
Gamereactor (Finland) : Uncharted 2:Among Thieves Review

Matti Isotalo writes "Reviews are always subjective experiences.Various critics of the scores depend on Uncharted 2 in the case largely on how they stress the originality and innovation, as compared to high-quality implementation."

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DAVID BRENT5361d ago

The bad:
Classic adventure, too much fighting, puzzles

Elven65361d ago

MetaCritic is hesitant to add non English sites to their database, even then, the requirements to join MetaCritic are pretty high, you need over 300 reviews in your database, a certain number of reviews per platform, etc.

IcyJoker1875361d ago

I like how they have "classic adventure" as a pro AND a con.

goflyakite5361d ago

I find it funny that the four lowest scores for UC2 so far are all from Gamereactor.

ReviewsArePolitics5361d ago

Too much variety anyone? I guess he wanted a co-operative oriented building game. If that's so, then why review U2? Go play the sims instead, moron.

xTruthx5361d ago

They changed the score to a 9 like 2 hours ago

LiL T5361d ago

@everyone above me, Yeah whats up with reviewers saying ps3 games have Too much variety, too much fighting, too much puzzles, too much....... but when it comes to wii and 360 they don't say "too much of the same".

shadow27975361d ago

Anyone wonder if these sites are playing with the original voice actors or dubs? I can't imagine Uncharted without Nolan North (or the rest of the crew).

Some things I learned from this review:

Don't watch the Behind the Scenes videos until you've beaten the game, as they contain spoilers.

"Externally, it is a full ten value."

I think that means more than the actual score given. Basically he's saying the game is of the highest quality, he's just not a fan of the balance between combat and puzzles or the linear-ality. Fair enough. I know that neither of those things bother me, so it's another review that confirms my expectations. =)

Grain of salt, guys. Grain of salt.

The Obvious5360d ago

"Puzzles ylihelpot" = Puzzles too easy,
"Classic adventure" = "Perus seikkailu" = "Basic adventure"

stevenhiggster5360d ago

Just to quote the first line from OPM UK's review,
"Unless you are blind or have no thumbs, it's clear Uncharted 2 is a 10/10 game."

Nuff said.

NeoBasch5360d ago (Edited 5360d ago )

"Hey guys, we should all give Uncharted 2 an 8 or 9 out of 10 to lower the game's average on N4G. There's no way U2 could be GotY. Vote it down."

Honestly, I'm starting to question if they were given review codes. Especially since most reviews only list multiplayer briefly. Probably because they only sent out the singleplayer code. I think it's about time N4G removes GameReactor scores entirely. All of them. Even their 360 reviews. These sites have 0 credibility.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5360d ago
TheColbertinator5361d ago

Its seems many of you don't get it.All 4 Gamereactor sites are separate.Different staff and different review schedules.

Gamereactor Norway

Gamereactor Sweden

Gamereactor Finland
Gamereactor Denmark

morganfell5361d ago

And this matters why? They have the accuracy of a 10 year old Daisy Air Rifle.

TheColbertinator5361d ago

Why? Is it because they reviewed the love of your life,Uncharted 2 an 8/10?

A decent score for a game.Any sane person would either accept it or ignore it.Stop focusing on what the "biased" media thinks and focus on your own opinion.They have a review code from Sony and they are free to make any opinion they want.

morganfell5361d ago

No Stevie. It's because they gave titles of lesser quality an 8 or a 9.

It is because their whimsical and mostly non-existent standards shift every time they break wind and in the process do a disservice to the community at large.

I can't change the fact these people have an internet site but neither should they be accorded the mantle of respectability. If you want to distill this down to some childish playground fistfight so it assumes the air of a comprehension you can manage then by all means suit yourself. But many others will not dismiss such sites and their poor review standards so haphazardly when it affects a hobby we enjoy. If it matters to you so little why comment and defend such actions.

TheColbertinator5361d ago

I understand and respect your point Morganfell but I feel I cannot continue this conversation.Sorry

dreamcast5361d ago

"A decent score for a game."

You think the strongest GOTY contender deserves a "decent" score?

TheColbertinator5361d ago


First off,love your avatar.

Second of all,I have the beta and I love UC2.Easily the best game this year.However I don't care what Gamereactor thinks whether they give it an 11/10 or 6/10.I'm just turning in a review for N4G.

Elven65361d ago

A 9 is a great score, what's wrong with it?

Morganfell: Have you played through and completed the entire game? If not, how can you criticize the score for a unreleased game?

Don't get me wrong, I think U2 is going to be amazing, I just don't understand the logic.

dreamcast5361d ago

Yeah, I'll be getting it, too.. I just hope people who may not read many other review sites don't see it got in 8 from gamereactor and decide not to try it.

Immortal Kaim5361d ago

Bottom line is, on a full 10 point scoring system, an 8 is a good score. I'm sick of every site giving out 9's and 10's like candy, these should only be given to games that clearly stand out above the rest. Killzone 2 give it a 7.5, ODST maybe a 7, Uncharted 1 pushing 8, MGS 4 7.8, Fallout 3 8.3... (these were used as an example).

If we used a 10 point scoring system (instead of the 7-10 sh*t everyone currently uses) then we wouldn't have you people bi*ching every time your perfect exclusives didn't get a 10...

Unicron5361d ago

Bottom line is... scoring systems are stupid.

morganfell5361d ago

Elven, playing through the multiplayer of Uncharted in the beta and considering it's score and comparing that to the multiplayer of other titles they have scored equally or higher is more than ample testing and contrast to be sure their train left the tracks some time ago.

Immortal Kaim5361d ago

Agreed. Unfortunately the late Y and early Z generations have been brought up on instant gratification and an obvious sense of entitlement, they need these scores to justifying the 'their' purchases (when I say 'their, I mean their mummies and daddies purchases).

If we are going to continue to use arbitrary scoring systems (which we no doubt will), we need to stop giving out top scores to every second game...

Elven65361d ago

So you're essentially judging your own score based solely on the multiplayer demo as it is the only thing you played? Even than, are other people not allowed to have different opinions?

morganfell5361d ago

No, I am saying that based upon equal playing sections of the games and the way they were scored leaves Gamereactor wanting. It takes but the amount available in the beta to see how they had to talk themselves into such a score. And it would be naive to think this is my opinion alone. It would be more correct to say 99% of the persons in the Uncharted 2 beta.

Even if it was simply my opinion it does not matter. I am not a website of such a public stature claiming to be a fair party to all things gaming, receiving press copies of games that are expected to be reviewed fairly. These websites that are given a loaded digital gun and then point it recklessly in any direction to discharge should be accountable.

Like it or not they have an effect on the public. They all love to claim the title of journalist. Then it is damn well time they begin to act with the responsibility a journalist owes the public when they self appointedly take up such a mantle.

Viper75360d ago

Most of the ppl here cant even read the reviews because of the language yet you are whining about game getting a 9/10 which is imo a really good score.

If the reviewer wanted more intellectual puzzles and more adventure from uncharted instead of basic 3rd person shooter then why should he give the game a 10/10? because of few other magazines that gave the game a 10/10?

Is it too hard for you ppl to add an imaginary +1 to the score if you disagree with some of the negative points of the review?

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5360d ago
Ps_alm3k5361d ago

to be in the same league as odst guy!!!!
Common!!! Game reactor, you are gonna get some negative reaction alright!
* throws up Middle finger!*

likedamaster5361d ago

I say boycott the bastards!








renegade5361d ago

Gamereactor you are lame enogh said

dreamcast5361d ago

lol, look at the negatives:

"Classic adventure, too much fighting"

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Abnor_Mal1490d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1489d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1488d ago (Edited 1488d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1490d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1489d ago (Edited 1489d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1489d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931489d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


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Imalwaysright1525d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1524d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.