
Gamepro: 16 Things We Hope To See At GDC

Gamepro.com Writes:

"Japanese video game magazine Famitsu recently broke the story that Hideo Kojima, father of the Metal Gear series, is already working on two brand-new titles. And to be honest, we're a lot more interested to hear about these secret game projects than anything he's planning on covering in his GDC 2009 Keynote speech about "conquering various development obstacles with creative game design." But then again, we're not game designers."

jkhan5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

i am guessing an announcement from Team ICO, PSP version of LBP, GOW 3 gameplay video, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain and Infamous gameplay footage, plus most probably Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Quantum Theory gameplay footage plus a couple of other psn & psp games & a few announcements regarding Home, as far as Price cut is concerned, GDC is not the place for it, it will most probably happen at E3 or Sony's Gamers Day 09. Release window for GT5 please.

While on 360 end, I am really hoping they show Alan Awake footage, MassEffect 2 footage, Halo 3 ODST footage and announce some more exclusive games for 2009. *Forza 3 fingers crossed* & there is no way in Hell Microsoft will free xbox live. How do you think they pay for exclusives from. Consider this if there are 15 million proper online Gold Members and if each pay 8$ a month = ???

As far as MGS5 is concerned, I doubt the announcement will be made at GDC, it will either be announced at E3 or TGS09.

ShabzS5551d ago

Yeah highly doubt a free xbl.. i mean even if assuming 50% of the lets say 17m xbl users pay 50 bucks yearly on gold, then ms would earn 430 mil+... highly doubt they can afford a hit like that

Tomdc5551d ago

You know what i want? Even though there is pretty much no chance of it happening... Its Kingdom Hearts 3!!! Don't want it on the wii though! That would be like giving a man a nice big apple pie but then cutting his mouth inside so every time he took a bite all he would taste was blood and feel sharp pains!

Realistically I would like to see Assasins Creed 2... one with vast improvements (specifically on gameplay variation)!! Set in the times of the French Revolution... Now that.. would be AWESOME!

DeadlyFire5551d ago

Data Fly will be there and Project Offset should show up as well. I am eager to see more of that game in action. It should be amazing.

ChampIDC5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

Only problem with what you wrote there is that Live a little over $4 a month at $50 a year, not $8. Other than that, nice comment bud. It'll be great if we can see all you mentioned there.

butterfinger5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )

One month of XBOX Live = $7.99
3 Months = $19.99
13 Months = $49.99

If you pay per month, you are paying $7.99. If you get a new card every 3 months, you are paying about $6.67 per month. If you use the 12+1 card, you pay about $3.85 per month. I bought the 12+1 card, because it's obviously the better deal but most of my friends get the 3 month membership card. Everyone isn't paying each month, but you can't say everyone bought 12+1 cards either. I don't see how they could stop charging for Live (although it really should be free), and this article didn't really provide any evidence that they could afford it either. Perhaps they could slightly raise the price of MS points to make Live free. I'd be all for that.

EDIT: To help offset the phantom disagrees, I just agreed with everyone. lol.

Aquanox5551d ago

"Ferrari Project"...

Could be... the few scans out there look astonishing but we know little to nothing about it so far. but... "Need for Speed"?

Give me a royal break, and so should EA with the franchise. They don't know when to stop and have it take some breath. The last NFS have sucked so bad I'm shocked EA keeps trying with 1 year iterations.

ThanatosDMC5550d ago

I want Monster Hunter 3 on PS3 or 360.

Freak of Nature5550d ago (Edited 5550d ago )

Team ICO.Kingdom hearts 3, and MGS5 at E3 or TGS09,GDC,most probably not,but seing something,anything at this GDC,from these games would be a fantastic surprise!

GOW3 release Month would be nice,but I see this happening at E3...

The unveiling of Ratchet & Clank Future 2 would be great to see...

In a perfect World we will see the official unveiling of Assassins creed 2 and Beyond good and Evil 2.

See more details about Uncharted 2 with a surprise small tease mixed in there of the next JAK game.An official announcement of this sort would be incredible.

How about more details about Dark Cloud 3, Quantum Theory and Dark void,Rage,Brutal legend,Borderlands,Wet,and new news on "project offset"...

I would love to see Media Molecule come in and show something new.I dont expect to be totally shocked and overwhelmed like I was when they first showed off LBP two years ago for the first time at GDC07',but just some small test run of the engine and some art work/concepts...

How about that BBC reporters game?Is this the time for it's coming out party,or is it E3?Will allan Wake finally show up? How about War Devils?

I hope at least some of this is shown and reported on...I'll be there,and hope to see some hidden behind closed doors new IP's for both the PS3 and 360....

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5550d ago
Omega45551d ago

WHAT!! Alan Wake was supposed to be a 360 launch title! And i thought that Halo 3 delay was bad, i hope this game doesnt turn into a Too Human

I just wanna see some ME2 footage and at least one new 360 exclusive

jkhan5551d ago

Mate seriously? Alan Wake wasn't a launch title, where did you hear that?

Omega45551d ago

Look on page 4 of the article under Alan Wake

jkhan5551d ago

I don't think that information is correct. Because as far as I know Alan Wake was never suppose to be a launch title.

ShabzS5551d ago

it has been in production since 2005 right?

gaffyh5551d ago

Yeh that info is incorrect, because at one point it was meant to be a PS3 exclusive, so how could it have been a Xbox launch title?

- Ghost of Sparta -5550d ago

And why would it be a 360 launch title when it's a PC game first and it's not even out on PC yet? Please lol.

AnttiApina5550d ago

Alan Wake was never a launch title. The release date was set to: When it's done.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5550d ago
ShabzS5551d ago

wake up alan lets go buddy ... show us wat you got .. speaking of which IS THERE ANY NEWS ON MAX PAYNE 3???

Hockey115551d ago

I think they have to finish Alan Wake first unless you would want them to be in production at the same time causing those games to take longer.

PopEmUp5551d ago

so I can take him to a club

7thNightvolley5551d ago

I cant wait for ME2... as far as alan wake.. that dude loves to sleep thou.. dout its coming out anytime early this year i am guessing towards the end of this year anyway.. but b4 then there are loads of games that would keep be busy on my ps3 and 360 so i doin good.

5551d ago Replies(2)
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Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


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shaenoide5d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos5d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb4d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly4d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6384d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly4d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6384d ago

Read the article. Same question.