
Dreaming Of The 360 Slim

The Sixth Axis writes: "Does the Xbox 360 need a redesign? My answer is simple: Damn Right Skippy! With this being a website of extraordinary magnitude and a writing team of exceptional talent, a simple answer would be like a gold fish battered and sold in a reputable chippy, so I've now started something and must put my pad down to elaborate on my answer…

The 360 is big! We are talking "behemoth" and "keep it in the circus" big. Not such a bad thing if that power brick was included under the hood and not just another wire for my cats to chew on. But it is on the verge of needing to take a taxi from the power button to the disc eject button just to get a game going. Now the PS3 is also big but somehow managed to look quite elegant too, where as the 360 just looks intrusive. That's not to say it is a bad console in anyway and this article is entirely my opinion, of which you are all entitled too – my opinion that is."

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TheColbertinator5409d ago

I wonder why the Sixthaxis has started talking about the 360 so much.Perhaps they will shift into a multi-platform site

gaffyh5409d ago

I think they already consider themselves as a multiplatform website. They've has the PS3 and 360 sections for a long time.

Vicophine5409d ago

Not sure why you care so much.

Kill Crow5408d ago

why copy Sony though ... seriously .... everyone knows Droids are fatter !!!!

Sunny_D5409d ago

I dont't know? 4 years? Still 54.2%? Just saying and that's all I'm going to say.

Syko5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

I have both systems and you're missing out on great games by being a close minded fanboy...That's all I am going to say.

I would love to see a re-design or slimming of the 360 personally. I have held off buying a new one waiting on word of a slimmed down version. In the end though Sony had more to gain by redesigning it earlier and MS has everything to lose if they botch the redesign as bad as the launch systems were botched.

Redesign plus reliability would be the best thing MS can do.

Redesign plus problems will be suicide for MS.

I do believe we will hear more and more rumblings of a slim as Natal grows closer to launch.

ApocalypseShadow5409d ago


the only big games he's missing out on are halo,gears,splinter cell,mass effect.and smaller games like shadow complex.so,the 360 has games but what as a consumer would you prefer more:

good games?or a reliable system to play those games?

good consumers don't buy shoddy products.it is known that 360 was made with cheap parts.and the result was RROD.microsoft should have went with quality parts.and it would have never happened.he's just making the point known that up to this point,microsoft still hasn't fixed the problem.

but as for a slim,smaller versions of anything is cool.the question is if microsoft are willing to make a full redesign that has 360 built with the best parts?if it can be done,then why not.it would be cool to see a small nintendo wii too.if nintendo can do it.but,why not.


Darkeyes5409d ago

I think I have to agree with sunny there syko... Firstly, the 360 is having major reliability issues as of now. M$ has to take care of it now and then think about releasing a Slim.

The first thing they have to do is get that fu*ing power supply in the 360's @ss. Then, think about shrinking the size. At the most, I expect them to integrate Natal in a 360 but even that seems unlikely as Natal seems like the size of the 360 itself.... But reliability is a key factor here. People will still be skeptical about buying a 360 Slim at launch...

Syko5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

Well not that I need to prove my "credibility" or anything but you are talking to a 360 launch owner (Nov. 22nd 2005) Since then I have been through 5 dead 360's all with a different problem...They have all been fixed for free and while it is a PoS the new systems are a lot more reliable and all my friends that bit the bullet and just bought a new arcade haven't had any problems. Where as I have been stuck in the MS refurbished PoS loop and they keep falling apart piece by piece.

Basically what I was saying was Sony had the luxury of not having to triple check their redesign because the original design was spot on...Not to mention Sony is first and foremost a hardware manufacturer. Unlike MS who is a software manufacturer first. This combined with the billion dollar RRoD fiasco is probably making MS comb over any potential redesign with a fine tooth comb and you can bet your ass they wont bring it to market until it is proven bulletproof.

It just blows my mind that people with PS3's only can sit there and justify not playing a ton of bad ass games and experiencing LIVE which is light years beyond PSN, because of a system that might break. It has a 3 year warranty get over it.

shingo5409d ago

let them fix it first, then redesign it if they wish. thank god i sold mine before it rrod on me. i'm so pissed at microsoft because some of my friends are already on their 3rd 360. >:(

LordMarius5409d ago

So what if it has a 3 year warranty
I dont want to buy a console that I know soon will break and I will have to go weeks or a month without, as well as going through all that hassle of shipping it and calling MS
Basically my PS3 provides more than enough games for me with FREE online that gets the job done, so I dont need another console.

5409d ago
Nathan1235409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

"It just blows my mind that people with PS3's only can sit there and justify not playing a ton of bad ass games and experiencing LIVE which is light years beyond PSN, because of a system that might break. It has a 3 year warranty get over it."

Talk about a lame justification for RROD. It's funny how you people boast the 3 years warranty as a good thing. "I am on my 5th 360"... Frankly speaking, if this would have been a PS3, then I would have moved on to something better... 5 replacements and still nothing has gone down your thick skull so what are these comments gonna affect you. 5 360's broken thats approx 5 months lost and hassles of sending and missing valuable time... Boy talk about supporting something till death (quiet literally...and that too 5 times).

Also, don't get me started on PSN remarks and that games remarks... Frankly I am having a good laugh after that... I don't need to justify or debate cause frankly everyone (except few butts) here knows what the truth is....

Guess you will be the first in line to buy a 360 Slim if launched. Don't forget to as for a 3 years warranty then.....

gaffyh5409d ago

@Syko - People that can only afford one system would be better off buying a PS3 only because it has always represented the most value even at $600. And imo it offers the best exclusives, but if you can afford both, you should buy both. But you have to understand that some people just don't care about Halo and Gears probably isn't enough for them to buy a 360.

Monchichi0255409d ago

There won't be a new 360 redesign till next fall when MS relaunches the Xbox 360 plus with the Natal. It would be stupid and totally unprofitable for MS to do it now when they already have something BIG coming then. They've said it themselves hundreds of times!

Doctor_Doom5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

calm down buddy . It's just a game console for god sake

Anyway, I think MS should really consider redesigning the 360. Mini 360 or Slim 360 (whatever they call it) would have a great success If MS introduce it With project Natal.

Raf1k15409d ago

That simply doesn't fly. What kind of thinking is that to say it's OK because it has a 3 year warranty.

I don't think giving a warranty is an excuse for anyone to release shoddy products. I'm not talking about just the 360 but any product.

GameOn5409d ago

Sorry to hear you got into that loop m8. After I got the rrod once, my repaired 360 is a good'n. Lucky for me I guess.

ApocalypseShadow5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

but i think my response to that is two fold.

microsoft HAD and HAS the money to spend.they could have paid someone else to make it for them.wait,they did.but went with shoddy parts.to gain consumer respect,you make sure you have a product that's worth buying.to most of us,it's not worth the effort you are going through to play those games.microsoft has billions,but was not willing to spend that for the consumer.

warranties don't repair electronics.redesign repairs electronics.

second,some of those games are coming over that he doesn't have to buy a 360 for.ninja gaiden 2,bioshock,etc.why bother with headaches just to have fun?he might have to wait,but like ninja gaiden 2,you get a better product by waiting.just like ps3 owners got better system hardware by waiting.

EDIT:jimmy,what are you talking about?shoo before i get my fly swatter.


GiantEnemyCrab5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

I think that's fare that you don't want to buy one. But what I find annoying and the fanboy aspect of this are the people who have decided not to buy one continually repeat it OVER AND OVER in their comments!

The way I see it is if you aren't interested in it and you don't plan on buying it why come into a thread and proclaim it over and over and then ride this bullsh*t figure of %54 failure rate. Or chastise the people who aren't having problems and are enjoying the system.

"The 360 is big! We are talking "behemoth" and "keep it in the circus" big."

Typical drama from "The Sixth Axis" a Sony centric site. It's the same size as the PS3 fat and now suddenly because there is a slim PS3 the 360 is circus big and is going to get rode about that? Fanboy lame.

Anyway, if you aren't buying the system fine but stop giving sh*t to those who are enjoying the system and are dealing with the failures. Go write a freakin letter to MS if you are so up ended over it.

ukilnme5409d ago

@ fermcr11

My PS3 broke already while my 360 Elite is still running strong. However, if a person can't afford both consoles, I will recommend a PS3 over a 360 due to hardware reliability. I feel that you have to play the percentages here. I am not a Sony loyalist by any means but I feel a lot safer with Sony's hardware.

The Wood5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

+ up as always and you are definitely not a sony loyalist or a MS loyalist so big up.

If MS could make a slim im sure they would. Product extension is a sure way of making money. Just look at what the slim ps1 and ps2 done for sony's rev. MS just arent a hardware company and its shown this gen especially.....i miss that tank.

Greywulf5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

That run on 5 year old engines that are also PC games.

I think its safe to say the Ps3 has more actual exclusives, that are recent. "A TON OF GAMES!!" What is this ton of games you speak of? Remove PC games and theres honestly about 5 titles that you consider good by rating standards. I'm not saying there aren't good games. But there are more PS3 exclusives, they are newer and better quality games.

A 10% failure rate is normal. As is the Wii's 8%. The 360's 54% is pathetic. You guys think because theres 1 broken ps3 that means its the same as 54%? I'd love to see you guys in a kindergarten math class.

cervantes995409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

I agree with most everything you say except for the Live vs. PSN issue.

If you throw out cross game chat and invites (which I don't use or want to use) how is Live light years better than PSN? I'm claiming ignorance here as I really don't know.

We all know that the 360 is a POS hardware wise, but what I like most about my 360 is Live Arcade. Now that is light years ahead of PSN and is the main reason I bought a 360. I prefer my PS3 overall, but I could not imagine not having a 360 because of Arcade and Mass Effect.

I do feel a little dirty though playing Shadow Complex and hearing Nathan Drake's voice. Cool game though :)

Anyway, good comments. Bubbles+++

duplissi5409d ago

damn you guys those failure rates are representative of hardcore gamers, who use their systems far more than regular folk. so it makes sense that they would have a higher failure rate.... jeez

Syko5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

Alright, Light years might be (Is) an overstatement. Overall though these people claiming that PSN is right behind LIVE and is only missing Cross Game Chat are joking themselves. I have had both systems for years and never purchase the same game on both systems, obviously...The 360 runs smoother, although not noticeable enough if you don't play the other version to compare. The friend, Invite and messaging structure are much better. And everyone communicating with a mic is a big plus, although there are sometimes when it is annoying as hell.

It's not light years...but it is much, much better. Of course if you go by N4G standards it is garbage and a rip-off at $40 a year. =)

All I am saying is play it for yourself and form an honest opinion instead of being like a lot of these people and bombing into a 360 story and spouting off at the mouth about RRoD and PS3 rules type crap.

The biggest question I have is why the hell am I still bothering commenting in here, lol. It is going nowhere. ha

cervantes995409d ago

I appreciate your response. Good to know.

The everyone has a mic is a plus (something I wish Sony would have added to the Slim). When I was in the Uncharted 2 Beta, the people talking on mics was annoying because every other word was ... well you know. So PSN has its fair share of idiots too.

See people, civilized conversation about competing services without degrading into mine is better than yours.

gaffyh5409d ago

@Syko - You aren't only talking to fanboys, some people here still can have a civilised debate without resorting to fanboyism. The problem is that you have "360" in your name, it attracts a lot of negativity towards you.

Personally I agree with everything you said, but if you only want to play games online (with nothing else), the PSN is more than adequate.

cervantes995409d ago

I agree.

I really only want to play online and have it be a smooth experience. I have absolutely no complaints about PSN in this regard. I can get online and play virtually lag-free. At least so far :)

Highwayman5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

The funny thing about those stats is that, I have yet to have a 360 die on me. All of my friends who own one...same thing. 1 out of 67 of my Xbox LIVE friends had a failure. But, yes I do think it does need a redesign. Why? If these stats are in fact, true, then it does. Period.

fishd5409d ago

Syko you should use some of your special powas and show them who is boss ;)

ps3d05409d ago

"PS3 is also big but somehow managed to look quite elegant too" This shows just how delusional the writer is. The way the ps3 look as been a joke ever since they show it back at E3 05. The ps3 was HUGE it was like twice the size of the 360. Plus it looked like a grill. Everyone on this site seen the photoshop ps3/grill pics.

So the 360 is smaller then the ps3 (have to wait and see how it compares to the slim) its smaller then the 1st xbox was, its probably smaller the N64 was might be smaller then the gamecude (hard to tell gc was so tall). Think the 360 it about the same size as the ps2 (not the slim one) or a sega saturn. Plus if they just made the 360 thinner it look god awful. As it is the best looking game system since the dreamcast.

Sarcasm5409d ago

I think a 360 Slim would be a good idea if MS doesn't make it. If they outsource it to someone like samsung or even toshiba, they could redesign the entire system to make it more efficient and run cooler.

Much like how Sony redesigned the whole core of the PS3 for the Slim, I don't see why MS cant do the same.

If anything, a Slimmer 360 that has a better cooling design = Win for gamers.

Domenikos5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

"...but you are talking to a 360 launch owner (Nov. 22nd 2005) Since then I have been through 5 dead 360's all with a different problem..."

I can say that i admire your patience...or...dont get me wrong, but thats really stupid from a consumer POV...

randomwiz5409d ago

maybe not a slim, but a redesign should be made.

And you have to stop using 54.2% as an argument. Sure it is high, but not 54.2% high. Remember, anyone could've said that their 360 failed. That survey was completely off. I mean they said the ps3 had a 10% failure rate also. We know thats not true.

Hobadoon5409d ago

What you mean is that "It's really stupid in your opinion."

Syko is a consumer. You can't say something like that while holding your opinion to be the "Overall Consumer Consensus."

Just sayin...

Odion5409d ago

Skyo is right the rest of you are wrong

ThanatosDMC5408d ago (Edited 5408d ago )

A Slim 360 would be how much? $99??? Slims normally shave off $100 or so on consoles. It'd be nice. If they do, they need to use laptop hard drives how PS3 uses it.

Handheld consoles are jack up the price when they slim down.

meepmoopmeep5408d ago (Edited 5408d ago )

"Skyo is right the rest of you are wrong"

does this mean you will buy a PS3 to finally ENJOY gaming, Odion :P

yeah man, if you can afford all the consoles do it. gaming is about fun
there are great games on each system.

y'all are the ones missing out

i wouldn't mind seeing a 360 slim but they really better put that thing through serious QC

5408d ago
Pika-pie5408d ago

The PS3 fat is still smaller than the 360. The thing that shocks me the most about the 360 size is that there is nothing inside. The thing that takes up the most room is the DVD drive and the heat sink about 60% is empty space. They could easily do a redesign but hardware is not Microsofts strong point.

ChickeyCantor5408d ago

"good consumers don't buy shoddy products"

Aaaaaah the smell of arrogance at 9:20 am.

masterg5408d ago

If you ask me Microsoft should have teamed up with a hardware company from the start. Make them build the machine and manage all software themselves. Microsoft have no business doing hardware.

ZyKlOn5408d ago


JsonHenry5408d ago

I am still dreaming to the NEXT consoles. Not just rehashes of the current gen.

All three systems got a lot of things right, a lot of things wrong, and learned their lessons. I can't wait to see how it turns out next generation!

+ Show (37) more repliesLast reply 5408d ago
FlipMode5409d ago

gotta make the original work first

Saaking5409d ago

Why would would MS bother with a 360 slim. Get it through you're heads. The 360 ONLY sold because of PRICE not anything else. It was the poor man's PS3. Now that the PS3 is affordable, the 360 has become obsolete. Is it so hard to understand? Why do you think the 360 could not outsell the wii even though it was cheaper. People don't want a 360 now that the PS3 slim is here. I bet MS will announce a new console next E3, and once again make US, the customers pay for their mistakes.

Kill Crow5408d ago

is for Fat Gaymers, dual wield pink dildo attachments coming soon to a Diet Console near you ... in your 4$$

table5409d ago (Edited 5409d ago )

spontaneous combustion...

badz1495408d ago

even with the current design which has the external power brick, the damn thing still overheats and the DVD drive sounds like a jet engine! (I know it's a little overstatement) but you know what I'm up to here! in order to come up with a slimmed down version, M$ will have to overcome the design issues with their current models which they still have not even after a couple of versions! but honestly I don't think the slim version is needed because people seem happy with current 360s and it still cost less at $199 plus 3 years warranty! I think M$ should just lay down for a while and look at how the PS3 slim performs before coming out with extreme price cuts (again) or any mean of redesign if things turn completely to the Sony's favor! this is because they at least still have a tight grip on the biggest VG market which is the NA!

Jazz41085408d ago

Remember guys the 54% rate is very biased and these numbers are from Launch. If you were to buy a 360 today the failure rate on the Jasper's is within industry standards and below 10%. This is coming from a Game informer in house survey they tested on just Jaspers. OXM also has a test on there site as well as what I am observing as a manager with GameStop. Just my two cent's........

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