
Microsoft Surprises Everyone At E3

If you happened to be at the E3 convention or were just watching it live on the net, you would have certainly be shocked by what Microsoft delivered today. In total, they officially announced 15 new smashing titles for the 360, some of which were very highly anticipated over the last few months (and even years for some).

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Sanzee5488d ago

I too was very impressed with MS Press Conference. I don't know why PS3 supporters are so mad at Microsoft?

Uncle Rico5488d ago

Agreed mate. I mean the Forza 3 and MGS announcement was mind blowing. The motion tech was also very impressive. I really didnt think they could have done it...but wow.

Homicide5488d ago

Yeah, MS had an incredible conference. Alan Wake and Splinter Cell look amazing. Crackdown 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and Metal Gear Solid: Rising were nice surprises. The Natal thing has been getting a lot of positive previews.

All Time Greatness5487d ago

Agreed man, it was a great show....nothing but games and innovation. Good looking games and Big Franchises also :)

Gamertags5487d ago

Sony will have to really amaze us tomorrow to even stand a chance against MS. All I ask of Sony is to give us a reason to turn the system on. Mine is sitting, waiting, looking sad.

Come on Sony, give us a reason to play it over the 360!

Ju5487d ago

Sure, Sony needs to put up tomorrow.

But MS had a great show. Congrats to MGS. Alan Wake looked good, Forza looks good. I'd say, was about time. Back in the game, huh ?

no-spin5487d ago

it is not Sony's fault that you dont buy games for the PS3. I have a hard time turning it off. From multiplatforms to exclusives the PS3 has it all

Godmars2905487d ago

Unless that's what you're hoping for. MGSR certainly gives reason for that to the fanboy set.

And what does it say about you that that's what you're looking, hoping, for?

What's going to be your reaction if the game's announced at the Sony conference?

jwatt5487d ago

Yea I had a feeling MS was going to have a big conference but I was really impressed. The motion sensing dashboard, twitter and all the great games, I just have a feeling MS might take this E3. I mean they were even taking shots at Sony, saying there won't be any pie charts in this conference and claiming Forza as the number 1 racing game. Even as a Sony fanboy I have to say MS is putting in work but we still got Sony's conference and I have high hopes for it.

EYEamNUMBER15487d ago

in all honesty i wasn't surprised by the whole conference at all
they only showed what everyone already knew was coming so for me it was kinda boring

what did surprise me though was L4D2 i wasn't expecting that in the least i thought we would get more DLC first before a sequel was ever even thought of

GamerPS3605487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

If you don't have any reason to turn your PS3 on, you might just sell it. Killzone2 and Infamous just came out and you are saying it is waiting ?? Go play wii then. Unless, you are one of those people who can buy consoles but can't afford game, otherwise, there are plenty of games out there for PS3 (may be your whole college fee worth).

@ MS e3, It was indeed very good. I am looking for many games from the list. Definitely getting AlanWake and L4D2. I have never played any splinter cell, so I am going to keep my eyes on it. Oh, and Crackdown 2 :D

thewhoopimen5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I wouldn't be so quick to be rejoice GamerTags. I'm underwhelmed that there will only be 1 true AAA exclusive on the 360 this year. Yes Splinter Cell Conviction. There's already a forza 2 to hold over forza 3... so its not that big of an announcement. I'll give it an A anyway, but that barely makes 2.

Crackdown2 is not an AAA title. It just isn't. Its a great B title. Everyone who has played it knows it.
Tony Hawk Ride is no A.
Left4Dead2 is more like an expansion.
ODST is more like an expansion.
More Misc. Expansions
MGS:Rising is vaporware until demoed
FFXIII is not this year
Alan Wake is not this year
Halo: Reach is not this year
ME2: is not this year
Natal is still in the works and $200!
Milo is still in the works (who wants to play with little boys? *shudder)
Everything else is DLC/Live/useless addons like facebook/twitter.

@MasterChief: Well then refute what I said. Come on. Tell me that the whole conference was about the flood load of exclusive titles that are coming out this year, because I watched the exact same thing you did. I really expected at least 3-4, like last year.

The Master Chief5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

haha Whoopiman please lower the amount of desperation. It's unbelievable.

Everyone already saw the conference....your comments on N4G won't change it, just move on.

phosphor1125487d ago

I'm usually mad at MS for their poorly built console, but this year, they showed some cool stuff, a few things exclusive to them I really think are cool is Splinter Cell Conviction (I'm bummed its not coming to PS3, I really wanted to play it), and Project Natal.

I'm not a fan of Natal, but it is great programming none the less. I still think that instead of creating great demos like Lionhead has shown with Milo, I think devs will take the easy way out with poorly made games. One thing that I thought of was MP games that used that. Think of the overhead of all the data the servers would need to send to one another to properly transmit data. Yes, it is just position/voice data..but when you compare that to just button inputs, the data packets would become huge. Frankly, I'm still running on 1.5mbps download rates. That is when I'm the only one using the internet at my house..which has 4 computers.

Alan Wake also looked good, but to be honest, I was bummed. Maybe it was the wait, maybe its just how it played. The effects were great and all, but I'm not too sure at the moment.

Also, MGS:R. While that isn't exclusive to them, I'm hoping it will turn out ok. Supposedly Kojima isn't directing it, idk if he said that himself, or not, I'm not sure what the source is, but if he isn't, it won't be that experience I'm looking forward to. Even if he was, if Kojima-san can't create a game that meets his vision with 50 gigs, how is a 7 gig limit going to help?

E3 is good so far. I hope they keep it up.

SaberEdge5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I too was really impressed by Microsoft's press conference. I admit I favor the 360 a little more than the PS3, but I own and enjoy both consoles and to be honest I thought Microsoft's might be a tad disappointing this year. But it turns out they surpassed my expectations in many ways.

For one thing I didn't think they would have as many surprises as they did. Crackdown 2, Halo Reach and Left 4 Dead 2 were truly nice surprises. For me, those are all huge games and to have that many surprise announcements for games of that caliber is really quite impressive.

To see actual footage of games like Alan Wake and Splinter Cell Conviction was exciting for me, because those are games I have been looking forward to for a while.

Halo ODST looks awesome and I can't wait for it.

Metal Gear Solid Rising was a huge announcement as well, basically rivaling the FFVIII announcement last year. MGS has always been a fantastic franchise and getting it on the 360 is great news for 360 owners.

So many awesome announcements as far as new stuff coming to the 360 UI and Xbox LIVE. I am not going to mention them all right here, but suffice to say they left me very impressed and excited.

Project Natal looks really promising and the things Peter Molyneux and others showed and talked about was really exciting stuff.

I think any fair-minded person would have to give Microsoft props for an excellent E3 showing.

Now I am looking forward to Sony's conference. If it is anywhere near as good as Microsoft's (or better) gamers are in for a real treat. Owning both consoles I think I am going to go crazy this year trying to keep up with all the gaming goodness.

Agent VX5487d ago

I haven't played much of either my 360 or PS3 and have been playing my PC a lot more. But MS announcements have gotten me excited for a few games.

Alan Wake looks awesome. MSG announcement must really hurt Sony fanboys feelings knowing that the 360 can handle these graphics.

My biggest surprise was Forza 3 and how amazing the graphics look. Mix in all the features of Forza and great gameplay, this is the title I look most forward too on either the 360 or PS3 this year.

The motion controller looks very impressive, but I have little faith that this will gain much momentum due to the fact it is expensive and a little late in the game. This will most likely be a test for MS next gen machine.

Overall, a very strong showing by MS. Now if Sony can show some interesting things, I will dust off my PS3 also.

Rofflecopter5487d ago

I really dont know why everyone is so excited about MGS:R. Sure its a metal gear on the 360, which is awesome for 360 only owners. But honestly, as a huge MG fan, its not the same. It's not gonna be the same stealth action that made metal gear great. On top of that, personally, I'm not a big fan of the future "lead" character. All in all, I dont see the game as being that huge.

pansenbaer5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

@ Agent,

You're right. It did really hurt me. Watching that awful acting by Don Mattrick was very, very painful. I really felt bad for Kojima for having to go through with that. However, I really don't think PS3 fans care a whole lot. 1st, the game isn't exclusive. John Schappert said so himself. 2nd, Kojima said the game will be a completely new Metal Gear experience. So for all the PS3 fans that have played Metal Gear Solid and loved it, this might come as a bit of a disappointment. And 3rd, Kojima still has a game or two to announce tomorrow at Sony's conference.

StephanieBBB5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

Cod: MW2: Still the same deal. Multiplayer is awesome but singleplayer/story sucks.
Crackdown2: Could be good.
Forza3: Too arcady for me. But looks good.
Splinter cell conviction: Looks like fun.
Tony Hawk Ride: Meh
Left4Dead2: Sweet! But I hope it's longer this time.
MGS:Rising: If it's like ninja gaiden, then meh.
FFXIII: Doesn't look fun at all.
Alan Wake: Graphics look very good but the gameplay looks boring like Siren blood curse but without the tension.
Halo: Reach: Have no clue.
ME2: Awesome!
Natal: Meh.
Milo: Looks cool but who except for pedophile's would want to talk to a virtual kid all day long?

I'm not downplaying, just stating by personal opinion.

gaffyh5487d ago

LMAO @ you guys trying to make a megaton out of nothing. Not many people actually care that MGSR is on 360, because it is also on PS3. It was a teaser for a game, no gameplay or CGI shown, which means it is most likely a 2011 title, so don't get too happy about it.

All I can say is you MS fanboys better buy this game, because if it doesn't sell well, then I don't think Kojima will ever go to 360 again.

SL1M DADDY5487d ago

Alan Wake and Forza 2, there was nothing showing us what MGSR will be like and many others were either multi-plat or Halo related. I'm not a Halo fan so that stuff makes no difference to me. As for the motion tech... Come on, I'm a hardcore gamer and have little time for casual titles that use such gimmicks. Sure, if you like that sort of thing then so be it but I am looking at their conference from my perspective and much of the conference was left to the casual.

whoelse5487d ago

The difference between Microsoft and Sony is that Microsoft tend to announce everything at E3. Sony do some at E3, some out of the blue. And the firmware updates come out every three months.

That's why I wouldn't be surprised if overall Microsoft's conference is better. If it is it's not the end of the world.

Jecht5487d ago

Umm, I don't think I heard any "PS3 fanboy" saying that the 360 couldn't handle a new MGS game, what I have heard is that it can't handle MGS4 since it was optimized for the PS3. Obviously a multiplat won't be optimized for any one console, so obviously the 360 could handle it. Lame article in my opinion.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5487d ago
RonyDean5488d ago

Loved everything Microsoft showed today! Cant wait to see what Sony has for tomorrow!

menoyou5487d ago

You don't need to make an article saying they surprised us. We saw all the articles posted here of all the stuff they revealed.

Report as lame.

Anon19745487d ago

Alan Wake. That's great. We've been waiting for years, it's not like it's a secret. Nice that they've finally got a release date for it. Forza, Halo: We already knew these were coming. Bring the price down on the Halo expansion and then we're talking. I'm not paying full price for a 4 hour game. Metal Gear Solid: Again, we knew they were working on something for over a year now and it'll probably hit the PS3 as well. I'll probably get it, but hardly earth shattering. L4D:2, I don't do XBL. Maybe I'll get this on my PC. I got bored with Splinter Cell after the second one. Never played Crackdown, but that might be worth checking out.

Then we've got Facebook and motion control - Two things absolutely no one was asking for.

Where the hell are the games for 2009? Where's the reason for me to turn on my 360 again since Gears and Fable 2 are done. For a exclusive, timed Modern Warfare map? Screw you, Microsoft. I've spent over $900 on my 360 since launch for online, wi-fi, controllers, play and charge kits, extended warranties and gone through the nightmare of 4 consoles and your shoddy tech support. At least give me more than two goddamn decent exclusives per year.

If I could even get half what I've spent on that damned console I'd take it in a heartbeat.

Doppy5487d ago

Nothing MS showed shocked me. It was a very good showing, but I wasn't shocked at all.

Left 4 dead coming out so soon was a surprise. Crackdown was rumored, but it was only shown in trailer form. Forza 3 looked good; however the developer told a bold lie saying it was the best looking racing game (Top 5 yes, but #1 NO). Halo ODST seemed wasn't shown enough at the moment. Facebook, Twitter, and Last FM aren't big for me.

Now Alan Wake, even though the gameplay (from what they showed) wasn't as genre defining as I expected, looked great.

And MGS: R was expected seeing as how the announcement was on the day of MS conference (it would have been huge if it was exclusive like some sites said it was or if they at least showed a decent trailer).

Mylo's world was boring, but I could see it leading up to something really defining for the gaming industry just not anytime soon. I could care less about interacting with a virtual boy, and it seemed like Mylo was EyePet to the extreme.

The 3D motion camera really surprised me it was more thought through than I thought. The racing game looked really fun, the questionnaire game seems interesting, shuffling through menus with motion was nice as well, painting thing would get a quick play through, and adding the skateboard to the game was genius. Everything else not so much.

After reviewing the conference once again I feel that MS had a very good conference nothing mind blowing, but very good.

Final score: B+ MS did a great job even though they once again used "Ctrl C" "Ctrl V", they still managed to show some pretty revolutionary tech which will surely be used in their next console.

Golfcoachh5487d ago

For months all we heard was no way 360 gets a mgs game, no way no way, they want to raise the bar, it would take 50 dvd's , then we get one, and they go "oh it was expected, by who, not any sony fanboys that I saw. Good conference. I like the facebook thing, and the motion sensing has a lot of possibilities. Was it earth shattering, no was it solid, yes. I hope for fanboy sake that sony announces 50 unnanounced games or it will be a failure right, right fanboys thats what you are saying about Microsoft. IF you don't like the 360, sell it, throw it away, whatever, quit trolling and being big babys.

The Master Chief5487d ago

haha! Great comment. 15 unnannounced games wasn't good enough for the Sony fanboys.

They didn't even talk about Mass Effect 2, Lost Planet 2....

...I think we all know and have known. The Sony faithful are full of crap! ha!

thewhoopimen5487d ago

maybe because neither title you mentioned is going to be exclusive *wink wink*. Isn't it strange they weren't talked about?

soxfan20055487d ago

It will be interesting to see the reaction to Sony's games in light of some of the comments made about MS's - particulary downplaying announcements of games "we knew were coming anyways".

God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank - we all know those are coming - will they also be downplayed like MS's sequels are being downplayed here? Somehow, I doubt it.

SaberEdge5487d ago

Yeah, I guess since we know about GOW3, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, etc. none of those games are going to mean anything. Sony might as well not even show anything from them. Everyone is just going to say "yaaawwn" anyway, right? So what's the point?

Oh and then we also know that Kojima is rumored to announce an exclusive for the PS3, so when that gets announced I guess we can all yawn at that too.

Hmm...motion controls have been rumored as well, so if they show that so what, right?

We also already know about the PSP GO so they better not waste any time showing anything about that. PS3 slim is also rumored so if that gets announced, big whoopty doo.

I'm telling you guys, now that we have learned from the PS3 fanboys how to accurately judge these things Sony better have like 5 completely new games that have never even been rumored or we're all going to yawn, right?

JokesOnYou5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

Nobody's surprised YOU were underwhelmed, I mean your title for that comment was most likely written right after last years E3,[[Note to self, Insert "Am I the only 360 owner who was underwhelmed by all this?"]] cut & paste, then add: Games/Services/Features announced *by microsoft at E3 2009 followed by: "Where's the reason for me to turn on my 360 again since Gears and Fable 2 are done." then hit: "Add Reply" tab= Is anybody surprised darkride66 is "OMG underwhelmed", shiii we might as well ask for sonys response to micro's E3, hell I bet they probably sound more sincere, lol I mean really I don't even a hardcore sony fan would say he's shocked at your response, seriously is there anybody? (please include whether or not your response is sarcastic for the record) lmfao=


Uncle Rico5487d ago

So what if they were not exclusives? That's what you fanboys always play on...what's exclusive. MGS not exclusive anymore (big slap on the PS3 fanboys' faces)...soon you might be seeing other titles on the PS3 breaking away from the exclusivity.

The Master Chief5487d ago

If PS3 gets Mass Effect 2 also, then thats awesome,....seriously Xbox 360 has PLENTY of big franchise/big developer games coming.

Mass Effect being shared will be awesome, its a sick series.

The question is, do you honestly believe Mass Effect 2 is coming to PS3?

Did you miss EA's conference? :D

We'll see.

caladbolg7775487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

darkride is one of the few people that I bother to follow on this hellhole of a gaming site. He's both honest and realistic.

That said, I agree with JOY that darkride being underwhelmed by MS's show today is not surprising. Ya know why? Because Microsoft's show today WAS underwhelming. The Crackdown 2 announcement brings a smile to anyone who enjoyed the original (which is just about everyone who played it) and the Milo video made me raise an eyebrow. Otherwise, it's just more of the same from the MS camp (that is, a small handful of confirmed-a-year-ago exclusives, multi-plats disguised as "exclusives" and truck loads of corporate d!ck-waggling). Wasn't I promised the other day that my mind was going to be blown?

Traveler5487d ago

I am a huge fan of the PS3 but I think some of you guys are being unfair. Microsoft's conference was surprisingly good. You need to give props where props are due.

Sony's will probably be better, but you have to admit Microsoft's was really good.

JokesOnYou5487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

Oh so now I get it, I read similiar BS in all the usual well known sony n4g group comments today so here's a similiar reply

-We follow gaming news everyday, we are "In the Know" if you will but honestly all we REALLY KNOW is "speculation" **UNTIL its confirmed(thats the whole point of E3)= If that somehow translates to a feeling of "underwhelment" on your part then you should probably stay off of this site and many others gaming sites prior to next year E3, btw be prepared to be "underwhelmed" for sony's show because I garuantee tommorrow ALMOST EVERYTHING Sony shows off will be something that was *rumored, guessed, hinted at, wildly speculated about, or pretty much implied but mostly already announced by sony/sony devs on some site or blog leading up to E3.

-lol, just think about what you're saying for a moment= Of course if you follow every shred of "speculation" gaming news then somewhere somehow out of the thousands of guess's made by hundreds of sites a few of them are bound to be right, but the point is CONFIRMATION of what is coming and putting it all together in a great show with still a few great surprises that were never fully guessed or explained= A Blockbuster Show, Congratulations microsoft it was a great show for 360 owners.


caladbolg7775487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I'm not really certain how to respond to you, JOY. I mean, it's obvious that you're speaking to me as clearly noted with an @caladbolg777, but everything you said afterward was neither a quote of mine nor had anything to do with the comment that I made.

kewlkat0075487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

Did anyone expect him to be the least overwhelmed....lol

Every thread and site I go to, the majority is surprised that MS gave a conference like this, with new innovation, games, and upgrades.

Nothing changed on here, so really no expectation from most on here.

"darkride is one of the few people that I bother to follow on this hellhole of a gaming site. He's both honest and realistic. "


leyego5487d ago

hey Hutch2355 news flash

1st xbox DIDN'T get MGS4 so fanboys still got that over u
2nd its a new mg game where no graphics, no gameplay, no cg has ever been shown yet... just a tiny ass teaser with the mgs4 pic of raiden

get off ur high horse. untill gameplay vids come out and there 100% identical to mgs4 then ur comment isn't valid.

when the xbox gets a titled MGS game then we'll watch the fire roll.
just like what they did with ff13

Golfcoachh5487d ago

First, I am a little biased, but no fanboy. I own all three, and enjoy them for different things, 360 most of my games, sports games are my fav, wii for party games, ps3 for blue ray and exclusives. The day that sony gets a gears of war or halo game, something different from the main line of those games, people like you will be "oh snap, in your face xbots, blah blah blah," When God of war 3 was leaked, with no gameplay or anything, fanboys were oh my god, greatest game ever, blah blah blah. am I happy about the new mgs not really, I did't love mgs4, I just love when a company does what it can to get a game, or game type that its customers wanted. I know fanboys would love to get there hands on a ps3 halo, or ps3 gears, but they don't. Props to Sony for making great new ip's that doesn't mean that microsoft isn't doing a great job. Quit hating, its idiots like you that make n4g not near as good as it could be.

Anon19745487d ago

Here's the thing. I wanted Microsoft to impress me. I wanted to pump my fist in the air and yell "That's what I'm talkn about! Bring it!" I wanted to be excited to be a 360 owner again.
I remember the elation I felt when I first saw the Halo 3 trailer. I remember thinking that "things will only get better from this point on" after seeing my first shots of Gears of War in action. I remember being awed by my first glimpse of Bioshock's underwater creepiness in action, and thrilled when Call of Duty jumped into modern day. Those were exciting times to be a gamer and I really though that they would just continue to raise the bar from that point on.
Then they didn't. Gears 2 and Fable 2 were great, don't get me wrong, but I went a year between Halo 3 and Gears 2 where I didn't buy a damn thing on my 360. And now it looks like it'll be over a year between Fable 2 and Alan Wake (I'm not paying full price for a 4 hour Halo expansion).
Where are the games for 2009? Where are the new titles? Where are limits being pushed? Where is the "pump fist in air" excitement that I used to have as a 360 owner?
It's no secret that I prefer my PS3, but the reason that came about was because Microsoft forced me into Sony's waiting arms with shoddy hardware and I really wasn't too sad to leave the howling racist cries of Xbox Live behind me (not to mention the cost is an extra game a year). I only purchase exclusives on my 360 because I just know my 4th console is going to go at any second and I won't buy a new one once it's done. You only have to be unable to play the bulk of your games once before you change your gaming habits.
In my opinion, MS didn't show me anything I wanted to see. I wanted new. I wanted fresh and I wanted something I hadn't seen before. They failed to deliver, as they have since 2007. That was a good year to be a 360 owner.

So, for all those who think MS had a great E3 showing, I'd love to hear what you're so excited about and why because apparently you saw a different presentation than I did. Motion cameras and Facebook. What the hell were they thinking?

Bzone245487d ago

"Here's the thing. I wanted Microsoft to impress me. I wanted to pump my fist in the air and yell "That's what I'm talkn about! Bring it!" I wanted to be excited to be a 360 owner again."

lol, sure you did.

Anon19745487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I'm still a gamer, and it doesn't matter to me what platform it's on. You can stuff your console wars crap. I feel that Microsoft has let me down as a gamer, starting with their shoddy hardware and insistence that online play is something gamers should pay extra for. Now they're throwing timed exclusives at me and DLC and expect my money? Where are the frickin games this year? If you can't wrap your little, console wars brain around how we've been duped I feel sorry for you.

I hate that gamers aren't allowed to discuss their thoughts in these forums without some 12 year old fanboy spouting off adding absolutely nothing the the conversation. Why do you people even bother? Gamers are trying to talk here.

5487d ago
Anon19745487d ago (Edited 5487d ago )

I'll be just as critical of Sony if they fail to deliver. That's the difference between gamers and fanboys. If you look at my posting history I've never hesitated to give credit where credit is due, no matter what platform. I tend to come out on Sony's side more because in my opinion they have the best console, and it's the target of the most nonsense in these ridiculous console wars.

You want to know why I focused on Microsoft when their earnings came out? Because NO ONE else was. Almost half a billion dollars in profit goes up in smoke over 6 months since the price cut and no one batted an eye, no article examined that, no one reported it. Odd, don't you think? Meanwhile, do a search for Sony's earnings and everyone was tripping over themselves to slag Sony, despite the fact that they halved their loss year over year during the worst economic downturn since the great depression - mostly attributed to currency fluctuations. That's why you saw no blog from me on that topic. It's because of the North American media skew when it comes to MS vs Sony issues.

If you want to label me as being on this side or another in the console wars, knock yourself out. Thinking gamers know where I stand. They're the ones that actually add to conversations and aren't afraid to raise issues related to gamers without mindlessly bashing other members.

Just look at the responses to my comments. Not a single person actually addressed anything I said, they all just went for the personal attacks. It's because they don't have anything to add. If they could, they'd disagree with me, not personally attack me and call names. That's playground behavior.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5487d ago
Godem5488d ago

it sure was a hell of a lot better than last year

interrergator5487d ago

oh definately i cant wait to play alan wake

Uncle Rico5488d ago

Sony needs to come really good tomorrow to impress me.

LONEWOLF2315488d ago

First off, how is the hot asian wife Uncle Rico???

Secondly, yeah there is no doubt that Sony will have a strong conference, just hope they focus more on the PS3 than on the PSP and PS2.

Uncle Rico5488d ago

Hahaha @asian wife

Some how I think a lot of the attention may go towards the PSP Go if it is announced officially. For instance... rumors are now out that Gran Turismo 5 may not make an appearance but GT Mobile will be the centre piece instead. I am not sure what's gonna happen with that. However Sony should hav a great line up as well. I think this year will be BIG for E3.

LONEWOLF2315487d ago

Yeah, there is no doubt Sony will have a great Conference. Hope they unveil the PSP Go's price point too.

edgeofblade5487d ago

Lonewolf presents that most flawed of fanboy arguments: prophetic declaration of success.

If it hasn't happened yet and you aren't in on the planning, you don't know, and shouldn't pretend to know. For all you know, this could be a giant enemy crabs year...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5487d ago
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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

Read Full Story >>
roadkillers55d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran855d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto54d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia55d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger55d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie55d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

55d ago
Profchaos55d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie55d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh55d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.


From Halo 3: ODST to Slay the Spire - the games that shaped Vellum

Alvios Games discusses the titles that inspired Vellum, including Halo 3: ODST, Mass Effect 3, Hades, and Slay the Spire.

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