
STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl Free On Gametap

Gametap writes 'Developed in the Ukraine by GSC Game World (who also brought you Heroes of Annihilated Empires and Cossacks), S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is a landmark first-person shooter with RPG elements from THQ. Set in the city of Chernobyl after a fictional 2006 nuclear disaster, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a "sandbox" style game, allowing players to explore the large in-game world as they please in a non-linear fashion. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a remarkable game, and has sold over 2 million copies to date.'

Go to www.artistpavel.com for the STALKER Complete Mod 2009, the best mod out there.

poindat5505d ago

Nice job plugging your website/mod. ;)

I thought GameTap was a dying service, but hey, a free game is always nice.

nnotdead5505d ago

except it dosent work with 64bit Windows. Grrrarrga

zagibu5505d ago

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is famous for its atmosphere. Everyone should play it, it's a good game, despite the few problems it has (bugs, irrelevant side quests, bothersome AI respawn system, unsatisfying end(s)).

DeeZaster5504d ago

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does support x64 nnotdead, its those lazy $#@!$ at Gametap that will NOT support us. I play my original STALKER on win7 x64 and before Vista x64 and it plays better than x86 Vista. I actually cancelled my Gametap account because of their service towards x64 users. I had original signed up only for URU Live and those $#$*@$#s killed it. I kept the account going because back then they didn't have the stupid popup saying this will not run on x64, then all of sudden they started to show this popup. Its actually their mounting/protection software that supposodly doesn't support it but I find it so odd before that it did work fine. Now I hear they wanted to charge customers, existing ones too, a fee to be able to use x64 with gametap. I nearly flipped, gave them a piece of my mind on the blog page they had where they announced this (as did many others) and cancelled right then and there (which took another 2 times after that to finally get cancelled). I never got my money refunded for the time I waited between those 3 attempts for them to cancel it, I never used it in that period either. I can't recommend Gametap anymore.


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STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl in Unreal Engine 5 Test Build available for download

Modder 'Red Panda' has ported the first STALKER game, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl to Unreal Engine 5, and shared a Test Build for it.

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MadLad524d ago

Eh. I'll give it a shot.
Just interested in the performance, considering it's the stock game.
The idea that this could become a full blown remake of the original game in Unreal 5 could be exciting.

Unless, now with Stalker 2 being a thing, GSC World starts striking projects such as this because of any future plans they may have. Time will tell.

Furesis524d ago

Oh for a second i thought this was the new one and we could test how it runs lol
It's just the old one modded

Fishy Fingers524d ago

Some serious frame rate optimisation needed. But nonetheless props to the modder for the effort.

miccasx524d ago
