
Sony Explains Why The PS3 Slim Has No Backwards Compatibility

Kotaku writes...... Somewhere between the time Sony removed backwards compatibility from the previous PS3, and we knew there'd be a new PS3, people got to hoping that the feature would be brought back in the PS3 Slim. It hasn't.

Put a PS2 disc into the PS3 Slim and it won't play. Which for some will mean nothing, but for others, will mean a great deal. If that's you, and you're after an explanation, SCEA's director of marketing John Koller has one.

G3TDOWN5400d ago

do you guys still play ps2 games lol ?

Sunny_D5400d ago (Edited 5400d ago )

The only people I actually see complaining about BC are the one's with the non BC PS3's or who haven't bought a PS3 yet. People I have a Launch 60gb ps3 with full hardware PS2 BC and guess what, I've used it once. Once, because I was testing to see how it works. I haven't looked back ever since. People just complain about things they can't have when they probably know they won't use it.

Nitrowolf25400d ago

i will be honest yes, but only when im bored of my games and all the new ps3 games are rented out i look for a ps2 game. but that just it other then a time i try a new series (MGS, and GOW) on the ps3 and want to play the other ones to

-Mezzo-5400d ago

i do but i have my PS2 for that matter, i see no reason to have Backward capability in PS3 and make is cost a 100$ more while on the other hand you can get a full PS2 for 100$.

Blaze9295400d ago

hell yeah I still play my PS2 games. Tons of em too. How could anyone not play at least one of their ps2 games anymore or want to if they dont have BC

mintaro5400d ago

well for one.... the 360 has bc, hell even the wii is bc. So I honestly don't see why the PS3 doesn't.

INehalemEXI5400d ago (Edited 5400d ago )

I think its really because the ps2 is still on the market and they realize they want to keep selling ps2's awhile longer.

The Lazy One5400d ago

Really? The only people complaining about BC are the ones that have no way of getting BC?


If they came out with a PS3 that was PS2 and PS1 BC it would be a very appealing machine. a GREAT machine for collectors.

Liquid Dust5400d ago

I have alot of ps2 games, alot, but i rarely play them since my ps3 is front and center for psone/psn/ps3/movies/photos so i rarely feel like setting up my ps2 to play some games.

I would love to be motivated to play some of my favorites like dragon quest 8 and shadow of the collosus. Thats my reason to want backwards compatibility

Does this make me lazy? yes, yes it does

Anon19745400d ago

You'd have a PS2, or you could probably pick one up used for $50. Personally, I'm one of those 80%-90% of PS3 owners that bought his console for PS3 games. It's kinda nice that as an owner of a 60GB PS3 I have the option to play PS2 games, but it's not one I've used in well over a year now.

Obama5400d ago

Actually I still play a lot of ps2 games. Right now I am still playing persona 3 FES..and that's why I love my 60g model.

GarandShooter5400d ago

Yeah, some games stand the test of time, and other games I missed when they launched, like Indigo Prophecy that I'm currently playing and Ico which I recently found, both in preparation of upcoming releases from their respective developers.

No different than listening to music you've already heard, watching films you've already seen, or dipping back in the archives of an artist you may have only recently started enjoying.

Tsar4ever015400d ago

And my theory is this.

They can put BC back in the PS3's if they wanted to. Thats why they made the announcement about patented the PS2's Emotion Engine/GPU using the PS3's cell processor. To let All off us KNOW that it can be done without any need of the hardware components.

So if they give us the BC now, If word got out the BC's back in the PS3, sony won't sell anymore PS2 systems. WHAT will be the POINT of the ps2 slim consoles that's still stocked up all over the world store shelves now? That system is STILL selling very well even in it's 9th year. And Sony gonna milk that system for all it's worth, at least 1 more year. And THAT my theory why they won't give us the BC.

But believe me, IT'S COMING BACK. But only after they've milked out the Ps2 console.

quoting "JUBA" at the end of GLADIATOR, referring to Ps2's BC.


RAZORLAND5400d ago (Edited 5400d ago )

Sony wants to harken back to the glory days of the plastation 2 with that fan-art-looking style of lettering on the PS3 slim, but no B/C.

I'll enjoy my 60gig, even though I only have 2 ps2 games.

5400d ago
Kevin McCallister5400d ago (Edited 5400d ago )

Same here. My BC definitely gets used. Mainly by Atlus games which continue to crap all over current gen RPG releases IMO.

sunil5400d ago

I own a 80 GB PS3 that can play PS2 games and thats why I want the PS3 slim to have it as well... I spend more time on my PS2 games (still) than I do PS3..

Even if we get all sequels released on the PS3, I still cant play PS2 games like FF10, ICO, SOTC (only to name a few)

iamtehpwn5400d ago

on PCSX2 where I can play them in 1080p at 60FPS, with x16 AA.

But this is still a dearly hoped for feature.
nothing beats that controller in your hands in front of a TV.

JL5400d ago

I have to go with darkride and a couple others. BC could be useful to some, but quite frankly it's not something that Sony should get so much flack for not having. If I had the option, I'd probably use it (namely so I could go back and play the first two GOWs and then Ico's first two games before I play the third games). However, like darkride (i think) mentioned, you can get a ps2 very cheap. Really I bought my ps3 to play ps3 games, as an overwhelming majority did. Most of those probably came from ps2 as well, so if they wanted to still be playing ps2 games they'd probably still be using their old system. The only people really who are that concerned about playing old classic games as well are the "hardcore gamers". And those are the gamers that put alot of money into this hobby as it is, so the extra tiny bit of money to get an actual ps2 wouldn't be a stretch at all. Especially when it provides 100% playability unlike software emulation. I can look on amazon right now and get a used ps2 for $30. That's half the price of a ps3 game. If you want to play ps2 games, get that. This is not some necessary feature. It's just a luxury for the more hardcore of the hardcore gamers which is the overwhelming minority.

PshycoNinja5400d ago (Edited 5400d ago )

Sony: We have a PS3 with anything and everything for $500 - $600

Fan: Thats a stupid price. I wont buy a PS3 until you lower the price.

Fan 2: Ya we don't need the SD card readers or the BC. If I wanted that I would buy a PS2 just lower the price.

The next day at a Sony meeting

Executive 1: Fans don't like the price. I think we need to lower the price.

Executive 2: How do we do that genius? We are already losing $250 per console sold.

Executive 3: Lets take out some features out of the PS3 that fans don't want. That would make the PS3 cheaper to make and let use do a price cut.

Executive 2: Genius!

Looks at fans comments and impressions.

Executive 1: Okay so they don't care about the SD card readers or BC.

Executive 3: Take out BC? You sure that people will be okay with that?

Executive 2: Thats what the fans say they don't care about.

Executive 1: Alright.

And that is how BC was taken out of the PS3. All because people wanted the PS3 to be cheaper and didn't care what was taken out.

Mu5afir5400d ago

First off, I don't think anyone is playing PS1 games on the PS3. Secondly, even though I own the 60gb.. I have played only one PS2 game.. SoTC. AND I BOUGHT THE 60gb BECAUSE IT WAS BC. Playing PS2 games on a 60" HDTV doesn't look pretty for some odd reason.

da720izcumin5400d ago

hell ya, I still play ps2 games...it's the best thing sony ever came up with...
man, tell you what...
there is no way, I am gonna pay 300 dollars for a piece of blu ray player that will not play my ps2 games...
you aint taking my money sony, try again...

/got my hater blockers...bring it

Seraphemz5400d ago

HELLLLL YEA !! you are so right.

I got the PS3 WITH card readers and plays PS2 games. Only PS2 game that I played was SOC and thats it. I LOVE the card readers cause i load pics and movies all the time.

People cried about the price and didnt appreciate all they were getting so they lost it. Now they b1tch about it again..

Like Bill Cosby said, the "key to failure is trying to please everyone."

vegetassj515400d ago

just finished MGS2 again and now moving on to MGS3.

My sister sold my PS2 so this is the only way i can play my ps2 games.

come on everyone likes to replay MGS games every once in a whlie, or is that just me.

krauley5400d ago

"If they came out with a PS3 that was PS2 and PS1 BC it would be a very appealing machine. a GREAT machine for collectors."

they did idiot and no one bought em, they were called Launch PS3's and guess what, they played ps1 and ps2 games.

Christopher5400d ago

BC for the 360 is just as limited as it was for the 80GB PS3s that had partial BC (95% of PS2 games were compatible). If people were that concerned with BC, they would have picked up the original 60 or the now discontinued MGS4 80GB and previous 80GB models.

C_SoL5400d ago

Damn I'm Lucky for having a 60GB. I only paid 425 for it back in June of '07 without tax on craigslist.

It was manufactured in Jan '07.

And I still have the box. Everything except the Sixaxis controller which I threw and broke.


ZOMBIEMAN15400d ago

if i want to play PS2 games i'll play it on my PS2 that's why i bought the thing to play it's game same reason why i bought a PS3 to play PS3 games the only time BC felt needed was when i had friends coming over and we could have played WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 & 2008 but that's it .

and to da720izcumin your officially an idiot you won't by a PS3 for $300 just because it can't play PS2 games ? why buy the system than if you just want to play PS2 games i'd understand not buying a 360 because of RROD ( legit reason ) but not buying a PS3 just because it doesn't have BC ( dumb reason ) now that is retarded and an opening to a your mom is so stupid joke

The Great Melon5400d ago

Still play many ps2 games on my ps3. It is much easier to have only one console at the dorm rather than 3.

Xephon085400d ago

What they could do for BC is do the software based bc where they build a ps2 emulator of sorts that people can download for a price, this way those that care for BC get it while not affecting the cost of every PS3 out there.

I know it seems a bit silly but charging something like 29.99 for ps2 BC would be reasonable plus since it would be software based they would have lower cost then hardware components. And it would give Sony a second wind with software sales since people could always pay 29.99 get a ps2 essentially and then buy disk based games.

The Wood5400d ago

DITTO, And im gunna wanna play Persona 4 when im done on 3. I hope the firmware/software bc implementation is real

ThanatosDMC5400d ago

I have BC on my PS3... but yeah, i rarely play PS2 games on it. If only we can have PS2 games on PSN... I have the HDD for them!

masterg5400d ago

I sold my launch PS3 18 days ago today, because I knew the slim was comming and I didn't use the PS2 feature.
I got $640 for it with 6 games I would never spend another minute playing.
That being said, I paid about $950 for it.
Yeah. Denmark is not the cheapest country in the world.

But all in all I'm going make $150-200 and get a new PS3.

Chimerhazzard5400d ago

I just bought my friend's used PS2... I am ashamed to say I didn't own a PS2 (never got around to it really, at the time PC gaming was still very strong) but there were so many amazing games on the PS2 that I had to buy one. Besides, I didn't want to play some games like God of War 3 without playing GOW1 and 2, I am one of those people who actually cares about storylines :D

Right now I am playing Devil May Cry on my ps2 :D great game.

n4f5400d ago

well i think it doesnt make sense since they keep supporting the ps2 and doesnt add it on the ps3

Sarick5400d ago

Sony didn't make a smart move. Instead of just making units that had bigger hdds they should have made 2 pure models.

$299 The cheapo one that is slim like with everything stripped out.
$399 The expensive one with everything.

People who only want the system for PS3 games and nothing else get what they want and the hardcore fans get what they want EVERYTHING. Already there are people paying double for PS3 60gb models because the newer systems don't support it.

There is a big advantage to having a PS3 with full BC. With that system you'll have a huge ps1/ps2/ps3 lineup that is playable.

Guido5400d ago

Oh yeah, I have that in my 60 gig PS3. You know? The one all the haters should have bought when it was available? If you wanted BC so bad, you should have ponied up the cash back int he day. Now quit your hatin.

All-35400d ago

Sony dropped PS2 backwards compatibility because the PS2 was/is still selling well enough, and those PS2 sales helped offset losses from PS3 manufacturing costs. A rather big change in stance from all that backwards compatibility talk Sony had before the PS3 released - remember?

shadow27975400d ago

I have the 80 Gb Limited BC model. And I've played PS1 and PS2 games on it. I actually like to switch between playing a PS2 game on the PS3 on my big TV, to playing on my PS2 on my CRT. It's convenient.

I'm not sure why people are so bothered by other people complaining about a feature they want. Isn't that what they're supposed to do? If they want BC, let them complain about it.

I see a serious flaw in this "research", though.

"Now that we're at a point where we're three years into the lifecycle of the PS3," he told us earlier today, "there are so many PS3 disc-based games that are available that we think — and noticed this from our research — that most consumers that are purchasing the PS3 cite PS3 games as a primary [reason]".

Did it ever occur to them that this is because current PS3's don't have BC? Perhaps they would have more consumers if they offered it. However, this is a very sly rebuttal of the "Blu-ray player" argument.

""And it's not just like 50 or 60 percent. It's well into the 80 or 90 percentile range who are purchasing it for PS3 [games]."

So 10%-20% are using it for Blu-ray (or other reasons)? Interesting.

gaffyh5400d ago

I bought my 60gb at launch and i got rid of my PS2 almost a year before. So when I got my PS3 I used the BC twice, played GOW2 and finished Sotc. And that is it, the people complaining about the current PS3s not having BC need to STFU. You got your PS3 significantly cheaper, you don't deserve BC.

I haven't used the BC since and it is completely useless now, because there are sooo many fantastic current gen games available. Stop playing last gen games and move on cheapskates!!!

duplissi5399d ago

well on occasion yes, but i have a original 60 (now 500) so new ps3s not having bc doesnt really apply to me.

to be honest though the last ps2 game i played was god of war 2, and that was almost a year ago..


Software control. In a nutshell developers are really pushing console makers to find a way to get rid of used retailers. These developers see a whole new market of profit. When they see used retailers selling used copies to new consumers they see another potential "new game" buyer lost. To these developers used game retailers are stealing from them. By taking away the ability to support past generation discs, it allows developers to resell the same game online as a digital download title.

This means that gamers will find it harder and harder to play PS2 titles because the hardware will be harder to come by. Instead, PS2 titles like Marvel vs. Capcom 2 will be sold online and will be easily accessible. Tell me this...Why are PS2 titles on PSN able to play on "non-backwards compatabile" PS3s? The reason is the PS3 is backwards compatible when Sony wants it to be. Looking at all the PS2 games available as a downloadable only title, it becomes clear that backwards compatability is already available, just not the way gamers want it to be.

The PS3 is backwards compatible through PSN's PS2 titles. Current disc owners will be left out in the cold unfortunately. Being an owner of 150 PS1 and 300 PS2 games, I feel that at the very least Sony should offer free downloads of PS2 titles for everyone who owns the disc version.

Sony has already offered this type of support for the PSP GO. They offered a free digital download of the game for anyone that has the UMD disc version of the game. It would be reasonable to offer the same support for PS2 game owners as well. It sounds doubtful though as I see PS2 game discs becoming obsolete while developers rake in the profits on digital download versions. This is software control..and in a nutshell is very bad for a gamer like me.

dantesparda5399d ago

This is what pisses me off about Sony. Bullsh!t excuse. They just cant do it, that's all. LAME!!!

+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 5399d ago
Saaking5400d ago

Perhaps because the PS3 is supposed to play.....PS3 games!?

Sunny_D5400d ago

DAAHHH OMG! How did you figure that out!!111???? I'M SHOCKED. >_<

DonCorneo5400d ago

keep your ps2 (preferably your SDTV, too. ps2 looks fugly on HDTVs).

but if you are an xbots, maybe it is a good idea to buy a 3fixme to play your original crapbox games on it.. SINCE there are NO 3fixme games worth playing in the last 9 months.. LMAO!!!!

but don't play for more than 5 hours or you'll be a statistic (54.2%) LMAO!!!!

frnkyl5400d ago

Come on guys, I think they've had enough ownage in one day let's not overdo it.

meatnormous5400d ago

I just want to know what happened to everyone's PS2 that makes backwards compatibility such a wanted feature. I still have my PS2 and if I want to play a ps2 game, I use the ps2. I do have a 60 gig with B/C though, but that wasn't a selling point to me.

-Mezzo-5400d ago

Weel i just got here. lol

Gue15400d ago (Edited 5400d ago )

-What if your PS2 slim breaks? Where you're going to play your PS2 games then?

-What about the convenience of having only 1 console instead of 2 hooked up on your TV?

-And don't forget about the HDMI! Most modern televisions benefits from a digital signal and that means clearer picture for the games.

-It had an upscaler feature for the games. It wasn't your usual upscaler that tries to improve the image but you could play your games on either, 16:9(stretched, if the game didn't support it) or 4:3(normal). And it had a smoothing option too for the games with lots of rough edges.

-Plus all the games were rendered on 480p by default.

----------------------------- ------------------------------ - --------
I'm whining because my 60GB sku went Ylod on me and now I can't buy another one for a fair price. 60GB sku's on ebay are kinda expensive you know...

topdawg1225400d ago

I agree with wiimaniac. If this was their original promise why not have it in the future they clearly want to keep selling ps2s and won't bring an update until it has completely died out. Luckily I have a launch ps3 but I would be pissed if it broke before gow3 cause I wanna replay the first 2


xbot don't fkn worry about us. ps3 owners really don't give a fk ....

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5400d ago
darthv725400d ago

i have been thinking about this plenty lately. I am betting that ps2 games released on psn will be individually patched to play instead of an across the board bc fw update. This makes it more ideal for sony to release titles that are taylored to run on the ps3 and make $$ instead of a bc fw for physical discs they get nothing from in second hand markets.

It may be asking users to rebuy games they already have but the games could get special treatment in the form of better performance or maybe even trophy support. It may not be the type of bc people are expecting but it certainly makes sense for sony to control what plays and what doesnt.

GarandShooter5400d ago

'It may be asking users to rebuy games they already have but the games could get special treatment'

It's a similar situation with PSOne games on PSN, as they allow you to play them on a PSP, which can't be done with the original disc versions.

sorceror1715400d ago

In computers, there's the 80-20 rule. The first 80% takes about 20% of the effort, and the last 20% takes 80% of the effort. Writing a PS2 emulator that handles the common stuff on the PS3 isn't that hard. It's handling ALL the corner cases and weird crap the developers did that makes it tough.

So, the most sensible thing for Sony to do is write a basic emulator that handles 80-90% of the emulation job. Then, take the games and 'port' them to this emulator - change the games so they don't DO the stuff that's hard to emulate.

Then put the games up on PSN and pull in cash.

What I'd LOVE for them to do is let you run them two ways. (1) You pays your money and you plays yer game. (2) You download it, and you can play it for free as long as you have the PS2 disc in the drive. Sadly, I'm not sure they'll allow that.

KilZoneGeneralStrife5400d ago

Ive ownd 3 disc read error ps2s.scph3004s. And my slim,that broke in feb.and yeah,I want to play GT4,even though I got prologue

Seven_ate_Nine5400d ago

It's actually very easy to fix the disc read errors in PS2s. You just have to open it up and carefully clear off the dust covering the interior components.

Golfcoachh5400d ago

I thought sony never made faulty hardware.

Golfcoachh5400d ago

It was a joke, you know humor.

jerethdagryphon5399d ago

heh i buy and repair old slim ps2s

easy to fix buy em cheap sellem for 40ish

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5399d ago
Seven_ate_Nine5400d ago

They say they didn't add BC because people are buying PS3's for PS3 games. I think that it's actually because they're thinking, "Why bother making new units with BC when we can just add it to them and all existing consoles with the release of a new firmware."

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CrimsonWing695h ago

Well, I appreciate this article since I enjoy fishing games, so there’s that.


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Rynxie2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DarXyde1d 9h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 1h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.