
Red Dead Redemption sub-HD on PS3

CVG: Red Dead Redemption sports the same sub-HD resolution as its predecessor, Grand Theft Auto 4, on the PlayStation 3.

The lower resolution results in a slightly less sharp image compared to its Xbox 360 brother, it's been claimed.

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Strange_Evil5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Boy it's gonna get hot in here...

Expected it to be the same as GTA4.... But it's upscaled well and the blurry look of GTA4 is not there... Won't even notice it if not for the pixel counting.

BeaArthur5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Yeah, seriously, take cover. I still don't care though, I'm picking up the PS3 version. I doubt I would notice enough of a difference to actually care.

raWfodog5112d ago

A bunch of games, many really, are sub-HD and still look great. I'm from the Atari 2600 era so there's really no bickering over pixels from my end. The game looks great on both consoles. Get the one that makes you happy, if you have a choice. Me, I'm going for the extra content on the PS3.

ryuzu5112d ago

Extra content wins in this case I think but even so, Sub-HD on PS3 isn't really acceptable anymore.

The trade off is that the GTA4 engine is ready now, so it's either get the game now and accept that engine's limitations, or wait for R* to produce a PS3 optimised engine.... Personally I'll take RDR now and see what they've managed to do with Agent.

Maybe Red Dead Revenge, or whatever will take more advantage of PS3's strong points.


GWAVE5112d ago

Sub-HD didn't mar Halo 3's "amazing graphics". At least, that's what fans would claim.

And technically, wasn't MGS4 sub-HD? I'm not sure if that is so, but MGS4 is still one of this gen's best-looking games.

Faztkiller5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Edit Sorry Double Post :(

Faztkiller5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Its not a big deal just like Alan wake isn't a big deal they might be sub-HD but still look great I'm getting the PS3 version for the exclusive content and Free online

EDIT Still disappointed in R* I would expect more from them

The_Count5112d ago

I have never criticised an Xbox 360 game for being Sub HD and I won't be doing it because it's on PS3. It still looks great and unless you com pare the two side by side on the same tv then I doubt it will be blatantly obvious.

qwertyuiopasdfghjkl5112d ago

Basically I had this sub-HD debate confirmed a little less than 2 days ago... I love my PS3 to death, and hate Microsoft with a passion, but my comments about this game and 1152x640 added up 40 disagrees and 10 agrees... and almost losing my bubbles. (Used to have a LOT more)

The Sony Defense Force will quickly flame their own before surrendering to any negative news.

**** the comment section. I'm done.

qwertyuiopasdfghjkl5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Double Post.

BulletToothtony5112d ago

but it has happened before when a site says... is SUB HD and then the next day they say.. oh no wait.. it was a mistake.. it is 720p

It's just weird that they have already accomplished a 720p game on ps3 and why would they go lower now..

-Alpha5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

If this was the 360 version people would be gloating to hell and back about how the 360 is inferior. Remember Alan Wake? Halo 3?

I can't believe I'm actually seeing people "not care" as much now when it comes to RDR for the PS3 version. What a complete 180.

I hope this FINALLY shows people that it's not a big deal. I plan on getting this for the PS3 too, mostly because my friends will be on the PS3 version. I can care less for graphical superiority, and I do wish that the general audience would take that approach when it comes to graphics. So many games have managed so much outside of graphics. Halo 3 still has some of the best multiplayer this gen and MGS IV is still considered one of the best PS3 games. Both were sub-HD to my knowledge.

Personally, in terms of graphics, I am head-over-heels for the atmospheric landscape and terrain of RDR. I want to witness the snowy mountains and the orange deserts while venturing in the nature of the world. It sounds like a work of art.

Hotel_Moscow5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

alpha male it runs at mgs4 1024x768

the main reason why it doesnt effect ps3 users is because we know it can run high processing games at 720p

bloop5112d ago

What's the extra content?? I ordered it for the 360 without knowing this :(

mikeslemonade5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Told you so... Now didn't I say both versions would not be identical in that article yesterday. I was right and you were wrong HAHA.

I'm a PS3 zealot and this really sucks. The games graphics for both versions are not going to be that good to begin with. I really want that 720p. I want it on PS3 because of exclusive content, controller, and I have more friends. However 720p with a few friends on XBL and everyone has a Mic outweighs the PS3 version. Plus you can install the game into the 360 HDD to make the game even faster.

insomnium5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

"I can't believe I'm actually seeing people "not care" as much now when it comes to RDR for the PS3 version. What a complete 180."

Are you sure these are the SAME people who made a big deal out of AW? This is the biggest problem here. Generalizing the entire fanbase based on a few rotten apples. It really sounds mighty when you do that I mean it really helps your cause but there really is no truth in there is there? Who exactly made a 180? All of us?

shadow27975112d ago


You lost your bubbles when N4G was redesigned, not because of some comment you made. The Max number of bubbles I've seen is 4.

HolyOrangeCows5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

LOL, I do believe he means "1152x640"

Still getting the PS3 version for the extra content, just like I did with B:AA.
Inb4 someone misinformed that thinks that the extra content is only the costume.

insomnium5112d ago

You people are retarded. What is there to disagree with? Do share....

lowcarb5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

You 100 percent correct. I don't think for one second the entire PS3 360 fanbase are fanboys hating at every turn. These one sided people online spreading fud are the biggest f up's in gaming history. Once again I will never trust review sites without trying it out myself. For all we know the differences are so little you can barely even tell its sub hd.

Immortal Kaim5112d ago

I think fanboys on both sides can learn something from this. PS3 fanboys have been ridiculing Alan Wake and Splinter Cell for the last month for being sub-HD, now does it really matter if the game is great? 360 fanboys better not start trying to rub this in and make out that this is a huge deal, because you guys were saying it didn't matter with AW and SCC... You guys already makes yourselves look silly with your ignorance, don't add hypocrite to your resume :)

It isn't really a big deal, the game for all intents and purposes is fantastic, lower resolution doesn't change that.

Darkfocus5112d ago

quote from the article

"Moreover, since we've yet to have official confirmation from Rockstar, it's just a rumour for now, and more importantly - who cares?"

Anon19745111d ago (Edited 5111d ago )

Not taking anything away from the games but the reason they're taking so much heat is that for over a year now the forums have been filled with fans falling all over themselves about how Splinter Cell, Alan Wake or the both of them would be raising the graphical bar, putting everything else to shame. I mean, look at those screen shots! Look at them!

On and on it went before either game had even seen the light of day. I personally was beginning to think that Alan Wake was the second coming of Christ. A nail in the coffin for the PS3 beast and it's graphically superior exclusives.

I've seen this game play out again and again with some 360 fans and every single time when whatever graphical marvel on the 360 is finally released that's supposed to prove, once and for all, that the 360 has what it takes - the games do no such thing. And we're seeing this happen all over again with Halo: Reach. I'm buying Halo: Reach because I've always been a big Halo fan, but I'm not holding my breath that it's going to look as stunning as Uncharted or God of War.

So cut some PS3 fans some slack for gloating a little that neither of these two releases turned out to be the graphical showcases that all new games will be judged by. If certain people hadn't hyped it up for so long or made all the bold graphical claims they did prior to each game's release they would have released, been recognized as good games and that would have been the end of it.

Bodyboarder_VGamer5111d ago (Edited 5111d ago )

Calm down people, RDR it's just a multiplat game while Halo, Alan Wake and SC:C were all exclusive games that supposedly took advantage of of the much simpler/easier to code X360. And since when multiplat games have been known to take advantage of the PS3 hardware anyway?

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5111d ago
LaChance5112d ago ShowReplies(13)
MiamiACR5112d ago

Exactly, and really guys Sub-HD......you guys are really whining about that when this is possibly the best western game ever made and all that matters is which console got 720p or not? Come on guys does that really even come into consideration when you think about purchasing this game?

Shaman5112d ago

Its not really possibly best western game,its THE best western game EVER,and quite possibly one of the best open games off all time.Believe,its that good.

MiamiACR5112d ago

I'm trying not to hype myself up that much Shaman, RDR will be in my mailbox in a few hours....thanks for confirming it's the best western of all time, been waiting for one of these. Gun was one of my favorites on the old Xbox.

booni35112d ago

r u down talking bayonetta? get em outta here....

avengers19785112d ago

That's funny game informer didn't say a thing about any differences in the game. I'm playing on the PS3 and it looks pretty damn amazing to me. Oh, well I guess the people 4 xbox will have something to brag about for a couple days.

adlt5111d ago

I got my copy for the PS3 today and it was awesome, graphics are fine to my eyes (which are pretty picky) the gameplay has me HOOKED.

Hellsvacancy5112d ago

I aint even got a HD Tele (yet) so i doubt ill notice any differences, not that i care, i only own a PS3 so no sh|t wot console im buyin it for

Care wait

HQLocated1115112d ago

I'll wait for the lens of truth comparison before I say anything.

Jamie Foxx5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

zhuck,pog,firstknight where are you guys atleast you had some intelligence with your comments

la chance considering red uses gta 4s game engine its not surprising as the engine is programmed that way on ps3,its when exclusives run in sub HD that it becomes an issue name me a recent ps3 exclusive in sub HD? ill name you two recent 360 sub HD exclusives... alan wake and splinter cell ..your turn

Applegate5112d ago

At least we PS3 gamers get an extra costume !! :)

8thnightvolley5112d ago

they probably saw it coming so just set some gifts up to qwench the hate

cygnuszero5112d ago

Thats exactly why the PS3 got that costume. R* knew damn well the game didnt look as good, so they had to make up for it somehow.

AAACE55112d ago

The same as it was in all previous gens. The developers always have the option to take advantage of a systems power. They did it in the past and they could do it now if they wanted to.

The problem is, alot of developers just don't want to put the extra time, effort or money into such a task. Especially when there is no guarantee they will see a return on their efforts. So the logical thing to do is go by the industry standard and don't push it too hard.

bjornbear5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

i'll be honest and say I have an SD tv, and even though that would seem to make my opinion on this unfounded, do consider I play all these games in sub-HD, and they look amazing regardless.

I HAVE played my games on a Sony Bravia HD tv at a mates house countless of times, so I am NOT unfamiliar with how any of my games look on HD.

Hell, even my import Demon's Souls is unplayable because my SD tv doesn't recognize the signal (PAL =(), so I resent my SD tv more than anything,

but I also learnt that my LAST concern in a game is it's output (so as long as its not in black and white like Demon's Souls, but that has nothing to do with the argument at hand)

if a game looks amazing in SD, its only going to look better on an HD tv, even if its sub-HD

if it really makes that much of a difference to you (and you are not a dual console owner) then I feel sorry for you, because you are bothered by something that honestly shouldn't bother you at all =/

just enjoy the damn game

Solidus187-SCMilk5112d ago

also, ps3 fanboys never shutup about 360 sub-hd games even when there is no ps3 version of that game. Now the ps3 version is the only sub-hd version and it doesnt matter??? LOL.

I understand it doesnt matter to you but there are soo many hypocrites on here, rushing to embrace the gimped version.

If you did have a HD TV you would care, as it makes a difference.

corneliuscrust5112d ago

BRUTAL around here.

Can we all stop harping about subHD games now? PLEASE?

Around here it was a flame fest in the Splinter Cell and Alan Wake stories when there was even so much as a SNIFF about a lower resolution.

Why can't we just get along?

Chimerhazzard5112d ago

"Hell, even my import Demon's Souls is unplayable because my SD tv doesn't recognize the signal (PAL =(), so I resent my SD tv more than anything"

I did the same thing as you, I live in Europe and imported the game from the US. My SD TV also didn't display the signal correctly. Easy to fix, just buy an RGB signal cable for the PS2 (works on the Ps3 as well). These cables are cheap, I bought one for like 7 euros (8 bucks?). Improved image quality over the standard composite cable and the image is now in color :)

ef-u-25112d ago

All I have to say is Final Fantasy 13 and now I see you sonytards back pedaling you hypocritical douch bags theres even a member named "it only does sub hd "to the 360 owners let'em have it find them in here http://n4g.com/news/481064/... and call'em by name for being hypocrites dont let up either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5112d ago
JasonPC360PS3Wii5112d ago ShowReplies(4)
sixaxis5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

i ask wtf Rockstar??? like wtf, this is so lazy work, its been 2 freaking years

@ Ju.
you speak truth. im also so disappointed, and furious. infact i dont know anymore whether i should buy it or not.

"Moreover, since we've yet to have official confirmation from Rockstar"

they better say something nice!! i dont get it, how can they screw us PS owners over so many times. i mean first it was with gta IVs resolution, then dlc timed exclusive deal with MS, now with RDR resolution. cmone, stop it already, we were the ones who bought those millions of previous GTA games (ya know GTA3, vice city, SA)

Ju5112d ago

I'm disappointed, TBH. If at all, they reused GTA's engine not optimizing much for the PS3. I thought they sold a couple of millions with that game. Not worth investing in fixing the problem, huh ? Or just good enough making some more millions.

Well, what'u gotta do. Will get it anyway...

MysticStrummer5112d ago

RDR is beautiful. A friend and I got it at midnight, got into a private session of free roam, and just rode around doing random stuff for four hours. Didn't touch the story for all that time. This is to open world gaming what GTA3 was to open world gaming last generation. Awesome.

Awesomeness5112d ago

*cancel ps3 version*

*buy 360 version*

CadDad5112d ago

I'm thinking about doing the same. I'm also thinking of just passing on it because I have an unnatural dislike for laziness. :/


DA_SHREDDER5112d ago

This game is being considered as one of the best games of the year, yet I dont see it? Be it the 360 or ps3 version.

Smkt5112d ago

its the same thing that happened with gta4.. awesome sales..perfect scores.. OMG GOTY! then after a few months.. hey.. wait a minute.. this isn't fun.. OVERRATED GAME!!

bobdog6265112d ago

There not Lazy.The Game is that Big and use a lot memory thats all.Remember they only have 512 to work with so give them a break ok

CadDad5112d ago


There are only so many options here for why the game could be different from console to console.

1. Laziness with regards to giving equal experience for equal dollar.
2. Lack of ability to make the same game on both systems.
3. Lack of investment capital//time.

We know Rockstar makes good quality games, so the ability is there, and we know they have a ton of cash and resources to develop games, so that leaves the lazy choice.

I'm not saying it's a bad game or anything, i just think developers who "have to" skimp on a game on one system should skimp on the game on all systems for an equal experience. Anything less than the same game on all platforms for a multi-plat game is a disservice to paying customers.

I hear your apology for Rockstar, I just don't buy it, and regardless of the disagrees I get, it's still just my opinion and unlikely to change. I feel the same about all games that are better//worse from system to system.


tinybigman5112d ago

I didn't care when I played GTA4 on PS3, I didn't care after beating SC:C and AW. So I'm pretty sure I won't give two sh*ts about this when I get it for PS3.

To me the people who argue this back and forth have nothing better to do with their time.

A great game is a great game no matter what resolution it plays in.

Peace I gotta get back to work lol.

monkey nuts5112d ago

+ Bubs for a well said comment. Gaming is being hi jacked by teenagers it would seem, whos insecurities even extend to their gaming preferences.

aGameDeveloper5111d ago

I actually DID care about the sub HD resolution on GTA4. I loved the game, but could only play the game for a couple hours before the blurriness caused enough strain on my eyes to put it away for the night. The negative effect depended on the post-processing effects playing at any particular time. During daylight scenes with little to no weather, it was pretty playable. Darker scenes, especially with heavy weather effects, were the worst (IIRC - I barely got to the second island - mostly because of this issue, and due to starting over after they added trophy support).

FlipMode5112d ago

I gotta say its pretty funny watching fanboys go back and forth like this.lol

OmarJA-N4G5112d ago

Nice job R*, still getting the PS3 version.

Good thing i don't own an HD TV.

Darkstorn5112d ago

Same. HDTVs are just signs of overconsumption. I've got better things to spend my money on.

bpac1234567895112d ago

I havn't read the comments yet but i expect to here a lot of, "well who cares", "doesn't matter", and "just enjoy the game." I hope not because everyone in here went off on Alan Wake for being Sub- hd. So to just ignore it becasue its a ps3 title is so hypocritical. We should expect more from our games. I didn't spend $500 on a ps3 and $600 on and HD tv to play sub- hd games. And yes it does make a difference. Games that arn't in true HD don't look as sharp or clear as games that are.

raztad5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

I care about resolution, and it looks like the PS3 version is just inferior. Deal with it people. That's a shame although somehow expected knowing RDR is just GTA4 + horses, both technically and gameplay-wise.

Well, now I understand why R* San Diego was doing their best not to show the PS3 version. I'm not hyped about this game, nor I intent to get it anytime soon, I'll wait for a huge price drop, GTA4 was not a fun game for me and RDR looks exactly the same.

Christopher5112d ago

Very disappointed with R*. This isn't the 540p that they were claiming in the other thread, but this is pretty much R* using the GTA4 Stories engines without any attempt to make the resolutions equal. I'm sure it still looks nice, but this is a sad sign when it still takes a first-party to put out a true HD game of this level on the PS3.

vhero5112d ago

As I said with Alan Wake its doesn't matter as it still outputs on your TV at 720p upscaled or not.. I just find it amusing that there is like 10 articles on this already not surprised just amused shows how 2 sided gamers can be as the people slating this for being sub HD were the same sticking up for Alan Wake and Halo being Sub HD.

No real 360 fan with half a brain has the right to slate a game for being sub HD considering the 360s biggest seller in fact Xboxs (the whole rang from Xbox to 360) biggest selling game of all time is Sub HD. People do it as its rare for the PS3 to get one so they think its a small victory or something for 360 I say its a small victory for PS3 as it brings out the idiots who post this crap to the world and who are the fanboys and who are gamers.

Greywulf5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

I mean, really? Its cute to see you guys get all excited over a SUBHD multiplatform game (which previous version of engine was subhd), but god, at least get it right.

AW. 6 years. "full power of the 360", claimed to trump UC2/GodOfWar3/Killzone2/MGS4/A nything on the PS3. = SUBHD/Model Swapping for Cut Scenes/Different FX in cut scenes...etc.

*Proving* That the 360 can't pull off any serious fx in a HD frame. Now we are all waiting for Reach, just like we waited for AW..Gears..Mass Effect.. or any other unreal engine game..


Multiplatform game, SUBHD. which is the case for multiplatforms. The PS3 has its examples of Running exclusive titles in non-subHD resolutions. The 360...


Anyone pretending this is a big deal, is totally neglecting the fact that No one has hyped RDR > Uc2, as every single 360 fan did here. Or hell, even 'on par'.. with its low polygon box men running around.

The difference 360 fans,

Would be if PS3 fans were trumpeting RDR as a graphical juggernaut that will trump all games as we know it, PROVING the PS3 hasn't ran out of hardware ability. Thats the case with AW, and it fell on its face. It doesn't change the game, but it proves the 360 is tapped out.

Thats not the case for RDR on the PS3. Its not showing RDR ( A M U L T I P L A T F O R M) game to show off the hardware.

ceedubya95112d ago

Bickering back and forth about "sub-HD" resolutions is just stupid. As long as the game looks good enough and plays well, then who cares if the games is 640something-p native?

We buy the games to play them and have a good time. Most people don't know anything about pixel counting and all that, and wouldn't really care if they did. The sooner we all get back to playing the games instead continuing to play the 360vsPS3 sillyness, the better.

sGIBMBR5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

What a butt hurt fanboy rofl... Get over it, its just a game!! Fool, is there any need for the attack on the 360?

I bet you was one of those dudes that was slagging off the 360 version of FF right? Now the shoe is on the other foot, you totally change your mind. Fanboys at their best xD

Have a good day, loser!

Boody-Bandit5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Digital Foundry is reporting that people should wait unitl their findings are made public before people jump to conclusions. Check Twitter for yourselves if any of this really matters to you guys and gals.

Besides I thought sub HD wasn't a problem?
Hypocrisy much?

niceguywii605112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

That's fake. That is damage control based from a upscaled screenshot. That is why that story FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Army_of_Darkness5112d ago

the 360 version is 720p, but the PS3 version is sub-hd(640p)?! How on earth could that even be possible?!
The PS3 is more than capable of running this game at 720p, just look at GOW3 for f#@K sakes!
I call this bullsh1t! I'm getting the game because it looks awesome and I know it can't be sub-hd if the 360 is 720p..

Christopher5112d ago

You do know that games are developed by companies that aren't just focused on the PS3 alone, but on both platforms and the PC? This leads to time restraints and in the end they have to put out a game that looks the best possible for the platforms. It's completely believable that many companies would be unable to advance the resolution of graphics as far as they do on the 360.

What should really be angering people is that one of the top development studios haven't been able to advance the resolution capabilities of their games on the PS3 since the last game's release two years ago. It still looks good, but I expected them to go a bit further than they did.

bobdog6265112d ago

BTW Great Movie.This rumour don't make any sense.Yes it Does and i seen it before.

cygnuszero5112d ago

The 360 is a great gaming machine, built solely for that. The PS3 is a multimedia machine, sharing its resources with the many different things it does.

I dont know how many crappy ports it will take before people stop talking about how much more powerful the PS3 is. Ive yet to see it. Uncharted 2 looked fantastic. Guess what, so do many 360 games.

SaberEdge5112d ago

Not to mention that the best looking PS3 games like Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 largely look that good because the studios that made those games are extremely talented, are fully backed by Sony with big budgets and technical support and can focus on one single platform.

That is by far the biggest reason those games look as good as they do. Even then, I don't see a huge difference between games like Alan Wake and Uncharted 2.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5112d ago
niceguywii605112d ago

It's just the way it is, each console has it's advantages. PS3 can produce stunning linear games or at least Sony has devs that know how to push the PS3 better than people on the 360 side pushing the 360. The 360 is good at more complex games with dynamic gameplay and design. This is why the 360 excels with games like Halo Reach and Lost Planet 2.

Rage is a nother game you have to watch out for because the developers are doing the same thing with that game showing off the 360 version yet claiming the PS3 version is currently more stable.

monkey nuts5112d ago

Your first paragraph is puzzling at best. I own both and while my 360 has great exclusives they have yet to match the level of quality found in the exclusives I get to play on the ps3. Sony seems to be aiming for genre defining games with each new exclusive, seriously if you consider yourself to be a relatively unbiased gamer you need to change your forum tag to PSwii60 then get a ps3, cashflow permitting ofcourse. Or the otherway round I forget . :)

5112d ago
LordMarius5112d ago

I lost all my bubbles because of this BS, i told you it was sub-HD. suck it PS3 fanboys

raztad5112d ago

I'm gonna bubble you up. Facts > opinions.

RedDevils5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

don't blame on the comments you've made on that article, it's base on most of your past comments that you have made on every single articles, btw I notice people on N4G hate everything you say like muderdoll I believe there a reason behind it :P

Statix5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

For those of you drawing comparisons to Alan Wake in calling everyone hypocrites, please note that that's a little bit different of a situation. Red Dead Redemption is a multiplatform game that you simply wouldn't expect to fully take advantage of the PS3's power (or 360's power, for that matter), whereas Alan Wake is one of the 360's biggest exclusives of the year, with development focused for that one specific platform 100%.

Another difference is Alan Wake is 540p, which is seriously approaching SD resolution in severity of picture loss. RDR and GTA IV on the PS3 are somewhere around 640p, which is nowhere near the dropoff from HD 720p that Alan Wake is.

My only problem with this news story is, where were all the stories from Computervideogames.com about Alan Wake being 540p? Nowhere to be found. Yet the same publication sees it newsworthy that a PS3 game running on the Rage engine is sub-HD... something we already all knew 2 years ago (GTA IV). All I'm saying is, and I can't say it with 100% absolute certainty, it feels like there's some sort of media bias against the PS3 going on from this site, as well as some others. I don't feel the media bias from outlets such as IGN or Gamespot, but some lesser-known ones such as this CVG.com, it has always felt for years that there's an element of anti-PS3 bias to me, based on past history.

Hallmark Moment5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Alan Wake is (4xAA) and RDR on 360 is(2xAA) and less on the PS3 version of RDR. Alan Wake has unmatched graphics with state of the art visual effects.

Alan Wake has more than one resolution not just the SUD rez.

JokesOnYou5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

Now all the ps3 extremists who bashed Alan Wake, suddenly "don't care" or "its not a big deal", lmfao karma has a way of biting sony folks in the azz, either way though we know Alan Wake is one the best looking games on any console they just needed a reason to downplay it. Now suddenly the insignificant extra content for the ps3 version (lol, a outfit and gang hideout) is a major plus, yet I remember them acting as if the whole epicsodic content that were announced for 360 version of GTAIV was pointless, lol but thats typical sony kids for you, as soon as it went to ps3 they were talking about how great it was, still the extra content pales in comparison to the superior online of the 360 version where it will be more like a social community with Live's ease of use and most folks talking, vs psn which is pretty much DEAD online. I mean its like a alternate reality with them their position on issues changes with the wind. Still RDR is a helluva game on either console but its just funny as hell to see sony kids completely flip floping as if AW being sub hd game is un-playable. I guess it just hurt their feelings to see 360 getting the superior version of RDR, I didn't see so many 360 fans bitter over FF's lower rez version...aaaahh well, its n4g.


RedDevils5112d ago

It's "Joke on You" wait did you notice something Red dead is multiplat whereas alan wake is exclusive platform, that mean ALan should have a great advantage to look better than the so called multiplatform games

Ps. just read Statix comments he explain it for you

SaberEdge5112d ago

The excuse that the double standard is ok because Alan Wake is an exclusive is just lame, lame, lame.

A good game is a good game. Alan Wake is a good game, that looks amazing, and just happens to be sub-HD.
RDR is probably the biggest multi-platform release in quite some time and it happens to be sub-HD on one of the consoles. I don't see how it is any different.

To put it another way, RDR is probably better than about 97% of the games on the PS3, so if it doesn't matter that it is sub-HD on the PS3 then why would sub-HD ever matter?

monkey nuts5112d ago

Thats a little subjective. They both excel in different areas, the ps3 has better lighting while the 360 has 8000 more pixels. It must be hard typing with pompoms attached to your hands.

SAD :)

Brock Danger5112d ago (Edited 5112d ago )

"might be hard typing with pompoms attached to your hands"

Haven't heard that one before, awesome.

I'm all for the, "why should this matter?" argument. Since when was pixel counting part of being a gamer? I thought it was playing games that you like.

Much like Alan Wake is beautiful (just checked it out this morning), I'm sure RDR is glorious on the PS3. There sure is a lot of rationalizing going on here though, which is really sad and indicative of how petty some of "us" have become.

I use "us" loosely.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5112d ago
Pika-pie5112d ago

Eeeeek, I still dont know which one to buy. Usual multiconsole dilema for me.

Think im going to rent both versions and see which looks best to me... Fingers crossed its the PS3 version.

Wish Lens of truth or Digital Foundry would do a comparison

ReservoirDog3165112d ago

Who cares? I just got it from amazon though!

I don't really care for the thought of the golden guns weapon pack (I hate being too powerful in games, I never even cheated in GTA) so if anyone wants them, pm me (PS3 version).

Demons Souls5112d ago

Nobody plays games like this for graphics and even then it will still look good. People play open world games for gameplay only. I wouldn't mind playing this even on a SDTV (as long as I can read the text).

TripleAAARating5112d ago

"Moreover, since we've yet to have official confirmation from Rockstar, it's just a rumour for now, and more importantly - who cares?"

Strange how everyone just happens to forget this part of the article, Lmao, I'll wait for official confirmation from Rockstar just like when Remedy confirmed Sub HD Alan Wake

SaberEdge5112d ago

Here we have what is likely to be the biggest multi-platform game of the year and we have PS3 fanboyss saying the sub-HD resolution doesn't matter, yet when Alan Wake was found to be sub-HD it was the end of the world and supposedly meant Alan Wake couldn't be a fantastic looking game.

I just love the hypocrisy and double standards!

That said, it isn't that big of a deal. Resolution is important but it isn't THAT important. There are a lot more important aspects to graphics than resolution. On either console you will still be getting essentially the same experience.

jack_burt0n5112d ago

WOW you guys have outdone ursevlves here


you lot are truly fucking pathetic.

PeaceWalker155111d ago

That's weird. I seem to be playing Red Dead Redemption right now on my PS3 and it looks incredible. These Fanboy arguments will never end. I give my props to Rockstar for doing a great job on delivering a stellar western experience on both XBOX360 and PS3.

ape0075111d ago (Edited 5111d ago )

xbox got the the edge in here but RDR will still look amazing on the ps3, it will not have the same blur\slowdown\fuzz issues like on gta 4 ps3 but it will look and perform like R* latest RAGE ps3 demonstration the ballad of gay tony, ballad of gay tony ps3 looks\runz much better than gta 4 ps3

in the end the game is amazing on both systems, get the version on the system you feel more comfortable with

happy gaming everyone :)

RedSky5111d ago

If you want an impression of just how ridiculous you all sound, imagine if for every PC port of a console game we came in saying "ahahaha ours looks better!"

Whether its your mum only being able to afford you one console or some kind of immature rivalry, just grow up.

marinelife95111d ago

Just went from a buy to a rental.

Saigon5111d ago

Playing the first few minutes last night...maybe it was my TV but the settings were automatically set to [email protected] TV displays a new setting every time something changes it would even tell me if it is at 1280x640p...and that never happened with this game...

+ Show (37) more repliesLast reply 5111d ago
sid4gamerfreak5112d ago

oh yea, this is gonna get hot....
*gets popcorn*

SeanScythe5112d ago Show
ELite_Ghost5112d ago

as long as theres no frame rate drop i'm happy

Brock Danger5112d ago

Seriously, this is sad. No v-sync issues or framerate drops and I'm a happy camper.

I personally got it for the 360 just cause that's my preference, but this whole sub-HD garbage is really getting stupid. The fact that people need to go to a message board to get reassurance that they are allowed to enjoy their game is frightening and pathetic.

Snak35112d ago ShowReplies(5)
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Rockstar Might Be Preparing For Red Dead Redemption 1 Release On PC

Rockstar Games may be preparing to release its open world action adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 1, on PC.

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Goodguy013d ago

I just want 4k/1440p and 60fps support. And with little glitches too ofc.

Snookies121d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

This is about the PC version of RDR 1. The PC version of RDR 2 doesn't have a frame rate cap. Though I do agree, it is mind boggling that Rockstar still hasn't released a patch for consoles.

XiNatsuDragnel3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

It'll be great if true

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Hopefully 60fps on consoles for RDR2 is next then.

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Honestly, a PS5 Pro isn't even needed for 60fps in this case. But if they wanted to use it show a game running maxed out at a high resolution at 60fps, I wouldn't complain. Just give us 60fps. lol

I think the Series X might have an issue running the One X version at a locked 60fps as that version was a full native 4K but they could just lower the resolution a bit.

purple1012d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I wish to play both stellar blade, and rdr2, on the pro, maxed out like an expensive pc,

would be good, especially for the price, even if thats £499/ £549

last I checked, a rtx 4070super was £580 for just the card!

DaReapa2d ago

There aren't many games I'd double dip for, but having originally gotten this for PS3, I would happily get this if true.

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15 PS3 Games That Would Absolutely Shine as PS5 Remakes

GB: "With this feature, we talk about 15 games on the PS3 that should be remade for the PlayStation 5."

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kenpachi36d ago

You left out The Darkness games bring those back

fan_of_gaming35d ago

The head of Nightdive Studios has posted that The Darkness is on their list of games they want to do, so hopefully something comes from that

Yi-Long35d ago

Little Big Planet 1 and 2 deserve a mention, IMO.

Good call on Motorstorm, a game released 2 gens ago but still looks and feels so good. Motorstorm 2 and Motorstorm RC were gems as well. They followed up the Motorstorm games with the brilliant Driveclub, which still manages to put modern racing games to shame. Imagine closing down a studio as talented as that ... (!) Incredible.

A little 'arcade-gem' back then was The Last Guy, a top down 'follow the leader' snake-like game where you had to find and lead survivors to safety during an alien invasion, on terrible looking 'Google-earth' maps. Graphics were poor, even back then, but would love that same gameplay with modern maps and graphics.

Street Fighter 4, once it finally had a full roster, was quite good, but it was always an ugly game, sadly. Imagine bringing that back while using the current SF6 engine.

fan_of_gaming35d ago

Good suggestions, I'd be in for
LittleBigPlanet 2
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Motorstorm: RC

purple10134d ago

God damn I love motorstorm so much

At the time I had a low-mid range sony 40” tv, The latency to the controller was waaaay too high, would to play a modern version

In saying that later I got a 3d lg tv and playing the 3d motorstorm in my bedroom with the environment crumbling around the track, was something special, specially compared to what others were playing at the time, will always remember that

Skuletor35d ago

Some good choices here and Resistance: Fall of Man is my most wanted PS3 remaster/remake. Not sure about their claim it was Sony's answer to Gears of War though.

CrimsonWing6935d ago

I’d rather have sequels than remakes. Look at Dead Space 1 Remake. Would’ve been cooler if we got a new entry and it failed with sales sealing the fate of a sequel rather than just replay the same game and it fail in sales and we never get a new entry.

Remakes are great for things like PS2 and earlier games to really get a crazy new graphical coat, but I think we should ease up on all these remakes and actually do sequels.

fan_of_gaming34d ago

Yeah for sure, sequels would be ideal. But in the current market environment where many big publishers are risk-averse, I'd rather get a remaster or remake that a developer can do on a budget that will be approved, rather than nothing for an IP.

Inverno35d ago

I rather they remaster and port over to PC and current gen all the games permanently stuck on PS360. Those games don't need remakes, they need to be given a chance to live again outside of their confined consoles and then give a few proper sequels. Like Sleeping Dogs, Motor Storm, LA Noir, should get another entry.

fan_of_gaming34d ago

Yeah I'd be fine with remasters of PS3 games too, they don't have to be remakes.

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For just $6 you can play the Red Dead Redemption port on Xbox and PS5

Rockstar Games’ shiny new Red Dead Redemption port is now on GTA+, and you can play it while claiming some tasty GTA Online benefits.

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Profchaos49d ago

Rockstar still strying to make GTA plus work
Should be $6 for the rdr game on sale not 6 bucks for a months playtime

Exvalos49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

I hear ya, 49.99 or whatever the price on that game is, is a bit stiff seeing as it's just a port.

anast49d ago

Why would anyone rent this game?

jznrpg49d ago

One of my favorite games from PS3 generation. I have the remaster as there was a buy 2 get 1 free deal a while back but the price they are charging for the port is way too high although not surprising at all.

CobraKai48d ago

Still tryna milk a dried up cow