
PS5 Pro: Why Sony Aren't Learning From Their Victories

Power Up Gaming takes a look at whether the rumored PlayStation 5 Pro is a naive move from Sony and whether they can learn from their own victories.

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RupeeHoarder51d ago

Hoopla about nothing. Consumer choice doesn't hurt anyone. Even if games aren't specifically built for the Pro - they still show advancements in frame rate etc. This has been going on for some time in other ways - e.g. Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak, Sega 32X.

Eonjay51d ago

And it is commonplace on PC. On PC you don't hear people complain about having multiple choices for building a PC. Thats just not a thing. People are trying to invent an issue exclusive to Sony. Something that doesn't apply to anyone else.

Neonridr51d ago

PCs are open systems. You have the freedom to mix and match parts. You don't have to buy an entirely new PC every few years, you can simply upgrade a component or two.

FACTUAL evidence51d ago

But the price for optimal parts are damn near or not more than a console. Who’s the real winner? Most people’s PC struggle trying to play on advanced settings, while for 500$ you get to plug and play without worries.

FinalFantasyFanatic51d ago

I'm still using a 7 year old PC and can game comfortable at 1440p 90fps, I'm waiting for socket AM6 to come, then I'll upgrade. If you build the best PC you can afford at the time, you can easily use it for years with minimal upgrades. People always think you need to upgrade a PC every 2 years, my PC still trades blows with a PS5 as it is.

When you consider the longevity and the wide variety of games, plus Steam sales, I think PC is pretty good value, now if only graphics cards would return to a sane price.

_SilverHawk_51d ago

The ps4 and ps5 were unnecessary because the ps3 and xbox 360 are sufficient for current games. Hopefully the ps5 and xbox series x last for the next 20 years. I think these gaming companies are being greedy releasing new consoles and forcing consumers to upgrade.

mkis00751d ago


When you upgrade a pc gpu you spend as much as a console on it...and most people buy gpu's more often than new consoles.

fr0sty51d ago

Sony: Releases PS4, then PS4 Pro, goes on to become one of the best selling consoles in history.
Sony: Releases PS5, then PS5 Pro...
Gaming Media: "Sony aren't learning from their victories!!!"

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 51d ago
darthv7251d ago

32x is a bad example as it did not do anything for existing Genesis/MD games. Absolutely nothing in regards to performance or visual enhancements.

A better example is the SuperGrafx. That did enhance a couple of regular PC Engine games as well as play it's own specific titles.

Profchaos51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

The 32x didn't do anything for genisis/ md games sure but it was never meant to.

Instead the 32x could render 160,000 flat shaded polygons per second vs the super FX chip which could push around 4,000 and for more perspective the 3do was capable of 50,000 so on paper the 32x was more superior than the at the time most power system on the market 3d0 and Jag remember it's before the PS1 launched and technically just before the Saturn.

The 32x was extremely capable but flawed and bottlenecked with a poor architecture essentially half of a Saturn.

For 32x titles the increase was significant over the base genisis however it realied on the devs to get the most out of it and we'll the market spoke loud and clear the add on flopped devs ignored it the rest is history

darthv7251d ago (Edited 51d ago )

@Prof... please go read what the initial comment said. Here I will share the specific quote I was referring to: "Even if games aren't specifically built for the Pro - they still show advancements in frame rate etc. This has been going on for some time in other ways - e.g. Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak, Sega 32X."

The initial comment is under the impression that simply having a 32x attached it made the non 32x games better when that is absolutely not the case. And why I said to use the Supergrafx as a better example because that one DID enhance even non supergrafx games.

so your explanation was completely unnecessary as it pertains to the initial comment or my reply to that comment. Try to pay attention next time. It will save you the trouble.

RupeeHoarder51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Darth.... "The initial comment is under the impression that simply having a 32x attached it made the non 32x games better when that is absolutely not the case. And why I said to use the Supergrafx as a better example because that one DID enhance even non supergrafx games."

No the initial comment (by me) was stating that hardware add-ons have been a thing for some time and the key words are "in other ways". I didn't specifically say it was the same means but there have been marketing ploys by companies for hardware improvements for decades. This is not new to Sony - It's just new in the sense that it is an entirely new console unit as opposed to an add-on. Again, the 32X was optional as is the PS5 Pro....which is my point. Nobody had to buy either of these things - the only difference being games for 32X were sold as separate from genesis titles where now they can tag a "enhanced for PS5 Pro" on the box because the architecture is so unified nowadays.

ocelot0751d ago


That is very true. I 100% agree.

However on the flipside. It all depends on the upgrades. Need a new CPU? it could be a fairly cheap upgrade. Got a Ryzen 3600? Ryzen 5600x costs about £140. Sell the 3600 for £50 so works out a £90 upgrade for a 15-20% faster CPU not expensive.

But what if I want to go AM5? So I then have 5-6 years of upgrade options available to me. That means I got to buy a new motherboard for £80+. Then a Ryzen 7600 CPU that's another £180 then another £60 for 16gb ddr5 ram.

The major upgrades to any gaming pc is the GPU. I currently have a rtx 2080ti. It's great for 1440p gaming. Let's say I want to upgrade that what's the best upgrade if I want to stick with Nvidia? Pointless even thinking about a 4060 or a 4070. Maybe a 4070 ti? That's a £700 card. Even if I sell my rtx 2080ti I'm still looking at a £500 cost to upgrade.

At least with the ps5 and ps5 pro. Let's say the ps5 pro costs £599. I can at least get £300 for my ps5 slim. £300 to upgrade is a fair bit of money. But it will do me well until the ps6 3-4 years later.

darthv7251d ago (Edited 51d ago )

@Rupee... to your reply to me... a 5Pro may be optional because games will still focus on the base 5 first and foremost. But the 32X was not optional when it came to its own games. Its an option to add to a genesis... but it had its own games and in order to play those games then it is now a requirement.

Notice i didnt say anything about the N64, because you were correct in that example. The ram expansion may have been a requirement for a select few, but it being optional for other games made them better for it. Increasing resolution and adding features that otherwise the non ram expansion N64 would still have been able to play (san the benefits). I feel you are missing what i am saying about the 32x and supergrafx. I was simply correcting your mistake. you had the right idea but the wrong example. whereby your comment is about options that people can choose and in doing so can also benefit from them whereas others are not required to do the same.

Hence why i said supergrafx would be a better choice than 32x because not only did the SG have its own handful of games, it offered improvements on regular games as well. something the N64 ram expansion also did... but the 32x did not. It was strictly its own thing and a requirement for those who wanted to play the 32x games. And just like that, a 4Pro and 5Pro are akin to the approach of it improves on what people have if they want to take part but not a requirement.

Maybe using the SG is beyond the scope of current gamers as they likely have no idea what the SG (or even PCE) was at the time. To understand the present, its good to look to the past as inspiration for the future.

51d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 51d ago
kryteris51d ago

Some of us like the idea of raytracing, or a better VR experience.

Flakegriffin51d ago

“Why Sony aren’t learning from their victories”

Yeah, it’s not like they’ve been outselling or outpacing their own sales but hey, what do they know.

senorfartcushion51d ago

The Pro was apparently disappointing to the heads of Sony.

VersusDMC51d ago

Sony says it sold way ahead of expectations....


Sony says it sold more than the PS4 Slim...


Where do you get your info?
I just googled ps4 pro dissapointing sales and that's what i got.

Flakegriffin51d ago (Edited 51d ago )


Having higher expectation than reality doesn’t equal that it’s not outpacing their previous sales.

It’s them generating a number of what they expect it to sell. When they don’t hit that number they get “disappointed”.

mkis00751d ago

If your uncited statement were true they wouldn't be making another one.

senorfartcushion50d ago

They would be.

Game companies are addicted to following failures.

Flakegriffin50d ago


I don’t think the way Microsoft works means everyone else does it too 😉

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 50d ago
VersusDMC51d ago

It is a move they did in the ps4 generation with the PS4pro. It worked out for them then so why not do it again? And the PS4 pro came out 3 years after the PS4 so it is taking an extra year for the PS5 pro.

The only discussion should be about what it ends up costing and not whether it should exist. We have series s, Switch minis, Switch OLED so who cares about a new PS5pro?

Ironmike51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Ps4 pro was a very small share of the ps4 market it was niche condole for tech junkies I wasn't blown away by it tbh and I bought it with the fancy pattern on fir the last of us part 2

senorfartcushion51d ago

It didn't work that well apparently

VersusDMC51d ago

They sold 14 million by 2020 so I'm guessing that was enough to make another. It outsold the series X if the series X really is 25% of the total series sales...

Ironmike51d ago

Because the pro did not work out well for them it accounted for 26 % of ps4 user base and that's lifetime sales by way it was not a successful as sony hoped considering g ps4 it over 100mill Mark its pretty poor

VersusDMC51d ago

Sony said it sold above expectations and outsold the PS4 slim. That's why they are doing it again.


The expectation that a pro version is only successful if every base console buyer upgrades is idiotic...by your logic Switch OLED is a failure in Japan as it's only 28% of switch sales there?

DarXyde51d ago

Imagine thinking that iterative hardware accounting for 1 in 4 sales is "small".

If PS4 didn't sell well, you might have a point. But it did, and that's an outstanding number.

darthv7251d ago

@DMC... you are conflating things. The Pro outsold the slim when it initially released but it did not continue to outsell the slim overall. Not by a long shot. The ratio of Pro to slim is something like 25%-28%. By comparison, the One X sold something like 35% to the One S.

DarXyde51d ago

As a proportion of Xbox sales though. 80% of 10 total is smaller than 30% of 30.

Let's set that aside for a moment though. What that says, to me, is that PlayStation users are less concerned with the bells and whistles approach to modern gaming. I remember the Xbox One. Frankly, I think that was the only appeal of the Xbox One X: multiplats run better. It was still a very forgettable console. There was less of a perceived need to upgrade PS4, it seems.

KwietStorm_BLM51d ago

I care about PS5 Pro and I don't know what series S or switch has to do with it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 51d ago
Aussiesummer51d ago

I'll just trade in my ps5 and upgrade, won't cost much.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Report: Black Ops 6 to Be Another "DLC" Download for Call of Duty HQ; Same With MW3

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purple1019h ago

this news makes the choice easy, Concord it is, - totally different, but happy for a change, not played any other shooter for about 5-6 years now

Kaii8h ago

Yeah, they are adding more extensions to make the entire streamlined experience more convoluted.

P_Bomb4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Omg why? The bloat! It’s already at 180GB last I checked.


Take-Two Is Quietly Killing Private Division

In recent weeks, reports have surfaced that Take-Two is shuttering Kerbal Space Program 2 developer Intercept Games and OlliOlli World developer Roll7. Now, IGN has learned that not only are these closures imminent, but they are a part of a larger move by Take-Two to either sell off or shut down the entirety of its indie label, Private Division.

Inverno3h ago

Jesus. The AAA space is gonna implode on itself. We went from "indie is the future" to shutting down devs who make smaller budget games to make way for games that take 7 years to develop and blow through half a billion bucks with almost nothing to show for it.

badboyz092h ago

You guys act all upset but don't buy the games. I bet none of you bought RollerDROME!