
Bethesda reminds you how much you want The Elder Scrolls 6 by teasing early builds

Bethesda will do as Bethesda does, tormenting us with talk of a playable build of TES 6 on the 30-year anniversary of The Elder Scrolls series.

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Lightning7767d ago

Playable builds is always good to know sounds like they've started full production. Still BR awhile but good to know development is goin smooth.

VenomUK66d ago (Edited 66d ago )

Whilst Elder Scrolls VI might be good, I speak on behalf of the ENTIRE N4G community when I say we'd much prefer Starfield 2 first.

RaidenBlack66d ago

eh, I want Fallout 5 before that.
(before ES6, even ... if it was possible 😈)

MrNinosan66d ago

I won't want a Starfield 2 at all.
Give me ESVI and Fallout 5... on Playstation ofc

Palitera66d ago (Edited 66d ago )

ES6 at 30 fps? Not really, thanks. Good thing the industry has evolved since Bethesda was great.

Obscure_Observer66d ago

"Playable builds is always good to know sounds like they've started full production. Still BR awhile but good to know development is goin smooth."

It will probably be a launch game for the next gen Xbox.

Fingers crossed

XiNatsuDragnel66d ago

Playable builds would be great to get those myself.

isarai66d ago

They better not mess this up i swear

Ninver66d ago

They'll find a way. If it's not $10 horse armor dlc it'll be old engine with bugs

phoenixwing66d ago

Would be nice if everything wasn't a million loading screens when it releases

QuestionMark66d ago

I lost a lot of enthusiasm for Elder Scrolls VI after playing Starfield. It was interesting, but it was still a massive disappointment for me. Elder Scrolls is different from Starfield in many ways, but I can’t bring myself to trust Bethesda with anything anymore.

phoenixwing66d ago

yeah i'm definitely going to wait a month after reviews and see what people really think of the game instead of it being day 1.

RpgSama66d ago

That one-two combo of Fallout 76 AND Starfield does not give me a lot of hope for the future.

raWfodog66d ago (Edited 66d ago )

I think it’s because some were hyping Starfield to be this ‘generational’ masterpiece when it just turned out to be an okay/good game.

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Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie

Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie. This is something of a homecoming, as Microsoft owns Activision.

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Obscure_Observer6h ago

Very very early in development. Still, fantastic news!

Let´s GO!!!

Lightning774h ago

I guess.

How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )

At least it wouldn't be MS of all ppl destroying them.

MS really should let go Tango go like they did TFB here.

darthv724h ago(Edited 4h ago)

one was under Bethesda (Tango) the other under Activision (TFB). Clearly each one handled the separations of their subordinates differently.

Obscure_Observer3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

"How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )"

Perhaps because Zenimax and ABK handles such matters differently based on their own internal policies as "independent" publishers.

Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future. Which could also be the reason why they ensured an exclusive partnership with TFB and its new game, before anyone else.

Sad and disgusting. But it is what it is.

Lightning7720m ago(Edited 20m ago)

"Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future."

MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB.

It's inexcusable, they have options on how to handle studios they don't want anymore with killing jobs. Not just MS but the rest of the industry also.

Sad and disgusting sure how many will get shut down next year or this year even?

I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another.

-Foxtrot6h ago

Manages to buy their freedom especially after all the shit Microsoft has been doing with its studios lately


Goes right back to them as partners.


darthv724h ago

Id venture a guess that TFB working directly with MS was a better outcome than working through Activision to get to MS.

VersusDMC2h ago

From the article...

"Toys for Bob spun out as an indie back in February after Microsoft instituted sweeping layoffs that impacted 86 employees, which was more than half of the staff"

I doubt those 86 employees enjoyed the Microsoft experience over Activisions.

Inverno2h ago

MS shuts down studios because of lack of resources and then helps these guys by giving em resources. Also MS is what forced them to buy their freedom in the first place? What kind of logic 😂

Sciurus_vulgaris4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Xbox’s gaming division seems to still function as 3 semi-autonomous sub-divisions, Xbox Studios, Bethesda and ABK. The three main sub-divisions can seemingly shut down or build studios and set up partnerships independently. This would explain why Bethesda can recently shutdown studios, while ABK spins off one studio, while building a new one. Plus, Toys for Bob could be spun off by ABK, only to immediately re-partner with Microsoft.


What Happens to Your Steam Account When You Die?

The Outerhaven writes: While Steam has come out recently, stating that Steam accounts can't be transferred, we need to think about it since we all will eventually kick the bucket. But if Valve is denying transferring accounts, what can be done? Plenty, actually.

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thorstein1d 7h ago

It goes to my kids because I gave them the passwords.

To Steam: Missio has a song that conveys my feelings about you stealing my purchase after I die. It's called "Middle Fingers"

shinoff218312h ago

Pretty much. My son knows my info.

Abear2112h ago

Yeah worrying about digital ownership when you’re on the other side of the grass seems a little strange, but also on brand for these millennial journalists to worry about.

Goodguy0116h ago

I suppose if I have kids, I'd just give em my account details by retirement age. If I die young then...idk lol.

CrimsonWing6914h ago

Yea, I mean just give someone the password to your account. Is that difficult to do or something? Like, I’m legit asking because I don’t know.

anast12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

It's not difficult but It's against the policy. If they find out, they will lock the account permanently.

CrimsonWing6911h ago

Ah ok, I had a feeling there was something like that. It seems kind of weird that you can’t just hand your account over to a family member or friend and let them take over the account.

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CDPR Confident In Transition To Unreal Engine 5 For New Witcher Game, Addresses Industry Layoffs

CD Projekt Red is confident in the transition from its in-house Red Engine to Unreal Engine 5 for the next Witcher game.

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cthulhucultist18h ago

My main concern with UE5, is that some developers have resorted to very low resolutions in order to enable the advanced feature set of this engine and sustain the frame rate.

In open world games, especially those with excellent graphics, we cant realistically expect 60fps  from consoles (PS5 pro set aside as we do not know exactly how performant it will be) without huge compromises.

Thus the new Witcher game will probably require more powerful consoles to experience it the way the developers intended and in that sense, it reminds me of Cyberpunk situation.

It was released in current gen systems albeit in dire state (even PS4 Pro and Xbox One X suffered) requiring next generation consoles to achieve a desirable (and still not ideal) result.

DarXyde18h ago

My thoughts exactly. This is definitely a PC engine first and foremost, given the compromises required on consoles. Tekken 8 is a **fighting game** on UE5 and, even without Nanite and Lumen, needs to be upscaled to 4K to run at a solid 60fps. The engine straight up dog walks current console hardware. I don't see this getting much better on a PS5 Pro either.

I don't see this game releasing this generation. If it wasn't Sony owned, I think Decima 2.0 would be an excellent engine for this game.

Aussiesummer16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

I am quietly confident that they are going to make one hell of a jaw dropping witcher considering what they achieved with cyberpunk, i reckon they will bring a new level of what can be expected from ue5 BUT i reckon it will be a ps6/rtx 5090 game.