
Game banned for panty shots and excessive boob jiggle

Ikkitousen: Shining Dragon was slapped with an M rating by the ESRB, a decision that ultimately let to the game being canceled. The ESRB justified their rating in the following statement:

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Vault Boy5489d ago

What a shame. We need more nakedness in our games instead of violence.

Twizlex5489d ago

That's a trade I'm willing to make!

h0tz0rz5489d ago

If you want to see boobs so bad just watch porn. I don't understand why people want it in their games so bad.

Twizlex5489d ago

Alright, you're just being silly now. Why do we want nakedness in our games? Why NOT? It's the same reason we want it in our movies and TV and magazines and everything else. Combining something I like with the added enjoyment of boobies and upskirts is just natural and adds to the enjoyment.

Why put chocolate syrup on ice cream if ice cream is already so good?

L80BelfDK5489d ago

Well said! Boobies for everyone!

GUNS N SWORDS5489d ago (Edited 5489d ago )

"if you want to see boobs so bad just watch porn."

and if you want to see porn you just type it up.

.......and if you don't know how to type that up then your one dumb fvck :)

(btw, (h0tz0rz) that was not towards you, I REPEAT :)

Twizlex5489d ago

My point is that I don't have to take time away from my video games to look at boobs if my games themselves already have boobs in them. I'm just trying to be more efficient.

Venomish5489d ago

you are just trying to be more perverted thats all

heroicjanitor5489d ago

"If you want to see boobs so bad just watch porn."

That's like saying if you want game violence why not just watch a video of some violence instead?

thereapersson5489d ago

haha! Well said, man.

Bubbles for the analogy

Tony P5489d ago

Well, screw the ESRB. I'm not above importing.

And if you have a problem with that, I've got two words for you...

FamilyGuy5489d ago (Edited 5489d ago )

It was a PS2 fighting game and the release that was canceled was for the U.S.

I could've put my B/C to some use. I really don't see why an M rating would make them want to cancel it, how old do they think the animes audience is?
Tell me this:
You walk in a video game store and see a PS2 fighting game with half-naked chicks who clothes are ripped from fighting on the cover and a big ass "M" rating do you become less interested in the game or more interested in the game?
They should release it anyway.

SaiyanFury5489d ago

I bought a PVC figure of Kanu Unchou a few years back and it's bloody good. I would welcome a game over here about Ikkitousen.

SL1M DADDY5489d ago

Wow, some of you folks don't get out much do ya? lol

So who here has the largest tub of vaseline?

GamerscoreWhores5489d ago

I bet you would love to rub one out in Kirby's love folds!

Game13a13y5489d ago

why rated M? those girls totally have their panties on and all...

Matpan5489d ago

I´ll take both... not that I want gorish porn videogames. But why not hack, slash and well need I be more obvious? :P
hjahahahaha A boob and a panty never hurt no one.

heroicjanitor5489d ago

They are fighting and we see their underwear, while the same is true for wwe but it is allowed...

yippie1234y5489d ago

i woulda soooo bought that game =]

edgeofblade5489d ago

So, it's rated M. That's not a crime in the US. just release it already.

DrRobotnik5489d ago

This is not good. It's not the fact that people won't be able to play a game with scandalously clad women. It's bad because American censorship is getting the power now to not only hurt American developers but also foreign as well. This will grow to destroy the essence of creativity. This is heading down a dark road indeed.

Tito Jackson5489d ago

we need some of our fellow N4G members with experience in 3dMax, C++, Visua Basic, Maya, Flash(root4) and any other kind of coding expertise to rally together so WE can FINISH THIS GAME!

Sarick5489d ago (Edited 5489d ago )

If they took off the skirts and called the panties bathing suits then the ESRB wouldn't know any different. The fact is that they see them under skirts and they think it's inappropriate.

I seriously don't get it. It's inappropriate for people to walk down the street in underwear because it's underwear. If they wear a bathing suit that covers the same skin or less then it's not inappropriate.

In this case the skirt, must mean that the garment covering the girls are panties. If they was bathing suits without skirts it wouldn't bat an eye.

This is no different then ESPN showing
Dancing, Cheerleader, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, weightlifting and a few other skimpy outfit type events. These aren't rated R or ban why should it matter in video games?

It's like stores putting the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue in the PORN section.

As long as it's not rated E for everyone no one should care if it hits the shelves.

KillerBBs5488d ago (Edited 5488d ago )

Sad that we band games like this and people getting chain sawed in half is ok. For the record I don't think any games should be band. Studies show people know the different between games and reality. Just look at the Japanese... They make and play half the games out there and they have very little crime.
Speaking of Japan, when I was out there, I bought two figures at a game store and the figures are of two of the girls in this game. I didn't know that they where from this game... I just bought it because they where HOT.
Hey are boobs a bad thing?

SaiyanFury5488d ago

Frankly I think it's sad that a game that has no actual nudity gets an M rating and gets banned. Kids can tune into the National Geographic Channel or the Discovery channel and see African tribal women walking around topless for crying out loud. It's not like they've never seen this kind of stuff before.

Sarcasm5488d ago

So let me get this straight. It's okay for Dead or Alive Beach (or whatever) a game with 95% naked women playing mindless sports and with super exaggerated breast physics and has modes where you can just spectate?

So if it's okay there, why not this game too. More boobies for everyone.

ia_studio5488d ago


it has repetitive gameplay, awefull AI, and no multiplayer.
a and it looks like crap.

SlyGuy5488d ago

Actually WWE is more 'PG-13' now and they rarely have bras and panties anymore. In fact, they do not use 'fake' blood anymore either.

The show has become a joke and is extremely boring now.

ryuyasho5488d ago

funny. I don't remember anyone complaining about DOA's content to the extremes of canceling it... stoopid, very stoopid...

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Milk is for Babies5489d ago

OMG, that's the best game description I've ever read!

Matpan5489d ago

Yup... That sounded great :)

GameGambits5489d ago

Bottom line sex doesn't always sell. That bikini squad onichambra whatsitscalled that got like a 2/10 is proof of that.

You know when I like violence in my games? When it fits the scenario and the the characters involvement in it in a sound manner.

When do I like sex in my games? Same thing as above.

Mindless hacking and slashing or mindless bimbo squads does not make a game any more enjoyable in any way shape or form.

On topic to that game being pulled from US release it's probably the best decision. It wouldn't sell enough probably to even justify the money spent to port it over.

phosphor1125488d ago

But that picture ^^ makes me happy.

Cookigaki5489d ago

Cookigaki confused. Why not release game with M rating?

L80BelfDK5489d ago

Yeah I don't get it either.

Omegasyde5489d ago

Limited Marketshare.

i.e. will the work be worth the profit?

a32905489d ago

Yeah I don't get it either. (2)

Dir_en_grey5489d ago

the US publisher are probably afraid they are gonna get hanged by feminist groups if they released this game...

TapiocaMilkTea5489d ago

They just want to catch attention, watch, they will change their minds and release the game anyways.

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Chapulin5489d ago

to kill thousands of innocent ppl and have a bj in the car.

lowcarb5489d ago

Just out of curiosity, who said it's ok to kill people and get BJ's in the car?

Twizlex5489d ago

I think he's referring to GTA.

Perkel5489d ago

that summed it up.. good point

badz1495489d ago (Edited 5489d ago )

plus...didn't we have something like this already??

so, why bother??

Matpan5489d ago

Oh, everything is ok... it´s a game! you might kill puppies ingame as well :) fine by me XD

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