
What A PS5 Pro Can Offer - And What It Can’t

Shaz from GL writes: “Though a PS5 Pro may not be necessary, it could bring some great features, though expectations on its capabilities should still be kept in check.”

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CrimsonWing6956d ago

I’m just going to wait for a PS6. This gen maybe has 2 more years left in the tank. I don’t understand the point of these mid-gen models. I mean, yea running a game with improved framerate and higher res graphics is nice, but you’ll get that with a next-gen console and more 🤷‍♂️.

purple10156d ago

we are a long way off next gen my friend, road maps have been leaked and such,

ms was about to release the adorably digital trash can, Sony has ps5 pro, their internal developers, some have not. even put out a game on ps5, and you think ps6 is 2 years away.

nope unless they release it with ZERO games, only Microsoft would be that stupid to do such a thing.

CrimsonWing6956d ago

I’d like it to be later. This gen really felt like it still hasn’t truly started. Biggest let down of a generation I’ve ever experienced. You could still stick with last-gen and play the majority of games released this year.

Jon6158656d ago

Wow you make it seemed MS raided your home.....

gold_drake56d ago

time between the ps4 pro and the ps5 were 4 years and 9 days

seanpitt2356d ago

Sony will not release a ps6 before holiday 2027

So at the earliest it will be a 3 year wait after pro launches!

JackBNimble56d ago

Even with better specs, there still isn't any games the justify a pro this gen.
At least last gen they used psvr as an excuse for the pro, now it seems more like a diehard Sonyfan money grab.

S2Killinit56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

I would upgrade to a PRO personally, I would like 60frames and ray tracing sooner rather than later. Then I’ll wait for a PS6 whenever that may come as it wont be coming for a while.

Ironmike55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

U won't get 69 and and raytracing on unreal 5 games but it should boost older games it j7st nor powerful enough of an upgrade

S2Killinit55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

I beg to differ.

Besides, it will be the most powerful console by a long margin, sooo I mean, it also wont be able to shoot a satellite into the moon, but so what?

Thats kind of a stupid thing to say.

Shikoku56d ago

Leaked stuff suggested 2028 that's 4yrs and devs are saying they haven't even begun to tap the capabilities of the PS5 and as digital founder pointed out last week, devs haven't paid attention to optimization much this gen on PC or console. The base console still has a large well of performance to pull from and they have time, info agree this gen has been really terrible for advancements in the gaming space and I feel that's what has lead to little to no growth in the market for consoles.

I'm in a good spot in my life where my kid is finally grown, I'm making the most money I ever have and I can afford the PS5 PRO so I'll get it and gift my base to my son, if money is an issue then yeah wait and just enjoy your base model.

terstomp56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Yes. I don't there is any point in a mid gen console either, not this time. I bought the PS4 Pro on release but that was mainly made for the PSVR released at the same time. I'm waiting for the PS6 too unless there a game I want comes along. I would say >4 years till the PS6.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 55d ago
Cacabunga56d ago

I hate seeing GTA on that thumbnail. I would rather see some single player heavy hitters from PlayStation.. this is the only thing that could make me buy a Pro like I did on PS4 for Horizon, God of War, Days Gone and VR ENHANCEMENTS

Shikoku56d ago

Absolutely my PsVr worked so much better with my PRO and the other titles were just better. I enjoyed my pro and was happy with it. Once I got my PS5 I gave my pro to my son and we gifted his base model to a friend of his who couldn't afford a PS4 along with 10-15 games and extra controllers for his brother. I try to pay it forward when I can.

Barlos56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

PS5 Pro can't offer me a reason to buy it.
Not when the base PS5 still isn't being maxed out. I can't justify throwing more money at yet another system when I don't need it.

A few years back I'd have probably jumped at the chance to have a the best PS5 available but now, given the cost of living issues, I have to reprioritise and spend my money where I'll get the most value, and right now, given I already have a PS5 that isn't being used to its maximum potential, the PS5 Pro isn't that.

S2Killinit56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

I know money is tight. Although just because the PS5 isn't maxed out doesn't mean the games wont play better on the PS5 PRO.

Barlos56d ago

They may, but I'm not expecting the Pro to be cheap, and therefore I can't imagine it'll present much value for that performance bump. I'm not saying I'll never get one, but I just have to be more selective about what I spend my money on. At this point the Pro would not be top of my list, especially when the games I play perform with no issue on base PS5.

S2Killinit56d ago

Same here. But I generally have new consoles that I will get on the top of my list. So I try to get them as soon as they come out so I have more time with them. But I totally understand.

melons56d ago

If I can't get at *least* 1440p at 60fps with the vast, vast majority of games with this still then I truly do not see the point

S2Killinit56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

They did announce the requirements for devs to place the “PRO Enhanced” label on a game, and what you want is in it I believe. Although there is more to it.

hiawa2356d ago

For me, It should offer above what my base digital PS5 console can offer. That is all I am expecting.

S2Killinit56d ago

That is a given. It will be a powerful console.

Shikoku56d ago

It will legit but the most powerful console once it's released PS5 and Xbone are about 10-11 Tflops the PS5 PRO will be 33.5 Tflops at 32fp and 64 @ 16fp while Tflops isn't a great measure it's what we have.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Report: Black Ops 6 to Be Another "DLC" Download for Call of Duty HQ; Same With MW3

It seems Black Ops 6 will be another "DLC" download added to the Call of Duty HQ app for all platforms when it launches later this year.

purple1018h ago

this news makes the choice easy, Concord it is, - totally different, but happy for a change, not played any other shooter for about 5-6 years now

Kaii7h ago

Yeah, they are adding more extensions to make the entire streamlined experience more convoluted.

P_Bomb2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Omg why? The bloat! It’s already at 180GB last I checked.


Take-Two Is Quietly Killing Private Division

In recent weeks, reports have surfaced that Take-Two is shuttering Kerbal Space Program 2 developer Intercept Games and OlliOlli World developer Roll7. Now, IGN has learned that not only are these closures imminent, but they are a part of a larger move by Take-Two to either sell off or shut down the entirety of its indie label, Private Division.

Inverno2h ago

Jesus. The AAA space is gonna implode on itself. We went from "indie is the future" to shutting down devs who make smaller budget games to make way for games that take 7 years to develop and blow through half a billion bucks with almost nothing to show for it.

badboyz091h ago

You guys act all upset but don't buy the games. I bet none of you bought RollerDROME!