
PS5 Sells Over 1.3M, All Consoles Drop YoY - Worldwide Hardware Estimates for March 2024

The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console worldwide with 1,338,835 units sold for March 2024, according to VGChartz estimates. The PlayStation 5 has now sold an estimated 56.89 million units lifetime worldwide.

The Nintendo Switch sold an estimated 945,038 units to bring its lifetime sales to 139.50 million units. The Xbox Series X|S sold 350,932 units to bring their lifetime sales to 28.30 million units. The PlayStation 4 sold an estimated 6,238 units to bring its lifetime sales to 117.17 million units.

PS5 sales compared to the same month for the PS4 in 2017 are down by over 153,000 units, while the Xbox Series X|S compared to the same month for the Xbox One are down by nearly 193,000 units. PS4 sold 1,492,148 units for the month of March 2017 and Xbox One sales were at 543,701 units.

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buffig25d ago

That's a pretty small pool of players to try and flog Gamepass to

Ironmike25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

What x and s have sold 27million not that small google it and u do relise gamepass on pc as well silly comment really mt

S2Killinit25d ago

On xbox, it is a small number of consumers, which may explain why MS is continuously working to diminish console gaming.

buffig25d ago

Yes, but that existing market has stagnated. That's the problem MS has. They've sold all they can to that existing 27m. If their goal is to keep expanding Gamespass, 300k users every month is not a very big pool, when the competing market is around 1.5m per month

25d ago
Einhander197225d ago

The xbox numbers are being inflated by 10-20% percent.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 25d ago
Neonridr25d ago

PC + Xbox users amounts to quite a bit I would think.

Christopher25d ago

Steam + Xbox is quite a bit, I agree. Now, what type of argument are we trying to win with this info since both Xbox an PS games are on Steam?

Neonridr22d ago

@Christopher - my comment was more directed at the Gamepass being targeted at Xbox users only. PC is a huge market and I am willing to bet that plenty of people play Xbox titles on their PCs as opposed to consoles only.

Flewid63825d ago

PC players make up a massive chunk, but GamePass selection is never on par with PS Premium.

dveio25d ago (Edited 25d ago )


That's almost a solid 4:1 ratio in favor of the PS5 compared to Xbox. In just the fourth year of the console generation.

itsmebryan24d ago


I don't understand why people keep using console sales as a sign of success. Sony lost over $10 billion in value, operating income was down 26%, layoff, etc... Please explain how well financially Sony is doing compared to Microsoft. What was a smarter buy Bungie or Activision?

dveio24d ago (Edited 24d ago )


Why do you think that console sales don't matter IF a company decides to build a console and enter the console market?

Ok, let us be honest here:

Hypothetically speaking, IF the ABK deal would not had been finalized: what would be the Xbox brands state now, according to the very latest quarter report from MS?

It once again would have been dead negative.

"I don't understand why people keep using console sales as a sign of success."

Because that's what was driving Microsoft to go spend ~$100bn in aqcuisitions and billions into their Game Pass subscription model.

IF Zenimax and ABK had never happened - that's the point here.

And that's just what Microsoft does perfectly like no other. They've got a shitload of money behind them and instead of conquering market share, they simply buy it.

That's what Microsoft has been doing with everything related to Windows. And that's what they are doing with Xbox.

You are right: Sony took a hit to the gut. BUT they still drew a ~$1.3bn profit.

Jigga6925d ago

xbox series x/s doing worse than xbox one. No wonder they release their games everywhere now.

Christopher25d ago

Horse before the cart, IMHO. I feel they are doing worse on hardware *because* they put their games everywhere now and because the focus so much on subscription model gaming/streaming.

dveio24d ago

Honestly, what has changed here specifically?

Xbox Game Studios' games had always been released simultanousely on PC and Xbox. You can look way back to the very first Xbox for that. Can't you?

Having said that, what's actually behind the "they put their their games everywhere now" argument?

The ONLY thing that has changed, at least in my perceiption of the Xbox brand, is Game Pass. But even Game Pass isn't the only subscription model out there. I really don't count SoT or Grounded that high as an argument here. MS is piloting with them.

If I look at the latest quarter report of MS, I personally see nothing but a boosted Xbox revenue.

If you, just hypothetically speaking, exclude Zenimax, ABK & Co. here, like that they wouldn't have ever happened, the Xbox brand would AGAIN be economically dead/in the negatives.

And this is me speaking as a guy who actually wants competition to stay.

But I despise Microsoft for always being so blatantly incompetent to their own fan base, yet they still defend them. And I despise Microsoft for being so rich, mostly due to very shady business practices.

They don't care about videogames. They wanted to buy Nintendo and push Sony out of the market. Facts that have been exposed during the ABK trial.

The ABK mostly was the saving turnaround for them. And this speaks volumes.

Barlos25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Bye Xbox. DO Let the door hit you on the way out.

Aloymetal25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Remember back when MS told the whole universe that ''project Scorpio'' aka the most powerful beast in the galaxy was going to rule and that ''this gen will be different''....Their fanbase was repeating this like gospel and I told a few here that it won't matter, nothing will change just like gamepass didn't change anything for them.

25d ago
purple10125d ago

My brother has day one Scorpio edition Xbox one. If anyone wants to buy it
Happy to sell for any colllectors

Lightning7725d ago

Gamepass is one of the only things keeping them a float what are you talking about?

Christopher25d ago

The problem is that Sony absolutely needs someone like Microsoft as competition in hardware/console. Without it, it's worse for the consumer. Much worse.

P_Bomb25d ago

I agree. A monopoly on the high end console market does me no favors. Need at least two competitors that push eachother to do better.

Einhander197225d ago

PlayStation has competition from PC, mobile, Nintendo, streaming, and infinite other things that want to take peoples time.

Scissorman24d ago

I don't get this notion. Do people really think that if MS hardware goes away, Sony is going to start selling $5,000 consoles and $250 games? And that their audience would just accept it?

ocelot0725d ago

It's a shame what's happening to Xbox. I was genuinely a big fan during the 360 days. Didn't like the end of it didn't like the start of Xbox one. The fans did well voicing displeasure about the DRM stuff and the kinect rubbish.

But after that I see plenty of people especially on n4g but also Facebook, x, verious gaming forums go from wanting Xbox to be better and challenging Microsoft to their BS. To becoming a bunch of yes boys. Phill couldn't do any wrong in there eyes and if you dare say anything bad about Xbox you where labeled a other console fanboy.

kayoss25d ago

I honestly think that the DRM debacle can be forgiven. I think the main problem with Xbox was that they didnt have any outstanding games. They went almost an entire generation with out releasing anything significant. I think this was what kept players from investing into xbox.

ocelot0725d ago

Some of it can be forgiven. But I seem to remember the whole not being able to sell you're disc based games.

I do agree about the games. Microsoft where awful during the Xbox one generation. Just seemed to be Halo, Gears and Forza coming from them with the odd few new IP's like Sea of Thieves, Recore.

Charlieboy33325d ago

Xbox fanboys want Playstation to fail way more than they want Xbox to succeed

ocelot0725d ago

Think that swings both way to be honest.

Tedakin25d ago

All Playstation influencers do is talk about how much they hate Xbox. They never talk about Playstation. They're obsessed.

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‘Hellblade 2’ Launches As The 23rd Most-Played Xbox Game, What Does That Mean?

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 launched last week to solid reviews from both fans and players. But its playercount? That's another story.

helicoptergirl6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

That's awful. This combined with the really low Steam numbers paint a disastrous picture imo. Really bad timing too because Tango was closed down for a similar thing. Great reviewed game, and low sales and/or player count. Hi-Fi Rush reviewed a hell of a lot better and it was widely loved by everyone, Hellblade 2 nowhere near that.

I know the rumor is that the studio has their next game already green-lit, but if I worked at Tango, I would be furious. "Why do they survive while we get binned?" I'd be telling myself.

But the suit woman will have you believe "Oh we have different metrics for the success of one studio compared to another studio. We judge each studio and game on their own set criteria" or something like that, I'm paraphrasing here but you get the idea. But no one who works there knows what the hell that even means. I mean the DLC for Redfall was getting worked on days before they even got the news their studio was getting dumped in the trash. So what are these mysterious metrics to let studios survive and others perish? I bet this is all hogwash, I bet MS don't even really know. They just had to make cuts and certain studios just found their way on the chopping block. Someone had to bite the dust, why not you?

Well I bet all this does nothing for the confidence of other employees in other studios. The truth is you have no idea where your career will be in a year from now working at one of their studios that aren't the mega big ones. MS just have too many studios to manage efficiently. "We'll just throw money at them and buy them and worry about the details later on. I mean we can do it, we're Microsoft."

darthv725h ago

...have you seen what the top 10 consists of? Its things like fortnite, roblox, CoD, apex... etc. This being a new game that has a niche appeal is actually surprising to see at 23. Its also the 33rd top paid game on the PC through the MS store.

tay87014h ago

Those are dreadful numbers any way you slice it dude. They hyped this game to hell for the last 4 plus yrs. It was supposed to be xboxs big game this yr. Ninja Theory is probably sweating right now.

Scissorman4h ago

And it's already slipped out of the Top 100 on Steam. Meanwhile a port of the 4-year old Ghost of Tsushima is sitting comfortably at #8.

RiseNShine4h ago

One of the biggest games of the year, a multi million sequel and heavily advertised game, at 23 most played? There's no way to justify those numbers.

darthv723h ago

^^heavily advertised game...?

I mean, I knew the game was coming but outside of a boot screen ad for it, there has been little to no marketing. And yet it still managed 23rd. Make of that what you will.

Elda2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Here in the East Coast on NY/NJ on cable tv Hellblade 2 has been advertised pretty well. I see the commercials every day at least 3 times a day for the past 3 weeks. It's even advertised as YT commercials.

Chevalier2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

What an idiotic comment. Let me guess the next comment would be GTA V outsold everything so....

Absolutely terrible numbers all round for this game. Ghost of Tsushima at number 8. Good games going to sell regardless of excuses

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
RpgSama2h ago

What a disaster, 2 failures in a row for Ninja Theory, first Bleeding edge, now Hellblade 2, any way you slice it these are not the numbers the most awaited game of the year for Xbox should show (before Activision purchase), also player numbers is extremely low and even more surprising considering is day 1 on gamepass.

Terry_B6h ago

It means that it will be the..50th? 75th? most played xbox game in June.

CrimsonWing695h ago

That people played it 🤷‍♂️

Scissorman4h ago

If this game cost more and took longer to develop than Hi-Fi Rush, then I would worry if I were Ninja Theory. Projects may have been greenlit, but the increased scrutiny over at MS may very well put them on the chopping block. The incredible irony here is that it was PlayStation players that pushed the original game passed its 1 million copies sold milestone. With that purchasing power cut out, and the Game Pass effect having trained Xbox players to not purchase games, it seems that the sequel may have been set-up for failure.

italiangamer4h ago

And that's exactly what pisses me off about Hellblade 2 not being on PlayStation, Sony promoted the original game and I bought it basically on D1 back in the day because I liked what I saw and ended up really enjoying it!
I really hope Hellblade 2 is next on the porting list because I would buy it in a heartbeat, asshole microsoft robbed me of this game!

darthv723h ago

Just get an xbox. Then it will be YOU that is robbing Microsoft. Gamepass is a hell of a deal and an addictive one at that.

AndrewM3h ago

No darth, buying an Xbox only helps xbox lol he can play gamepass on com if he wants to take advantage of them destroying themselves.

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This is how well the new Helldivers 2 Emancipator Mech works against Terminids

The new Emancipator Exosuit Mech has been added to Helldivers 2, but many players aren't impressed with how it performs.

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Juancho513h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Very loud minority is complaining. I see people using one in every round i play and they kick ass, have to remember there are tons of kids that play this game, and they complain about every single little tiny bad thing even if there are 10 pros and 1 con. Also, this is definitely not accurate. I’ve literally seen these mechs destroy chargers and titans, in the gate defense missions with this mech it literally makes it infinitely easier to hold the gates.

What a crock of shit, whoever wrote this just sucks at the game, they’re embellishing everything for some reason. Maybe they have a chip on their shoulder against the developers. Stop playing the game if all it does is make you angry, those of use that love the game will continue to appreciate their constant updates and toys to play with.

Matter of fact this post just made me want to play around, see you on the battlefield.

jznrpg35m ago

The new mech is really good against bugs


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