadly. Imagine bringing that back while using the current SF6 engine.

fan_of_gaming50d ago

Good suggestions, I'd be in for
LittleBigPlanet 2
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Motorstorm: RC

purple10150d ago

God damn I love motorstorm so much

At the time I had a low-mid range sony 40” tv, The latency to the controller was waaaay too high, would to play a modern version

In saying that later I got a 3d lg tv and playing the 3d motorstorm in my bedroom with the environment crumbling around the track, was something special, specially compared to what others were playing at the time, will always remember that

Skuletor50d ago

Some good choices here and Resistance: Fall of Man is my most wanted PS3 remaster/remake. Not sure about their claim it was Sony's answer to Gears of War though.

CrimsonWing6950d ago

I’d rather have sequels than remakes. Look at Dead Space 1 Remake. Would’ve been cooler if we got a new entry and it failed with sales sealing the fate of a sequel rather than just replay the same game and it fail in sales and we never get a new entry.

Remakes are great for things like PS2 and earlier games to really get a crazy new graphical coat, but I think we should ease up on all these remakes and actually do sequels.

fan_of_gaming50d ago

Yeah for sure, sequels would be ideal. But in the current market environment where many big publishers are risk-averse, I'd rather get a remaster or remake that a developer can do on a budget that will be approved, rather than nothing for an IP.

Inverno50d ago

I rather they remaster and port over to PC and current gen all the games permanently stuck on PS360. Those games don't need remakes, they need to be given a chance to live again outside of their confined consoles and then give a few proper sequels. Like Sleeping Dogs, Motor Storm, LA Noir, should get another entry.

fan_of_gaming50d ago

Yeah I'd be fine with remasters of PS3 games too, they don't have to be remakes.

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